996 resultados para Sunflower seed


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The objective of this study was to compare the capacity of adult (more than 3 yr old) and young (less than 1 yr old) true parrots to digest seeds that are normally included in their diet in captivity, particularly soybean, sunflower, and corn. All the seeds were offered for 5 d with an interval of 15 d between different diets. The seeds of soybean and corn were boiled for 15 min and soaked in water at ambient temperature for 12 h before being fed to the birds. There were no differences in the digestibilities of crude protein and fats (ether extract) among animals, but the digestibilities of dry matter and crude fiber by the adult animals were higher than those of the young ones. The digestibility of carbohydrate (nitrogen-free extract) by adult birds was higher only for sunflower seeds. It is concluded that the capacity of parrots to digest fiber may change according to the age of the animal. Since the digestion of fiber depends on the action of microorganisms, these results suggest that the colonization of the gastrointestinal tract is delayed or very slow in young parrots.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the tissue composition and carcass muscularity of 32 legs of Ile de France lambs fed with diets containing sunflower seeds and vitamin E, with mean body weight of 15 kg, lodged in individual pens at 15 kg and slaughtered at 32 kg of body weight. The treatments influenced (P<0,05) leg weight, femur length and muscle: bone ratio, being the highest values (2,13 kg, 16,19 cm and 7,38, respectively) in lambs that received diet without sunflower seeds and vitamin E. The other variables were not affected (P>0,05) by the treatments. The interaction of the sunflower and vitamin E was positive for bone total weights and intramuscular fat.


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Liming is indispensable in acid soils for amending acidity; however, the technique may alter the cation balance in soil and, consequently, may limit the availability and uptake of nutrients. We aimed to evaluate different molar ratios between calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) on the availability of soil nutrients and their influence on the productive properties of sunflower and seed quality. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse under two types of contrasting soils and six molar combinations of CaCO3and MgCO3 in amendment of soil acidity to raise base saturation to 70%. After incubation, soil analysis was undertaken to verify the ratios obtained and nutrient availability. Morphological and production variables were analyzed at the end of the experiment, as well as accumulation of nutrients in the achenes and their physiological quality. In spite of equal base saturation between the types of soil, there were differences in the available contents of these cations. The increase in the Ca contents limited the Mg contents to the critical level of the sunflower. This result had a negative influence on the production properties of sunflower and physiological quality. In contrast, there was a compensation of the crop with greater accumulation of nutrients in the achenes under lower yield.


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Guayule (Parthenium argentatum Gray) is a rubber-producing shrub native to the semi-arid region of north central Mexico and southwestern Texas. Timely harvest is critical to achieve maximum seed viability, vigour, and yield. The objective of this study was to investigate possible indicators of optimum seed maturity in guayule. The optimum harvest maturity time for guayule was studied by comparing quality parameters at different times after flowering. Heat units expressed as growing degree-days after flowering were calculated and related to seed development stages and quality. Seed quality at different stages of development was assessed by germination, capitulum dry mass, 1000 seed mass, and percentage of filled seeds. The maximum seed quality was recorded at 329 growing degree-days (GDD). This was 28 days from time of flowering. At this date, the moisture content of the capitulum was 48% on a wet basis and the colour was comparable to cinnamon (Code 165C) on the Royal Horticultural Society (R.H.S.) standard colour chart. Of all the parameters GDD, 1000 seed mass, and percentage of filled seeds provided a more rapid and reliable measure of optimum seed maturity. Colour identification can be used as an additional indicator. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Plants incorporate isotopes of carbon into their tissue at different rates because of discrimination against 13C relative to 12C during photosynthesis. This difference in discrimination has been negatively correlated with transpiration efficiency (TE) in many C3 species and so, carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) of leaf tissues has been proposed as a potential tool for selecting genotypes with improved performance under water limited conditions. The relationship between Δ and TE in sunflower has been described previously using diverse genotypes, but this relationship has not been investigated with material selected from a segregating population. In this study, the TE of twenty recombinant inbred lines from a population (HAR4 x SA52) segregating for Δ was evaluated in a rainout shelter experiment. A strong negative genetic correlation between TE and Δ was observed (rg = -0.58), confirming previous studies of sunflower with unrelated lines. In addition, TE was strongly correlated to plant height at the final harvest (rg = 0.64) and TDW (rg = 0.58), and moderately correlated to SLW (rg = 0.46) and SPAD (rg = 0.21) but not leaf number (rg = 0.02). Estimates of narrow sense heritability of TE and Δ were very high (0.82 and 0.77, respectively) suggesting that selection for these traits could occur in early generations of segregating populations. Grain yield evaluations under field conditions of hybrids contrasting for Δ showed that low Δ (high TE) hybrids had a yield advantage between 22-35% in dry environments where the yield was less than 2t/ha. While this level of yield advantage may not be realized in commercial breeding programs, computer simulations suggest that 10-15% yield improvements may be possible. Low Δ material selected from the population HAR4 x SA52 has been distributed to private seed companies for further evaluation.


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Sunflower is one of the most important oilseed crops and produces a high-quality edible oil. Balance of fatty acids in standard sunflower oil shows preponderance of linoleic rather than oleic acid, and conditions during seed development, such as temperature, changes the oleic/linoleic ratio of the oil. This work aimed to evaluate the environmental effect on fatty acid profile in a group of standard and high oleic varieties and hybrids. Seeds were produced during regular season crop and during off-season crop featuring different temperatures from anthesis to maturity. Fatty acid composition was determined by gas chromatography. Levels of oleic acid, in standard oil genotypes, raised as the crop developed in warmer environment while levels of linoleic acid decreased, and the opposite was observed when the crop was grown under lower temperature. High oleic genotypes were less sensitive to environment switching and showed lower variation on fatty acid composition.


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Sequences of two chloroplast photosystem genes, psaA and psbB, together comprising about 3,500 bp, were obtained for all five major groups of extant seed plants and several outgroups among other vascular plants. Strongly supported, but significantly conflicting, phylogenetic signals were obtained in parsimony analyses from partitions of the data into first and second codon positions versus third positions. In the former, both genes agreed on a monophyletic gymnosperms, with Gnetales closely related to certain conifers. In the latter, Gnetales are inferred to be the sister group of all other seed plants, with gymnosperms paraphyletic. None of the data supported the modern ‘‘anthophyte hypothesis,’’ which places Gnetales as the sister group of flowering plants. A series of simulation studies were undertaken to examine the error rate for parsimony inference. Three kinds of errors were examined: random error, systematic bias (both properties of finite data sets), and statistical inconsistency owing to long-branch attraction (an asymptotic property). Parsimony reconstructions were extremely biased for third-position data for psbB. Regardless of the true underlying tree, a tree in which Gnetales are sister to all other seed plants was likely to be reconstructed for these data. None of the combinations of genes or partitions permits the anthophyte tree to be reconstructed with high probability. Simulations of progressively larger data sets indicate the existence of long-branch attraction (statistical inconsistency) for third-position psbB data if either the anthophyte tree or the gymnosperm tree is correct. This is also true for the anthophyte tree using either psaA third positions or psbB first and second positions. A factor contributing to bias and inconsistency is extremely short branches at the base of the seed plant radiation, coupled with extremely high rates in Gnetales and nonseed plant outgroups. M. J. Sanderson,* M. F. Wojciechowski,*† J.-M. Hu,* T. Sher Khan,* and S. G. Brady


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Within the Australian wet tropics bioregion, only 900 000 hectares of once continuous rainforest habitat between Townsville and Cooktown now remains. While on the Atherton Tableland, only 4% of the rainforest that once occurred there remains today with remnant vegetation now forming a matrix of rainforest dispersed within agricultural land (sugarcane, banana, orchard crops, townships and pastoral land). Some biologists have suggested that remnants often support both faunal and floral communities that differ significantly from remaining continuous forest. Australian tropical forests possess a relatively high diversity of native small mammal species particularly rodents, which unlike larger mammalian and avian frugivores elsewhere, have been shown to be resilient to the effects of fragmentation, patch isolation and reduction in patch size. While small mammals often become the dominant mammalian frugivores, in terms of their relative abundance, the relationship that exists between habitat diversity and structure, and the impacts of small mammal foraging within fragmented habitat patches in Australia, is still poorly understood. The relationship between foraging behaviour and demography of two small mammal species, Rattus fuscipes and Melomys cervinipes, and food resources in fragmented rainforest sites, were investigated in the current study. Population densities of both species were strongly related with overall density of seed resources in all rainforest fragments. The distribution of both mammal species however, was found to be independent of the distribution of seed resources. Seed utilisation trials indicated that M.cervinipes and R.fuscipes had less impact on seed resources (extent of seed harvesting) than did other rainforest frugivores. Experimental feeding trials demonstrated that in 85% of fruit species tested, rodent feeding increased seed germination by a factor of 3.5 suggesting that in Australian tropical rainforest remnants, small mammals may play a significant role in enhancing germination of large seeded fruits. This study has emphasised the role of small mammals in tropical rainforest systems in north eastern Australia, in particular, the role that they play within isolated forest fragments where larger frugivorous species may be absent.


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Abstract Seed-transmissibility of brood bean stain virus (BBSV) was investigated in a number of wild legume species. Genninating axes of seeds coliected from BBSV -infected plants were tested by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The virus was found to be seedtransmitted in Vida pal«stina.


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Recent theoretical research has shown that ocean currents and wind interact to disperse seeds over long distances among isolated landmasses. Dispersal of seeds among isolated oceanic islands, by birds, oceans and man, is a well-known phenomenon, and many widespread island plants have traits that facilitate this process. Crucially, however, there have been no mechanistic vector-based models of long-distance dispersal for seeds among isolated oceanic islands based on empirical data. Here, we propose a plan to develop seed analogues, or pseudoseeds, fitted with wireless sensor technology that will enable high-fidelity tracking as they disperse across the ocean. The pseudoseeds will be precisely designed to mimic actual seed buoyancy and morphology enabling realistic and accurate, vector-based dispersal models of ocean seed dispersal over vast geographic scales.


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At St Thomas' Hospital, we have developed a computer program on a Titan graphics supercomputer to plan the stereotactic implantation of iodine-125 seeds for the palliative treatment of recurrent malignant gliomas. Use of the Gill-Thomas-Cosman relocatable frame allows planning and surgery to be carried out at different hospitals on different days. Stereotactic computed tomography (CT) and positron emission tomography (PET) scans are performed and the images transferred to the planning computer. The head, tumour and frame fiducials are outlined on the relevant images, and a three-dimensional model generated. Structures which could interfere with the surgery or radiotherapy, such as major vessels, shunt tubing etc., can also be outlined and included in the display. Catheter target and entry points are set using a three-dimensional cursor controlled by a set of dials attached to the computer. The program calculates and displays the radiation dose distribution within the target volume for various catheter and seed arrangements. The CT co-ordinates of the fiducial rods are used to convert catheter co-ordinates from CT space to frame space and to calculate the catheter insertion angles and depths. The surgically implanted catheters are after-loaded the next day and the seeds left in place for between 4 and 6 days, giving a nominal dose of 50 Gy to the edge of the target volume. 25 patients have been treated so far.


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The renovation of biomass waste in the form of date seed waste into activated carbon and biofuel by fixed bed pyrolysis reactor has been focused in this study to obtain gaseous, liquid, and solid products. The date seed in particle form is pyrolysed in an externally heated fixed bed reactor with nitrogen as the carrier gas. The reactor is heated from 400◦C to 600◦C. A maximum liquid yield of 50wt.% and char of 30wt.% are obtained at a reactor bed temperature of 500◦C with a running time of 120 minutes. The oil is found to possess favorable flash point and reasonable density and viscosity. The higher calorific value is found to be 28.636 MJ/kg which is significantly higher than other biomass derived. Decolonization of 85–97% is recorded for the textile effluent and 75–90% for the tannery effluent, in all cases decreasing with temperature increase. Good adsorption capacity of the prepared activated carbon in case of diluted textile and tannery effluent was found.


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The conversion of biomass waste in the form of date seed into pyrolysis oil by fixed bed pyrolysis reactor has been taken into consideration in this study. A fixed bed pyrolysis has been designed and fabricated for obtaining liquid fuel from these date seeds. The major component of the system are fixed bed pyrolysis reactor, liquid condenser and liquid collector. The date seed in particle form is pyrolysed in an externally heated 7.6 cm diameter and 46 cm high fixed bed reactor with nitrogen as the carrier gas. The reactor is heated by means of a biomass source cylindrical heater from 4000C to 6000C. The products are oil, char and gas. The reactor bed temperature, running time and feed particle size are considered as process parameters. The parameters are found to influence the product yield significantly. A maximum liquid yield of 50 wt.% is obtained at a reactor bed temperature of 5000 C for a feed size volume of 0.11- 0.20 cm3 with a running time of 120 minutes. The pyrolysis oil obtained at this optimum process conditions are analyzed for some fuel properties and compared with some other biomass derived pyrolysis oils and also with conventional fuels. The oil is found to possess favorable flash point and reasonable density and viscosity. The higher calorific value is found to be 28.636 MJ/kg which is significantly higher than other biomass derived pyrolysis oils.