926 resultados para TENSOR
Background and Purpose-Ever since the seminal description of ataxic hemiparesis contralateral to a pontine lesion by Miller-Fisher, the question of why contralesional crossing pontocerebellar fibers do not more frequently produce ipsilesional hemiataxia was raised. The few cases of "quadrataxic hemiparesis" or bilateral leg ataxia remain exceptions.Summary of Case-We report an even more unusual variant, namely "crossed ataxia" of the contralesional arm and the ipsilesional leg subsequent to an anteromedial pontine ischemic stroke.Conclusions-MRI diffusion tensor imaging tractography shows that caudal contralesional crossing pontocerebellar fibers (those for the leg) travel trough the lesion, whereas more rostral fibers (those for the arm) are spared. (Stroke. 2011; 42:e571-e573.)
WE USED A MURINE MODEL OF TRANSIENT FOCAL CEREBRAL ISCHEMIA TO STUDY: 1) in vivo DTI long-term temporal evolution of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and diffusion fractional anisotropy (FA) at days 4, 10, 15 and 21 after stroke 2) ex vivo distribution of a plasticity-related protein (GAP-43) and its relationship with the ex vivo DTI characteristics of the striato-thalamic pathway (21 days). All animals recovered motor function. In vivo ADC within the infarct was significantly increased after stroke. In the stroke group, GAP-43 expression and FA values were significantly higher in the ipsilateral (IL) striatum and contralateral (CL) hippocampus compared to the shams. DTI tractography showed fiber trajectories connecting the CL striatum to the stroke region, where increased GAP43 and FA were observed and fiber tracts from the CL striatum terminating in the IL hippocampus.Our data demonstrate that DTI changes parallel histological remodeling and recovery of function.
The two independent components of the gyration tensor of quartz, g11 and g33, have been spectroscopically measured using a transmission two-modulator generalized ellipsometer. The method is used to determine the optical activity in crystals in directions other than the optic axis, where the linear birefringence is much larger than the optical activity.
In this article we propose a novel method for calculating cardiac 3-D strain. The method requires the acquisition of myocardial short-axis (SA) slices only and produces the 3-D strain tensor at every point within every pair of slices. Three-dimensional displacement is calculated from SA slices using zHARP which is then used for calculating the local displacement gradient and thus the local strain tensor. There are three main advantages of this method. First, the 3-D strain tensor is calculated for every pixel without interpolation; this is unprecedented in cardiac MR imaging. Second, this method is fast, in part because there is no need to acquire long-axis (LA) slices. Third, the method is accurate because the 3-D displacement components are acquired simultaneously and therefore reduces motion artifacts without the need for registration. This article presents the theory of computing 3-D strain from two slices using zHARP, the imaging protocol, and both phantom and in-vivo validation.
We clarify some issues related to the evaluation of the mean value of the energy-momentum tensor for quantum scalar fields coupled to the dilaton field in two-dimensional gravity. Because of this coupling, the energy-momentum tensor for matter is not conserved and therefore it is not determined by the trace anomaly. We discuss different approximations for the calculation of the energy-momentum tensor and show how to obtain the correct amount of Hawking radiation. We also compute cosmological particle creation and quantum corrections to the Newtonian potential.
Background: The rate of recovery from the vegetative state (VS) is low. Currently, little is known of the mechanisms and cerebral changes that accompany those relatively rare cases of good recovery. Here, we combined functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to study the evolution of one VS patient at one month post-ictus and again twelve months later when he had recovered consciousness. Methods fMRI was used to investigate cortical responses to passive language stimulation as well as task-induced deactivations related to the default-mode network. DTI was used to assess the integrity of the global white matter and the arcuate fasciculus. We also performed a neuropsychological assessment at the time of the second MRI examination in order to characterize the profile of cognitive deficits. Results: fMRI analysis revealed anatomically appropriate activation to speech in both the first and the second scans but a reduced pattern of task-induced deactivations in the first scan. In the second scan, following the recovery of consciousness, this pattern became more similar to that classically described for the default-mode network. DTI analysis revealed relative preservation of the arcuate fasciculus and of the global normal-appearing white matter at both time points. The neuropsychological assessment revealed recovery of receptive linguistic functioning by 12-months post-ictus. Conclusions: These results suggest that the combination of different structural and functional imaging modalities may provide a powerful means for assessing the mechanisms involved in the recovery from the VS.
Background: The rate of recovery from the vegetative state (VS) is low. Currently, little is known of the mechanisms and cerebral changes that accompany those relatively rare cases of good recovery. Here, we combined functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to study the evolution of one VS patient at one month post-ictus and again twelve months later when he had recovered consciousness. Methods fMRI was used to investigate cortical responses to passive language stimulation as well as task-induced deactivations related to the default-mode network. DTI was used to assess the integrity of the global white matter and the arcuate fasciculus. We also performed a neuropsychological assessment at the time of the second MRI examination in order to characterize the profile of cognitive deficits. Results: fMRI analysis revealed anatomically appropriate activation to speech in both the first and the second scans but a reduced pattern of task-induced deactivations in the first scan. In the second scan, following the recovery of consciousness, this pattern became more similar to that classically described for the default-mode network. DTI analysis revealed relative preservation of the arcuate fasciculus and of the global normal-appearing white matter at both time points. The neuropsychological assessment revealed recovery of receptive linguistic functioning by 12-months post-ictus. Conclusions: These results suggest that the combination of different structural and functional imaging modalities may provide a powerful means for assessing the mechanisms involved in the recovery from the VS.
Background: The rate of recovery from the vegetative state (VS) is low. Currently, little is known of the mechanisms and cerebral changes that accompany those relatively rare cases of good recovery. Here, we combined functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to study the evolution of one VS patient at one month post-ictus and again twelve months later when he had recovered consciousness. Methods fMRI was used to investigate cortical responses to passive language stimulation as well as task-induced deactivations related to the default-mode network. DTI was used to assess the integrity of the global white matter and the arcuate fasciculus. We also performed a neuropsychological assessment at the time of the second MRI examination in order to characterize the profile of cognitive deficits. Results: fMRI analysis revealed anatomically appropriate activation to speech in both the first and the second scans but a reduced pattern of task-induced deactivations in the first scan. In the second scan, following the recovery of consciousness, this pattern became more similar to that classically described for the default-mode network. DTI analysis revealed relative preservation of the arcuate fasciculus and of the global normal-appearing white matter at both time points. The neuropsychological assessment revealed recovery of receptive linguistic functioning by 12-months post-ictus. Conclusions: These results suggest that the combination of different structural and functional imaging modalities may provide a powerful means for assessing the mechanisms involved in the recovery from the VS.
OBJETIVO: Propõe-se avaliar o papel do tensor de difusão na avaliação dos diferentes padrões de acometimento da substância branca em pacientes com tumores cerebrais e a utilidade desta técnica no diagnóstico diferencial dessas neoplasias. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Quarenta e quatro pacientes com tumores cerebrais, incluindo gliomas de baixo grau, astrocitomas anaplásicos, glioblastomas multiformes e metástases, foram estudados com imagens de ressonância magnética convencional e tensor de difusão. Os tratos de substância branca próximos aos tumores foram caracterizados como deslocados, interrompidos, infiltrados e edematosos. RESULTADOS: Houve significativa sobreposição entre os padrões de acometimento da substância branca pelo tensor de difusão, uma vez que o padrão deslocado foi observado em todos os tipos de tumor. Os padrões interrompido e infiltrado foram encontrados em glioblastomas multiformes e astrocitomas anaplásicos e o padrão edematoso foi observado em metástases. CONCLUSÃO: Os padrões de envolvimento dos tratos de substância branca cerebral avaliados pelo tensor de difusão auxiliam no mapeamento dos tratos adjacentes aos tumores e fornecem informações importantes sobre a extensão do tumor, no entanto, eles não possibilitam fazer a distinção entre gliomas de baixo e alto graus e metástases
Objetivo: Avaliar a correlação dos parâmetros do tensor de difusão com o escore de Loes e se os parâmetros do tensor de difusão poderiam indicar alterações estruturais precoces. Materiais e Métodos: As medidas do tensor de difusão foram obtidas em 30 exames de 14 pacientes com adrenoleucodistrofia ligada ao X e foram correlacionadas com o escore de Loes. Um grupo controle de 28 pacientes masculinos foi avaliado para estabelecer medidas do tensor de difusão pareadas por idade. Análises estatísticas intra e interobservador foram feitas. Resultados: As medidas do tensor de difusão apresentam forte correlação com o escore de Loes segundo o coeficiente de Pearson (r), com valores de –0,86, 0,89, 0,89 e 0,84 para a fração de anisotropia e difusibilidades média, radial e axial (p < 0,01). A análise da mudança nas medidas do tensor de difusão no estágio inicial da doença indica que os valores de difusibilidades média e radial podem ajudar a predizer a progressão da doença. Conclusão: As medidas de parâmetros do tensor de difusão poderiam ser usadas como um adjunto ao escore de Loes, auxiliando no monitoramento da doença e alertando uma possível progressão do escore de Loes na faixa de interesse para decisões terapêuticas.
OBJETIVO: Relatar a experiência com a utilização do retalho musculocutâneo do tensor da fáscia lata (TFL em diferentes situações clínicas, evidenciando suas diversas aplicações, analisando e discutindo as indicações, resultados e complicações. MÉTODO: Entre janeiro de 2003 e dezembro de 2005 dezessete retalhos miocutâneos do TFL foram realizados para cobertura cutânea em uma variedade de defeitos em quinze pacientes.Durante o ato operatório a equipe optou pelo posicionamento do paciente em decúbito lateral em oposição ao lado da lesão a ser reparada. RESULTADOS: Houve sucesso com cobertura cutânea adequada em todos os casos. Em quatro destes ocorreu necessidade de enxerto de pele parcial na área doadora. Em dois casos houve isquemia distal do retalho e em um aconteceu pequena deiscência de sutura em zona doadora. CONCLUSÃO: O retalho miocutâneo do tensor da fáscia lata, portanto, possibilita uma excelente cobertura cutânea para tratamento de defeitos em diversos segmentos anatômicos com pouca morbidade em área doadora.