974 resultados para Switched-beam Array Antenna


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This paper describes a spatial beamformer which by using a rectangular array antenna steers a beam in azimuth over a wide frequency band without frequency filters or tap-delay networks. The weighting coefficients are real numbers which can be realized by attenuators or amplifiers. A prototype including a 4 x 4 array of square planar monopoles and a feeding network composed of attenuators, power divider/combiners and a rat-race hybrid is developed to test the validity of this wide-band beamforming concept. The experimental results prove the validity of this wide-band spatial beamformer for small size arrays.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Many applications in cosmology and astrophysics at millimeter wavelengths including CMB polarization, studies of galaxy clusters using the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect (SZE), and studies of star formation at high redshift and in our local universe and our galaxy, require large-format arrays of millimeter-wave detectors. Feedhorn and phased-array antenna architectures for receiving mm-wave light present numerous advantages for control of systematics, for simultaneous coverage of both polarizations and/or multiple spectral bands, and for preserving the coherent nature of the incoming light. This enables the application of many traditional "RF" structures such as hybrids, switches, and lumped-element or microstrip band-defining filters.

Simultaneously, kinetic inductance detectors (KIDs) using high-resistivity materials like titanium nitride are an attractive sensor option for large-format arrays because they are highly multiplexable and because they can have sensitivities reaching the condition of background-limited detection. A KID is a LC resonator. Its inductance includes the geometric inductance and kinetic inductance of the inductor in the superconducting phase. A photon absorbed by the superconductor breaks a Cooper pair into normal-state electrons and perturbs its kinetic inductance, rendering it a detector of light. The responsivity of KID is given by the fractional frequency shift of the LC resonator per unit optical power.

However, coupling these types of optical reception elements to KIDs is a challenge because of the impedance mismatch between the microstrip transmission line exiting these architectures and the high resistivity of titanium nitride. Mitigating direct absorption of light through free space coupling to the inductor of KID is another challenge. We present a detailed titanium nitride KID design that addresses these challenges. The KID inductor is capacitively coupled to the microstrip in such a way as to form a lossy termination without creating an impedance mismatch. A parallel plate capacitor design mitigates direct absorption, uses hydrogenated amorphous silicon, and yields acceptable noise. We show that the optimized design can yield expected sensitivities very close to the fundamental limit for a long wavelength imager (LWCam) that covers six spectral bands from 90 to 400 GHz for SZE studies.

Excess phase (frequency) noise has been observed in KID and is very likely caused by two-level systems (TLS) in dielectric materials. The TLS hypothesis is supported by the measured dependence of the noise on resonator internal power and temperature. However, there is still a lack of a unified microscopic theory which can quantitatively model the properties of the TLS noise. In this thesis we derive the noise power spectral density due to the coupling of TLS with phonon bath based on an existing model and compare the theoretical predictions about power and temperature dependences with experimental data. We discuss the limitation of such a model and propose the direction for future study.


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This paper provides a review of antennas applied for indoor positioning or localization systems. The desired requirements of those antennas when integrated in anchor nodes (reference nodes) are discussed, according to different localization techniques and their performance. The described antennas will be subdivided into the following sections according to the nature of measurements: received signal strength (RSS), time of flight (ToF), and direction of arrival (DoA). This paper intends to provide a useful guide for antenna designers who are interested in developing suitable antennas for indoor localization systems.


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Radar technologies have been developed to improve the efficiency when detecting targets. Radar is a system composed by several devices connected and working together. Depending on the type of radar, the improvements are focused on different functionalities of the radar. One of the most important devices composing a radar is the antenna, that sends the radio-frequency signal to the space in order to detect targets. This project is focused on a specific type of radar called phased array radar. This type of radar is characterized by its antenna, which consist on a linear array of radiating elements, in this particular case, eight dipoles working at the frequency band S. The main advantage introduced by the phased array antenna is that using the fundamentals of arrays, the directivity of the antenna can change by shifting the phase of the signal at the input of each radiating element. This can be done using phase shifters. Phase shifter consists on a device which produces a phase shift in the radio-frequency input signal depending on a control DC voltage. Using a phased array antenna allows changing the directivity of the antenna without a mechanical rotating system. The objective of this project is to design the feed network and the bias network of the phased antenna. The feed network consists on a parallel-fed network composed by power dividers that sends the radio-frequency signal from the source to each radiating element of the antenna. The bias network consists on a system that generates the control DC voltages supplied to the phase shifters in order to change the directivity. The architecture of the bias network is composed by a software, implemented in Matlab and run in a laptop which is connected to a micro-controller by a serial communication port. The software calculates the control DC voltages needed to obtain a determined directivity or scan angle. These values are sent by the serial communication port to the micro-controller as data. Then the micro-controller generates the desired control DC voltages and supplies them to the phase shifters. In this project two solutions for bias network are designed. Each one is tested and final conclusions are obtained to determine the advantages and disadvantages. Finally a graphic user interface is developed in order to make the system easy to use. RESUMEN. Las tecnologías empleadas por lo dispositivos radar se han ido desarrollando para mejorar su eficiencia y usabilidad. Un radar es un sistema formado por varios subsistemas conectados entre sí. Por lo que dependiendo del tipo de radar las mejoras se centran en los subsistemas correspondientes. Uno de los elementos más importantes de un radar es la antena. Esta se emplea para enviar la señal de radiofrecuencia al espacio y así poder detectar los posibles obstáculos del entorno. Este proyecto se centra en un tipo específico de radar llamado phased array radar. Este tipo de radar se caracteriza por la antena que es un array de antenas, en concreto para este proyecto se trata de un array lineal de ocho dipolos en la banda de frequencia S. El uso de una antena de tipo phased array supone una ventaja importante. Empleando los fundamentos de radiación aplicado a array de antenas se obtiene que la directividad de la antena puede ser modificada. Esto se consigue aplicando distintos desfasajes a la señal de radiofrecuencia que alimenta a cada elemento del array. Para aplicar los desfasajes se emplea un desplazador de fase, este dispositivo aplica una diferencia de fase a su salida con respecto a la señal de entrada dependiendo de una tensión continua de control. Por tanto el empleo de una antena de tipo phased array supone una gran ventaja puesto que no se necesita un sistema de rotación para cambiar la directividad de la antena. El objetivo principal del proyecto consiste en el diseño de la red de alimentación y la red de polarización de la antena de tipo phased array. La red de alimentación consiste en un circuito pasivo que permite alimentar a cada elemento del array con la misma cantidad de señal. Dicha red estará formada por divisores de potencia pasivos y su configuración será en paralelo. Por otro lado la red de polarización consiste en el diseño de un sistema automático que permite cambiar la directividad de la antena. Este sistema consiste en un programa en Matlab que es ejecutado en un ordenador conectado a un micro-controlador mediante una comunicación serie. El funcionamiento se basa en calcular las tensiones continuas de control, que necesitan los desplazadores de fase, mediante un programa en Matlab y enviarlos como datos al micro-controlador. Dicho micro-controlador genera las tensiones de control deseadas y las proporciona a cada desplazador de fase, obteniendo así la directividad deseada. Debido al amplio abanico de posibilidades, se obtienen dos soluciones que son sometidas a pruebas. Se obtienen las ventajas y desventajas de cada una. Finalmente se implementa una interfaz gráfica de usuario con el objetivo de hacer dicho sistema manejable y entendible para cualquier usuario.


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Esta tesis que tiene por título "Contribución a los arrays de antenas activos en banda X", ha sido desarrollada por el estudiante de doctorado Gonzalo Expósito Domínguez, ingeniero de telecomunicación en el Grupo de Radiación del Departamento de Señales, Sistemas y Radiocomunicaciones de la ETSI de Telecomunicación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid bajo la dirección de los doctores Manuel Sierra Castañer y José Manuel Fernández González. Esta tesis contiene un profundo estudio del arte en materia de antenas activas en el campo de apuntamiento electrónico. Este estudio comprende desde los fundamentos de este tipo de antenas, problemas de operación y limitaciones hasta los sistemas actuales más avanzados. En ella se identifican las partes críticas en el diseño y posteriormente se llevan a la práctica con el diseño, simulación y construcción de un subarray de una antena integrada en el fuselaje de un avión para comunicaciones multimedia por satélite que funciona en banda X. El prototipo consta de una red de distribución multihaz de banda ancha y una antena planar. El objetivo de esta tesis es el de aplicar nuevas técnicas al diseño de antenas de apuntamiento electrónico. Es por eso que las contribuciones originales son la aplicación de barreras electromagnéticas entre elementos radiantes para reducir los acoplamientos mutuos en arrays de exploración electrónica y el diseño de redes desfasadoras sencillas en las que no son necesarios complejos desfasadores para antenas multihaz. Hasta la fecha, las barreras electromagnéticas, Electronic Band Gap (EBG), se construyen en sustratos de permitividad alta con el fin de aumentar el espacio disponible entre elementos radiantes y reducir el tamaño de estas estructuras. Sin embargo, la utilización de sustratos de alta permitividad aumenta la propagación por ondas de superficie y con ellas el acoplo mutuo. Utilizando sustratos multicapa y colocando la vía de las estructuras en su borde, en vez de en su centro, se consigue reducir el tamaño sin necesidad de usar sustratos de alta permitividad, reducir la eficiencia de radiación de la antena o aumentar la propagación por ondas de superficie. La última parte de la tesis se dedica a las redes conmutadoras y desfasadoras para antenas multihaz. El diseño de las redes de distribución para antenas son una parte crítica ya que se comportan como un atenuador a la entrada de la cadena receptora, modificando en gran medida la figura de ruido del sistema. Las pérdidas de un desfasador digital varían con el desfase introducido, por ese motivo es necesario caracterizar y calibrar los dispositivos correctamente. Los trabajos presentados en este manuscrito constan de un desfasador reflectivo con un conmutador doble serie paralelo para igualar las pérdidas de inserción en los dos estados y también un conmutador de una entrada y dos salidas cuyos puertos están adaptados en todo momento independientemente del camino del conmutador para evitar las reflexiones y fugas entre redes o elementos radiantes. El tomo finaliza con un resumen de las publicaciones en revistas científicas y ponencias en congresos, nacionales e internacionales, el marco de trabajo en el que se ha desarrollado, las colaboraciones que se han realizado y las líneas de investigación futuras. ABSTRACT This thesis was carried out in the Radiation Group of the Signals, Systems and Radiocomunications department of ETSI de Telecomunicación from Technical University of Madrid. Its title is "Contribution to active array antennas at X band" and it is developed by Gonzalo Expósito Domínguez, Electrical Engineer MsC. under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Manuel Sierra Castañer and Dr. José Manuel Fernández González. This thesis is focused on active antennas, specifically multibeam and electronic steering antenas. In the first part of the thesis a thorough description of the state of the art is presented. This study compiles the fundamentals of this antennas, operation problems and limits, up to the breakthrough applications. The critical design problems are described to use them eventually in the design, simulation and prototyping of an airborne steering array antenna for satellite communication at X band. The main objective of this thesis is to apply new techniques to the design of electronically steering antennas. Therefore the new original contributions are the application of Electromagnetic Band Gap materials (EBG) between radiating elements to reduce the mutual coupling when phase shift between elements exist and phase shifting networks where special characteristics are required. So far, the EBG structures have been constructed with high permitivity substrates in order to increase the available space between radiating elements and reduce the size of the structures. However, the surface wave propagation modes are enhanced and therefore the mutual coupling increases when high permitivity substrates are used. By using multilayered substrates and edge location via, the size is reduced meanwhile low permitivity substrates are used without reducing the radiation efficiency or enhancing the surface propagation modes. The last part of the thesis is focused on the phase shifting distribution networks for multibeam antennas. This is a critical part in the antenna design because the insertion loss in the distribution network behaves as an attenuator located in the first place in a receiver chain. The insertion loss will affect directly to the receiver noise figure and the insertion loss in a phase shifter vary with the phase shift. Therefore the devices must be well characterized and calibrated in order to obtain a properly operation. The work developed in this thesis are a reflective phase shifter with a series-shunt switch in order to make symmetrical the insertion loss for the two states and a complex Single Pole Double Through (SPDT) with matched ports in order to reduce the reflections and leakage between feeding networks and radiating elements. The end of this Ph D. dissertation concludes with a summary of the publications in national and international conferences and scientific journals, the collaborations carried out along the thesis and the future research lines.


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This letter presents an analytical model for evaluating the Bit Error Rate (BER) of a Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (DS-CDMA) system, with M-ary orthogonal modulation and noncoherent detection, employing an array antenna operating in a Nakagami fading environment. An expression of the Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) at the output of the receiver is derived, which allows the BER to be evaluated using a closed form expression. The analytical model is validated by comparing the obtained results with simulation results.


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The design, development, and testing of an X-band 137-element passive reflect away capable of incorporating active devices such as transistor amplifiers is presented. In order to avoid grating lobes in the radiation pattern, the interelement spacing is minimized using dual-feed aperture-coupled patch antenna elements. Far-field radiation pattern results are presented and compared with the predicted radiation patterns. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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The authors have demonstrated an optical fibre grating based delay line which produces time delays in increments as small as 31 ps. The device could provide a true time delay component for a phased array antenna


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The demand for high-speed data services for portable device has become a driving force for development of advanced broadband access technologies. Despite recent advances in broadband wireless technologies, there remain a number of critical issues to be resolved. One of the major concerns is the implementation of compact antennas that can operate in a wide frequency band. Spiral antenna has been used extensively for broadband applications due to its planar structure, wide bandwidth characteristics and circular polarisation. However, the practical implementation of spiral antennas is challenged by its high input characteristic impedance, relatively low gain and the need for balanced feeding structures. Further development of wideband balanced feeding structures for spiral antennas with matching impedance capabilities remain a need. This thesis proposes three wideband feeding systems for spiral antennas which are compatible with wideband array antenna geometries. First, a novel tapered geometry is proposed for a symmetric coplanar waveguide (CPW) to coplanar strip line (CPS) wideband balun. This balun can achieve the unbalanced to balanced transformation while matching the high input impedance of the antenna to a reference impedance of 50 . The discontinuity between CPW and CPS is accommodated by using a radial stub and bond wires. The bandwidth of the balun is improved by appropriately tapering the CPW line instead of using a stepped impedance transformer. Next, the tapered design is applied to an asymmetric CPW to propose a novel asymmetric CPW to CPS wideband balun. The use of asymmetric CPW does away with the discontinuities between CPW and CPS without having to use a radial stub or bond wires. Finally, a tapered microstrip line to parallel striplines balun is proposed. The balun consists of two sections. One section is the parallel striplines which are connected to the antenna, with the impedance of balanced line equal to the antenna input impedance. The other section consists of a microstrip line where the width of the ground plane is gradually reduced to eventually resemble a parallel stripline. The taper accomplishes the mode and impedance transformation. This balun has significantly improved bandwidth characteristics. Characteristics of proposed feeding structures are measured in a back-to-back configuration and compared to simulated results. The simulated and measured results show the tapered microstrip to parallel striplines balun to have more than three octaves of bandwidth. The tapered microstrip line to parallel striplines balun is integrated with a single Archimedean spiral antenna and with an array of spiral antennas. The performance of the integrated structures is simulated with the aid of electromagnetic simulation software, and results are compared to measurements. The back-to-back microstrip to parallel strip balun has a return loss of better than 10 dB over a wide bandwidth from 1.75 to 15 GHz. The performance of the microstrip to parallel strip balun was validated with the spiral antennas. The results show the balun to be an effective mean of feeding network with a low profile and wide bandwidth (2.5 to 15 GHz) for balanced spiral antennas.


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Instrument landing systems (ILS) and the upcoming microwave landing systems (MLS) are (or are planned to be) very important navigational aids at most major airports of the world. However, their performance is directly affected by the features of the site in which they are located. Currently, validation of the ILS performance is through costly and time-consuming experimental methods. This paper outlines a powerful and versatile analytical approach for performing the site evaluation, as an alternative to the experimental methods. The approach combines a multi-plate model for the terrain with a powerful and exhaustive ray-tracing technique and a versatile and accurate formulation for estimating the electromagnetic fields due to the array antenna in the presence of the terrain. It can model the effects of the undulation, the roughness and the impedance (depending on the soil type) of the terrain at the site. The results computed from the analytical method are compared with the actual measurements and good agreement is shown. Considerations for site effects on MLS are also outlined.


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The radiation resistance of off-set series slots has been calculated for microstrip lines using the method proposed by Breithaupt for strip lines. A suitable transformation is made to allow for the difference in structure. Curves relating the slot resistance to the microstrip length, width and off-set distance have been obtained. Microstrip slot antenna arrays are becoming important in applications where size and weight are of significance. The radiation resistance is a very significant parameter is the design of such arrays. Oliner first calculated the radiation conductance of centered series slots in strip transmission lines and that analysis was extended by Breithaupt to the off-set series slots in stripline. The radiation resistance of off-set series slots in microstrip lines is calculated in this paper and data are obtained for different slot lengths, slot widths and off-set values. An example of the use of these data in array antenna design in shown.


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Based on birefringence, a building-block stacking technique is suggested in this paper. A solid-state optical morphological processor module is thus developed, which is an integration of a beam array generator submodule, an optical connector submodule, and a Pockels readout optical modulator. It is shown that the technique is compact in construction, simple for fabrication, and insensitive to the environment.


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O presente trabalho tem por objectivo o estudo de novos dispositivos fotónicos aplicados a sistemas de comunicações por fibra óptica e a sistemas de processamento de sinais RF. Os dispositivos apresentados baseiam-se em processamento de sinal linear e não linear. Dispositivos lineares ópticos tais como o interferómetro de Mach-Zehnder permitem adicionar sinais ópticos com pesos fixos ou sintonizáveis. Desta forma, este dispositivo pode ser usado respectivamente como um filtro óptico em amplitude com duas saídas complementares, ou, como um filtro óptico de resposta de fase sintonizável. O primeiro princípio de operação serve como base para um novo sistema fotónico de medição em tempo real da frequência de um sinal RF. O segundo princípio de operação é explorado num novo sistema fotónico de direccionamento do campo eléctrico radiado por um agregado de antenas, e também num novo compensador sintonizável de dispersão cromática. O processamento de sinal é não linear quando sinais ópticos são atrasados e posteriormente misturados entre si, em vez de serem linearmente adicionados. Este princípio de operação está por detrás da mistura de um sinal eléctrico com um sinal óptico, que por sua vez é a base de um novo sistema fotónico de medição em tempo real da frequência de um sinal RF. A mistura de sinais ópticos em meios não lineares permite uma operação eficiente numa grande largura espectral. Tal operação é usada para realizar conversão de comprimento de onda sintonizável. Um sinal óptico com multiplexagem no domínio temporal de elevada largura de banda é misturado com duas bombas ópticas não moduladas com base em processos não lineares paramétricos num guia de ondas de niobato de lítio com inversão periódica da polarização dos domínios ferroeléctricos. Noutro trabalho, uma bomba pulsada em que cada pulso tem um comprimento de onda sintonizável serve como base a um novo conversor de sinal óptico com multiplexagem no domínio temporal para um sinal óptico com multiplexagem no comprimento de onda. A bomba é misturada com o sinal óptico de entrada através de um processo não linear paramétrico numa fibra óptica com parâmetro não linear elevado. Todos os dispositivos fotónicos de processamento de sinal linear ou não linear propostos são experimentalmente validados. São também modelados teoricamente ou através de simulação, com a excepção dos que envolvem mistura de sinais ópticos. Uma análise qualitativa é suficiente nestes últimos dispositivos.