914 resultados para Swine -- Breeding
The aim of this study was to compare REML/BLUP and Least Square procedures in the prediction and estimation of genetic parameters and breeding values in soybean progenies. F(2:3) and F(4:5) progenies were evaluated in the 2005/06 growing season and the F(2:4) and F(4:6) generations derived thereof were evaluated in 2006/07. These progenies were originated from two semi-early, experimental lines that differ in grain yield. The experiments were conducted in a lattice design and plots consisted of a 2 m row, spaced 0.5 m apart. The trait grain yield per plot was evaluated. It was observed that early selection is more efficient for the discrimination of the best lines from the F(4) generation onwards. No practical differences were observed between the least square and REML/BLUP procedures in the case of the models and simplifications for REML/BLUP used here.
Background: MicroRNA (miR) are a class of small RNAs that regulate gene expression by inhibiting translation of protein encoding transcripts. To evaluate the role of miR in skeletal muscle of swine, global microRNA abundance was measured at specific developmental stages including proliferating satellite cells, three stages of fetal growth, day-old neonate, and the adult. Results: Twelve potential novel miR were detected that did not match previously reported sequences. In addition, a number of miR previously reported to be expressed in mammalian muscle were detected, having a variety of abundance patterns through muscle development. Muscle-specific miR-206 was nearly absent in proliferating satellite cells in culture, but was the highest abundant miR at other time points evaluated. In addition, miR-1 was moderately abundant throughout developmental stages with highest abundance in the adult. In contrast, miR-133 was moderately abundant in adult muscle and either not detectable or lowly abundant throughout fetal and neonate development. Changes in abundance of ubiquitously expressed miR were also observed. MiR-432 abundance was highest at the earliest stage of fetal development tested (60 day-old fetus) and decreased throughout development to the adult. Conversely, miR-24 and miR-27 exhibited greatest abundance in proliferating satellite cells and the adult, while abundance of miR-368, miR-376, and miR-423-5p was greatest in the neonate. Conclusion: These data present a complete set of transcriptome profiles to evaluate miR abundance at specific stages of skeletal muscle growth in swine. Identification of these miR provides an initial group of miR that may play a vital role in muscle development and growth.
Mature weight breeding values were estimated using a multi-trait animal model (MM) and a random regression animal model (RRM). Data consisted of 82 064 weight records from 8 145 animals, recorded from birth to eight years of age. Weights at standard ages were considered in the MM. All models included contemporary groups as fixed effects, and age of dam (linear and quadratic effects) and animal age as covariates. In the RRM, mean trends were modelled through a cubic regression on orthogonal polynomials of animal age and genetic maternal and direct and maternal permanent environmental effects were also included as random. Legendre polynomials of orders 4, 3, 6 and 3 were used for animal and maternal genetic and permanent environmental effects, respectively, considering five classes of residual variances. Mature weight (five years) direct heritability estimates were 0.35 (MM) and 0.38 (RRM). Rank correlation between sires' breeding values estimated by MM and RRM was 0.82. However, selecting the top 2% (12) or 10% (62) of the young sires based on the MM predicted breeding values, respectively 71% and 80% of the same sires would be selected if RRM estimates were used instead. The RRM modelled the changes in the (co) variances with age adequately and larger breeding value accuracies can be expected using this model.
Background: The establishment of an in vitro production (IVP) of embryo in swine allows the generation of embryos with the same quality as in vivo produced embryos with less costs and time. In order to achieve successful fertilization under normal circumstances in vivo, mammalian spermatozoa must first undergo capacitation and then acrosome reaction. The purpose of this study was compared the efficacious of IP/CFDA fluorescence and Coomassie Blue G (CB) staining to detect capacitated sperm cells in refrigerated and fresh semen. Morever, it was investigated the efficacious of caffeine and chondroitin sulphate to promote in vitro sperm capacitation and in vitro embryo produced (IVP) of swine embryos. Materials, Methods & Results: A sperm-rich fraction from ejaculate was obtained using the gloved-hand method and the gel-free fraction was separated using sterile gauze. The semen was diluted in BTS at a final concentration of 1.5 x 10(8) cells/mL. The sperm suspension was incubated for 2 h at 25 degrees C, refrigerated and maintained for 1 h at 15-18 degrees C (refrigerated group) or used immediately (fresh group). Sperm capacitation was assessed by IP/CFDA fluorescence and CB staining for both fresh and refrigerated semen. For PI/CFDA evaluation, a final solution containing 1.7 mM formaldehyde, 7.3 mM PI and 20 mM CFDA in 950 mu L saline was prepared. In the dark, 40 mu L PI/CFDA final solution was added to 10 mu L semen and after 8 min, slides were analyzed on epifluorescence microscopy. For CB evaluation, sperm cells were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for 10 min and centrifuged twice at 320 x g in ammonium acetate pH 9 for 8 min. A smear was made and stained with 2.75 mg/mL CB in solution containing 12.5% methanol, 25% glacial acetic acid and 62.5% water, for 2 min. The smear was washed in running water, air dried and sealed with Permount (R), diluted 2:1 in xilol to avoid staining oxidation. Our results showed that refrigeration did not affect sperm capacitation and comparing staining methods, the PI/CFDA combination was more efficient to detect capacitated sperm, when compared to CB staining. In experiment 2, we evaluated the effect of different incubation time (1 - 5 h) with chondroitin sulfate and caffeine on sperm capacitation. For in vitro fertilization, oocytes were obtained from slaughterhouse ovaries. Oocytes with a thick and intact cumulus oophurus layer and cytoplasm with homogenous granules were selected for in vitro maturation for 44 h. According to the results of experiment 2, it was used for in vitro fertilization refrigerated semen was capacitated with 50 mu g/mL chondroitin sulfate for 2 h or capacitated with 5 mu g/mL caffeine for 3 h. Six hours after insemination, cumulus oophorus cells were mechanically removed and oocytes were washed and incubated in microdrops of culture medium. Embryo development after fertilization with sperm capacitated with caffeine or chondroitin sulfate was evaluated on days 3, 5 and 7 of culture. No differences were observed in days 3 or 5 of in vitro culture. However, it was observed an increase on blastocyst rate on Day 7 of culture when caffeine was used as the capacitor agent. Discussion: Molecular basis of sperm capacitation is still poor understood. Sperm capacitation can occur in vitro spontaneously in defined media without addition of biological fluids. We observed that sperm capacitation increased as incubation period enlarged and it was observed using Coomassie blue G and PI/CFDA for fresh semen and for refrigerated semen. It can be concluded that the cooling of semen did not change their pattern of sperm capacitation and this is best assessed by IP/CFDA than by CB. In addition to the use of caffeine in sperm capacitation produces more blastocysts than the chondroitin sulfate after in vitro fertilization.
With the aim of estimating the coefficient of heritability of average annual productivity of Nellore cows (COWPROD), a data set from 24,855 animals with known pedigree was analyzed. COWPROD is defined as the amount (in kilograms) of weaned calves produced yearly by one cow during her remaining time in herd ignoring a fixed period of 365 days. COWPROD was calculated regarding three standards: a) based on the post-weaning weight from the calves ignoring any kind of adjustment (COWPROD_NAJ), b) adjusted weight for the fixed effects (COWPROD_AJFIX) and c) adjusted weight for the fixed effects and for the genetic merit of the sire (COWPROD_AJFIN). The obtained heritabilities were 0.15, 0.15 and 0.16 for COWPROD_NAJ, COWPROD_AJFIX and COWPROD_AJFIN, respectively. A complete set composed of 105,158 COWPROD records on 130,740 animals in pedigree was also analyzed for predicting the genetic merit of all animals in the data set and for the calculation of the genetic, phenotypic and residual trends. Ranking correlation was high for the adjusted and non-adjusted data, yet, for some of the animals, the difference among the genetic values was large. This would be an indication that it would be better to work always with the adjusted weaning weights. The genetic trend was positive, but was of small magnitude (0.26% of the trait average) and the residual trend was negative as a consequence of the large intensification of the production system, which has been occurring in the last years in the farms studied. The phenotypic trend was also negative and intermediate between the genetic and the residual ones.
Since hog raising concentrates a huge amount of swine manure in small areas, it is considered by the environmental government organizations to be one of the most potentially pollutant activities. Therefore the main objective of this research was to evaluate by operational criteria and removal efficiency, the performance of a Anaerobic Baffled Reactor (ABR), working as a biological pre-treatment of swine culture effluents. The physical-chemical analyses carried out were: total COD, BOD(5), total solids (TS), fix (TFS) and volatiles (TVS), temperature, pH, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, phosphorus, total acidity and alkalinity. The ABR unit worked with an average efficiency of 65.2 and 76.2%, respectively, concerning total COD and BOD(5), with a hydraulic retention time (HRT) about 15 hours. The results for volumetric organic loading rate (VOLR), organic loading rate (OLR) and hydraulic loading rate (HLR) were: 4.46 kg BOD m(-3) day(-1); 1.81 kg BOD(5) kg TVS(-1) day(-1) and 1.57 m(3) m(-3) day(-1), respectively. The average efficiency of the whole treatment system for total COD and BOD(5) removal were 66.5 and 77.8%, showing an adequate performance in removing die organic matter from swine wastewater.
Survival models involving frailties are commonly applied in studies where correlated event time data arise due to natural or artificial clustering. In this paper we present an application of such models in the animal breeding field. Specifically, a mixed survival model with a multivariate correlated frailty term is proposed for the analysis of data from over 3611 Brazilian Nellore cattle. The primary aim is to evaluate parental genetic effects on the trait length in days that their progeny need to gain a commercially specified standard weight gain. This trait is not measured directly but can be estimated from growth data. Results point to the importance of genetic effects and suggest that these models constitute a valuable data analysis tool for beef cattle breeding.
On Mho obesa F. (Diptera: Syrphidae) is usually neglected in forensic entomology, although adults are rather frequent on vertebrate carrion. In this study, conducted in southeastern Brazil in 2008, we used two pig carcasses, one killed by cocaine overdose and the other by shooting, to evaluate mainly the possible influences of the type of death on the larval development of O. obesa in the pig remains. We recorded the breeding of 218 adult specimens of this syrphid fly from the carcass killed by shooting, and none from the carcass killed by cocaine. These observations may open a new perspective for the use of O. obesa in forensic studies, considering its breeding preferences and its complete development on vertebrate carrion.
The floral biology, pollinators and breeding system of Echinodorus longipetalus Micheli were studied in a marshy area of the district of Taquaritinga (State of Sao Paulo), southeastern Brazil. E. longipetalus is gynodioecious and as far as is known, this is the first record of unisexual flowers, besides perfect flowers, in Echinodorus. Proportion of female individuals in the studied population is 50% and produces 31% more flowers than hermaphrodites. Perfect and pistillate flowers of E. longipetalus are similar in appearance and are pollinated by several species of Hymenoptera (mainly by Xylocopa (Neoxylocopa) suspecta Moure & Camargo). Perfect flowers offer pollen as a reward. Pistillate flowers attract floral visitors by deceit with their staminodes that resemble the stamens of the perfect flowers. Visits to pistillate flowers are quick (1-2 s), while visits to perfect flowers last up to 120 s. The perfect flowers are self-compatible and produce fruits through spontaneous self-pollination (control flowers), whereas the pistillate ones only set fruits through cross-pollinations. Perfect and pistillate flowers set more fruits under natural conditions than in manual treatments, respectively. Although the pistillate and perfect flowers bear a strong similarity, the selective pollinator behavior seems to be responsible for the increase of fruit set in perfect flowers. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Lentil is a self-pollinating diploid (2n = 14 chromosomes) annual cool season legume crop that is produced throughout the world and is highly valued as a high protein food. Several abiotic stresses are important to lentil yields world wide and include drought, heat, salt susceptibility and iron deficiency. The biotic stresses are numerous and include: susceptibility to Ascochyta blight, caused by Ascochyta lentis; Anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum truncatum; Fusarium wilt, caused by Fusarium oxysporum; Sclerotinia white mold, caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum; rust, caused by Uromyces fabae; and numerous aphid transmitted viruses. Lentil is also highly susceptible to several species of Orabanche prevalent in the Mediterranean region, for which there does not appear to be much resistance in the germplasm. Plant breeders and geneticists have addressed these stresses by identifying resistant/tolerant germplasm, determining the genetics involved and the genetic map positions of the resistant genes. To this end progress has been made in mapping the lentil genome and several genetic maps are available that eventually will lead to the development of a consensus map for lentil. Marker density has been limited in the published genetic maps and there is a distinct lack of co-dominant markers that would facilitate comparisons of the available genetic maps and efficient identification of markers closely linked to genes of interest. Molecular breeding of lentil for disease resistance genes using marker assisted selection, particularly for resistance to Ascochyta blight and Anthracnose, is underway in Australia and Canada and promising results have been obtained. Comparative genomics and synteny analyses with closely related legumes promises to further advance the knowledge of the lentil genome and provide lentil breeders with additional genes and selectable markers for use in marker assisted selection. Genomic tools such as macro and micro arrays, reverse genetics and genetic transformation are emerging technologies that may eventually be available for use in lentil crop improvement.
The role of physiological understanding in improving the efficiency of breeding programs is examined largely from the perspective of conventional breeding programs. Impact of physiological research to date on breeding programs, and the nature of that research, was assessed from (i) responses to a questionnaire distributed to plant breeders and physiologists, and (ii) a survey of literature abstracts. Ways to better utilise physiological understanding for improving breeding programs are suggested, together with possible constraints to delivering beneficial outcomes. Responses from the questionnaire indicated a general view that the contribution by crop physiology to date has been modest. However, most of those surveyed expected the contribution to be larger in the next 20 years. Some constraints to progress perceived by breeders and physiologists were highlighted. The survey of literature abstracts indicated that from a plant breeding perspective, much physiological research is not progressing further than making suggestions about possible approaches to selection. There was limited evidence in the literature of objective comparison of such suggestions with existing methodology, or of development and application of these within active breeding programs. It is argued in this paper that the development of outputs from physiological research for breeding requires a good understanding of the breeding program(s) being serviced and factors affecting its performance. Simple quantitative genetic models, or at least the ideas they represent, should be considered in conducting physiological research and in envisaging and evaluating outputs. The key steps of a generalised breeding program are outlined, and the potential pathways for physiological understanding to impact on these steps are discussed. Impact on breeding programs may arise through (i) better choice of environments in which to conduct selection trials, (ii) identification of selection criteria and traits for focused introgression programs, and (iii) identifying traits for indirect selection criteria as an adjunct to criteria already used. While many breeders and physiologists apparently recognise that physiological understanding may have a major role in the first area, there appears to be relatively Little research activity targeting this issue, and a corresponding bias, arguably unjustified, toward examining traits for indirect selection. Furthermore, research on traits aimed at crop improvement is often deficient because key genetic parameters, such as genetic variation in relevant breeding populations and genetic (as opposed to phenotypic) correlations with yield or other characters of economic importance, are not properly considered in the research. Some areas requiring special attention for successfully interfacing physiology research with breeding are discussed. These include (i) the need to work with relevant genetic populations, (ii) close integration of the physiological research with an active breeding program, and (iii) the dangers of a pre-defined or narrow focus in the physiological research.
IRI is closely related to sepsis in ITx setting. Complete understanding of the mechanisms involved in IRI development may improve outcomes. Ortothopic ITx without immunosuppression was performed in order to characterize IRI-associated mucosal damage. Twenty pigs underwent ITx. Two groups were assigned to different CI times: G1: 90 min and, G2: 180 min. Euro-Collins was used as preservation solution. Jejunal fragments were collected at donor laparotomy, 30 min, and 3 days after reperfusion. IRI assessment involved: histopathologic analysis, quantification of MPO-positive cells through immunohistochemical studies, quantification of epithelial apoptotic cells using TUNEL staining, and quantification of IL-6, ET-1, Bak, and Bcl-XL genes expression by RT-PCR. Neutrophilic infiltration increased in a similar fashion in both groups, but lasted longer in G2. Apoptosis detected by TUNEL staining increased and anti-apoptotic gene Bcl-XL expression decreased significantly in G1, 3 days after surgery. Endothelin-1 and IL-6 genes expression increased 30 min after the procedure and returned to baseline 3 days after surgery. In conclusion, IL-6 and ET-1 are involved precociously in the development of intestinal IRI. Apoptosis was more frequently detected in G1 grafts by TUNEL-staining and by RT-PCR.
Statistical interaction with quantitative geneticists to enhance impact from plant breeding programs
Linking biophysical and genetic models to integrate physiology, molecular biology and plant breeding