310 resultados para TRANSESTERIFICATION


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Background: Biodiesel is a clean-burning, renewable and biodegradable diesel fuel substitute derived from animal fats and plant oils, which may play an important role in replacing diminishing fossil fuel reserves and combating climate change. Conventional biodiesel production uses soluble base catalysts, such as Na or K alkoxides, to convert oils into fuel, and as a result requires energy intensive aqueous quench cycles to isolate the biodiesel product. Results: Cs-doping nanoparticulate MgO, prepared via a novel, supercritical sol-gel method, yields a solid base catalyst with improved activity for the transesterification of pure triacylglycerides (TAGs) and olive oil. Conclusion: Here, X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) is used to probe the local chemical environment of Cs atoms in order to identify the nature of the catalytically active species as CsMg(CO)(HO). © 2013 Society of Chemical Industry.


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Natural dolomitic rock has been investigated in the transesterification of C and C triglycerides and olive oil with a view to determining its viability as a solid base catalyst for use in biodiesel synthesis. XRD reveals that the dolomitic rock comprised 77% dolomite and 23% magnesian calcite. The generation of basic sites requires calcination at 900 °C, which increases the surface area and transforms the mineral into MgO nanocrystallites dispersed over CaO particles. Calcined dolomitic rock exhibits high activity towards the liquid phase transesterification of glyceryl tributyrate and trioctanoate, and even olive oil, with methanol for biodiesel production. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2008.


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Biodiesel is fast becoming one of the key transport fuels as the world endeavours to reduce its carbon footprint and find viable alternatives to oil derived fuels. Research in the field is currently focusing on more efficient ways to produce biodiesel, with the most promising avenue of research looking into the use of heterogeneous catalysis. This article presents a framework for kinetic reaction and diffusive transport modelling of the heterogeneously catalysed transesterification of triglycerides into fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs), unveiled by a model system of tributyrin transesterification in the presence of MgO catalysts. In particular, the paper makes recommendations on multicomponent diffusion calculations such as the diffusion coefficients and molar fluxes from infinite dilution diffusion coefficients using the Wilke and Chang correlation, intrinsic reaction kinetic studies using the Eley-Rideal kinetic mechanism with methanol adsorption as the rate determining steps and multiscale reaction-diffusion process simulation between catalytic porous and bulk reactor scales. © 2013 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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Concern over the economics of accessing fossil fuel reserves, and widespread acceptance of the anthropogenic origin of rising CO2 emissions and associated climate change from combusting such carbon sources, is driving academic and commercial research into new routes to sustainable fuels to meet the demands of a rapidly rising global population. Here we discuss catalytic esterification and transesterification solutions to the clean synthesis of biodiesel, the most readily implemented and low cost, alternative source of transportation fuels to meet future societal demands.


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The influence of Cs on the structure and basicity of nanocrystalline MgO was assessed via electron microscopy, CO2 chemisorption, XRD and XPS. Caesium incorporation via co-precipitation under supercritical conditions generates Cs2Mg(CO3)2 nanocrystallites with an enhanced density and strength of surface base sites. Wet impregnation proved less effective for modifying MgO nanocrystals. A strong synergy between Cs and Mg components in the co-precipitated material dramatically enhanced the rate of tributyrin transesterification with methanol relative to undoped MgO and homogeneous Cs2CO3 catalysts. On-stream deactivation of Cs-doped MgO reflects heavy surface carbon deposition and loss of the high activity Cs2Mg(CO3)2 phase due to limited Cs dissolution.


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In order to improve the miscibility and mechanical properties of poly(l-lactic acid) (PLLA) and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) bio-alloy, small amount of transesterification catalyst, zinc acetate was added in the melt blending process. We show that the PLLA-PHBV copolymer generated during the melt blending significantly improves the miscibility and therefore enhances the mechanical properties of the product. Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and tensile tests were performed to study the miscibility and mechanical properties of the blends. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and gel permeation chromatography (GPC) were used to reveal the molecular structural, and molecular weight changes of PLLA and PHBV after melt mixing with zinc acetate. SEM and FTIR results have clearly shown that the PLLA-PHBV copolymer generated from transesterification reaction acted as a compatibilizer and therefore resulted in an improved interfacial miscibility and ductility of PLLA/PHBV blend. In our mechanistic study, a competition between the PLLA/PHBV transesterification reaction and the thermal decomposition of PHBV was identified for the first time. On the basis of these observations, a new mechanism of transesterification reaction was proposed.


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This study investigated the preparation of methyl ester (Biodiesel) from peanut oil by transesterification method and its effect on DI diesel engine. Two parameters were measured during the engine operation: one is engine performance (brake thermal efficiency and brake specific fuel consumption), and the other is the exhaust emissions (NOx and CO). The result showed that, when compared with neat diesel fuel, the brake thermal efficiency of biodiesel blend was almost similar or a slight lower. However, brake specific fuel consumption (bsfc) was a little higher than neat diesel. CO was lower and NOx was little higher with biodiesel blend than that of diesel. The engine performance for B10 and B20 was very similar. At medium and high load conditions the engine emissions for B10 and B20 has no significant variation. Hence, B20 can safely be used in diesel engine without any significant penalty in engine performance and emissions.


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This thesis is a comprehensive study of plasmonic gold photocatalysts for organic conversions. It presents the advantages of plasmonic gold photocatalysts in the selective oxidation, reduction, and acetalisation. It is discovered that plasmonic gold photocatalysts exhibit better catalytic performance (higher selectivity or activity) in these organic conversions. The study in this thesis highlights the capacity of plasmonic gold photocatalysts in harvesting solar energy for converting organic raw materials to value-added chemicals, and the great potential of gold photocatalysts in chemical production.


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Biodiesel derived from microalgae is one of a suite of potential solutions to meet the increasing demand for a renewable, carbon-neutral energy source. However, there are numerous challenges that must be addressed before algae biodiesel can become commercially viable. These challenges include the economic feasibility of harvesting and dewatering the biomass and the extraction of lipids and their conversion into biodiesel. Therefore, it is essential to find a suitable extraction process given these processes presently contribute significantly to the total production costs which, at this stage, inhibit the ability of biodiesel to compete financially with petroleum diesel. This study focuses on pilot-scale (100 kg dried microalgae) solvent extraction of lipids from microalgae and subsequent transesterification to biodiesel. Three different solvents (hexane, isopropanol (IPA) and hexane + IPA (1:1)) were used with two different extraction methods (static and Soxhlet) at bench-scale to find the most suitable solvent extraction process for the pilot-scale. The Soxhlet method extracted only 4.2% more lipid compared to the static method. However, the fatty acid profiles of different extraction methods with different solvents are similar, suggesting that none of the solvents or extraction processes were biased for extraction of particular fatty acids. Considering the cost and availability of the solvents, hexane was chosen for pilot-scale extraction using static extraction. At pilot-scale the lipid yield was found to be 20.3% of total biomass which is 2.5% less than from bench scale. Extracted fatty acids were dominated by polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) (68.94±0.17%) including 47.7±0.43 and 17.86±0.42% being docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (C22:6) and docosapentaenoic acid (DPA) (C22:5, ω-3), respectively. These high amounts of long chain poly unsaturated fatty acids are unique to some marine microalgae and protists and vary with environmental conditions, culture age and nutrient status, as well as with cultivation process. Calculated physical and chemical properties of density, viscosity of transesterified fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) were within the limits of the biodiesel standard specifications as per ASTM D6751-2012 and EN 14214. The calculated cetane number was, however, significantly lower (17.8~18.6) compared to ASTM D6751-2012 or EN 14214-specified minimal requirements. We conclude that the obtained microalgal biodiesel would likely only be suitable for blending with petroleum diesel to a maximum of 5 to 20%.


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In recent years, the beauty leaf plant (Calophyllum Inophyllum) is being considered as a potential 2nd generation biodiesel source due to high seed oil content, high fruit production rate, simple cultivation and ability to grow in a wide range of climate conditions. However, however, due to the high free fatty acid (FFA) content in this oil, the potential of this biodiesel feedstock is still unrealized, and little research has been undertaken on it. In this study, transesterification of beauty leaf oil to produce biodiesel has been investigated. A two-step biodiesel conversion method consisting of acid catalysed pre-esterification and alkali catalysed transesterification has been utilized. The three main factors that drive the biodiesel (fatty acid methyl ester (FAME)) conversion from vegetable oil (triglycerides) were studied using response surface methodology (RSM) based on a Box-Behnken experimental design. The factors considered in this study were catalyst concentration, methanol to oil molar ratio and reaction temperature. Linear and full quadratic regression models were developed to predict FFA and FAME concentration and to optimize the reaction conditions. The significance of these factors and their interaction in both stages was determined using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The reaction conditions for the largest reduction in FFA concentration for acid catalysed pre-esterification was 30:1 methanol to oil molar ratio, 10% (w/w) sulfuric acid catalyst loading and 75 °C reaction temperature. In the alkali catalysed transesterification process 7.5:1 methanol to oil molar ratio, 1% (w/w) sodium methoxide catalyst loading and 55 °C reaction temperature were found to result in the highest FAME conversion. The good agreement between model outputs and experimental results demonstrated that this methodology may be useful for industrial process optimization for biodiesel production from beauty leaf oil and possibly other industrial processes as well.


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As fossil fuel prices increase and environmental concerns gain prominence, the development of alternative fuels from biomass has become more important. Biodiesel produced from microalgae is becoming an attractive alternative to share the role of petroleum. Currently it appears that the production of microalgal biodiesel is not economically viable in current environment because it costs more than conventional fuels. Therefore, a new concept is introduced in this article as an option to reduce the total production cost of microalgal biodiesel. The integration of biodiesel production system with methane production via anaerobic digestion is proved in improving the economics and sustainability of overall biodiesel stages. Anaerobic digestion of microalgae produces methane and further be converted to generate electricity. The generated electricity can surrogate the consumption of energy that require in microalgal cultivation, dewatering, extraction and transesterification process. From theoretical calculations, the electricity generated from methane is able to power all of the biodiesel production stages and will substantially reduce the cost of biodiesel production (33% reduction). The carbon emissions of biodiesel production systems are also reduced by approximately 75% when utilizing biogas electricity compared to when the electricity is otherwise purchased from the Victorian grid. The overall findings from this study indicate that the approach of digesting microalgal waste to produce biogas will make the production of biodiesel from algae more viable by reducing the overall cost of production per unit of biodiesel and hence enable biodiesel to be more competitive with existing fuels.


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The insecure supply of fossil fuel coerces the scientific society to keep a vision to boost investments in the renewable energy sector. Among the many renewable fuels currently available around the world, biodiesel offers an immediate impact in our energy. In fact, a huge interest in related research indicates a promising future for the biodiesel technology. Heterogeneous catalyzed production of biodiesel has emerged as a preferred route as it is environmentally benign needs no water washing and product separation is much easier. The number of well-defined catalyst complexes that are able to catalyze transesterification reactions efficiently has been significantly expanded in recent years. The activity of catalysts, specifically in application to solid acid/base catalyst in transesterification reaction depends on their structure, strength of basicity/acidity, surface area as well as the stability of catalyst. There are various process intensification technologies based on the use of alternate energy sources such as ultrasound and microwave. The latest advances in research and development related to biodiesel production is represented by non-catalytic supercritical method and focussed exclusively on these processes as forthcoming transesterification processes. The latest developments in this field featuring highly active catalyst complexes are outlined in this review. The knowledge of more extensive research on advances in biofuels will allow a deeper insight into the mechanism of these technologies toward meeting the critical energy challenges in future.


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Recently, second-generation (non-vegetable oil) feedstocks for biodiesel production are receiving significant attention due to the cost and social effects connected with utilising food products for the production of energy products. The Beauty leaf tree (Calophyllum inophyllum) is a potential source of non-edible oil for producing second-generation biodiesel because of its suitability for production in an extensive variety of atmospheric condition, easy cultivation, high fruit production rate, and the high oil content in the seed. In this study, oil was extracted from Beauty leaf tree seeds through three different oil extraction methods. The important physical and chemical properties of these extracted Beauty leaf oils were experimentally analysed and compared with other commercially available vegetable oils. Biodiesel was produced using a two-stage esterification process combining of an acid catalysed pre-esterification process and an alkali catalysed transesterification process. Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profiles and important physicochemical properties were experimentally measured and estimated using equations based on the FAME analysis. The quality of Beauty leaf biodiesels was assessed and compared with commercially available biodiesels through multivariate data analysis using PROMETHEE-GAIA software. The results show that mechanical extraction using a screw press produces oil at a low cost, however, results in low oil yields compared with chemical oil extraction. High pressure and temperature in the extraction process increase oil extraction performance. On the contrary, this process increases the free fatty acid content in the oil. A clear difference was found in the physical properties of Beauty leaf oils, which eventually affected the oil to biodiesel conversion process. However, Beauty leaf oils methyl esters (biodiesel) were very consistent physicochemical properties and able to meet almost all indicators of biodiesel standards. Overall this study found that Beauty leaf is a suitable feedstock for producing second-generation biodiesel in commercial scale. Therefore, the findings of this study are expected to serve as the basis for further development of Beauty leaf as a feedstock for industrial scale second-generation biodiesel production.


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During this study different approaches were studied to obtain isoflavone sulphates, glucuronides and sulphoglucuronides. Three isoflavone disulphates (daidzein-di-O-sulphate, genistein-di-O-sulphate and glycitein-di-O-sulphate) and three isoflavonoid disulphates (dihydrodaidzein-di-O-sulphate, dihydrogenistein-di-O-sulphate and equol-di-O-sulphate) were synthesised in moderate yields by using in situ prepared pyridine sulphur trioxide complex, made from chlorosulphonic acid and pyridine. These disulphated compounds can be used to develop analytical procedures and study the biological activity of disulphated products. As the use of the HPLC-MS methods in the field of isoflavones has increased its popularity, deuterated isoflavone disulphates were synthesised. A new microwave assisted deuteration method, using CF3COOD, was developed for this purpose. Three polydeuterated isoflavone disulphates (daidzein-d6-di-O-sulphate, genistein-d4-di-O-sulphate and glycitein-d6-di-O-sulphate) were obtained in moderate yields with high isotopic purity. A synthetic method was developed for daidzein sulphoglucuronide (daidzein-7-O-b-D-glucuronide-4´-O-sulphate), which is a major metabolite in rat bile. By using protection/deprotection steps, the desired product was finally obtained in moderate yield. The method developed can be used in further studies of synthesis of isoflavonoid mixed conjugates. As a part of this study, the structure of naturally occurring daidzein-4´-O-b-glucoside was verified. Different glycosidation methods are reviewed and possible factors affecting the stereoselectivity are discussed. The study of the selective chlorination of isoflavones was a consequence of the observed unexpected chlorination during the synthesis of isoflavone acid chlorides by thionyl chloride. This fascinating phenomenon was investigated further with various isoflavones and as a result a method for producing isoflavone chlorides (8-chlorogenistein, 6,8-dichlorogenistein and 6,8-dichlorobiochanin A) was developed. Protecting groups played a great role during this study, which led to an intensive study on them. A regioselective protection method was developed by using direct introduction of the protecting group (Benzyl and Benzoyl) to positions 7-O or 4´-O in daidzein, genistein and glycitein with t-BuOK as a base in DMF in moderate yields. The possibility of exploiting the transesterification was also investigated. It was observed that by using K2CO3 as a base in DMF, daidzein, genistein and glycitein could be benzoylated at position 4´-O selectively, in the presence of the more acidic 7 hydroxy group. Transesterification also proved to be useful in the glycosidation of isoflavones at position 7-O, starting from 7-O-benzoylated isoflavones. Different carboxylic acid derivatives were synthesised for use either in the development of radioimmunoassay (7-O-carboxymethylglycitein and 4´-O-carboxymethylglycitein) or synthesis of daunorubicin isoflavone derivative for biological testing (7-O-carboxypropylbiochanin A and 7-O-carboxypropylgenistein).