A presente dissertação tem como objectivo estudar a percepção dos colaboradores a respeito da Responsabilidade Social da Organização exercida pela organização onde trabalham e a relação desta com a Satisfação no Trabalho. Cento e sete colaboradores de um call center responderam a um questionário que incluía as escalas de Percepção de Responsabilidade Social, Satisfação no Trabalho e a escala de Call Center construída para este estudo. As hipóteses são, duas, verificar se quando maior a percepção de práticas socialmente responsáveis nas diferentes dimensões (colaboradores, ambiente e comunidade e económica) maior a satisfação com o trabalho e se as condições de trabalho na organização apresentarem níveis elevados, maior a Satisfação no Trabalho. Dos resultados obtidos, concluiu-se uma associação positiva entre as três dimensões da Responsabilidade Social com a Satisfação no Trabalho, em particular uma associação mais elevada com a dimensão Percepção da Responsabilidade Social - Ambiente e Comunidade. Destaca-se também que a Satisfação no Trabalho está mais associada com a percepção do reconhecimento profissional do que com as condições de trabalho no call center.
In the event of a release of toxic gas in the center of London, the emergency services would need to determine quickly the extent of the area contaminated. The transport of pollutants by turbulent flow within the complex street and building architecture of cities is not straightforward, and we might wonder whether it is at all possible to make a scientifically-reasoned decision. Here we describe recent progress from a major UK project, ‘Dispersion of Air Pollution and its Penetration into the Local Environment’ (DAPPLE, www.dapple.org.uk). In DAPPLE, we focus on the movement of airborne pollutants in cities by developing a greater understanding of atmospheric flow and dispersion within urban street networks. In particular, we carried out full-scale dispersion experiments in central London (UK) during 2003, 2004, 2007, and 2008 to address the extent of the dispersion of tracers following their release at street level. These measurements complemented previous studies because (i) our focus was on dispersion within the first kilometer from the source, when most of the material was expected to remain within the street network rather than being mixed into the boundary layer aloft, (ii) measurements were made under a wide variety of meteorological conditions, and (iii) central London represents a European, rather than North American, city geometry. Interpretation of the results from the full-scale experiments was supported by extensive numerical and wind tunnel modeling, which allowed more detailed analysis under idealized and controlled conditions. In this article, we review the full-scale DAPPLE methodologies and show early results from the analysis of the 2007 field campaign data.
This dissertation seeks to recognize the impacts that outsourcing of the call center brings to firms of electrical energy in Brazil. For this research, two existing cases in the brazilian sector electric: i) case of Cemig, firm mineira of electrical energy; ii) case Light, firm carioca of electrical energy. The framework of this dissertation is based of the methodology of multiple study cases described by Robert Yin (2003). This work analyzed separately each of the cases and compared the results obtained in each analysis. In this way, this research aimed at analyzing the impacts that firms sufering in outsource the call center, despite the citys are diferents, like the factors of the environment. The obtained results suggest that the firms adopt the mixed call center, with the greatest part of outsources employees and with less proper. The importants impacts seeks in this research are the lost of the image, quality and the control of the process of answering. The aim impacts of a outsourcing the call center find in this research are the lost of the image of the firm and the reduction of the control of the process of customer service, impacting directly on the quality of the customer service.
Year after year the call center industry comes presenting high growth, either in Brazil or the world, using increasing contingent of people and receiving large amount of financial resources. Supporting all this industry, exists a theoretical reference that privileges the search of the improvement of diverse operational performance indicators. This study, empirically examines the relationship between caller satisfaction and diverse operational performance indicators currently used for call center management in Brazil. For in such a way, a group of telecommunications segment call centers will be used searching to determine which indicators are really more significantly correlated with the customer satisfaction. Of this form, it is aimed at to add new evidences and explanations to existing literature, in way that companies of call center industry can give a more adequate service to their customer, opposite to solely focus its efforts in the improvement of a great set of performance pointers that, effectively, can not become related with the customer satisfaction.
Este trabalho apresenta o aplicativo DialogBuilder, uma ferramenta de código aberto escrita em Java que disponibiliza ao usuário uma interface para projeto de sistemas de diálogos e exportação destes para implantação no software Asterisk, o mais popular framework VoIP. O DialogBuilder disponibiliza um wizard para que o usuário leigo possa projetar seu sistema sem precisar aprender a programar para Asterisk. O software separa a fase de concepção do diálogo de sua codificação e se posiciona para tornar técnica e economicamente viável, mesmo para pequenas empresas, construir e manter sistemas de diálogo para aplicações telefônicas.
The scope of this paper is to analyze delays in locating health services for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in Ribeirao Preto in 2009. An epidemiological and cross-sectional study was conducted with 94 TB patients undergoing treatment. A structured questionnaire, based on the Primary Care Assessment Tool adapted for TB care was used. A median (15 days or more) was established to characterize delay in health attendance. Using the Prevalence Ratio, the variables associated with longer delay were identified. The first healthcare services sought were the Emergency Services (ES) (57.5%). The longest period between seeking assistance occurred among males, aged between 50 and 59, who earned less than five minimum wages, had pulmonary TB, were new cases, were not co-infected with TB/HIV, did not consume alcohol, had satisfactory knowledge about TB before diagnosis (with a statistically significant association with delay) and who did not seek healthcare close to home before developing TB. There is a perceived need for training healthcare professionals about the signs and symptoms of the disease, reducing barriers of access to timely diagnosis of TB and widely disseminating it to the community in general.
The objective of this study was to identify and analyze the nursing diagnoses that constitute risk factors for death in trauma victims in the first 6 hours post-event. This is a cross-sectional, descriptive and exploratory study using quantitative analysis. A total of 406 patients were evaluated over six months of data collection in a tertiary hospital in the municipality of Sao Paulo, according to an instrument created for this purpose. Of the total, 44 (10.7%) suffered death. Multivariate analysis indicated the nursing diagnoses ineffective respiratory pattern, impaired spontaneous ventilation, risk of bleeding and risk of ineffective gastrointestinal tissue perfusion as risk factors for death and ineffective airway clearance, impaired comfort, and acute pain as protective factors, data that can direct health teams for different interventionist actions faced with the complexity of the trauma.
BACKGROUND The numbers of people attending emergency departments (EDs) at hospitals are increasing. We aimed to analyse trends in ED attendance at a Swiss university hospital between 2002 and 2012, focussing on age-related differences and hospital admission criteria. METHODS We used hospital administrative data for all patients aged ≥16 years who attended the ED (n=298,306) at this university hospital between 1 January 2002, and 31 December 2012. We descriptively analysed the numbers of ED visits according to the admission year and stratified by age (≥65 vs <65 years). RESULTS People attending the ED were on average 46.6 years old (standard deviation 20 years, maximum range 16‒99 years). The annual number of ED attendances grew by n=6,639 (27.6%) from 24,080 in 2002 to 30,719 in 2012. In the subgroup of patients aged ≥65 the relative increase was 42.3%, which is significantly higher (Pearson's χ2=350.046, df=10; p=0.000) than the relative increase of 23.4% among patients<65 years. The subgroup of patients≥65 years attended the ED more often because of diseases (n=56,307; 85%) than accidents (n=9,844; 14.9%). This subgroup (patients≥65 years) was also more often admitted to hospital (Pearson's χ2=23,377.190; df=1; p=0.000) than patients<65 years. CONCLUSIONS ED attendance of patients≥65 years increased in absolute and relative terms. The study findings suggest that staff of this ED may want to assess the needs of patients≥65 years and, if necessary, adjust the services (e.g., adapted triage scales, adapted geriatric screenings, and adapted hospital admission criteria).
Neutrophils are an essential component of innate immunity, serving to provide an immediate response to microbial invasion. In response to emergency situations such as an infection, serum levels of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) are induced, causing a boost in neutrophil production and a rapid mobilization of bone marrow neutrophils to the blood, where they can circulate to clear foreign pathogens. Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) is a principal downstream signaling intermediate of the G-CSF receptor. Mice null for STAT3 are embryonic lethal; therefore, to examine the role that STAT3 has in granulocytic development and function in vivo, we utilized a conditional knockout mouse that deletes functional STAT3 in the hematopoietic system (referred to herein as STAT3-deficient). Using this model, we show that STAT3 is required for G-CSF-induced expansion of granulocytic progenitor cells within the bone marrow and for acute G-CSF-dependent neutrophil mobilization into the blood. Thus, STAT3 has a critical role in the immediate G-CSF-response in vivo. Sustained G-CSF exposure causes skewed granulocytic production and mobilization in STAT3-deficient mice, suggesting an atypical granulocytic developmental pathway. To determine if STAT3-deficient neutrophils were functional, we examined neutrophil chemotaxis, since neutrophil function relies on proper chemoattractant-induced migration to infected tissue sites. STAT3-deficient neutrophils have impaired chemotaxis in response to the potent neutrophil chemoattractants MIP-2 and KC, both ligands for the chemokine receptor CXCR2. Additionally, STAT3-deficient mice have a defect in NIIP-2-induced acute neutrophil mobilization in vivo. Chemotaxis in response to fMLP and SDF-1, which utilize distinct seven-transmembrane chemokine receptors, was similar between wild type and STAT3-deficient neutrophils, suggesting that STAT3 specifically regulates CXCR2-mediated migration. MIP-2-induced activation of the Raf/MEK/ERK signaling cascade, which we show is required for MIP-2-dependent neutrophil chemotaxis, was impaired in STAT3-deficient neutrophils. Interestingly, acute G-CSF administration induced CXCR2 expression and Raf/MEK/ERK activation in neutrophils from wild type mice, whereas these responses were abrogated in neutrophils from STAT3-deficient mice. Thus, STAT3 regulation of CXCR2 functions may also contribute to STAT3's control of the acute G-CSF mobilization response. These combined results place STAT3 as a critical intermediate in neutrophil migration and G-CSF-induced neutrophil production responses required for emergency granulopoiesis. ^
Emergency Departments (EDs) and Emergency Rooms (ERs) are designed to manage trauma, respond to disasters, and serve as the initial care for those with serious illnesses. However, because of many factors, the ED has become the doorway to the hospital and a “catch-all net” for patients including those with non-urgent needs. This increase in the population in the ED has lead to an increase in wait times for patients. It has been well documented that there has been a constant and consistent rise in the number of patients that frequent the ED (National Center for Health Statistics, 2002); the wait time for patients in the ED has increased (Pitts, Niska, Xu, & Burt, 2008); and the cost of the treatment in the ER has risen (Everett Clinic, 2008). Because the ED was designed to treat patients who need quick diagnoses and may be in potential life-threatening circumstances, management of time can be the ultimate enemy. If a system was implemented to decrease wait times in the ED, decrease the use of ED resources, and decrease costs endured by patients seeking care, better outcomes for patients and patient satisfaction could be achieved. The goal of this research was to explore potential changes and/or alternatives to relieve the burden endured by the ED. In order to explore these options, data was collected by conducting one-on-one interviews with seven physicians closely tied to a Level 1 ED (Emergency Room physicians, Trauma Surgeons and Primary Care physicians). A qualitative analysis was performed on the responses of one-on-one interviews with the aforementioned physicians. The interviews were standardized, open-ended questions that probe what makes an effective ED, possible solutions to improving patient care in the ED, potential remedies for the mounting problems that plague the ED, and the feasibility of bringing Primary Care Physicians to the ED to decrease the wait times experienced by the patient. From the responses, it is clear that there needs to be more research in this area, several areas need to be addressed, and a variety of solutions could be implemented. The most viable option seems to be making the ED its own entity (similar to the clinic or hospital) that includes urgent clinics as a part of the system, in which triage and better staffing would be the most integral part of its success.^
The purpose of this research was to better understand the impact of the terrorist attacks in 2001 on public health, particularly for Texas public health. This study employed mixed methods to examine changes to public health culture within Texas local public health agencies, important attitudes of public health workers toward responding to a disaster, and the funding policies that might ensure our investment in public health emergency preparedness is protected. ^ A qualitative analysis of interviews conducted with a large sample of public health officials in Texas found that all the constituent parts of a peculiar culture for public health preparedness existed that spanned the state's local health departments regardless of size, or funding level. The new preparedness culture in Texas had the hallmarks necessary for a robust public health preparedness and emergency response system. ^ The willingness of public health workers, necessary to make these kinds of changes and mount a disaster response was examined in one of Texas' most experienced disaster response teams—the public health workers for the City of Houston. A hypothesized latent variable model showed that willingness mediated all other factors in the model (self-efficacy, knowledge, barriers, and risk perception) for self-reported likelihood of reporting to work for a disaster. The RMSEA for the final model was 0.042 with a confidence interval of 0.036—0.049 and the chi-squared difference test was P=0.08, indicating a well-fitted model that suggests willingness is an important factor for consideration by preparedness planners and researchers alike. ^ Finally, with disasters on the rise and federal funding for preparedness dwindling, a review of states' policies for the distribution of these funds and their advantages and disadvantages were examined through a review of current literature and public documents, and a survey of state-level public health officials, emergency management professionals and researchers. Although the base plus per-capita method is the most common, it is not necessarily perceived to be the most effective. No clear "optimal" method emerged from the study, but recommendations for a strategic combination of three methods were made that has the potential to maximize the benefits of each method, while minimizing the weaknesses.^
TSEP-RLI was a technical cooperation project jointly conducted by GOP thru DA-Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) and GOJ thru JICA aimed at institutionalizing the training program for Rural Life Improvement (RLI) at the (ATI). As expected, farmers, fisherfolk, women, youth and extension agents were provided with efficient and effective training services from ATI leading to the improvement of quality of life in the rural areas through efforts of human resource development. The ATI- Bohol was chosen as the model center where participatory trials and various activities of the project were undertaken for five years. These activities were participatory surveys and data collection of on-farm and off-farm productive activities; planning workshop for RLI; feedbacking of survey results and action plans to the community and the Local Government Units (LGUs), and signing of Memorandum of Agreement between the Project and participating LGUs. The above activities were done to facilitate the planning and development of most effective and necessary rural life improvement activities, to confirm the willingness of the people to support and participate and to formalize the partnership between the Project and the LGUs. Since the concept of rural life covers a vast range of activities, a consensus had been reached that the total aspects of rural life be grasped in three spheres, namely, Production & Livelihood (P/L), Rural Living Condition (RLC) and Community Environment (C/E). The RLI for Ubi (Yam) Growers was one of the pilot activities undertaken in two pilot barangays and the target beneficiaries were members of the Rural Improvement Club (RIC- a group of organized women) with the LGU of the Municipality of Corella as the implementing partner. During the planning workshop, the barangay residents articulated their desire to promote production and processing of ubi (sphere on P/L - as the entry point), lack of nutritious food was one of the identified problem (sphere on RLC- expansion point) and environmental degradation such as deforestation, and soil erosion was another problem articulated by the community people (sphere on C/E- expansion point). Major activities that were undertaken namely, Ubi cooking contest, cooking/processing seminar, training courses on entrepreneurial development, ubi production and storage technology, packaging and product design, human resource development and simplified bookkeeping motivated the beneficiaries as well as developed and enhanced their skills & capabilities while strengthening their associations. Their participation to the 5 ubi festivals and other related activities had brought some impacts on their economic and rural life improvement activities. The seven principles of TSEP-RLI include the participatory process, holistic approach, dialogical approach, bottom -up training needs assessment, demand-driven approach, cost sharing approach and collaborative implementation with other agencies including LGUs and the community.