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Based on the refined non-conforming element method for geometric nonlinear analysis, a refined nonlinear non-conforming triangular plate element is constructed using the Total Lagrangian (T.L.) and the Updated Lagrangian (U.L.) approach. The refined nonlinear non-conforming triangular plate element is based on the Allman's triangular plane element with drilling degrees of freedom [1] and the refined non-conforming triangular plate element RT9 [2]. The element is used to analyze the geometric nonlinear behavior of plates and the numerical examples show that the refined non-conforming triangular plate element by the T.L. and U.L. approach can give satisfactory results. The computed results obtained from the T.L. and U.L. approach for the same numerical examples are somewhat different and the reasons for the difference of the computed results are given in detail in this paper. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Analisamos a metodologia de aferição de gastos em Defesa do Conselho de Defesa Sul-americano (CDS). Discutimos fundamentos, inovações, limitações e perfil de gastos. Na região, a folha de pagamento de pessoal e encargos previdenciários consumiram 60% do total dos gastos em Defesa entre 2006 e 2010, enquanto as pesquisas em tecnologia apenas 0,5%. Sobre esse diagnóstico, defendemos a modernização das FA e os Ministérios da Defesa da região, sobretudo uma racional e equalizada distribuição dos gastos por objeto, antes de aumentar as verbas para o setor.


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This article is divided in three sections. The first one explores the so-called "strategic partnership" between Brazil and China. In the second section we shall examine how US-China relations in the global system could affect both Brazil-US, and Brazil-China bilateral relations. A final section presents some recommendations for Brazil strategic orientations regarding the current systemic transition in the allotment of global power.


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Este artigo desenvolve uma abordagem analítica da inserção do Brasil no contexto internacional contemporâneo, com base na literatura de economia política internacional e de negócios internacionais, que transcende as tradicionais avaliações de política internacional por contemplar relações que envolvem atores estatais e nãoestatais. Assim, o artigo sustenta que os desafios a serem enfrentados pelo Brasil resultam da complexidade do sistema internacional contemporâneo. O artigo apresenta um debate crítico acerca da globalização com objetivo de desmistificar esse fenômeno e resgatar a possibilidade de governança pelo âmbito público. Para ilustrar esse debate, é apresentada uma breve análise sobre os impactos da globalização econômica, por meio de investimentos diretos externos, no Brasil. A abordagem analítica resultante enfatiza, com base no modelo de diplomacia triangular, que além das tradicionais negociações entre Estados, o Brasil precisa negociar com empresas estrangeiras e domésticas e, estas necessitam de alianças corporativas para enfrentar os desafios da economia mundial. Ao final, o artigo sugere que o governo brasileiro adote a internacionalização de empresas brasileiras como estratégia de desenvolvimento.


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This paper studies the evolution of the default risk premia for European firms during the years surrounding the recent credit crisis. We employ the information embedded in Credit Default Swaps (CDS) and Moody’s KMV EDF default probabilities to analyze the common factors driving this risk premia. The risk premium is characterized in several directions: Firstly, we perform a panel data analysis to capture the relationship between CDS spreads and actual default probabilities. Secondly, we employ the intensity framework of Jarrow et al. (2005) in order to measure the theoretical effect of risk premium on expected bond returns. Thirdly, we carry out a dynamic panel data to identify the macroeconomic sources of risk premium. Finally, a vector autoregressive model analyzes which proportion of the co-movement is attributable to financial or macro variables. Our estimations report coefficients for risk premium substantially higher than previously referred for US firms and a time varying behavior. A dominant factor explains around 60% of the common movements in risk premia. Additionally, empirical evidence suggests a public-to-private risk transfer between the sovereign CDS spreads and corporate risk premia.


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The criticality of self-assembled rigid rods on triangular lattices is investigated using Monte Carlo simulation. We find a continuous transition between an ordered phase, where the rods are oriented along one of the three (equivalent) lattice directions, and a disordered one. We conclude that equilibrium polydispersity of the rod lengths does not affect the critical behavior, as we found that the criticality is the same as that of monodisperse rodson the same lattice, in contrast with the results of recently published work on similar models. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3556665]


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The TRIREDE triangular counting net is presented, as well as the algorithm for its calculation and the TRIREDE program, used to project points in a triangular net and the calculation of a density grid.


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Cellulose and its derivatives, such as hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC) have been studied for a long time but they are still not well understood particularly in liquid crystalline solutions. These systems can be at the origin of networks with properties similar to liquid crystalline (LC) elastomers. The films produced from LC solutions can be manipulated by the action of moisture allowing for instance the development of a soft motor (Geng et al., 2013) driven by humidity. Cellulose nanocrystals (CNC), which combine cellulose properties with the specific characteristics of nanoscale materials, have been mainly studied for their potential as a reinforcing agent. Suspensions of CNC can also self-order originating a liquid-crystalline chiral nematic phases. Considering the liquid crystalline features that both LC-HPC and CNC can acquire, we prepared LC-HPC/CNC solutions with different CNC contents (1,2 and 5 wt.%). The effect of the CNC into the LC-HPC matrix was determined by coupling rheology and NMR spectroscopy - Rheo-NMR a technique tailored to analyse orientational order in sheared systems. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A presente dissertação tem como principal objetivo avaliar a capacidade que os mercados de Credit Default Swaps (CDS) e acionista apresentam de antecipar alterações nas notações das principais Agências de Rating mundiais. Para esse efeito serão analisadas as cotações diárias dos prémios de CDS e as cotações diárias de ações dos quatro principais bancos portugueses entre 2004 e 2012, bem como os eventos de rating associados a esses bancos. A literatura existente, apresenta, resultados que tendem a evidenciar que os CDS reagem, regra geral, de forma mais rápida a anúncios das Agências de Rating e que esta mesma reação é maior para eventos negativos (downgrade das notações de rating) do que para eventos positivos (upgrade das notações). O presente estudo detecta, para dois daqueles bancos alguma capacidade dos prémios dos CDS anteciparem eventos negativos de rating.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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This project focuses on the study of different explanatory models for the behavior of CDS security, such as Fixed-Effect Model, GLS Random-Effect Model, Pooled OLS and Quantile Regression Model. After determining the best fitness model, trading strategies with long and short positions in CDS have been developed. Due to some specifications of CDS, I conclude that the quantile regression is the most efficient model to estimate the data. The P&L and Sharpe Ratio of the strategy are analyzed using a backtesting analogy, where I conclude that, mainly for non-financial companies, the model allows traders to take advantage of and profit from arbitrages.


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This paper uses the framework developed by Vrugt (2010) to extract the recovery rate and term-structure of risk-neutral default probabilities implied in the cross-section of Portuguese sovereign bonds outstanding between March and August 2011. During this period the expectations on the recovery rate remain firmly anchored around 50 percent while the instantaneous default probability increases steadily from 6 to above 30 percent. These parameters are then used to calculate the fair-value of a 5-year and 10- year CDS contract. A credit-risk-neutral strategy is developed from the difference between the market price of a CDS of the same tenors and the fair-value calculated, yielding a sharpe ratio of 3.2


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We investigate the cointegration between VIX and CDS indices, and the possibility of exploiting it in an existing credit market timing investment model. We find cointegration over most of the sample period and the leadership of VIX over the CDS in the price discovery process. We present two methods for including cointegration into the model. Both strategies improve the in-sample and out-of-sample model performances, even though out-of-sample results are weaker. We find that in-sample better performances are explained by a stronger cointegration, concluding that in the presence of cointegration our strategies can be profitable in an investment model that considers transaction costs.


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CdS nanoparticles (NPs) were synthesized using colloidal methods and incorporated within a diureasil hybrid matrix. The surface capping of the CdS NPs by 3-mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane (MPTMS) and 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (APTMS) organic ligands during the incorporation of the NPs within the hybrid matrix has been investigated. The matrix is based on poly(ethylene oxide)/poly(propylene oxide) chains grafted to a siliceous skeleton through urea bonds and was produced by sol–gel process. Both alkaline and acidic catalysis of the sol–gel reaction were used to evaluate the effect of each organic ligand on the optical properties of the CdS NPs. The hybrid materials were characterized by absorption, steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy and High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HR-TEM). The preservation of the optical properties of the CdS NPs within the diureasil hybrids was dependent on the experimental conditions used. Both organic ligands (APTMS and MPTMS) demonstrated to be crucial in avoiding the increase of size distribution and clustering of the NPs within the hybrid matrix. The use of organic ligands was also shown to influence the level of interaction between the hybrid host and the CdS NPs. The CdS NPs showed large Stokes shifts and long average lifetimes, both in colloidal solution and in the xerogels, due to the origin of the PL emission in surface states. The CdS NPs capped with MPTMS have lower PL lifetimes compared to the other xerogel samples but still larger than the CdS NPs in the original colloidal solution. An increase in PL lifetimes of the NPs after their incorporation within the hybrid matrix is related to interaction between the NPs and the hybrid host matrix.