996 resultados para Swiss cheese.


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Considerando que nos tempos atuais o hábito de fumar atingiu uma parcela significativa das adolescentes brasileiras e apesar de seus conhecidos efeitos deletérios sobre diversos órgãos, pouco se sabe da sua ação sobre os ovários. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da exposição à fumaça de cigarro sobre o ciclo estral e a morfologia ovariana. Para tal, foram utilizados camundongos da linhagem Swiss, cujo estudo teve início com o estudo do perfil das características da maturação sexual. Após o desmame, aos 21 dias de idade, a partir da abertura vaginal, o 1 estro e o início da ciclicidade foram acompanhados através da citologia vaginal. As características do ciclo estral foram determinadas no decorrer de doze semanas. O efeito da exposição à fumaça de cigarro 3R4F utilizou fêmeas Swiss de 35 dias de idade que foram subdivididos em dois grupos expostos à fumaça de cigarro (grupo 15E) e animais controles livres de fumaça (grupo 15C). A exposição ocorreu por 15 dias e ao final deste período, metade dos animais de cada grupo foi sacrificada e ovários direitos foram coletados. A outra metade permaneceu em observação durante 30 dias, sem exposição à fumaça, originando os grupos 45Ex e 45C. A citologia vaginal foi avaliada durante todo o período experimental. Ao final dos 30 dias, sangue e ovários direitos foram coletados. Estes foram pesados e processados por técnica de rotina histológica para análise morfológica. A caracterização dos eventos da puberdade estabeleceu o tempo de abertura vaginal com média de 33,60,24 de idade, o primeiro estro 39,42,58 dias de idade e o início da ciclicidade, com média de 39,51,19 dias de idade, concomitante com o primeiro estro. Além disso, os ciclos estrais apresentaram períodos de cinco dias com freqüência baixa da fase diestro. Com relação à exposição da fumaça de cigarro ocorreu aumento significativo na extensão dos ciclos estrais e uma forte tendência ao aumento de estros nos animais 45Ex, apesar de não ser significativa. O número e o diâmetro de folículos grandes foram maiores no 15E, enquanto o de corpos lúteos foi menor. Em relação ao grupo 45C, o 45Ex não se alterou, porém, mostrou uma discreta redução da massa ovariana, do número de folículos pequenos, do número e do diâmetro dos folículos médios, dos corpos lúteos e aumento de folículos atrésicos. A comparação entre controles, 15C e 45C e expostos, 15E e 45Ex, mostrou uma redução no diâmetro de folículos médios e grandes. O estudo do perfil das características reprodutivas de fêmeas Swiss é indispensável para modelos experimentais em pesquisa que fazem uso desta linhagem. Permitiu verificar que a exposição à fumaça de cigarro promove alteração do ciclo estral, da massa ovariana e antecipa alterações morfológicas tempo dependente que sinaliza a finalização da vida reprodutiva


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In this work, the volatile fraction of unsmoked and smoked Herreno cheese, a type of soft cheese from the Canary Islands, has been characterized for the first time. In order to evaluate if the position in the smokehouse could influence the volatile profile of the smoked variety, cheeses smoked at two different heights were studied. The volatile components were extracted by Solid Phase Microextraction using a divinylbenzene/carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane fiber, followed by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. In total, 228 components were detected. The most numerous groups of components in the unsmoked Herreno cheese were hydrocarbons, followed by terpenes and sesquiterpenes, whereas acids and ketones were the most abundant. It is worth noticing the high number of aldehydes and ketones, and the low number of alcohols and esters in this cheese in relation to others, as well as the presence of some specific unsaturated hydrocarbons, terpenes, sesquiterpenes and nitrogenated derivatives. The smoking process enriches the volatile profile of Herreno cheese with ketones and diketones, methyl esters, aliphatic and aromatic aldehydes, hydrocarbons, terpenes, nitrogenated compounds, and especially with ethers and phenolic derivatives. Among these, methylindanones or certain terpenes like a-terpinolene, have not been detected previously in other types of smoked cheese. Lastly, the results obtained suggest a slightly higher smoking degree in the cheeses smoked at a greater height.


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O excesso ou a privação de nutrientes em períodos específicos do desenvolvimento, tais como a lactação, estimulam alterações no metabolismo celular, por exemplo. Estas modificações perpetuam-se ao longo da vida e em conseqüência tornam o organismo mais suscetível ao aparecimento de patologias na idade adulta (Programação Metabólica). Estudamos a influência da grelina na secreção de insulina em camundongos Swiss de 120 dias submetidos à hiperalimentação na lactação. Para induzir a hiperalimentação as ninhadas foram reduzidas a 3 filhotes machos por lactante no 3o dia de vida pós-natal. As ninhadas controle foram ajustadas para 9 filhotes machos por lactante. Na idade adulta os animais hiperalimentados (AH) exibiram em comparação aos animais controle (AC) um incremento de 20% no peso corporal, maior índice de Lee (1705,63 g/mm + 29,3 vs 1374,10 g/mm + 54,9; p< 0,001), elevação da gordura corporal (31,0% + 4,6 vs 21,5% + 3,6; p< 0,01), aumento da gordura retroperitoneal (0,79 g + 0,1 vs 0,44 g + 0,1; p< 0,001), hiperglicemia de jejum (151,83 mg/ dl + 8,3 vs 118,0 mg/ dl + 1,0; p< 0,001), hiperinsulinemia de jejum (54,06 UI/ml + 2,3 vs 19,28 UI/ml + 1,53; p< 0,001) e hipogrelinemia de jejum (98,64 pg/ml + 56,5 vs 201,14 pg/ml + 46,4; p< 0,05). Os AH apresentaram maior secreção de insulina in vitro em presença de glicose aos 10 minutos (209,66 UI/ml + 46,5; p< 0,05), 30 minutos (441,88 UI/ml + 30,2; p< 0,05) e 60 minutos (214,34 UI/ml + 29,8) em comparação aos AC, respectivamente 86,90 UI/ml + 9,5; 74,31 UI/ml + 7,7 vs 27,45 UI/ml + 6,1; p< 0,05. As ilhotas pancreáticas dos AH adultos demonstraram em relação aos AC diminuição do consumo de O2 (1,76 pmols O2/ s. ilhota-1 + 0,4 vs 4,85 pmols O2/ s. ilhota-1 + 1,5; p< 0,001) e elevação do conteúdo do receptor de grelina GHSR1A (3,05 % + 2,13 vs 0,95 % + 0,1; p< 0,05). A grelina acilada estimulou a secreção de insulina in vitro dos AC aos 30 minutos (controle com grelina: 208,50 UI/ml + 40,85 vs controle sem grelina: 74,31 UI/ml + 7,7; p< 0,05) e diminuiu a razão do controle respiratório (controle com grelina: 1,45 + 0,2 vs controle sem grelina: 2,51 + 0,7; p< 0,05). Nos AH, a grelina acilada elevou o conteúdo de GLUT2 nas ilhotas pancreáticas em relação aos AC (hiperalimentados com grelina: 2,07 % + 0,5 vs controle com grelina: 0,85 % + 0,4; p< 0,01); entretanto a grelina não foi capaz de estimular a secreção de insulina nestes animais. Concluímos que a hiperalimentação na lactação associou-se ao aumento da gordura corporal e elevou a secreção de insulina na fase tardia do desenvolvimento. A grelina acilada estimulou a secreção de insulina somente nos AC adultos.


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A obesidade, doença resultante do acúmulo excessivo de gordura corporal, é importante fator de risco para diabetes mellitus tipo 2, dislipidemias e doenças cardiovasculares, doenças de alta prevalência em todo o mundo. O processo de transição nutricional decorrente da globalização contribuiu para o crescente número de indivíduos com obesidade, principalmente pela modificação nos hábitos alimentares da população, com ampla inclusão de produtos industrializados ricos em gordura saturada, sal e açúcar, denominada dieta ocidental. Os mecanismos pelos quais a obesidade induzida por dieta leva ao desenvolvimento de doenças cardiovasculares ainda não estão completamente esclarecidos na literatura, porém sabe-se que a obesidade leva ao comprometimento da função cardíaca e do metabolismo energético, aumentando a morbidade e mortalidade. Em grande parte dos estudos relacionados à obesidade, o metabolismo energético celular comprometido associa-se à disfunção mitocondrial. Neste contexto, torna-se importante avaliar a função mitocondrial na obesidade, visto que as mitocôndrias são organelas com funções-chave no metabolismo energético. No presente estudo, avaliamos inicialmente o efeito obesogênico da dieta ocidental em camundongos Swiss por 16 semanas a partir do desmame. Para tal, analisamos a ingestão alimentar, evolução da massa corporal, Índice de Lee, peso das gorduras epididimal e retroperitoneal, peso e morfologia do fígado, relação entre o peso do fígado/massa corporal, peso do ventrículo esquerdo (VE)/massa corporal, glicemia de jejum e teste intraperitoneal de tolerância à glicose. Avaliamos também o consumo de oxigênio das fibras cardíacas através da respirometria de alta resolução. Além disso, o conteúdo das proteínas envolvidas no metabolismo energético: Carnitina Palmitoil Transferase 1 (CPT1), proteína desacopladora 2 (UCP2), Transportadores de glicose 1 e 4 (GLUT1 e GLUT4), proteína quinase ativada por AMP (AMPK), proteína quinase ativada por AMP fosforilada (pAMPK), receptor de insulina β (IRβ) e substrato do receptor de insulina 1 (IRS-1) foi determinado por western blotting. Nossos resultados confirmaram o caráter obesogênico da dieta ocidental, visto que os camundongos submetidos a esta dieta (GO), apresentaram-se hiperfágicos (P<0,001) e obesos (72,031,82, P<0,001), com aumento progressivo no ganho de massa corporal. Além do aumento significativo dos parâmetros: Índice de Lee (362,902,44, P<0,001), gorduras epididimal e retroperitonial (3,310,15 e 1,610,11, P<0,001), relação entre o peso do fígado/massa corporal (0,060,003, P<0,001) e peso de ventrículo esquerdo (VE)/massa corporal (0,080,002, P<0,01), hiperglicemia de jejum (192,1014,75, P<0,01), intolerância à glicose (P<0,05, P<0,01) e deposição ectópica de gordura no fígado. A respirometria de alta resolução evidenciou disfunção mitocondrial cardíaca no grupo GO, com reduzida capacidade de oxidação de carboidratos e ácidos graxos (P<0,001) e aumento do desacoplamento entre a fosforilação oxidativa e a síntese de ATP (P<0,001). Os resultados de western blotting evidenciaram aumento nos conteúdos de CPT1 (1,160,08, P<0,05) e UCP2 (1,080,06, P<0,05) e redução no conteúdo de IRS-1 (0,600,08, P<0,05). Não houve diferença significativa nos conteúdos de GLUT1, GLUT4, AMPK, pAMPK, pAMPK/AMPK e IRβ. Em conclusão, o consumo da dieta ocidental resultou no desenvolvimento de obesidade com disfunção mitocondrial associada a alterações no metabolismo energético.


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Studies were undertaken to investigate proteolysis of the caseins during the initial stages of maturation of Cheddar cheese. Isolated caseins were hydrolyzed by enzymes thought to be of importance during cheese ripening and the resulting peptides isolated and identified. Large peptides were also isolated from Cheddar cheese and identified, thus enabling the extent to which casein degradation studies could be extrapolated to cheese to be established. The proteolytic specificity of chymosin on bovine αs1- and αs2-caseins and of plasmin on bovine αs1-casein were determined. The action of cathepsin D, the principal indigenous acid milk proteinase, on caseins was studied and its pH optimum and sensitivity to NaCI determined. The action of cathepsin D on αs1-, αs2-, β- and κ-caseins was compared with that of chymosin and was found to be generally similar for the hydrolysis of αs1- and κ-caseins but to differ for αs2-and β- caseins. β-Casein in solution was hydrolyzed by cell wall-associated proteinases from three strains of Lactococcus lactis; comparison of electrophoretograms of the hydrolyzates with those of Cheddar cheese indicated that no peptides produced by cell wall-associated proteinases were detectable in the cheeses. All the major peptides in the water-insoluble fraction of Cheddar cheese were isolated and identified. It was found that β-casein was degraded primarily by plasmin and αs1 -casein by chymosin. Initial chymosin and plasmin cleavage sites in αs1-, and β-casein, respectively, identified in these and other studies corresponded to the peptides isolated from cheese. The importance of non-starter lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB) to the maturation of Cheddar was studied in cheeses manufactured from raw, pasteurized or microfiltered milks. NSLAB were found to strongly influence the quality and patterns of proteolysis. Results presented in this thesis are consistent with the hypothesis that primary proteolysis in Cheddar is catalysed primarily by the action of chymosin and plasmin on intact αs1- and β-caseins, respectively. The resulting large peptides so produced are subsequently degraded by these enzymes and by proteinases and peptidases from the starter and NSLAB.


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Increased plasmin and plasminogen levels and elevated somatic cell counts (SCC) and polymorphonuclear leucocyte levels (PMN) were evident in late lactation milk. Compositional changes in these milks were associated with increased SCC. The quality of late lactation milks was related to nutritional status of herds, with milks from herds on a high plane of nutrition having composition and clotting properties similar to, or superior to, early-mid lactation milks. Nutritionally-deficient cows had elevated numbers of polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMNs) in their milk, elevated plasmin levels and increased overall proteolytic activity. The dominant effect of plasmin on proteolysis in milks of low SCC was established. When present in elevated numbers, somatic cells and PMNs in particular had a more significant influence on the proteolysis of both raw and pasteurised milks than plasmin. PMN protease action on the caseins showed proteolysis products of two specific enzymes, cathepsin B and elastase, which were also shown in high SCC milk. Crude extracts of somatic cells had a high specificity on αs1-casein. Cheeses made from late lactation milks had increased breakdown of αs1-casein, suggestive of the action of somatic cell proteinases, which may be linked to textural defects in cheese. Late lactation cheeses also showed decreased production of small peptides and amino acids, the reason for which is unknown. Plasmin, which is elevated in activity in late lactation milk, accelerated the ripening of Gouda-type cheese, but was not associated with defects of texture or flavour. The retention of somatic cell enzymes in cheese curd was confirmed, and a potential role in production of bitter peptides identified. Cheeses made from milks containing high levels of PMNs had accelerated αs1-casein breakdown relative to cheeses made from low PMN milk of the same total SCC, consistent with the demonstrated action of PMN proteinases. The two types of cheese were determined significantly different by blind triangle testing.


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A bacteriocin-producing strain of Lactobacillus paracasei DPC 4715 was used as an adjunct culture in Cheddar cheese in order to control the growth of “wild” nonstarter lactic acid bacteria. No suppression of growth of the indicator strain was observed in the experimental cheese. The bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus paracasei DPC 4715 was sensitive to chymosin and cathepsin D and it may have been cleaved by the rennet used for the cheese manufactured or by indigenous milk proteases. A series of studies were performed using various microbial adjuncts to influence cheese ripening. Microbacterium casei DPC 5281, Corynebacterium casei DPC 5293 and Corynebacterium variabile DPC 5305 were added to the cheesemilk at level of 109 cfu/ml resulting in a final concentration of 108 cfu/g in Cheddar cheese. The strains significantly increased the level of pH 4.6-soluble nitrogen, total free amino acids after 60 and 180 d of ripening and some individual free amino acids after 180 d. Yarrowia lipolytica DPC 6266, Yarrowia lipolytica DPC 6268 and Candida intermedia DPC 6271 were used to accelerate the ripening of Cheddar cheese. Strains were grown in YG broth to a final concentration of 107 cfu/ml, microfluidized, freeze-dried and added to the curd during salting at level of 2% w/w. The yeasts positively affected the primary, secondary proteolysis and lipolysis of cheeses and had aminopeptidase, dipeptidase, esterase and 5’ phosphodiestere activities that contributed to accelerate the ripening and improve the flavor of cheese. Hafia alvei was added to Cheddar cheesemilk at levels of 107 cfu/ml and 108 cfu/ml and its contribution during ripening was evaluated. The strain significantly increased the level of pH 4.6-soluble nitrogen, total free amino-acids, and some individual free amino-acids of Cheddar cheese, whereas no differences in the urea-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (urea-PAGE) electrophoretograms of the cheeses were detected. Hafia alvei also significantly increased the level of some biogenic amines. A low-fat Cheddar cheese was made with Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis, strain BB-12® at level of 108 cfu/ml, as a probiotic adjunct culture and Hi-Maize® 260 (resistant high amylose maize starch) at level of 2% and 4% w/v, as a prebiotic fiber which also played the role of fat replacer. Bifidobacterium BB-12 decreased by 1 log cycle after 60 d of ripening and remained steady at level of ~107 cfu/g during ripening. The Young’s modulus also increased proportionally with increasing levels of Hi-maize. Hencky strain at fracture decreased over ripening and increased with increasing in fat replacer. A cheese based medium (CBM) was developed with the purpose of mimicking the cheese environment at an early ripening stage. The strains grown in CBM showed aminopeptidase activity against Gly-, Arg-, Pro- and Phe-p-nitroanalide, whereas, when grown in MRS they were active against all the substrates tested. Both Lb. danicus strains grown in MRS and in CBM had aminotransferase activity towards aromatic amino acids (Phe and Trp) and also branched-chain amino acids (Leu and Val). Esterase activity was expressed against p-nitrophenyl-acetate (C2), pnitrophenyl- butyrate (C4) and p-nitrophenyl-palmitate (C16) and was significantly higher in CBM than in MRS.


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The physicochemical properties of cheese and milk gels are greatly influenced by molecular interactions between the casein proteins involving calcium. Novel experiments were designed to investigate the relationship between insoluble caseinbound cations and rheological properties of Cheddar cheese and rennet-induced milk gels. Cheddar cheese and rennet-induced milk gels were supplemented with Mg2+ or Sr2+ to compare their effects on their rheological properties to those previously reported in literature for Ca2+ supplementation. Sr2+ displayed behaviour similar to Ca2+ as observed by its ability to increase the rigidity of cheese and rennet milk gels and also decrease cheese meltability. Mg+2 had no influence on cheese rheological properties and was greatly inferior to Ca2+ and Sr2+ in its ability to increase rennet milk gel elasticity. Cheddar cheese was supplemented with the calcium-chelating salts trisodium citrate, disodium hydrogen phosphate or disodium EDTA, in an attempt to reduce the CCP content of cheese and thereby modify its rheological and functional properties. TSC and EDTA were successful in decreasing cheese CCP, whereas DSP caused an initial increase in CCP content. Cheddar cheese was supplemented with chlorides of iron, copper and zinc at salting to investigate the effects of concentrations of these elements in excess of those found innately or commonly in fortification studies, with emphasis on mineral equilibria changes and resultant alteration of rheological properties. Zinc addition was the only added metal that significantly influenced cheese rheological properties, leading to an increase in cheese rigidity and decreased cheese melt at elevated temperatures. Gum tragacanth was used as a fat-replacer in the manufacture of reduced-fat Cheddar cheese, in an attempt to improve the rheological, functional and sensory properties of reduced-fat Cheddar. Overall, the experimental work reported in this thesis generated new knowledge and theories about how casein-mineral interactions influence rheological properties of casein systems.


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Oxidation-reduction (redox) potential is a fundamental physicochemical parameter that affects the growth of microorganisms in dairy products and contributes to a balanced flavour development in cheese. Even though redox potential has an important impact on the quality of dairy products, it is not usually monitored in dairy industry. The aims of this thesis were to develop practical methods for measuring redox potential in cheese, to provide detailed information on changes in redox potential during the cheesemaking and cheese ripening and how this parameter is influenced by starter systems and to understand the relationship between redox potential and cheese quality. Methods were developed for monitoring redox potential during cheesemaking and early in ripening. Changes in redox potential during laboratory scale manufacture of Cheddar, Gouda, Emmental, and Camembert cheeses were determined. Distinctive kinetics of reduction in redox potential during cheesemakings were observed, and depended on the cheese technology and starter culture utilised. Redox potential was also measured early in ripening by embedding electrodes into Cheddar cheese at moulding together with the salted curd pieces. Using this approach it was possible to monitor redox potential during the pressing stage. The redox potential of Emmental cheese was also monitored during ripening. Moreover, since bacterial growth drives the reduction in redox potential during cheese manufacture and ripening, the ability of Lactococcus lactis strains to affect redox potential was studied. Redox potential of a Cheddar cheese extract was altered by bacterial growth and there were strain-specific differences in the nature of the redox potential/time curves obtained. Besides, strategies to control redox potential during cheesemaking and ripening were developed. Oxidizing or reducing agents were added to the salted curd before pressing and results confirmed that a negative redox potential is essential for the development of sulfur compounds in Cheddar cheese. Overall, the studies described in this thesis gave an evidence of the importance of the redox potential on the quality of dairy products. Redox potential could become an additional parameter used to select microorganisms candidate as starters in fermented dairy products. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that the redox potential influences the development of flavour component. Thus, measuring continuously changes in redox potential of a product and controlling, and adjusting if necessary, the redox potential values during manufacture and ripening could be important in the future of the dairy industry.


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Salt iodine content in Switzerland was raised from 7.5 to 15 mg per kg in 1980, and since then dietary iodine intake has been considered to be sufficient, even though a slight decrease due to imported food has recently been reported. The aim of this study was to establish normal values for thyroid volumes of school children who can be assumed to have had a sufficient iodine intake all their lifetime. Moreover, the present investigation was undertaken to verify that iodine sufficiency had been achieved equally in two regions each served by one of the two Swiss salt producers. Mean iodine concentration in urine spot samples from school children was 16.1 μg/dl, and it was identical in both the city of Lausanne (n=215) and the city of Solothurn (n=208). Thus it can be stated that in both cities (served by two different salt producers) iodine intake is equal and sufficient. Accordingly, thyroid volumes measured by ultrasound in school children aged 6 to 16 years were the same in both Lausanne (n=202) and Solothurn (n=207). Moreover, the age-adjusted median volumes at the 97th percentiles closely agree with and validate provisional international reference values recently proposed by the World Health Organisation and by the International Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disease.


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Cultured cerebellar granule neurons (CGN) are commonly used to assess neurotoxicity, but are routinely maintained in supraphysiological (25 mM) extracellular K+ concentrations [K+]o. We investigated the effect of potassium channel blockade on survival of CGN derived from Swiss-Webster mice in supraphysiological (25 mM) and physiological (5.6 mM) [K+]o. CGN were cultured for 5 days in 25 mM K+, then in 5.6 mM K+ or 25 mM K+ (control). Viability, assayed 24 h later by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazolyl-2)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) reduction and by lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release, was ∼50% in 5.6 mM K+ versus 25 mM K+ (p < .001). Potassium channel blockers, 2 mM 4-aminopyridine (4-AP), 2 mM tetraethylammonium (TEA) or 1 mM Ba2+, individually afforded limited protection in 5.6 mM K+. However, survival in 5.6 mM K+ with a combination of 4-AP, TEA and Ba2+ was similar to survival in 25 mM K+ without blockers (p < .001 versus 5.6 mM K+ alone). CGN survival in 25 mM K+ was attenuated 25% by 2 μM nifedipine (p > .001), but nifedipine did not attenuate neuroprotection by K+ channel blockers. Together, these results suggest that the survival of CGN depends on the K+ permeability of the membrane rather than the activity of a particular type of K+ channel, and that the mechanism of neuroprotection by K+ channel blockers is different from that of elevated [K+]o.


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Proteolysis of Serpa cheese produced traditionally (B) and semi-industrially (C) was evaluated for the first time by determination of nitrogen content and capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE). A citrate dispersion of cheese was fractionated to determine the nitrogen in pH 4.4, trichloroacetic and phosphotungstic acid soluble fractions (pH 4.4-SN, TCA-SN and PTA-SN, respectively). The pH 4.4-SN was significantly higher for B ( P <0.001), while TCA-SN was significantly higher for C ( P <0.001). PTA-SN was also higher for C but at 60 days ripening no significant difference was found between B and C. Degradation of alpha(s1) - and beta-caseins evaluated by CZE was in good agreement with the maturation index (pH 4.4-SN/TN).


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Using conjoint choice experiments, we surveyed 473 Swiss homeowners about their preferences for energy efficiency home renovations.We find that homeowners are responsive to the upfront costs of the renovation projects, governmentoffered rebates, savings in energy expenses, time horizon over which such savings would be realized, and thermal comfort improvement. The implicit discount rate is low, ranging from 1.5 to 3%, depending on model specification. This is consistent with Hassett and Metcalf (1993) and Metcalf and Rosenthal (1995), and with the fact that our scenarios contain no uncertainty. Respondents who feel completely uncertain about future energy prices are more likely to select the status quo (no renovations) in any given choice task and weight the costs of the investments more heavily than the financial gains (subsidies and savings on the energy bills). Renovations are more likely when respondents believe that climate change considerations are important determinants of home renovations. Copyright © 2013 by the IAEE. All rights reserved.


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Novel 3D plasmonic rolls are fabricated through strain-induced self-rolling of metallic nanopore sheets attached to elastomeric thin films, with optical properties tunable by varying the size and thickness of nanopores, and dynamically by light irradiation.