773 resultados para Superação


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Sementes de diferentes procedências podem apresentar variações na intensidade de dormência, respondendo de forma diferenciada aos tratamentos e dificultando a indicação da melhor metodologia para superá-la. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de identificar métodos para superar a dormência e promover a germinação de sementes de barbatimão de diferentes procedências. Sementes dessa espécie foram colhidas em sete fragmentos de Cerrado localizados na região de Botucatu, SP, e submetidas aos seguintes tratamentos de superação de dormência: testemunha, escarificação mecânica (lixa 220), H2O quente por 20 min e escarificação com H2SO4 (95%) por 40, 60 e 80 min. As sementes foram avaliadas quanto ao teor de água, teste de germinação, comprimento de plântulas, índice de velocidade de germinação e condutividade elétrica. A escarificação em ácido sulfúrico por 60 min foi o tratamento mais eficiente para superar a dormência, acelerar e aumentar a porcentagem de germinação e resultar plântulas de maior tamanho, para as sementes de diferentes locais de origem.


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Through a careful examination of the relationship between Zoroastrianism and the Western tradition, and a detailed and critical reading of the writings of Nietzsche, this work aims at showing to what extent the character Zarathustra , his discourses and poetical-philosophical thoughts, and related passages from many distinct Nietzschean works, directly or undirectly reflect a philosophy that harvests contributions from the Zoroastrian tradition or its headways (in the Judeo-Greco-Christian tradition, and furthermore in the whole Western philosophical tradition). Supplied with this provisions, and with the interpretation cast upon them, Nietzschean philosophy questions the entire Western tradition of thought, and proposes its replacement by a new attitude towards life. This work also intends to show the way the Nietzschean Zarathustra was built up, in the writings of the German philosopher, together with the idea of making, out of the namesake character of the ancient Iranian prophet (Zarathushtra or Zoroaster, the founder of Zoroastrianism), the herald of that important text that intended to bring the German language to its highest perfection , clumping together, and leading to a prophetic-poetic climax consonant with the meaning of the Earth , Nietzsche s key ideas about the rectification of the most fatal of errors and about the death of God . An elaborate investigation has been pursued after the reasons and manners of the building up of Nietzsche s Zarathustra mirroring its Iranian namesake (sections 1.1 to 1.6), and a survey of the works of Nietzsche has suggested unquestionable relations with the Zoroastrian tradition, mostly through the Jewish, Greek or Christian repercussions of this tradition. These relations have been put in context, in many framings (sections 2.1 to 2.3.2), in the ambit of the most fatal of errors - the - creation of morals in the very occasion of its transposition to metaphysics (Ecce Homo, Why I am a destiny , 3). Through an evaluation of the possible circumstances and repercussions of the death of God , the relations between Nietzsche s writings and Zoroastrian tradition have been investigated (sections 3.1 to 3.7), allowing the understanding of this event as an essential component, and tragic outcome, of the rectification of the most fatal of errors


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Pre-germination treatments such as scarification and the use of growth regulators can provide the overcoming of dormancy in seeds and enhance the emergence and development of seedlings. The aim of this study was to determine appropriate treatments to overcoming seed dormancy and enhance the initial growth of seedlings of Spondias tuberosa. We used a randomized design in factorial 2 x 4, with the following factors: seeds scarified or not scarified and then soaked in water or aqueous solutions of gibberellin, cytokinin and ethylene, with 4 replicates and 15 seeds. There was no significant interaction between scarification treatments and use of growth regulators. Mechanical scarification and soaking of seed of umbuzeiro in solutions containing growth regulators does not increase the percentage of seedling emergence, however soaking in a solution of Ethrel at 100 ppm provides higher speed of emergence and root development.


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The aim of this experiment was to overcome the dormancy and the effect of different temperatures in Dioclea violacea seeds' germination. Two experiments were developed. In the first, it was studied the use of chemical and mechanical scarification in the overcome dormancy seeds. Therefore, were accomplished seven treatments with four replications of 15 seeds each. The experiment constituted of one testify treatment, five chemical scarification treatments (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 hours of immersion in concentrated sulfuric acid - H(2)SO(4)) and one mechanical scarification treatment. In the second experiment, was studied the temperature effects on germination seeds; it was constituted on six treatments with four replications with 12 seeds each. The treatments constituted of constant temperatures 15 degrees C, 20 degrees C, 25 degrees C, 30 degrees C and 35 degrees C and the alternate temperature 20-30 degrees C ( 16 and 8 hours, respectively). Germination, died seeds, hard seeds percentages, medium time germination and germination speed index were determined. The data were submitted to the variance analysis, and the averages compared by the Tukey test to 5% of probability and regression analysis. It was observed that the dormancy overcome of Dioclea violacea seeds can be done with chemical scarification, 3 to 5 hours in H(2)SO(4), as much as with mechanical scarification. Also, it was possible to conclude that Dioclea violacea seeds germinate in a wide temperature strip, with constant temperatures of 20 degrees C, 25 degrees C and 35 degrees C benefit the germination process.


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Partindo-se da constatação de que no continente sul-americano, as investigações sobre Atividade Física/Saúde Coletiva têm tomado rumos que mais se aproximam daqueles agravos que acometem pessoas de países desenvolvidos, cujos resultados raramente podem ser acolhidos como referência para nossa realidade, apresentam-se procedimentos metodológicos sobre as formas de mensuração da atividade física desde as medidas diretas realizadas em laboratório, até as indiretas utilizadas para estimativa de consumo calórico de tarefas habituais. em seguida, o binômio Saúde Coletiva/Exercício Físico é abordado com ênfase para as perspectivas e limitações desta relação em nosso meio. em momento subseqüente, considerando a possibilidade do padrão epidemiológico de transição, tematiza-se, a partir da literatura técnica pertinente, a prática de exercícios físicos, saúde e agravos infecciosos, apontando-se para algumas vertentes de investigação em nosso meio, com vistas à superação da lacuna apresentada.


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The objective of this study was to identify treatments capable of promoting and standardizing the germination of Murdannia nudiflora (L.) Brenan seeds. The seeds of this weed were submitted to the following treatments: mechanical abrasion with 220-grit sandpaper (20, 30 and 40 frictions); immersion in sulfuric acid (90% for 30 and 40 seconds), followed by washing in running water; immersion in sodium hypochlorite (2.5% for 8 and 12 hours) and lye (5 minutes), followed by five washings in distilled water; immersion in KNO 3 (1% for 24 hours); preheating at 40°C in a humid or dry substrate for 2, 3 and 4 weeks. The statistical design was totally randomized, with four repetitions. The number of germinated seeds was counted every other day. The most favorable treatments were preheating at 40°C in humid substrate for 3 weeks, followed by mechanical abrasion after 40 frictions and immersion in sulfuric acid for 40 seconds.


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Dormancy caused by the tegument's impermeability to water is a feature of Schizolobium parahyba seeds. So that the best methodology for overcoming the species's dormancy may be determined, the seeds were submitted to mechanical scarification treatments, using sandpaper and scissors, on the opposite side of the hilum. Chemical scarification was also undertaken with sulfuric (H2SO4) and hydrochloric (HCl) acids for 30 minutes. Seeds were distributed in groups of 25 units in four petri plates. The experiment was undertaken in a BOD germination chamber at 25°C and 120 μmol.m-2.s-1. Data were used to calculate the germination capacity (G%), the Germination Velocity Index (IVG) and Mean Germination Time (TM). Imbibation curve was also calculated to analyze the dormancy type of the seeds by using the three-phase model where phase FI was completed in 6 hours and FIII was initiated after 12 hours of imbibation. Results show that whereas pre-germinative treatments trigger S. parahyba germination, mechanical scarification is the most effective method to overcome the species's dormancy.


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Understanding basic information on weed biology contributes to the implementation of appropriate management and control strategies. Thus, this work was developed to evaluate the germination of Spermacoce latifolia Aubl. seeds, an important weed in reforestation areas. The seeds were subjected to dormancy break treatments, in which the mechanical scarification, chemical treatment (H2SO 4 and KNO 3), heat treatment, and control, were evaluated. Three more tests were done determinate the effects of temperature (10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35°C), light filters (absence of light and red, green, yellow, distant red, blue, orange and clear light) and water availability (0.0, -0.2, -0.4, -0.6, -0.8 and -1.0 MPa) on the seeds germination and vigor. The treatments were arranged in a completely randomized design with four replications, and the experimental plot was constituted by gerbox plastic boxes with 50 seeds. The mechanical scarification (sanding) provided the best dormancy break, indicating that Spermacoce latifolia seeds have tegument water impermeability. The seeds showed higher germination percentage under conditions of mild water stress (-0.2 MPa) and the optimal temperature was 25°C. The blue light reduced seed germination.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA