186 resultados para Teenager


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This study explores teenager perceptions towards advertising in the online social networking environment. The future of online social networking sites is dependant upon the continued support of advertisers in this new medium, which is linked to the acceptance of advertising on these sites by their targeted audience. This exploratory study used the qualitative research methods of focus groups and in-depth personal interviews to gain insights from the teenager participants. The literature review in Chapter Two examined the previous research into advertising theories, consumer attitudes and issues such as advertising avoidance, advertising as a service and trust and privacy in the online social networking environment. The teenage consumer was also examined as were the influences of social identity theory. From this literature review eleven propositions were formed which provided a structure to the analysis of the research. Chapter Three outlined the multi-method research approach of using focus groups and in-depth interviews. The key findings were outlined in Chapter Four and Chapter Five provides discussion regarding these findings and the implications for theory and advertising practice. The main findings from this study suggest that teenagers have very high levels of advertising avoidance and are sceptical towards advertising on their online social networking sites. They have an inherent distrust of commercial messages in the online social networking environment; however they are extremely trusting with the information that they disclose online. They believe that if their site is classified as private, then the information disclosed on this site is not accessible to anyone. The study explores the reasons behind these views. This research has resulted in the identification of seven motivations behind online social networking use. A new model of advertising avoidance in the online social networking environment is also presented and discussed. This model makes a contribution towards filling the gap in available research on online social networking sites and advertising perception. The findings of this study have also resulted in the identification of the characteristics of online social networking sites as an advertising medium. The newness of online social networking sites coupled with the enthusiastic adoption of online social networking by the teenage demographic means that this exploratory study will be of interest to both academics and practitioners alike.


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Often identified as the origin of today’s children’s literature, Romanticism offers a particular context for interrogating boundaries between child and adult. Since the turn of the nineteenth century, however, Western society has “invented” the teenager to figure and to police the boundary between childhood and adulthood. In due course, twenty-first-century young adult (YA) novels such as Susan Davis’s Mad, Bad and Totally Dangerous (2004) and Cara Lockwood’s Wuthering High: A Bard Academy Novel (2006) have combined the Romantic and the adolescent in narratives which turn on supernatural invocation of Romantic authors as “really” present in contemporary adolescent lives. These novels tell stories of adolescence in which the self comes to be known via embodied encounters with dead authors, in particular, with Byron. Where “Byron scholarship has worked hard to disassociate the poet from this kind of pop-Gothic depiction, seeing it as the inevitable but regrettable offspring of nineteenth-century Byromania” (McDayter 30), contemporary YA fiction suggests that it is precisely via pop-Gothic depictions that today’s adolescents may first come to know the Romantic in general and the Byronic in particular. This paper reads these novels in the context of current anxieties about cultural illiteracy and educational “failure” in order to consider what work is being undertaken in the name of Byron, and to shed light on the ways in which cultural education may be taking place far beyond the realms of schools or cemeteries for today’s young readers.


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What is it like to have a medical condition that few people have ever heard about? How does it feel to have to question whether daily physical activities are dangerous for you, whilst you watch your friends enjoy those activities without a care? Can you imagine that you need to have a complicated heart surgery, with risks such as paralysis or death? Or even imagine facing the painful recovery period and scars after such a surgery? Then imagine that you are a child or teenager dealing with this medical condition when all your friends are simply occupied with school and normal life. Now consider that surgery has been undertaken to extend your lifespan, but the operation is so new that the long-term outcomes are just not known? All you really know is that you might have ‘surgical repairs’ to your heart and symptoms may be relieved or managed by medications or cardiac devices, but you are never going to be cured. What if you had already experienced painful, frightening, lonely and tedious hospitalisations and you were forced to put your life on hold to re-enter that situation, time and time again. This may be your life, as a Congenital Heart Disease or CHD patient. How do such patients cope and in many cases even thrive? This chapter will review current international literature regarding the medical and personal impact of CHD. Our qualitative study of the perspectives of young CHD patients and their parents contributes to the Australian story of CHD, as well as highlighting the potential for CHD related adversity to promote personal development.


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"We're marking the anniversary of the destructive floods that hit Queensland a year ago this week with our series of interviews from survivors. Today's story is from Helidon teenager and university student Angela Emmerson, who tells Amanda Gearing how she and her sister scrambled to the roof to escape the dangerous flash flood which suddenly engulfed their house on the 10th of January last year. Tomorrow we'll hear from Grantham resident Rob Wilkin who rescued 31 local people using his car and boat. He helped them escape to safety as 138 houses in the town were destroyed. To mark the anniversary of the floods in Queensland, ABC Open has compiled Aftermath, an extensive look at the Queensland floods as well as floods in NSW, Victoria and remote Western Australia; Cyclone Yasi and the 2009 Victorian 'Black Saturday' bushfires. Australia certainly has been hit by a few disasters in the past two or so years. The site has a timeline showing content from these six disasters, with links to about 40 people effected by these disasters. If you go to that site you will be able to choose a person to watch videos about them."


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Flailing in a maelstrom of muddy water, a teenager being swept along Toowoomba's shopping strip has become a reason for hope for the loved ones of the 12 people still missing in the devastating Queensland floods...


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The American Association of Australasian Literary Studies (AAALS) Annual Conference, Forth Worth, Texas, 9–11 April 2015. The dark fluidity of Melbourne suburbia in Sonya Hartnett’s Butterfly Sonya Hartnett’s Butterfly (2009) is a fictional account of the suburban family life of the Coyles in 1980’s outer suburban Melbourne written from the perspective of teenager Plum Coyle. The Coyle family at first glance appear to be living a textbook example of the suburban lifestyle developed from the 19th century and sustained well into the twentieth century, in which housing design and gender roles were clearly defined and “connected with a normative heterosexuality” (Johnson 2000: 94). The Australian suburban space is also well documented as a place where people often have to contend with oppressive rigid social and cultural ideals (ie Rowse 1978, Johnson 1993, Turnbull 2008, and Flew 2011). There is a tendency to group “suburb” as one monolithic space but this paper will argue that Hartnett exposes the dark fluidity and the complexity of the term, just as she reveals that despite or perhaps because of the planned nature of suburbia, the lives that people live are often just as complex.


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What do you with a teenager that no high school in Queensland wants sitting in its classrooms? A child that's disruptive, violent, who won't turn up? Who, it seems, the system has given up on? Any police officer, or child welfare worker will tell you what's likely to happen... a story with an unhappy ending, usually involving brushes with the law and then jail. But a unique project being run in Brisbane is trying to break that cycle.


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Emergency Medical Dispatchers (EMDs) are charged with taking the calls of those who ring the national emergency number for urgent medical assistance, for dispatching paramedical crews, and for providing as much assistance as can be offered remotely until paramedics arrive. In a job role which is filled with vicarious trauma, emergency situations, pressure, abuse, grief and loss, EMDs are often challenged in maintaining their mental health. The seemingly senseless death of a teenager who commits suicide, the devastating loss of a baby to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, lives lost through natural disasters, and multiple vehicle fatalities are only a few of the types of experiences EMDs are faced with in the course of their work. However, amongst the horror are positive stories such as coaching a caller to negotiate the birth of a baby and saving a life in jeopardy from heart failure. EMD’s need to cope with the daily challenges of the role; make sense of their work and create meaning in order to have a fulfilled and sustainable career. Although some people in this work struggle greatly to withstand the impacts of vicarious trauma, there are also stories of personal growth. In this Chapter we use a case study to explore how meaning is made for those who are an auditory witness to a continual flux of trauma for others and how the traumatic experiences EMDs bear witness to can also be a catalyst for posttraumatic growth.


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The parenthood experience of a mother with a disabled child and the meaning of the social environment and parent-professional partnerships The importance of parental guidance when a family has a child with a disability or autism has been pointed out by several studies. The present research was based on the premise that by supporting the mother we can help the whole family to cope better and the professionals in day care or at school are able to support parents. The starting point was the subjective experience, which is also the central focus of the phenomenological method. The purpose of this study was firstly to describe the experience of the mother and the dialogue between mother and educational professionals. Secondly it was the task of this research to discover what kind of support and information the mother obtains from her social environment. At the background of this study there was the ecological theory of Bronfenbrenner, the ecocultural approach by Gallimore and the interactive examination of family that take into consideration the whole environment and personal situation. The research data was collected by interviewing the mothers, the day care personnel and the teachers at school. In this research there were a total of 32 interviews and 24 informants: 10 mothers who have a child with a disability and/or autism, 8 professionals in day care and 6 teachers at school. This study was longitudinal because the same mothers were interviewed twice, first in 1998 and then after five years in 2003. It was thus possible to get information on whether their life situation had changed and the nature of those changes. The data of this study was analysed by the method of phenomenological psychology that was applied for this study. The findings indicated that all mothers had experienced many complicated emotional feelings such as: anger, mourning, fear and sadness as well as love and bonding. It can be said that several human feelings existed at the same time. Mothers experienced that the support of the social environment, for example, relatives, families in the same situation and persons taking care of the child had significant meaning for their coping. However the life situation among the mothers varied. Mostly mothers received valuable support for their parenthood and they have adopted a strong emotion for manage ring. Mothers with an autistic child were more stressed than mothers with a mentally retarded child. A few mothers had numerous problems with taking care of their child and they did not get enough help. Same mothers were very exhausted too and the situation was quite the same after five years, when their child was teenager. All mothers said that after starting school the support for the family had significally diminished. Mothers said that dialogue with teacher got on without problems, but there were meetings seldom, so it wasn´t possible to get enough support for their parenthood. Keywords: parenthood, motherhood, disability, early special education, family-centred.


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Esta dissertação, que se insere na Linha de Pesquisa Produção Social do Conhecimento, objetiva gerar uma reflexão acerca da metodologia de formar e inserir jovens no mundo do trabalho, após a promulgação do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. Isto é feito a partir da análise ideológica do que está subjacente aos discursos dos que atuam ou estimulam o desenvolvimento desta atividade. Partindo de uma fundamentação em autores que, entre as décadas de 1980 e 1990, realizaram investigações nas áreas de trabalho/educação e de assistência à infância e à juventude, e de uma análise junto ao Projeto Bolsa de Iniciação ao Trabalho, desenvolvido pela UERJ em conjunto com DEGASE e 2 Vara, foram feitas observações e entrevistas com educadores e jovens envolvidos nesta prática. Foi possível, assim, desvelar o significado desses discursos: falas produzidas a partir das distintas e complexas relações sociais vivenciadas pela população brasileira e que, até os dias atuais, interferem no processo de formação e inserção profissional do jovem pobre. Após a análise, verificou-se que esta ideologia é reproduzida por educadores e jovens e, que, apesar das mudanças desta década, a prática instituída é a de adequar o jovem ao trabalho, visando a sua socialização, ocupação do tempo ocioso e renda familiar. Este texto ainda tenta sinalizar para a importância dos programas e da escola formal interagirem, rompendo com o falso paradigma de que a infância pobre está destinada, com raríssimas exceções, ao trabalho instrumental ou à marginalização, o que contribui para sua exclusão da escola e do direito ao lazer. Busca, também, estratégias que auxiliem na construção de um jovem/cidadão crítico e ciente de seus direitos.


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Os estudos sobre os direitos da criança e do adolescente muito frequentemente trazem um tom festivo com ares de celebração pelo que ficou positivado seja na Constituição, seja no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, seja nos Tratados Internacionais. Diz-se do século XX que é o século da criança e, de fato, ao longo do último século é inegável a evolução do reconhecimento dos chamados menores de idade como seres humanos autônomos, dotados de dignidade. Não obstante, uma investigação mais aprofundada e crítica das estruturas de proteção montadas com o escopo de corresponder às peculiaridades desses sujeitos de direitos revela o senso de discriminação arbitrária que nunca deixou de estar em sua base e indica que por mais sólidas que sejam as vigas levantadas em prol da proteção e da criança e do adolescente, elas o foram sobre um alicerce impróprio: o instituto das incapacidades. Investigado o sistema de proteção à criança e ao adolescente com consideração aos fatos da vida nos quais se mostra necessária a invocação desse sistema, é possível vislumbrar quanto esse instituto das incapacidades assume um papel que, a princípio, não se desejava a ele atribuir, tornando-se centralizador e unificador do microssistema. Sendo inaceitável tamanha importância, quando inseridas as normas específicas de proteção no contexto do ordenamento em geral, é preciso desvendar algumas das preocupações éticas que estão na base da formulação de um sistema especial de proteção aos sujeitos de direito que se encontram ainda em desenvolvimento. A intenção é resgatar o debate sobre os direitos da criança e do adolescente de um estado de estagnação em que se encontra, mapeando os aspectos que merecem ser levados em conta em uma abordagem sobre o tema e desvendando nessa cartografia as fronteiras que contêm o exercício livre e autônomo das decisões existenciais das crianças e dos adolescentes para que não sejam mais traçados aquém das suas necessidades nem além de suas possibilidades.


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Este trabalho pretende abordar a questão do uso de drogas por psicótico como um impasse a ser enfrentado em três dimensões: a política, a teórica e a clínica. Para tal fim, faz-se uma discussão a respeito da política de internação compulsória como resposta ao problema, em oposição à orientação psicanalítica baseada pela escuta do sujeito. Trabalhou-se, por um lado os discursos moralistas que atravessam nossa sociedade e por outro a formulação lacaniana quanto ao desejo do psicanalista. Faz parte dessa dimensão o diálogo entre a psicanálise e uma vertente da psiquiatria que acaba por fomentar aquelas práticas de exclusão. Para tanto, foi necessário uma breve retomada histórica a respeito de como a psiquiatria no Brasil foi, aos poucos, deixando de lado o rigor clínico de seus precursores para orientar-se pela psiquiatria classificatória dos transtornos. Trabalhou-se também o conceito de estrutura em psicanálise apontado para a diferença clínica e teórica desse discurso em relação àquele. Teoricamente, a questão do uso de droga relacionado à psicose aponta para a necessidade de se pensar a relação sujeito-objeto, quando o que está em jogo é uma condição estrutural que foraclui o Nome do Pai como significante ímpar na constituição subjetiva. Foi preciso trabalhar o conceito de objeto desde o seu aparecimento em Freud até a formulação lacaniana de objeto a. Clinicamente, a história do jovem Ruan exemplifica algumas das dificuldades, angústias e desafios que o psicanalista vai se deparar quando aventurar-se na escuta de um sujeito psicótico para quem a droga é elemento do delírio pelo qual busca organizar-se subjetivamente


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Esse estudo teve por objeto a construção da identidade psicossocial dos adolescentes que vivem com o vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV) e/ou a síndrome da imunodeficiência humana adquirida (aids). Esse objeto de investigação constitui um fenômeno de representação social, uma vez que é elaborado e compartilhado entre os adolescentes soropositivos ao HIV a partir das interações que se processam entre estes e os outros indivíduos ao conviverem em sociedade. Nesse sentido, os objetivos que nortearam a condução dessa pesquisa foram: analisar a construção da identidade psicossocial de adolescentes que vivem com HIV/aids e as representações sociais que o grupo tece sobre si próprio, analisar como essas representações interferem na construção da identidade psicossocial, identificar as especificidades identitárias do adolescente associadas à condição de soropositividade ao HIV e discutir as demandas que a identidade psicossocial do adolescente que vive com HIV/aids propicia para o cuidado de enfermagem e saúde. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, referenciada à luz da perspectiva processual da Teoria das Representações Sociais, bem como pela Teoria da Identidade Social e a Teoria Ego-ecológica. A pesquisa foi autorizada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa por meio do CAAE número 13650213.9.0000.5259. O estudo foi desenvolvido em um hospital de referência para o tratamento de HIV/aids, localizado na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Os participantes do estudo foram 42 adolescentes soropositivos ao HIV, com idades compreendidas entre 15 e 22 anos, atendidos no ambulatório da referida instituição de saúde. Os dados foram coletados a partir de um instrumento de contextualização dos sujeitos e um roteiro composto por uma pergunta aberta e uma adaptação do Inventário Multifásico de Identidade Social. A apresentação e discussão dos dados fundamentaram-se nas proposições metodológicas da Teoria Ego-ecológica e da análise de conteúdo temática. Os resultados indicaram que a construção da identidade dos adolescentes soropositivos é mediada por representações sociais elaboradas sobre si e sobre os outros indivíduos, a partir de um processo dialógico psico-contextual, caracterizando-se por traços positivos e negativos que se refletem, tanto em sua saúde quanto na forma de ser e se posicionar no mundo. Esse processo transcorre em meio a um contexto de vivências de adversidades, através do qual o estigma social exerce influência negativa sobre as representações que os adolescentes constroem sobre si, quando se comparam aos outros grupos sociais com os quais interagem em suas relações cotidianas. Conclui-se que tanto a identidade socialmente construída, quanto os impactos ocasionados pela soropositividade precisam ser valorizados pelas autoridades governamentais e pelos profissionais que realizam atendimento nos diversos cenários de atenção à saúde. Essa valorização se faz necessária à medida que configura uma possibilidade de estabelecer percursos que possam dar o necessário amparo e resolutividade às demandas de saúde identificadas entre os adolescentes soropositivos ao HIV, bem como para seus respectivos familiares ou cuidadores.


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Examination of association between the religious involvement (number of family religious activities, parental worship service attendance and parental prayer) and quality of family relationships with results indicating that religiously involved families of adolescents (ages 12-14) living in the U.S. are more like to have stronger family relationships than families that are not religiously active.


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Examination of association between the religious involvement (number of family religious activities, parental worship service attendance and parental prayer) and quality of family relationships with results indicating that religiously involved families of adolescents (ages 12-14) living in the U.S. are more like to have stronger family relationships than families that are not religiously active.