717 resultados para Tarenaya spinosa
Generalized Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is one of the most common anxiety conditions with impairment in social life. Cannabidiol (CBD), one major non-psychotomimetic compound of the cannabis sativa plant, has shown anxiolytic effects both in humans and in animals. This preliminary study aimed to compare the effects of a simulation public speaking test (SPST) on healthy control (HC) patients and treatment-naive SAD patients who received a single dose of CBD or placebo. A total of 24 never-treated patients with SAD were allocated to receive either CBD (600 mg; n = 12) or placebo (placebo; n = 12) in a double-blind randomized design 1 h and a half before the test. The same number of HC (n = 12) performed the SPST without receiving any medication. Each volunteer participated in only one experimental session in a double-blind procedure. Subjective ratings on the Visual Analogue Mood Scale (VAMS) and Negative Self-Statement scale (SSPS-N) and physiological measures (blood pressure, heart rate, and skin conductance) were measured at six different time points during the SPST. The results were submitted to a repeated-measures analysis of variance. Pretreatment with CBD significantly reduced anxiety, cognitive impairment and discomfort in their speech performance, and significantly decreased alert in their anticipatory speech. The placebo group presented higher anxiety, cognitive impairment, discomfort, and alert levels when compared with the control group as assessed with the VAMS. The SSPS-N scores evidenced significant increases during the testing of placebo group that was almost abolished in the CBD group. No significant differences were observed between CBD and HC in SSPS-N scores or in the cognitive impairment, discomfort, and alert factors of VAMS. The increase in anxiety induced by the SPST on subjects with SAD was reduced with the use of CBD, resulting in a similar response as the HC. Neuropsychopharmacology (2011) 36, 1219-1226; doi: 10.1038/npp.2011.6; published online 9 February 2011
INTRODUCTION: Ayahuasca is a psychotropic plant beverage initially used by shamans throughout the Amazon region during traditional religious cult. In recent years, ayahuasca has also been used in ceremonies of a number of modern syncretic religious groups, including pregnant women. However, no documented study has been performed to evaluate the risk of developmental toxicity of ayahuasca. METHODS: In the present work, maternal and developmental toxicity was evaluated in Wistar rats. Ayahuasca was administered to pregnant rats in three different doses [the equivalent typical dose (TD) administered to humans, five-fold TD and 10-fold TD] during the gestational period (6-20 days). RESULTS: Dams treated with the highest ayahuasca dose showed maternal toxicity with decrease of weight gain and food intake. Visceral fetal findings were observed in all treatment groups. Skeletal findings were observed in the intermediate- and high-dose groups. The fetuses deriving from the highest dose group also presented a decrease in body weight. CONCLUSIONS: From these results, it is possible to conclude that there is a risk of maternal and developmental toxicity following ayahuasca exposure and that the level of toxicity appears to be dose-dependent. Birth Defects Res (Part B) 89:207-212, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Ivermectin (IVM) is an antiparasitic drug, widely used in domestic animals. In mammals, IVM act as a GABA agonist. This neurotransmitter has an important role in the regulation of sexual behavior. Thus, this study sought to investigate the effects of various medically relevant doses IVM on the sexual behavior of male rats. In particular, we also wished to examine if previous sexual experience modulated responses to IVM. In the first experiment, the sexual behavior of inexperienced male rats was analyzed after they received 0.2, 0.6, 1.0 or 2.0 mg/kg IVM, 15 mm prior to behavioral testing. In the second experiment, the effects of four previous sexual experiences on IVM treated rats (1.0 or 2.0 mg/kg, 15 min prior to the 5th session) were assessed. The standard therapeutic dose (0.2 mg/kg) did not impair the sexual behavior of inexperienced male rats. At a more concentrated dose (0.6 mg/kg), which is still within the therapeutic range, the appetitive phase of sexual behavior of inexperienced male rats was impaired. Likewise, 1.0 mg/kg impaired the appetitive phase. Previous sexual experience blocked almost entirely this sexual impairment, suggesting that previous sexual experience exerts a positive effect in attenuating the sexual impairment produced by IVM treatment. Therefore, the standard therapeutic dose of IVM can be used without producing side effects on sexual behavior. Use of more concentrated therapeutic doses is not recommended during reproductive periods, unless the animals have had previous sexual experience. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The moxidectin (MXD) is an antiparasitic drug used in domestic animals. The mechanism of action, in mammals, involves GABA, a neurotransmitter with an important role in the sexual behavior control. Presently, the effects of 0.2 mg/kg therapeutic dose were studied on sexual behavior, sexual motivation, penile erection and central GABA levels. Sexual behavior results showed increased latencies to the first mount and intromission as well as in inter-intromission interval; a reduction in total mounts was detected on the drug post-treatment. No difference was observed between sexual motivation of control and experimental animals. MXD treatment reduced penile erection and hypothalamic GABA levels. The results suggest that MXD reduced sexual behavior and penile erection by an action on the hypothalamic GABA system. Probably, the lack of effects in the motivational test and the increased mount and intromission latencies as well as decreased total mounts could be explained as a consequence of reduced male rat erection process. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Morpho-physiological characteristics and chemical composition are directly related to superior competitive ability of crops. This study intended to make a comparative analysis of dry matter production, leaf area and amount of epicuticular wax of three species of Sida spp: S. urens L., S. rhombifolia L. and S. spinosa L. Plants were collected at three growth stages: V1: stage described as up to 10 fully expanded leaves; V2: between 11 leaves and flowering; and R: after flowering. At stages V2 and R, the highest number of leaves was recorded for S. rhombifolia, followed by S. spinosa at V2 and S. urens at R. These results were relatively proportional to leaf area for all species. S. spinosa at the vegetative stage produced the highest values of specific leaf area (SLA), with no significant differences between species at the stage R. The amount of wax per unit of leaf area between species at the same developmental stage was significantly different only at the reproductive stage, where S. spinosa produced 23.18 and 6.23 fold more wax than S. urens and S. rhombifolia respectively. Between the growth stages of each species, there was decrease in the amount of wax with plant age and increase in leaf area (AFE), number of leaves and dry matter. The leaves of the Sida species exhibit different characteristics and this information can be used to optimize the use of herbicides in the control of these weeds.
No período de dois anos de capturas de flebotomíneos com armadilha luminosa de Shannon, às margens de uma mata residual alterada, na fazenda Palmital, Município de Terra Boa, Estado do Paraná, Brasil, observou-se que a densidade populacional desses insetos diminuiu sensivelmente, quando comparada com resultados anteriores, no mesmo local. As espécies predominantes, Lutzomyia whitmani, Lutzomyia migonei, Lutzomyia intermedius e Lutzomyia fischeri tiveram atividade das 18 às 6h e o pico horário de freqüência variou de acordo com cada espécie. As espécies citadas mostraram maior densidade nos meses de verão e outono. Concluem-se que as alterações introduzidas no ambiente podem ter resultado em mudanças no comportamento dos flebotomíneos.
São apresentados os resultados obtidos de coletas de mosquitos, com armadilha luminosa de Shannon, às margens de uma mata modificada, e armadilhas de Falcão na mesma mata e em ecótopos extra-florestais, no Município de Terra Boa, Estado do Paraná, Brasil, de setembro de 1988 a abril de 1990. Verificou-se a prevalência das espécies de culicídeos e compararam-se os dois métodos de coletas.
De novembro de 1988 a abril de 1990 capturaram-se 75.637 flebotomíneos, com armadilhas luminosas de Falcão, na fazenda Palmital, Norte do Estado do Paraná, Brasil, resultando quinze espécies. Dos insetos capturados, 95,8% o foram nos ambientes domiciliar e peridomiciliar e os restantes 4,2%, no ambiente florestal. Da totalidade de flebotomíneos, 82,0% foram capturados numa armadilha instalada dentro de um abrigo de galinhas. Dos flebotomíneos capturados em todas as armadilhas, 93,8% eram representados pelas espécies Lutzomyia migonei, Lutzomyia whitmani, Lutzomyia pessoai, Lutzomyia fischeri e Lutzomyia intermedia, todas de relevância na epidemiologia da leishmaniose tegumentar americana. L. migonei prevaleceu numa única armadilha do peridomicílio e nas demais prevaleceu L. whitmani. As densidades mensais desses insetos, obtidas usando-se somente os resultados da armadilha instalada dentro do galinheiro, foram elevadas principalmente nos meses mais quentes e úmidos. No ambiente florestal predominou a acrodendrofilia dos flebotomíneos, pois 87,9% deles foram capturados nas armadilhas instaladas a aproximadamente 10 m do solo, havendo predomínio de L. whitmani, L. fischeri, L. migonei, L. intermedia, Brumptomyia brumpti, L. monticola e L. pessoai. A carência de informações sobre a epidemiologia da leishmaniose no Estado do Paraná indica que são necessários estudos que venham esclarecer quais são as implicações das relações flebotomíneos/animais domésticos na cadeia de transmissão de Leishmania no domicílio e peridomicílio.
Durante um ano de coletas de culicídeos no Município de Querência do Norte, no Estado do Paraná, Brasil, utilizando-se isca humana e armadilhas de Falcão, investigou-se a composição faunística, a sazonalidade, o horário de maior densidade, a afinidade ao hospedeiro humano c a presença desses dípteros em abrigos de animais domésticos. De junho de 1989 a maio de 1990 foram coletados 5.923 mosquitos dos gêneros Aedes, Aedomyia, Coquillettidia, Culex, Mansonia, Psorophora, Sabethes e Uranotaenia. Identificaram-se 32 espécies de culícideos, dentre as quais Aedes scapularis, Anopheles albitarsis, Aedomyia squamipennis, Coquillettidia lynchi, Mansonia titillans e Coquillettidia venezuelensis tiveram maior prevalência, tendo sido capturados em grande número em isca humana, exceto Aedomyia squamipennis que compareceu sobretudo em abrigos de animais domésticos. O horário de maior atividade foi entre 18 e 19 horas e o mês de maior densidade foi o de abril, considerando-se o conjunto dos insetos capturados.
De janeiro a dezembro de 1991 foram realizadas capturas mensais de culicídeos, no Município de Guaíra, Estado do Paraná (Brasil), na margem esquerda do lago de Itaipu, ao lado da via de acesso que conduzia aos Saltos das Sete Quedas, usando-se armadilha luminosa de Shannon, e isca humana em área urbanizada. Obtiveram-se informações sobre a fauna culicidiana, as espécies prevalentes, a variação sazonal, o horário de maior densidade e a afinidade dos mosquitos em relação ao hospedeiro humano. Foram identificadas 41 espécies de culicídeos dos gêneros Anopheles, Aedes, Aedomyia, Coquillettidia, Culex, Mansonia, Psorophora e Uranotaenia. Capturaram-se 21.280 mosquitos em armadilha de Shannon e 1.010 em isca humana. As espécies mais freqüentes em armadilha de Shannon - Coquillettidia shannoni, Mansonia humeralis, Anopheles triannulatus, Aedes scapularis e Anopheles albitarsis - perfizeram 82,78% dos mosquitos capturados. Em isca humana Aedes scapularís, Mansonia humeralis e Anopheles albitarsis, somaram 91,21% dos insetos capturados. Em armadilha de Shannon o horário de maior atividade das espécies prevalentes foi entre 19 e 22 h. Em isca humana Aedes scapularis teve maior densidade das 20 às 21 h, enquanto Mansonia humeralis e Anopheles albitarsis prevaleceram das 18 às 19 h. Dentre as espécies prevalentes em armadilha de Shannon, Coquillettidia shannoni, Mansonia humeralis e Anopheles albitarsis tiveram pico de atividade no mês de abril, Anopheles triannulatus em janeiro e Aedes scapularis em fevereiro.
Leptospirosis severity may be increasing, with pulmonary involvement becoming more frequent. Does this increase result from an intense immune response to leptospire? Notice that renal failure, thrombocytopenia and pulmonary complications are found during the immune phase. Thirty-five hospitalized patients with Weil's disease had 5 blood samples drawn, from the 15th day to the 12th month of symptoms, for ELISA-IgM, -IgG and -IgA specific antibody detection. According their 1st IgG titer, the patients were divided into: group 1 (n = 13) titer > 1:400 (positive) and group 2 (n = 22) titer <=1:400 (negative). Early IgG antibodies in group 1 showed high avidity which may indicate reinfection. Group 1 was older, had worse pulmonary and renal function, and fever for a longer period than group 2. Throughout the study, IgG and IgA titers remained higher in group 1. In conclusion, the severity of Weil's disease may be associated with the intensity of the humoral immune response to leptospire.
Pelvic floor anatomy is complex and its three-dimensional organization is often difficult to understand for both undergrad- uate and postgraduate students. Here, we focused on several critical points that need to be considered when teaching the perineum. We have to deal with a mixed population of students and with a variety of interest. Yet, a perfect knowledge of the pelvic floor is the basis for any gynecologist and for any surgical intervention. Our objectives are several-fold; i) to estab- lish the objectives and the best way of teaching, ii) to identify and localize areas in the female pelvic floor that are suscepti- ble to generate problems in understanding the three-dimensional organization, iii) to create novel approaches by respecting the anatomical surroundings, and iv) prospectively, to identify elements that may create problems during surgery i.e. to have a closer look at nerve trajectories and on compression sites that may cause neuralgia or postoperative pain. A feedback from students concludes that they have difficulties to assimilate this much information, especially the different imaging tech- niques. Eventually, this will lead to a severe selection of what has to be taught and included in lectures or practicals. Another consequence is that more time to study prosected pelves needs to be given.
New species of several speciemens of several specimens from Rio de Janeiro county, caught on the Spinosa platensis microalgae breeding in the concret thanks is described.
OBJECTIVE: Transobturator route is now largely used for the positioning of the supporting sub uretral tape in the surgical treatment of female urinary incontinence. This operation can be done using the original technique from the outside to the inside or by inside to outside. Our anatomic study evaluates the specific dangers of each MATERIAL AND METHODS: Our study is based on the dissection of seven fresh bodies, therefore 14 obturator regions. The dissections were done after the positioning of the tape from outside to inside on one side and inside to outside on the other side. We particularly studied the distances separating the tape from the inferior pudendal vascular bundle and the posterior branch of the obturator nerve. RESULTS: With the inside - outside technique there is a greater proximity between the path of the tape and the studied structures, therefore the risk of damage is greater. CONCLUSIONS: The two techniques are not equivalent. There are less vascular and neurological risk using the original outside to inside technique.