985 resultados para Sustainable consumption


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This article provides a comprehensive review of the literature on the theoretical aspects of sustainable consumption. The conditions for consumers’ social responsibility and the formation of environmentally conscious behavior patterns will also be discussed, along with possible methods for motivating behavioral changes. The authors have completed a primary research study with the purpose of surveying environmentally conscious consumption patterns in Hungary. They also examined how the provision of appropriate information and the raising of awareness might encourage sustainable consumption. According to their findings, the respondents’ knowledge on environmentally conscious behavior was rather limited, and reinforcement was needed in identifying appropriate activity alternatives. This paper provides a summary of the qualitative research phase which employed in-depth interviews, logging and focus groups. The consecutive application of these methods enabled the authors to keep track of the process and the consequences of raising awareness.


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The paper aimed to provide additional insights into the wide and partly uncovered area of interactions among spirituality, happiness, life satisfaction and sustainability, supported by a survey representing the Hungarian society. As results reflect, spirituality definitely proves to matter in pro-environmental behaviour, sustainable consumption, happiness and life satisfaction.


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Concern for the sustainability of our planet is widespread. The ever-increasing economic activity and large scale industralisation our consumer society requires has increased concerns among academics, politicians, and consumers alike on natural resource depletion, waste management, dangers of toxic chemicals, and climate change. Human consumption is causing major issues for the space we inhabit. Much work has been done over the past four decades to remedy human impact on our environment at corporate, policy and consumer level. But concerns on our ability to progress the sustainability agenda remain. Consumer behaviour plays a pivotal role in sustainable development. In light of this, we need to explore and understand the ways in which consumption occurs in consumers lives, with an aim to changing behaviours that do not support the natural environment. Questions on how to change consumer behaviour dominate much of the literature on sustainable consumption, but substantial behaviour change among individuals has not occurred as predicted. Some focus has shifted to look at upstream interventions, such as education. The Green-Schools Programme (known internationally as Eco-Schools) is one such intervention. The aim of this thesis was to explore consumption in the context of the Green-Schools Programme. The main research question asks: in the context of the Green-Schools, how are sustainable behaviour practices developed in the home? The findings presented in this thesis show that sustainable behaviour has developed in the home from both internal and external factors, the Green-Schools effect being one such factor; the programme does influence behaviour in the home context to some degree. One of the main findings of this research indicates that schoolchildren are imparting ‘positive pester power’ on household behaviour practices and the majority of households are passively practicing sustainable consumption. These findings contribute to knowledge on sustainable consumption in the home context.


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Curso on-line "Consumo responsable, consciente y transformador". Setem Hego Haizea


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On-line ikastaroa "Kontsumo arduratsua, kontziente eta eraldatzailea". Setem Hego Haizea Traducción: Regina Laurrucea Aransolo


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Consumer goods manufacturers aiming to reduce the environmental impact associated with their products commonly pursue incremental change strategies, but more radical approaches may be required if we are to address the challenges of sustainable consumption. One strategy to realize step change reductions is to prepare a portfolio of innovations providing different levels of impact reduction in exchange for different levels of organizational resource commitment. In this research a tool is developed to support this strategy, starting with the assumption that through brainstorming or other eco-innovation approaches, a long-list of candidate innovations has been created. The tool assesses the potential greenhouse gas benefit of an innovative option against the difficulty of its implementation. A simple greenhouse gas benefit assessment method based on streamlined LCA was used to analyze impact reduction potential, and a novel measure of implementation difficulty was developed. The predictions of implementation difficulty were compared against expert opinion, and showed similar results indicating the measure can be used sensibly to predict implementation difficulty. The assessment of the environmental gain versus implementation difficulty is visualized in a matrix, showing the trade-offs of several options. The tool is deliberately simple with scalar measures of CO 2 emissions benefits and implementation difficulty so tool users must remain aware of other potential environmental burdens besides greenhouse gases (e.g. water, waste). In addition, although relative life cycle emissions benefits of an option may be low, the absolute impact of an option can be high and there may be other co-benefits, which could justify higher levels of implementation difficulty. Different types of consumer products (e.g. household, personal care, foods) have been evaluated using the tool. Initial trials of the tool within Unilever demonstrate that the tool facilitates rapid evaluation of low-carbon innovations. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Just under half of all energy consumption in the UK today takes place indoors, and over a quarter within our homes. The challenges associated with energy security, climate change and sustainable consumption will be overcome or lost in existing buildings. A background analysis, and the scale of the engineering challenge for the next three to four decades, is described in this paper.


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Just under half of all energy consumption in the UK today takes place indoors, and over a quarter within our homes. The challenges associated with energy security, climate change and sustainable consumption will be overcome or lost in our existing buildings. A background analysis, and the scale of the engineering challenge for the next three to four decades, is described in this paper.


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Increases in gross domestic product (GDP) beyond a threshold of basic needs do not lead to further increases in well-being. An explanation is that material consumption (MC) also results in negative health externalities. We assess how these externalities influence six factors critical for well-being: (i) healthy food; (ii) active body; (iii) healthy mind; (iv) community links; (v) contact with nature; and (vi) attachment to possessions. If environmentally sustainable consumption (ESC) were increasingly substituted for MC, thus improving well-being and stocks of natural and social capital, and sustainable behaviours involving non-material consumption (SBs-NMC) became more prevalent, then well-being would increase regardless of levels of GDP. In the UK, the individualised annual health costs of negative consumption externalities (NCEs) currently amount to £62 billion for the National Health Service, and £184 billion for the economy (for mental ill-health, dementia, obesity, physical inactivity, diabetes, loneliness and cardiovascular disease). A dividend is available if substitution by ESC and SBs-NMC could limit the prevalence of these conditions.


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Embora os avanços científicos tenham um papel preponderante na resolução dos problemas ambientais associados às alterações climáticas, à utilização de energia e aos estilos de vida actuais, a médio e longo prazo a eficácia dessas tecnologias e das políticas de suporte das mesmas vai depender em grande medida das mudanças de comportamento e de atitudes por parte de organizações e indivíduos – no domínio privado, nas comunidades, nas empresas e no sector público. Compreender as mudanças no comportamento das pessoas para acções mais pro-ambientais é, portanto, uma parte essencial para redefinir o futuro. Os problemas ambientais só serão resolvidos com políticas baseadas numa clara compreensão dos factores que influenciam as intenções e atitudes individuais. Para se alterar um comportamento, é necessário compreender esse mesmo comportamento. Para além de ter um grande poder de compra actualmente, a população juvenil representa o grupo de consumidores do futuro: com a personalidade já formada, é importante perceber que ideias orientam as suas práticas. Deste modo, e no quadro de uma sociedade de consumo cada vez mais consolidada em Portugal, procuramos apreender os hábitos de consumo que pautam o quotidiano dos estudantes universitários face às suas preocupações de índole ambiental. Para tal, foi aplicado um inquérito que partiu da adaptação da escala NEP (New Ecological Paradigm, Dunlap et al, 2000) em associação a questões relacionadas com padrões de consumo, gaps de comportamento pró-ambiental, ligação ao campus e felicidade, e que visa conhecer consciência ambiental dos estudantes da FCSH.


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Cet article présente et discute certains résultats spécifiques provenant d’une étude plus large qui visait à explorer le rapport qu’entretiennent les consommateurs responsables aux biens de consommation. Sur la base de données empiriques collectées auprès de citoyens qui se sont tournés vers des modes de consommation à moindres impacts écologiques, il a été remarqué que l’adoption d’habitudes de « consommation durable » n’est pas seulement motivée par des considérations altruistes et environnementales, mais également par des bénéfices personnels et/ou familiaux perçus, incluant une augmentation attendue du bien-être. Ces dernières motivations, ainsi que la manière avec laquelle elles s’expriment à travers des préférences pour certaines caractéristiques que présentent des produits de consommation, sont exposées. Tout en reconnaissant les dangers que peuvent représenter la définition et la valorisation d’une approche de la consommation responsable qui se limite aux profits et intérêts individuels, l'article suggère que la compréhension de tels motifs, et leurs implications pour la manière dont les produits et services sont conçus et positionnés, demande à être davantage explorés et compris en vue de, potentiellement, supporter un avenir davantage durable.