905 resultados para Swedish food retail business


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A popular lexicon for announcing partnerships within aviation is being ‘on-board’. Like boarding a plane, business partnerships requires trust in the expertise and the philosophy of another organisation. This paper reports upon the process and findings from the completion of a customer engagement project within a leading Australian Airport, as part of the wider uptake of design-led innovation. The project was completed bilaterally with Airport Corporation and prominent retail business partner undertaking a design-led approach to collaboratively explore an observed market trend affecting the performance of both businesses. A design-led catalyst facilitated the completion of this project, working within the Airport Corporation to disseminate the skills and philosophy of design over an 18 month period using an action research method. Findings reveal that the working environment necessary for design to be utilised requires; trust in the design-led approach as a new and exploratory way of completing work; leadership within the execution and delivery of project deliverables, and; a shared intrinsic motivation to develop new skills through a design-led approach which challenges a business-as-usual mentality (BAU). Design-led innovation can be deployed specifically to strengthen business partnerships through collaborative and explorative customer engagement.


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[ES] Las comunidades online se han convertido en un lugar de encuentro muy popular para los consumidores que les permite compartir información. En este artículo se presenta una técnica de información novedosa como la netnografía, y se aplica para determinar cuál es el posicionamiento de las empresas de distribución alimentaria. Tras la recogida y análisis de 506 mensajes válidos de la comunidad online Ciao, se pudo conocer qué atributos se asociaban a seis establecimientos de alimentación analizados. Mercadona se asocia con la calidad de su marca de distribuidor y una escasa variedad de marcas/productos. Las tiendas discount, Lidl y DIA, destacan por la posibilidad de mejora en la limpieza del establecimiento y la localización de los productos. Los hipermercados, Eroski, Alcampo y Carrefour, son destacados por su variedad de marcas/productos, y alejado del domicilio. También se ha identificado a los competidores más directos de cada empresa, encontrándose una competencia entre los formatos de venta del mismo tipo (intratipo). El uso de la netnografia, técnica relativamente reciente, supone la mayor originalidad del trabajo. Además, las conclusiones obtenidas, que son coincidentes con estudios anteriores, muestran que la netnografía puede ser una fuente de información para determinar cuál es la imagen comercial y el posicionamiento de las empresas.


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Relatório apresentado ao Instituto Superior De Contabilidade e Administração Do Porto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Logística Orientado por António Jorge S. T. Duarte


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The food retail industry is a very competitive market. Supermarkets use a combination of price, quality of products and service to lure consumers and increase their profit. This work project draws upon both empirical and theoretical literatures to understand the different pricing strategies that the supermarket sector uses. Everyday Low Price, Promotional, Zone Pricing and Loyalty Programs are the most common pricing strategies in this industry. By using data from the Portuguese supermarket leader – Pingo Doce - , this work project conclude that Pingo Doce uses a combination of Loyalty Program and Promotion to attain the desired outcomes


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Durch die vermehrte Nachfrage von Biomöhren im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel ist die Anbaufläche ökologisch erzeugter Möhren in den letzten zehn Jahren deutlich angestiegen. Der Anbau konzentriert sich auf bestimmte Regionen und erfolgte damit zunehmend auf großen Schlägen in enger räumlicher und zeitlicher Abfolge. Mit der steigenden Wirtspflanzenpräsenz steigt auch der Befallsdruck durch die Möhrenfliege. Während der Schädling im konventionellen Anbau mit Insektiziden kontrolliert wird, stehen dem Ökologischen Landbau bisher keine direkten Regulative zur Verfügung. Ziel der Untersuchungen war es, unter den Praxisbedingungen des ökologischen Möhrenanbaus einzelbetriebliche und überregionale Muster beteiligter Risikofaktoren im Befallsgeschehen zu identifizieren und so Möglichkeiten einer verbesserten Prävention und Regulation aufzuzeigen. Über einen Zeitraum von drei Jahren wurden auf fünf Betrieben in Niedersachsen und Hessen umfangreiche Felddaten erhoben und diese unter Verwendung von GIS – Software und dem Simulationsmodell SWAT analysiert. Untersuchte Einflussgrößen umfassten (1) die Distanz zu vorjährigen Möhrenfeldern, (2) die zeitliche Möhrenanbauperiode, (3) Vegetationselemente und (4) der experimentelle Einsatz von Fangpflanzen zur Unterdrückung der Fliegenentwicklung. Unter der Berücksichtigung deutlicher einzelbetrieblicher Unterschiede sind die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der Studie wie folgt zu benennen: (1) Auf Betrieben mit Befall im zurückliegenden Anbaujahr zeigte sich die Distanz zu vorjährigen Möhrenfeldern als der wichtigste Risikofaktor. Das Ausbreitungsverhalten der 1. Generation Möhrenfliege erwies sich zudem als situationsgebunden anpassungsfähig. Fliegensumme und Befall waren jeweils in dem zu Vorjahresflächen nächstgelegen Feld am größten, während jeweils dahinter liegende Möhrenschläge entsprechend weniger Fliegenzahlen und Befall auswiesen. Aus den Ergebnissen wird als vorrangige Verbreitungskapazität der 1. Generation Möhrenfliegen innerhalb von 1000 m abgeleitet. (2) Betriebe mit kontinuierlicher Möhren - Anbaubauperiode (ca. April – Oktober), die langfristig die Entwicklung sowohl der 1. als auch der 2. Generation Fliegen unterstützten, verzeichneten stärkere Fliegenprobleme. Hinsichtlich einer verbesserten Prävention wird empfohlen mit einer strikten räumlichen Trennung früher und später Sätze ein Aufschaukeln zwischen den Generationen zu vermeiden. (3) Der Einfluss der Vegetation ließ sich weniger eindeutig interpretieren. Einzelbetriebliche Hinweise, dass Kleingehölze (Hecken und Bäume) im Radius zwischen aktueller und vorjähriger Möhrenfläche die Befallswahrscheinlichkeit erhöhen, konnten mit einem berechneten Gesamtmaß für die regionale holzige Vegetation nicht bestätigt werden. Der großräumigen holzigen Vegetation wird im Vergleich zur Feldrandvegetation daher beim Befallsgeschehen eine geringe Bedeutung zugeschrieben. (4) Drei Meter (vier Dämme) breiter Möhren – Fangstreifen auf den vorjährigen Möhrenfeldern eignen sich bereits ab dem Keimblattstadium, um erhebliches Befallspotential zu binden. Eine mechanische Entfernung der Fangpflanzen (Grubbern) mitsamt dem Befallspotential erzielte in 2008 eine 100 %-ige Unterdrückung der Möhrenfliegenentwicklung, in 2009 jedoch nur zu maximal 41 %. Als mögliche Synthese der Ergebnisse zur Ausbreitung der Möhrenfliegen im Frühjahr und zur zeitlichen Koinzidenz mit der Möhrenentwicklung wird als Empfehlung diskutiert, mit Hilfe einer angepassten Flächenwahl die Fliegenausbreitung räumlich an frühen Sätzen zu binden, um entsprechend befallsarme Regionen für entfernt liegende späte (empfindlichere) Möhrensätze zu schaffen.


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Copoasú será una empresa innovadora en donde se ofrecerán postres típicos colombinos con preparación tradicional y tipo gourmet, combinados con una gran variedad de bebidas típicas y tradicionales que transportarán a las personas a su lugar de origen. El punto de venta de Copoasú estará dividido con decoración que concuerde con las regionales naturales de Colombia, atendido con servicio de excelente calidad para que el cliente se sienta como en casa. Los postres serán elaborados en el mismo punto de venta por practicidad y frescura del producto por lo que el punto de venta va a tener la dotación y personal adecuado para este tipo de preparación, además de unos excelentes insumos que nos permita mantener la misma calidad en el producto. De igual manera se realizarán controles frecuentes con el fin de comprobar que no se está perdiendo la receta original, siempre buscando el mejoramiento continuo de todos y cada uno de los productos ofrecidos por Copoasú. Para la escogencia de la localización del punto de venta, como del mercado, del mercado se realizó una segmentación geográfica, escogiendo la localidad de Chapinero por tener zonas representativas para el mercado de la empresa como lo son la zona T y G .El mercado objetivo son de 345.325 personas de estrato 4,5 y 6 de edades entre 24 y 38 años con ingresos mensuales promedio entre 800.000 y 1’700.000. Se analizaron los principales competidores de Copoasu firmas como Miryam Camhi, quien lleva más de veinte y cinco años en el mercado; H&B con apenas un año de funcionamiento; Rausch, que tiene muy poco tiempo de ingresó al mercado y finalmente Jaques, quien lleva diez años de funcionamiento. Bajo los supuestos conservadores establecidos para el modelo financiero Copoasú, demostró ser viable según el análisis del balance proyectado. El punto IV de equilibrio se alcanza al finalizar el segundo año de operación.


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To finance transportation infrastructure and to address social and environmental negative externalities of road transports, several countries have recently introduced or consider a distance based tax on trucks. In the competitive retail market such tax can be expected to lower the demand and thereby reduce CO2 emissions of road transports. However, as we show in this paper, such tax might also slow down the transition towards e-tailing. Considering that previous research indicates that a consumer switching from brick-and-mortar shopping to e-tailing reduces her CO2 emissions substantially, the direction and magnitude of the environmental net effect of the tax is unclear. In this paper, we assess the net effect in a Swedish regional retail market where the tax not yet is in place. We predict the net effect on CO2 emissions to be positive, but off-set by about 50% because of a slower transition to e-tailing.


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Este relatório intitulado “Pesquisa sobre o ECR na Relação Fornecedor X Atacadista no Brasil”, foi desenvolvido pelo Professor Manoel de Andrade e Silva Reis, para o Núcleo de Pesquisas e Projetos (NPP) da Fundação Getúlio Vargas de São Paulo. Inicialmente apresenta alguns conceitos importantes para o entendimento do texto e faz considerações gerais sobre o ECR no Brasil e seu histórico. A principal parte do trabalho é a pesquisa realizada com 10 FORNECEDORES e 20 ATACADISTAS, sendo que 60% dos FORNECEDORES e 40% dos ATACADISTAS responderam aos questionários. As principais conclusões da pesquisa são: 1) Existem sérios obstáculos a transpor para a implantação abrangente do ECR na relação FORNECEDOR X ATACADISTA no Brasil, como: a) O setor ATACADISTA tem um forte preconceito com relação ao ECR, pelo receio de perda de mercado com a implantação de uma nova forma de fazer negócio. Isso evita que seus membros aprofundem o conhecimento das suas estratégias e ferramentas; b) Empresas ATACADISTAS tendem a ser muito fechadas, dificilmente abrindo suas informações para fornecedores, um dos requisitos básicos para a implantação bem sucedida do ECR. Têm também grande rivalidade com seus pares ATACADISTAS. c) O setor ATACADISTA desconfia das verdadeiras intenções dos FORNECEDORES. Há ATACADISTAS que chegaram a implantar uma ferramenta do ECR para teste e desistiram, por sentirem que os FORNECEDORES fogem aos acordos estabelecidos, visando, em especial, preencher as cotas de venda. 2) Na opinião das empresas ATACADISTAS, a sobrevivência setor depende de fatores como: a) Necessidade de uma radical mudança cultural das empresas, de forma a adotar os conceitos de compra e venda necessários no ECR; b) Necessidade de especialização em canais escolhidos e nos produtos característicos dos mesmos, visando tornar-se especialista na sua comercialização; c) Gestão mais adequada dos níveis de estoque; d) Maior agilidade no acesso ao pequeno varejo. 3) Fatores que podem aumentar a atratividade do setor ATACADISTA para os FORNECEDORES: a) Redução do número de transações; b) Redução dos custos pelos elevados volumes; c) Prestação de serviços ao pequeno varejo (devoluções, trocas, promoções, treinamento e incentivos); d) Pulverização das vendas.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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La iniciativa de Carlos Mayo ha sido fundamental en la exploración del complejo mundo del comercio menudo, a través del estudio de las pulperías de Buenos Aires con fuentes novedosas. Sin embargo, son pocas las referencias a otros actores dentro de la actividad minorista, que en el siglo XIX se encarnará en múltiples expresiones que terminarán desplazando las pulperías a las zonas periféricas de la ciudad y acabarán así con el predominio que habían tenido desde la fundación de Buenos Aires


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La iniciativa de Carlos Mayo ha sido fundamental en la exploración del complejo mundo del comercio menudo, a través del estudio de las pulperías de Buenos Aires con fuentes novedosas. Sin embargo, son pocas las referencias a otros actores dentro de la actividad minorista, que en el siglo XIX se encarnará en múltiples expresiones que terminarán desplazando las pulperías a las zonas periféricas de la ciudad y acabarán así con el predominio que habían tenido desde la fundación de Buenos Aires


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La iniciativa de Carlos Mayo ha sido fundamental en la exploración del complejo mundo del comercio menudo, a través del estudio de las pulperías de Buenos Aires con fuentes novedosas. Sin embargo, son pocas las referencias a otros actores dentro de la actividad minorista, que en el siglo XIX se encarnará en múltiples expresiones que terminarán desplazando las pulperías a las zonas periféricas de la ciudad y acabarán así con el predominio que habían tenido desde la fundación de Buenos Aires


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In recent years the scale and scope of retailer internationalisation activity has grown markedly, mainly through increasing levels of cross-border merger and acquisition activity. This has been particularly prevalent among companies operating in the food retail sector. During this time, and within the context of increased merger and acquisition activity in international markets, the financial institutions have taken an increasingly prominent role in the retail internationalisation process. Explores the nature of the financial institutions’ role in the retailer internationalisation process and, specifically, the extent to which the financial institutions actually inhibit and/or promote retail international activity. A key purpose of this study is to examine some of the drivers and inhibitors of the retailer internationalisation process. Reports the findings from 30 in-depth interviews with food retail analysts of the leading investment banks in the City of London. The findings from this study should help to provide further insights into the nature of the retailer internationalisation process.


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Este estudo teve como primeiro dos seus objectivos conhecer as percepções de um grupo de trabalhadores acerca de algumas políticas e de algumas práticas de responsabilidade social interna, nomeadamente, da formação oferecida pela empresa, da capacidade que esta tem de fomentar a sua autonomia e a sua iniciativa, das práticas de comunicação existentes na empresa, do equilíbrio que esta proporciona entre a sua vida profissional e a sua vida familiar, dos planos de saúde, segurança e apoio social por ela disponibilizados, da diversidade de mão-de-obra, da(des)igualdade em termos de remuneração e perspectivas de carreira entre homens e mulheres, dos esquemas de atribuição de prémios, da segurança dos postos de trabalho, da preocupação da empresa com a sua empregabilidade futura e, finalmente, da(in)existência de práticas discriminatórias. Procurou também alcançar dois outros objectivos, ou seja, descobrir se as percepções dos trabalhadores relativamente às políticas e às práticas acima descritas exercem ou não algum tipo de influência sobre a sua motivação no trabalho e perceber qual o papel que a antiguidade dos trabalhadores desempenha nesta relação. Após a apresentação e a análise de várias perspectivas históricas acerca da responsabilidade social das empresas surgidas a partir da década de 50 e de algumas das teorias da motivação que foram aparecendo ao longo do mesmo espaço de tempo, esta dissertação expôs um caso de estudo de 75 trabalhadores de uma empresa nacional de distribuição alimentar. Através dos dados recolhidos da aplicação de um questionário, este estudo explorou a relação entre as suas percepções acerca das políticas e das práticas de responsabilidade social interna em vigor na empresa e a sua motivação e qual o papel da sua antiguidade nesta relação. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a maioria dos trabalhadores inquiridos apresenta uma percepção positiva relativamente às políticas e às práticas de responsabilidade social interna da sua empresa, à excepção do que se refere aos planos de saúde, segurança e apoio social por ela disponibilizados e à sua preocupação com a empregabilidade futura dos seus trabalhadores, e permitem concluir que as percepções positivas têm maior impacto sobre a motivação no trabalho, à excepção do que diz respeito à percepção do equilíbrio entre a vida profissional e a vida familiar proporcionado pela empresa. Conclui-se também que o papel da antiguidade na relação entre percepções das políticas e das práticas de responsabilidade social interna e motivação no trabalho é insignificante. / The primary objective of this study was to learn about the perceptions held by a group of workers concerning some of their company's policies and practices relative to internal social responsibility, in particular, any training offered by the firm, and its role in improving autonomy and initiative. Also of interest were the methods of communication within the firm, the balance provided between the professional and personal lives of personnel, and health, security and social support available to them. The study considered as well the diversity of the workforce, equality (or inequality) of remuneration, and career prospects between men and women, premium allocation schemes, job security, the company's concern for employability, and the existence (or not) of discriminatory practices. Secondary objectives were to discover if the perceptions of workers concerning the policies and practices mentioned above have (or not) any influence on their motivation at work, and to determine any effect of the length of service on this. Opinions were gathered by means of a questionnaire. After the presentation and analysis of various historical perspectives concerning corporate social responsibility from the 1950s onwards and of some of the motivation theories that appeared along the same period of time, this study examines the case of 75 employees of a national company in the food distribution business. The results of the afore-mentioned questionnaire show that the majority of those questioned has a positive attitude towards the policies and practices of their company's internal social responsibility, except concerning health-care, security and social support, and the firm's interest in their future careers, and lead to the conclusion that a positive perception has a greater impact on the workers' motivation. However, they are critical of the importance given by their employer to their personal lives. This study also concludes that length of service has insignificant impact on the perceptions of workers concerning their company's policies and practices relative to internal social responsibility, and on worker motivation.


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Purpose: This research investigates the effectiveness of an experiential learning approach, available to students in all disciplines that combined a hands-on entrepreneurial and enterprise experience with professional consultant mentoring by using a competition to win business start-up funding. Design/methodology/approach: Students at a UK university had the chance to enter a competition in which they developed an entrepreneurial idea and then designed and presented a business plan to win business start-up capital. Students who were entrepreneurially motivated, but who lacked capital to start up their business, were targeted, as these students have been argued to benefit the most from a combination of business plan training and entrepreneurial development. Feedback and data was obtained from the students at each stage of the process and was thematically analysed to assess the development of students’ entrepreneurial skills and knowledge through the experience. Findings: The research found that the benefits gained from this approach included both enterprising and entrepreneurial skills, with the greatest impact being on student confidence and belief in their ability to start a business. The practical skills had a ‘demystifying’ effect on students that made them feel like entrepreneurship and enterprise start-up were attainable. Research limitations/implications: The research focused on students at one UK University and centered on entrepreneurship in a retail business. The competition thus appealed mainly to students who were interested in retail start-up, thus leaving out some enterprising students whose feedback may have been different. In addition, while entrepreneurial skills are assessed in the data, the students who would be interested in the competition would be assumed to be proactive, and this skill was not able to be analyzed. This research is a single case, and thus could be enhanced by more cases and looking at other enterprise start-up means beyond retail. Originality/value: This research makes a case that, in light of literature critical of the use of business plan training in entrepreneurship education, certain students are appropriate candidates for this approach. Specific skills and knowledge can be developed in university students using a live enterprise experience, supported by entrepreneurial mentoring. By making the event extracurricular, the study sought to capture the feedback of students who self-selected into the program, who can benefit most from combined entrepreneurial and business-plan development experience.