988 resultados para TRATAMIENTO DE IMÁGENES
Este material curricular contiene la definición y el desarrollo de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de Preimpresión en artes gráficas, ciclo formativo de grado medio de la Formación Profesional Específica (FPE). Para su confección se ha partido de los elementos recogidos en los correspondientes Reales Decretos de enseñanzas mínimas y del currículo del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Tiene la finalidad de orientar al profesorado que imparte las enseñanzas de FPE contempladas en la LOGSE. Estos materiales son programaciones precisas que pueden ser adaptadas y aplicadas por los profesores de forma directa. Los elementos curriculares se presentan ordenados en un conjunto de fichas, cada una de las cuales se corresponde con una unidad de trabajo. A pesar de ser un producto casi acabado, los materiales tienen un carácter experimental, pudiendo ser depurados y perfeccionados mediante el contraste con la práctica docente. Los módulos tratados son: 1.- Tratamiento de texto. 2.- Tratamiento de imágenes. 3.- Ensamblado de texto e imágenes. 4.- Montaje y obtención de la forma impresora. 5.- Procesos de artes gráficas. 6.- Materias primas en artes gráficas.
Se trata de acercar el uso de GIMP como herramienta de manipulación y creación de imágenes digitales, por lo que nos planteamos los siguientes objetivos: conocer los principales sistemas y modelos que fundamentan los sistemas digitales de creación de gráficos, capacitar en el uso de la herramienta digital GIMP para la creación y tratamiento de imágenes, conocer en detalle el entorno de trabajo del programa, así como todas sus herramientas y las opciones de cada una de ellas, crear o modificar cualquier tipo de imagen para combinarla en cualquier proyecto de infografía, útil para la labor docente, tener presentes los conceptos básicos del color para poder elegir un modo de color u otro a la hora de abordar un proyecto, mejorar la calidad de presentación de nuestra página web (centro, proyecto, grupo de trabajo, etc.).
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
[EN] The accuracy and performance of current variational optical ow methods have considerably increased during the last years. The complexity of these techniques is high and enough care has to be taken for the implementation. The aim of this work is to present a comprehensible implementation of recent variational optical flow methods. We start with an energy model that relies on brightness and gradient constancy terms and a ow-based smoothness term. We minimize this energy model and derive an e cient implicit numerical scheme. In the experimental results, we evaluate the accuracy and performance of this implementation with the Middlebury benchmark database. We show that it is a competitive solution with respect to current methods in the literature. In order to increase the performance, we use a simple strategy to parallelize the execution on multi-core processors.
[EN] We propose four algorithms for computing the inverse optical flow between two images. We assume that the forward optical flow has already been obtained and we need to estimate the flow in the backward direction. The forward and backward flows can be related through a warping formula, which allows us to propose very efficient algorithms. These are presented in increasing order of complexity. The proposed methods provide high accuracy with low memory requirements and low running times.In general, the processing reduces to one or two image passes. Typically, when objects move in a sequence, some regions may appear or disappear. Finding the inverse flows in these situations is difficult and, in some cases, it is not possible to obtain a correct solution. Our algorithms deal with occlusions very easy and reliably. On the other hand, disocclusions have to be overcome as a post-processing step. We propose three approaches for filling disocclusions. In the experimental results, we use standard synthetic sequences to study the performance of the proposed methods, and show that they yield very accurate solutions. We also analyze the performance of the filling strategies.
[EN] In this paper we present a variational technique for the reconstruction of 3D cylindrical surfaces. Roughly speaking by a cylindrical surface we mean a surface that can be parameterized using the projection on a cylinder in terms of two coordinates, representing the displacement and angle in a cylindrical coordinate system respectively. The starting point for our method is a set of different views of a cylindrical surface, as well as a precomputed disparity map estimation between pair of images. The proposed variational technique is based on an energy minimization where we balance on the one hand the regularity of the cylindrical function given by the distance of the surface points to cylinder axis, and on the other hand, the distance between the projection of the surface points on the images and the expected location following the precomputed disparity map estimation between pair of images. One interesting advantage of this approach is that we regularize the 3D surface by means of a bi-dimensio al minimization problem. We show some experimental results for large stereo sequences.
[EN] In this report we study a number of fluid optic flow sequences in the context of the FLUID Specific Targeted Research Project - Contract No 513633 founded by the EEC. The main goal of this report is to analyse the behaviour of classical computer vision optic flow techniques when we deal with fluid sequences. We use the optic flow sequences provided by other partners of the FLUID project.
[EN] In this paper we show that a classic optical flow technique by Nagel and Enkelmann can be regarded as an early anisotropic diffusion method with a diffusion tensor. We introduce three improvements into the model formulation that avoid inconsistencies caused by centering the brightness term and the smoothness term in different images use a linear scale-space focusing strategy from coarse to fine scales for avoiding convergence to physically irrelevant local minima, and create an energy functional that is invariant under linear brightness changes. Applying a gradient descent method to the resulting energy functional leads to a system of diffusion-reaction equations. We prove that this system has a unique solution under realistic assumptions on the initial data, and we present an efficient linear implicit numerical scheme in detail. Our method creates flow fields with 100% density over the entire image domain, it is robust under a large range of parameter variations, and it can recover displacement fields that are far beyond the typical one-pixel limits which are characteristic for many differential methods for determining optical flow. We show that it performs better than the classic optical flow methods with 100% density that are evaluated by Barron et al. (1994). Our software is available from the Internet.
[EN] In this work, we present a new model for a dense disparity estimation and the 3-D geometry reconstruction using a color image stereo pair. First, we present a brief introduction to the 3-D Geometry of a camera system. Next, we propose a new model for the disparity estimation based on an energy functional. We look for the local minima of the energy using the associate Euler-Langrage partial differential equations. This model is a generalization to color image of the model developed in, with some changes in the strategy to avoid the irrelevant local minima. We present some numerical experiences of 3-D reconstruction, using this method some real stereo pairs.
[EN] We present an energy based approach to estimate a dense disparity map from a set of two weakly calibrated stereoscopic images while preserving its discontinuities resulting from image boundaries. We first derive a simplified expression for the disparity that allows us to estimate it from a stereo pair of images using an energy minimization approach. We assume that the epipolar geometry is known, and we include this information in the energy model. Discontinuities are preserved by means of a regularization term based on the Nagel-Enkelmann operator. We investigate the associated Euler-Lagrange equation of the energy functional, and we approach the solution of the underlying partial differential equation (PDE) using a gradient descent method The resulting parabolic problem has a unique solution. In order to reduce the risk to be trapped within some irrelevant local minima during the iterations, we use a focusing strategy based on a linear scalespace. Experimental results on both synthetic and real images arere presented to illustrate the capabilities of this PDE and scale-space based method.
[EN] This paper presents an interpretation of a classic optical flow method by Nagel and Enkelmann as a tensor-driven anisotropic diffusion approach in digital image analysis. We introduce an improvement into the model formulation, and we establish well-posedness results for the resulting system of parabolic partial differential equations. Our method avoids linearizations in the optical flow constraint, and it can recover displacement fields which are far beyond the typical one-pixel limits that are characteristic for many differential methods for optical flow recovery. A robust numerical scheme is presented in detail. We avoid convergence to irrelevant local minima by embedding our method into a linear scale-space framework and using a focusing strategy from coarse to fine scales. The high accuracy of the proposed method is demonstrated by means of a synthetic and a real-world image sequence.
[EN] In this paper, we present a vascular tree model made with synthetic materials and which allows us to obtain images to make a 3D reconstruction.We have used PVC tubes of several diameters and lengths that will let us evaluate the accuracy of our 3D reconstruction. In order to calibrate the camera we have used a corner detector. Also we have used Optical Flow techniques to follow the points through the images going and going back. We describe two general techniques to extract a sequence of corresponding points from multiple views of an object. The resulting sequence of points will be used later to reconstruct a set of 3D points representing the object surfaces on the scene. We have made the 3D reconstruction choosing by chance a couple of images and we have calculated the projection error. After several repetitions, we have found the best 3D location for the point.
[EN] In this paper we present a method for the regularization of 3D cylindrical surfaces. By a cylindrical surface we mean a 3D surface that can be expressed as an application S(l; µ) ! R3 , where (l; µ) represents a cylindrical parametrization of the 3D surface. We built an initial cylindrical parametrization of the surface. We propose a new method to regularize such cylindrical surface. This method takes into account the information supplied by the disparity maps computed between pair of images to constraint the regularization of the set of 3D points. We propose a model based on an energy which is composed of two terms: an attachment term that minimizes the difference between the image coordinates and the disparity maps and a second term that enables a regularization by means of anisotropic diffusion. One interesting advantage of this approach is that we regularize the 3D surface by using a bi-dimensional minimization problem.