273 resultados para Taipale, Kalle


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ein komischer Roman von Isaak Bernays


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von Hermann Schiff ; nebst einer empfehlenden Erklärung von Heinrich Heine


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Pro gradu -tutkielmassani tarkastelen Joonas Berghällin ja Mika Hotakaisen ohjaamassa Miesten vuoro -dokumenttielokuvassa sekä Kalle Päätalon Iijoki-sarjassa esiintyvää subjektiivista ja kulttuurista neuvottelua hegemonisen maskuliinisuuden kanssa. Rajaan hegemonisen maskuliinisuuden kolmeen kattokäsitteeseen 1) ruumiillisuus 2) isyys 3) työ. Tarkastelen näiden käsitteiden ristiriitaista suhdetta tutkittavan aineiston subjektiivisiin ja kulttuurisiin esityksiin sekä narraatioihin. Pyrin pohtimaan, onko suomalainen mies pelkkä hegemonisen maskuliinisuuden kulttuurinen tuote, sidottu kiinteästi ja yksioikoisesti maskuliinisen hegemonian keskeisiin attribuutioihin ja adjektiiveihin; järkiperäisyyteen, tunnekylmyyteen, kovuuteen sekä haavoittumattomuuteen, vai onko mies myös heikko, haavoittuva, herkkä, kulttuurisesti osaton subjekti ja sukupuoli suhteessa ruumiillisuuteen, isyyteen ja työhön. Julkisessa keskustelussa puhutaan yleistäen suomalaisesta miehestä ja mieheyden ilmenemismuodoista sillä oletuksella, että jokainen mies automaattisesti astuu hegemonisen maskuliinisuuden positioon. Tutkielmassani tarkastelen hegemonista maskuliinisuutta neuvottelun alaisena prosessina. Metodologisesti lähestyn tutkimuskysymystä affektiteorian kautta, jona toimii Melanie Kleinin kehittämä käsitepari depressiivinen positio. Tutkielmassani pohdin lähdeaineistoa tutkimalla onko suomalaisen miehen subjektiivinen ja kulttuurinen positio juuri edellä mainittu depressiivinen positio. Miesten vuoro -elokuvaa käytän tutkittavana aineistona sen monipuolisen hahmo- ja tyyppigallerian takia ja Kalle Päätalon Iijoki-sarjaa paitsi siksi, että sitä pidetään suomalaisen miehen ja miehen tekemän työn kirjallisena monumenttina. Päätalon tuotanto antaa myös mahdollisuuden pohtia hegemonisen maskuliinisuuden roolia mieheksi kasvamisen laajakaavisesta näkökulmasta. Eri aikakausien luoma ristivalotus tuo tutkimusaineistoon suhteuttavaa reflektiota miehen olemisesta, asemasta ja suhteesta hegemoniseen maskuliinisuuteen.


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It has been suggested that a huge lake, Lago Amazonas, covered a large part of the Amazon basin until as recently as two thousand years ago. According to this hypothesis, the topmost sediments in western Amazonia are almost universally young deposite of lacustrine and deltaic origin. The hypothesis has gained some attention among biologists because of its implications for biological phenomena in Amazonia, especially biogeography and biodiversity. According to the available geological data, however, Amazonia is geologically far more complex than assumed by the lake hypothesis. In the following discussion we will point out the weaknesses of the Lago Amazonas hypothesis, and indicate alternative explanations of the surface geology that are based on tectonically controlled fluvial deposition.


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Floristic composition of twelve plots, 25 m by 25 m, was studied in the Peruvian Amazonia in order to investigate if it were possible to use a part of the flora as an indicator of the changes observed in other components of the flora. Floristic similarities among the plots were calculated using six different taxonomic or physiognomic groups: ferns, the families Melastomataceae and Myristicaceae, trees thicker than 2.5 cm diameter at breast hight (DBH), trees between 2.5 cm and 5 cm DBH, and trees thicker than 5 cm DBH. The similarities were used for agglomerati ve classifications of the plots and for analyzing the correlations among the different groups of plants with Mantel's test. The results indicate that floristic changes were similar in all of the groups and therefore every group can potentially be used as an indicator.


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Forest structure determines light availability for understorey plants. The structure of lowland Amazonian forests is known to vary over long edaphic gradients, but whether more subtle edaphic variation also affects forest structure has not beenresolved. In western Amazonia, the majority of non-flooded forests grow on soils derived either from relatively fertile sediments of the Pebas Formation or from poorer sediments of the Nauta Formation. The objective of this study was to compare structure and light availability in the understorey of forests growing on these two geological formations. We measured canopy openness and tree stem densities in three size classes in northeastern Peru in a total of 275 study points in old-growth terra firme forests representing the two geological formations. We also documented variation in floristic composition (ferns, lycophytes and the palm Iriartea deltoidea) and used Landsat TM satellite image information to model the forest structural and floristic features over a larger area. The floristic compositions of forests on the two formations were clearly different, and this could also be modelled with the satellite imagery. In contrast, the field observations of forest structure gave only a weak indication that forests on the Nauta Formation might be denser than those on the Pebas Formation. The modelling of forest structural features with satellite imagery did not support this result. Our results indicate that the structure of forest understorey varies much less than floristic composition does over the studied edaphic difference.


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In otherwise successful gene therapy trials for the treatment of SCID patients and others, insertional mutagenesis has resulted in leukemia development. Besides the integration of vectors that including strong enhancers, more recently, SIN-vectors have been shown to partially retain oncogenic potential. The identification of genetic elements which would both prevent such activation effects and shield the transgene from silencing, is a main challenge. Previous attempts met with difficulties in producing the vectors and poor efficacy of the insulators (GIE). The improvement of integrating vectors safety has been investigated using new candidate synthetic GIEs. The latter have been introduced in retroviral and lentiviral vectors. Native LTRs, SIN-LTRs, and SIN-insulated constructs have been designed and compared, using two sets of internal promoter, i.e. strong and housekeeping. We could establish that a specific insulator translates at best into functional activity and boundary effect in both vector types. We could also determine that other genetic elements are key determinants in order to achieve accurate expression and viral titre, from these insulated vectors. A dramatic shift in the expression profile is observed in target cells, with a homogenous pattern including data on both cell-lines and primary HSCs from cord blood. The assessment of potential genotoxicity will be presented, based on the comparison of the integration patterns ingenuity in human target cells sampled over a three months period with both reference LTRs and SIN versus test insulated vectors, using high-throughput pyro-sequencing.


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Kirje 7.8.1969


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Kalle Michelsen


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Kalle Michelsen


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Lauri Koskenniemi


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