176 resultados para TCM


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Neisseria meningitidis é uma das principais causas de meningite bacteriana e septicemia em todo o mundo, acometendo principalmente crianças menores de 4 anos. Atualmente, não existe uma vacina universal contra o meningococo B (MenB). A imunidade protetora contra o meningococo caracteriza-se pela presença e persistência de anticorpos bactericidas, porém pouco se sabe sobre os mecanismos de desenvolvimento desta memória sorológica. Avaliamos em modelo animal e em humanos, a geração e manutenção das células secretoras de anticorpos (ASC) e dos linfócitos B de memória (LBm) após vacinação contra MenB. Utilizamos como referência a vacina diftérica (dT ou DTP), considerada ter ótima eficácia em humanos. Para o estudo em modelo animal, grupos de 6 a 8 camundongos suíços, fêmeas, de 5 a 6 semanas, foram imunizados com 3 doses da vacina VA-MENGOC-BC ou DTP, via intramuscular, com intervalo de 2 semanas entre as doses. Aproximadamente 2, 4 ou 6 meses após a última dose, os animais receberam a dose reforço. A vacina anti-MenB induziu uma resposta primária de ASC maior que a resposta à dose reforço. Ao contrário, a resposta de ASC à vacina dT foi maior após o booster. A resposta de LBm anti-MenB permaneceu constante (média de 1%) ao longo de todo o estudo, mas a resposta ao toxóide diftérico (TD) foi maior após o booster (média de 1,9%) que após a imunização primária. A concentração de IgG, anticorpos bactericidas e opsonizantes contra MenB foi dose-dependente e foi reativada após a administração das doses reforços. Esses resultados sugerem que os LBm presentes no baço foram responsáveis pela forte resposta de anticorpos observada após a dose reforço. Para o TD, ambos ASC e LBm foram importantes na manutenção da memória sorológica. Para o estudo em humanos, seis voluntários foram imunizados com 3 doses da vacina VA-MENGOC-BC, via intramuscular, com intervalo de 6 a 7 semanas entre as doses. Seis meses após a imunização primária, os indivíduos receberam uma dose reforço. Outro grupo de voluntários (n = 5) foi imunizado com uma dose reforço da vacina dT. Somente após a terceira dose da vacina anti-MenB foi possível detectar a presença de LBm em todos os indivíduos. Seis meses após a imunização primária, a frequência de LBm voltou ao seu nível basal e não foi reativada após a dose booster. A vacina dT também induziu uma resposta de LBm heterogênea, mas esta foi 5 vezes maior que a induzida por VA-MENGOC-BC. A resposta de anticorpos funcionais anti-MenB foi de curta duração com pequena reativação após a dose reforço. As duas vacinas induziram diferentes frequências de LT de memória central (TCM) e de memória efetora (TEM) após a vacinação primária e após o booster. A resposta à dose booster foi caracterizada pelo aumento da população de linfócitos TCM e diminuição de TEM. A população de linfócitos TCM apresentou maior ativação (CD69+) que os linfócitos TEM, especialmente após a vacinação contra MenB. Concluindo, os dados desta tese indicam que a administração de 3 doses da vacina VA-MENGOC-BC teve uma eficiência limitada em humanos e sugerem que a baixa eficácia da vacina, quando utilizada na década de 90 em São Paulo e no Rio de Janeiro, pode estar relacionada à deficiência na geração e manutenção de LBm específicos.


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分析了RS(Reed-Solomon)纠错码和网格编码调制(Trellis Coded Modulation,TCM)技术在光脉冲位置调制通信中的应用.在此基础上,提出了以RS码作为外码,以网格编码调制技术作为内码,用于光脉冲位置调制通信的新编码方案,能以几乎不减少通信速率的优势,提高传统RS码系统在时变带限光信道中的通信性能.模拟研究了在不同空间光信道条件下,传统RS码的符号正确传输率和误码率,并对网格编码调制的编码增益、RS码与网格编码调制级联时的编码增益进行了仿真研究,证实了本方案的有效性.


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A doença meningocócica (DM) é, ainda hoje, um sério problema de saúde pública, estando associada a elevadas taxas de morbidade e letalidade no mundo. A DM evoca proteção imunológica persistente contra a doença em pessoas com sistema imunológico normal. Em contraste, a proteção induzida por vacinas meningocócicas sempre requer a administração de doses reforço (booster) da vacina. No Brasil, Neisseria meningitidis dos sorogrupos C (MenC) e B (MenB) são as principais causas de DM durante os últimos anos. Atualmente, não existe uma vacina universal contra o meningococo B (MenB). A infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV) tem sido apontada como um fator de risco para a mortalidade da DM. Um dos pilares do tratamento do HIV é a utilização de vacinas para doenças imuno-preveníveis. A vacina conjugada anti-MenC é frequentemente recomendada para crianças e adolescentes infectados pelo HIV no Brasil e em muitos outros países. Poucos estudos têm abordado os mecanismos pelos quais as vacinas meningocócicas geram e sustentam a memória imunológica. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: 1) avaliar a resposta de anticorpos bactericidas e de linfócito T (LT) CD4 de memória contra o meningococo após a infecção; 2) avaliar a resposta de anticorpos bactericidas e de LT CD4 de memória e linfócito B de memória (LBm) contra o meningococo após o booster da vacina cubana VA-MENGOC-BC em voluntários imunizados há aproximadamente 17 anos; 3) investigar a resposta de anticorpos funcionais (bactericidas e opsonizantes) após imunização com a vacina conjugada anti-MenC (CRM197) em indivíduos infectados pelo vírus HIV. Após a infecção, 83% dos pacientes diagnosticados como tendo DM pelo teste de látex e/ou cultura tiveram títulos de anticorpos bactericidas protetores, mas não houve uma associação entre os títulos de anticorpos bactericidas e a concentração de imunoglobulina total específica. Houve aumento na frequência de linfócitos T de memória central (TCM) (mediana de 15%) ativados, principalmente após estímulo com a cepa MenC. Nos voluntários pré-vacinados, 3 de 5 indivíduos soroconverteram 7 ou 14 dias após a administração da dose booster. Houve um aumento importante da população TCM 14 dias após o booster, mas sem ativação celular diferenciada dos grupos controles. Observamos resposta positiva de LBm na maioria dos voluntários, mas sem correlação com os anticorpos bactericidas. Em relação aos pacientes HIV positivos, os resultados mostraram a necessidade de uma segunda dose da vacina, já que apenas 15% soroconverteram a uma única dose e a segunda dose resultou em soroconversão de cerca de 55% dos indivíduos. Observamos correlação positiva (r= 0,43) e significativa (P= 0,0007) entre os anticorpos opsonizantes e bactericidas após a vacinação. Não observamos diferenças significativas quando relacionamos os títulos de anticorpos bactericidas com o número absoluto de LT CD4 P= 0,051) e LT CD4 nadir (P= 0,09) entre os pacientes que soroconverteram (n= 43) ou não soroconverteram (n= 106) após a primeira dose. Desta forma, os resultados desta tese indicaram que: 1) os pacientes convalescentes da DM adquirem anticorpos bactericidas após infecção por N. meningitidis; 2) nos voluntários vacinados, a dose booster da vacina anti-MenB não foi plenamente eficaz em ativar a memória imunológica através da produção de anticorpos bactericidas ou ativação de LTm; 3) os pacientes HIV positivos necessitam de uma dose booster da vacina conjugada anti-MenC.


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本文对山旺中新世孢粉植物群进行了详细的研究。在22,95米厚的山旺硅藻土剖面上系统地采集了130块孢粉样品,样品之间的采样距离为10-30厘米。鉴定出孢粉类型111种。以此为基础,对山旺碰藻土沉积期间的古气候和古生态进行了高分辨率定量的恢复和重建。 根据每种孢粉类型的生物地层信息,山旺中新世孢粉植物群形成的时代为中中新世。这个年龄值也与同位素测年的结果16.78-14.11 Ma,以及根据哺乳动物划分的生物地层带MN4-MN5相一致。 运用共存分析法定量重建了山旺中新世孢粉植物群形成时的各项气候参数的定量值。所包括的10个古气候参数值分别为: 年平均温度(MAT) 15.6-17.2ºC,最冷月平均温度(TCM)5.0-6.6 0 C,最热月平均温度(TWM) 24.6-27.8 ºC,温度的年较差( TD) 20. 0-25.5 0 C,年平均降雨量(MAP) 1162-1308mm,最热月份的平均降雨量( PwarmM)108-lllmm,最湿月份的平均降雨量(PwetM) 148-180mm,最干月份的平均降雨量(PDM) 16-59mm,最干及最 湿月份降雨量的差值(DP) 81-153mm,平均相对湿度(RH) 72-74%,共存分析的结果表明,在整个22.95米厚的研究剖面上,从底部到顶部的古植物群形成期间的古气候有一个轻微的波动,其中年平均温度的波动范围大约在3度左右,最热月平均温度的波动范围在l度左右, 最冷月平均温度的波动范围在4度左右, 年平均降雨量的波动范围在100毫米左右。 山旺中新世时的气候应属于Koppen's的“Cfa”气候类型,与现今武汉与芜湖地区的气候相似。 与现代山旺地区气候上的区别主要在于年平均降雨量、降雨量的分配,以及最冷月份的平均温度。 通过应用多元分析的方法,对山旺中新世时期的植被进行了重建。山旺中新世时期的古植被为“混交中生林”,在研究剖面从底部到顶部的时间轴上,“混交中生林”经历了“湿润环境下的混交中生林”,“干旱环境下的混交中生林”,“湿润湖岸环境下的混交中生林”,“山地、湿润及碱性环境下的混交中生林”,和“碱性环境下的混交中生林”等5个阶段的变化。山旺剖面所代表的山旺湖周围的地形在断裂构造运动的控制下,也经历了一系列的变化。


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A new class of 16-ary Amplitude Phase Shift Keying (APSK) coded modulations deemed double-ring PSK modulations best suited for (satellite) nonlinear channels is proposed. Constellation parameters optimization has been based on geometric and information-theoretic considerations. Furthermore, pre- and post-compensation techniques to reduce the nonlinearity impact have been examined. Digital timing clock and carrier phase have been derived and analyzed for a Turbo coded version of the same new modulation scheme. Finally, the performance of state-of the art Turbo coded modulation for this new 16-ary digital modulation has been investigated and compared to the known TCM schemes. It is shown that for the same coding scheme, double-ring APSK modulation outperforms classical 16-QAM and 16-PSK over a typical satellite nonlinear channel due to its intrinsic robustness against the High Power Amplifier (HPA) nonlinear characteristics. The new modulation is shown to be power- and spectrally-efficient, with interesting applications to satellite communications. © 2002 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.


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目的:用数据挖掘的方法分析慢性阻塞性肺病病变过程中中医五脏的传变规律及其相互影响关系。方法:建立慢性阻塞性肺病病例数据库,将数据库中的数据预处理转换,并导出到W eka的格式(.arff),然后利用W eka进行相关的数据挖掘分析。结果:在慢性阻塞性肺病的病变过程中,初起病位在肺,逐步转变为肺脾肾、肺脾心同病,后期肺脾心肝肾五脏俱损,且中焦脾土是其传变的关键。结论:应用数据挖掘的方法分析疾病病变过程中五脏的传变关系及其相互影响关系具有一定的应用前景。


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自然保护区普遍面临着周边人口密度高、资金短缺等问题。生态旅游被普遍认为是能为保护区筹措资金、促进当地社区经济发展、可以替代消耗性自然资源利用方式的一种发展模式。从1982年开始,生态旅游概念在中国的自然保护区得到广泛接受,目前已有80%以上的自然保护区都在开展生态旅游活动。然而,世界范围内的研究结果表明,生态旅游成功的案例比较少见。因此,在自然保护区开展生态旅游的策略是值得深入探讨的。本研究以长白山为对象,从经济潜力、社会效益及环境影响方面探讨了生态旅游的发展现状和存在的问题,并提出了相应的解决方法。这对于进一步系统地评价生态旅游现状、制定全国性的生态旅游法律法规以及自然保护区的管理策略都具有重要意义。 (1)本文通过TCM方法计算的长白山年旅游经济价值达到8.1亿元/年,比1996年薛达元的计算结果多7亿元/年,为长白山的保护提供了重要依据。但是值得指出的是,这并不意味着长白山每年可以获得8亿的经营收入,因为就其评估价值组成来看,消费者剩余占总资产的32%,其余的才是实际发生部分,是客观存在的。就其组成来看,实际发生的部分主要发生在省外,只有1/5的经济活动发生在长白山区。 (2)当物种保护和当地人的生计没有产生联系的时候,保护是很难成功的。调查发现,60.4 %有土地的农民以及81.9 %没有土地的农民对于长白山的保护是持反对态度的,主要原因是收入减少和野生动物侵害造成损失的影响。因此,50%有农田的家庭和75.2%没有农田的家庭依然继续依靠采集山货维持生活,这是长白山保护最大的威胁。当地人没有融入生态旅游产业主要原因在于:1)当地人有限的经济和教育限制了他们从旅游业获利的可能;2)旅游者停留时间短,表现为一日游的观光形式,使当地人难以获利;3)相关的政策规定没有让当地人直接获得部分的旅游收益。 (3)长白山旅游对环境的影响主要体现在:1)基本建设导致环境破坏;2)对环境质量的负面影响;3)对植被的破坏和负面影响;4)对环境美学视觉影响。可行的管理措施包括:1)认识自然旅游与生态旅游的本质区别,根据现有条件,深度开发生态旅游产品,倡导“在人为改变过的地方开展生态旅游”,减轻资源的旅游压力;2)组合开发旅游资源,尽量缩小保护区内的旅游面积,在保护区内开展线状的旅游;3)考虑更为细致的分区模式4)发展“区内游览、区外服务”格局;5)配备合格的管理人员,进行系统监测。 依据上述结果,本研究认为,在高密度人口压力条件下,我国的生态旅游能力被高估了。因此,为了最大限度发挥生态旅游应有的功能,在国家层面上需要制定关于自然资源利用效益分配机制的法律法规;在自然保护区生态旅游经营管理中需要体现社区参与;需要深度开发生态旅游产品,改变单一的观光模式。 关键词:生态旅游,长白山,TCM,社区发展,自然环境影响


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何首乌为常用中药,由何首乌及含何首乌的中成药制剂所引起的不良反应也时见报道,科学阐明不良反应的物质基础并提出解决方案对何首乌的使用十分重要。本论文研究了何首乌炮制前后KM小鼠肝脏毒性基因表达谱、生物活性及化学成分的变化。所获结果支持何首乌炮制的目的是减毒、改性(改变药效),何首乌生、熟异治的观点。制首乌对抑郁症的效果显著优于生首乌,这与本草所记载的何首乌炮制后补肝肾、益精血,归肝、肾经一致。 主要结果如下: 1、 生、制首乌的毒理基因芯片研究结果 何首乌的不良反应主要表现在肝损害方面。本研究建立了生何首乌和制何首乌不同剂量的肝毒性作用模型,体重指标统计发现生何首乌各剂量组平均体重显著下降,中剂量组(10 g/kg.d)体重下降20 %,高剂量组(20 g/kg.d)体重下降42%,50%动物死亡,提示动物机体能量代谢障碍;基因芯片研究结果表明何首乌是CYP450的抑制剂,生何首乌相对于制何首乌CYP3A4、CYP4A5显著下调,导致毒性成分在体内的吸收增加,服用大剂量的生何首乌后产生明显的肝毒性;主要对以下六条Pathway产生影响:①PPAR signaling pathway,主要毒性靶基因有RXRB CYP7a1、Acadl、Apoa2、Cyp4a、 FABP2 、MAPKKK5等基因。②Calcium signaling pathway,主要毒性靶基因有CAMK2B、CACNA1F、S100A1、 F2R、Ryr1、Slc8a2、Camk4 ③Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction,主要毒性靶基因有Chrm4、 Ntsr2 、 GABRR1、 GRIK3、F2R等基因。④Wnt signaling pathway,主要毒性靶基因有Daam2、Rac1 等基因。⑤Complement and coagulation cascades,主要毒性靶基因有F2R、Serpina1b、Cfi 、FGA等基因。⑥Oxidative hosphorylation,主要毒性靶基因有Atp5e、NDUFA1等基因。生何首乌毒性明显强于制首乌,且生何首乌水煎液的毒性大于生何乌首丙酮提取物的毒性,这一结果表明,何首乌主要的毒性成分很可能并不仅仅是传统所认为的以大黄素为代表的蒽醌类化合物,而是何首乌中大量存在的有效组分二苯乙烯苷与大黄素相互作用的结果,这一研究结果与前述的何首乌对肝药酶的影响是一致的。后续生、制首乌的化学成分差异研究表明,炮制后二苯乙烯苷含量明显降低:生首乌为5.512 %、清蒸制首乌为3.811 %、豆制首乌为3.538 %,大黄素的含量炮制后显著升高,生首乌为0.094 %、清蒸制首乌为0.119 %、豆制首乌为0.126 %。 2 生、制首乌药效差异研究结果 本文采用慢性中等强度不可预知应激刺激模型(chronic unpredictable mild stress, CUMS)和动物行为绝望实验法,研究生、制首乌抗抑郁活性的差异,制首乌(5 g/kg.d)与模型组相比有显著差异(P< 0.01),生首乌制首乌(5g/kg.d)与模型组相比无显著差异,这一结果表明制首乌抗抑郁活性显著优于生首乌。 本文比较了生、制首乌对四氧嘧啶糖尿病模型小鼠血糖的影响的差异,生首乌(5 g/kg.d)与模型组相比有显著差异(P< 0.01),制首乌(5 g/kg.d)与模型组相比无显著差异,这一结果表明生首乌降糖活性优于制首乌。这一结果与历代中医古书中生首乌治疗消渴症(糖尿病)的记载一致。 3生、制首乌化学成分差异的研究结果 本文选用HPLC-DAD指纹图谱技术结合药效成分含量测定来研究生、制首乌化学成分的差异。炮制后,何首乌中的主要化学成分并未消失,只是其含量发生了改变。炮制后二苯乙烯苷含量明显降低:生首乌为5.512 %、清蒸制首乌为3.811 %、豆制首乌为3.538 %,大黄素的含量炮制后显著升高,生首乌为0.094 %、清蒸制首乌为0.119 %、豆制首乌为0.126 %。 综上所述,炮制前后何首乌中二苯乙烯苷和大黄素含量比的变化可能是何首乌炮制减毒、改性的物质基础。 根据上述结果我们建立了生、制首乌的质量控制新模式。 In recent years, some adverse drug reactions (ADR) about some traditional Chinese medicine were reported at times. As a Chinese medicine most in use, the ADRs of Radix Polygoni multiflori (RPM) and the medicines containing the RPM were also mentioned. The resolution of the problems caused by the ADRs is very important for the use of the RPM as a medicine. The process (or preparation) is a significant feature for the clinical use of the Chinese medicine and an important technology for the safe use and good effect of the Chinese medicine. By processing, the toxicity of the Chinese medicine can be reduced, its properties can be changed and curative effect can be enhanced at the same time. The changes of the gene expression profiles for KM mice hepatotoxic effects, and the change of the biological activity and the chemical composition after being processed of the RPm were studied in the present dissertation. The RPm heatotoxicity mechanism and the toxicity target genes were explained on the gene level for the first time. With the antidepressant activity, and the hypoglycemic effect as the target, the differences on the pharmacodynamics between the processed RPm and unprocessed RPm, for the first time, were investigated. The results obtained show that the antidepressant activity of the processed RPM is far higher than the ones of unprocessed RPm. As we know, the results were reported for the first time. The quality control systems (QCS) for the processed and the unprocessed RPm were founded. The HPLC-DAD was used in the systems founded on the basis of the toxicology and the pharmacodynamics experiments. As we know, the OCSs were reported for the first time. The above-mentioned experimental results confirm that the unique process theory of the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) used for the process of the Radix Polygoni multiflori (RPm) is correct, i.e after being processed the toxicity of the RPm decreases and its Pharmacodynamic effects change. It is known to author that there have been no similar reports in the literatures up to now. The main experimental results are summarized as follows: 1 The results on the mice toxicology gene chip for the unprocessed and processed RPm The KM mice hepatotoxic model caused by the RPm at the different dosages was established in the present study. The results obtained show that the mouse average body weight obviously decreased in the groups at the different dosages of the unprocessed RPm: the 10 g/kg.d .group decreased 20%; 20 g/kg.d. group decreased 42%, and 50% mice died at 20 g/kg.d. group. The main experimental results on the mice toxicology gene chip The RPm is the CYP450 inhibitor. As compared with the processd RPm, the CYP3A4, CYP4A5 of the unprocessed RPm demonstrate the marked downregulation, which leads to the increase of the poison absorbtion into the body with the result that the unprocessed RPm yields the marked hepatotoxication. The hepatotoxication was produced because the following 6 pathways were affected: ①PPAR signaling pathway, the chief toxicity target genes are RXRB, CYP7a1, Acadl, Apoa2, Cyp4a, FABP2 and MAPKKK5 etc. ②Calcium signaling pathway, the chief toxicity target genes are CAMK2B, CACNA1F, S100A1, F2R, Ryr1,Slc8a2 and Camk4 etc. ③Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, the chief toxicity target genes are Chrm4, Ntsr2, GABRR1, GRIK3 and F2R etc. ④Wnt signaling pathway, the chief toxicity target genes are Daam2, Rac1 etc. ⑤Complement and coagulation cascades, the chief toxicity target genes are F2R, Serpina1b, Cfi and FGA etc. ⑥Oxidative phosphorylation, the chief toxicity target genes are Atp5e, NDUFA1 etc. The above experimental results, for the first time , demonstrate on the gene level that the unprocessed Rpm toxicity is far stronger than the processed RPm one, and the toxicity of the water decoction of the unprocessed RPm is greater than the one of its acetone extracts, which shows that the chief toxicity components of the RPm are probably not only the anthraquinones, for example, the emodin, but the complex compounds produced by the interaction between the emondin and the stilbene glucoside which is the largest component of the unprocessed RPm. The result is accordance with the above effect of the RPm on the hepatic drugenzyme. Aftter being processed, in fact, the content of the stibene glucoside in the RPm markedly decreases. 2. The results on the pharmacodynamic differences between the unprocessed and processed RPm The results obtained show that the effects of processing on RPm pharmacodynamic behaviour received in the Chinese Material Medica are correct. It is known to author that this is the first experimental result in the research materials now available. The chief results are as follows: For the treatment of the antidepressant, the curative effect of the processed RPm is far better than the one of the unprocessed RPm. By contrast with the above results, the hypoblycemic effect of the unprocessed RPm is better than the one of the processed RPm. 3. The results on the Chemical Composition The results obtained by using HPLC-DAD fingerprint and by the determination of effective component content show that the main chemical components in the RPm after being processed do not disappear, but their contents change. The contents of the stilbene glucoside (SG) and emodin in the different samples were determined as follows: SG contents 5.512 % for the unprocessed RPm 3.811 % for the processed RPm (Steamed) 3.588 % for the processed RPm (black soybean) Emodin contents 0.094 % for the unprocessed RPm 0.119 % for the processed RPm (Steamed) 0.126 % for the processed RPm (black soybean) The combination of above experimental results on the toxicity, the pharmacodynamics and the chemical composition indicates that the changes of the content ratio of SG/emodin may be the substance base of the toxicity decrease and pharmacodynamic changes of the RPM by the processing.


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川牛膝多糖(CP)是从传统中药川牛膝(Cyathula officinalis Kuan)中提取的一种活性多糖,现代药理研究表明川牛膝多糖是川牛膝许多生物活性的物质基础。本实验室前期进行了川牛膝多糖的提取、分离、结构鉴定及其部分活性研究,发现川牛膝中多糖含量非常高,在对川牛膝多糖活性的初步研究中也证实了其具有免疫调节作用。我们为了进一步了解其免疫调节活性,并为构效关系的研究奠定基础,对其进行了如下研究: 1. 通过体外毒性检测、淋巴细胞增殖实验、NK细胞杀伤活性和腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬中性红活性测定,发现川牛膝多糖在10~300μg/mL浓度范围内,对细胞无毒性作用;能够促进LPS诱导的B淋巴细胞增殖(P<0.01)、增强NK细胞杀伤活性(P<0.05)和PMΦ吞噬中性红活性(P<0.01),且随多糖浓度增高而增强;但其对ConA诱导的T淋巴细胞的增殖无促进作用(P>0.05)。 2. 通过正常小鼠体内淋巴细胞转化实验、迟发型变态反应分析、抗体生成细胞检测、碳粒廓清检测、腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬鸡红细胞活性和NK细胞活性测定,发现川牛膝多糖在适应性免疫方面能够促进SRBC免疫小鼠体内的抗体生成细胞的生成(P<0.01)和增强DNFB诱导的DTH(P<0.05),但对ConA诱导的脾淋巴细胞增殖无促进作用(P>0.05);在固有免疫方面能够提高小鼠碳粒廓清速率(P<0.05),PMΦ吞噬 CRBC 活性(P<0.01)和NK细胞杀伤活性(P<0.05)。同时还发现其对由环磷酰胺(Cy)引起的白细胞数下降具有很好的抑制作用(P<0.01)。 3. 为了获得结构明确、均一的保留活性的川牛膝多糖片段,为其作用机制、构效关系研究提供关键研究材料,我们开展了“保留免疫活性的最小片段”的分离制备的初步研究。建立并优化了川牛膝多糖的酸水解条件,发现在6%的样品浓度,0.025mol/L的硫酸浓度,65℃的水解温度,水解时间为8min的条件下可以得到一系列连续的多糖片段;采用Bio-Gel P2 分子筛柱层析分离得到5个级分,通过体外淋巴细胞增殖实验、NK细胞活性测定、腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬中性红实验发现其中的一个片段仍保留较强的免疫活性,并测得其分子量约为2057Da,为保留免疫活性的最小片段的进一步分离奠定了基础。 Cyathula officinalis Kuan is a commonly-used Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with a wide range of pharmacological activities. Modern pharmacological researches showed the polysaccharide extracted from it (CP) is an important component for many bioactivities of this TCM. In the previous studies, we found CP showed significant immuno-regulative activities. In order to evaluate this activity systematically and lay foundations for revealling its immuno-regulative machanisms and the Structure -Function relationship, we carried out the following research works: 1. The in vitro immunoactivities of CP were evaluated by using normal mice immunocytes with respects to cytotoxicity, lymphocytes proliferation, NK activity and the ability of peritoneal macrophage phagocytizing neutral red. The polysaccharide showed no cytotoxicity below the concentration of 300 μg/mL, and could promote B lymphocytes proliferation (P<0.01), enhance NK activity (P<0.05) and the ability of peritoneal macrophage phagocytizing neutral red (P<0.01) at the concentration of 10-300 μg/mL. The above effects were positively correlated with the concentration of the polysaccharides. But it could not promote T lymphocytes proliferation (P>0.05). 2. The in vivo immunoactivities of CP were observed on normal mice through the following indices: splenic lymphocyte transformation efficiency, delayed-type allergy, antibody-forming cells activity (AFC), rate of carbon clearance, rate of peritoneal macrophage phagocytizing chicken red blood cell (CRBC) and NK activity, and its influence on the decline of the mouse leucocyte count induced by Cy. The polysaccharide at medium-dose enhanced delayed-type allergy (P<0.05)and NK activity(P<0.05) and increased the rate of carbon clearance(P<0.05), AFC activity(P<0.01) and the rate of peritoneal macrophage phagocytizing CRBC(P<0.01). The polysaccharides also effectively resisted the decline of the mouse leucocyte count induced by Cy(P<0.01). However, it couldn’t increase the splenic lymphocyte transformation efficiency(P>0.05). 3. Attempting to isolate and prepare the minimal fragments retaining activity with identical structure for further studying on immuno-regulative mechanism and Structure-Function relationship, we carried out the study on hydrolysis of CP, isolation of hydrolysed fragments, and the activity evaluation of the isolated fragments. CP with concentration of 6% was hydrolysed at 65℃ for 8 min with sulfuric acid of 0.025 mol/L,then the hydrolysate was separated using Bio-Gel P2 chromatography, 5 portions of fragments were obtained. The immunoactivities of these fragments were evaluated by using normal mice immunocytes with respect to lymphocytes proliferation, NK activity and ability of peritoneal macrophage phagocytizing neutral red. One fragment with relative molecular mass of 2057Da was found retaining immunoactivity.


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A comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatographic separation system based on the combination of a CN column and an ODS column is developed for the separation of components in a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) Rhizoma chuanxiong. Two columns are coupled by a two-position, eight-port valve equipped with two storage loops and controlled by a computer. The effluent is detected by both the diode array detector and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) mass spectrometer. More than 52 components in the methanol extract of R. chuanxiong were resolved and 11 of them were preliminary identified according to their UV and mass spectra. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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