52 resultados para Sudbury


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Cette recherche consiste en un examen du rôle du festival dans une communauté linguistique en contexte minoritaire confrontée à des enjeux spécifiques tels que l’assimilation, l’exogamie, la diglossie, l’inégal accès aux services dans sa langue, de même que l’accès limité aux produits culturels de son groupe linguistique. Le cas des festivals francophones en milieu minoritaire sert à interroger concrètement et empiriquement les possibilités, les conditions, les limites et les contraintes de cette forme particulière d’événement en tant que vecteur de la vitalité culturelle d’une communauté minoritaire. Le festival est aussi exploré en lien aux grandes finalités de développement culturel et de démocratie culturelle, soit des mécanismes culturels à la source des politiques culturelles modernes, ainsi qu’en lien à son rôle aux niveaux de l’affirmation et de la consolidation identitaires. Une étude de cas multiples a été menée afin de comparer et d’analyser trois festivals francophones en milieu minoritaire ontarien qui sont mis sur pied dans différentes régions, et ont des objectifs à la fois similaires et différenciés : 1) La Nuit sur l’étang (Sudbury) ; 2) le Festival franco-ontarien (Ottawa) ; et 3) le Festival du Loup (Lafontaine-Penetanguishene). En focalisant sur chaque cas étudié, nous sommes en mesure de donner une vue d’ensemble du phénomène « festival » dans un tel contexte. Cette recherche présente, par le biais de sources documentaires, d’observations sur le terrain et d’entretiens auprès des organisateurs, des festivaliers et des artistes de ces événements, les perceptions qu’en ont et l’utilisation qu’en font ces différentes catégories d’acteurs impliqués. Elle fait plus précisément état de la contribution du festival au niveau des mécanismes culturels proposés ci-dessus. En outre, elle permet de déterminer si les acteurs directement impliqués dans ce type d’événement le perçoivent comme un enjeu important pour la francité. Bref, l’ensemble des contributions qu’apportent les festivals francophones en Ontario montrent en quoi ces événements agissent comme des vecteurs de la vitalité culturelle d’une communauté minoritaire.


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Les mesures cosmologiques les plus récentes ont montré la présence d’un type de matière exotique constituant 85% de la masse de l’univers. Ce type de matière non baryonique serait formé de particules neutres, non relativistes, massives et interagissant faiblement avec la matière baryonique. L’ensemble des candidats est regroupé sous le nom générique WIMP (Weakly Interactive Massive Particles). L’expérience PICASSO (Projet d’Identification des CAndidats Supersymétriques de la matière SOmbre) est une expérience utilisant des détecteurs à seuil d’énergie contenant des gouttelettes surchauffées constituées de C4F10. Cette technique de détection est basée sur le principe de la chambre à bulles. Le projet PICASSO a pour but de détecter directement une particule de matière sombre. Le principe de détection est qu’une particule de matière sombre interagissant avec le liquide actif engendre un recul nucléaire du 19F. L’énergie de recul serait suffisante pour engendrer une transition de phase accompagnée d’un signal acoustique enregistrée par des senseurs piézoélectriques. Dans le cadre de ce mémoire, une simulation du taux de comptage de l’étalonnage des détecteurs PICASSO soumis à des neutrons monoénergétiques a été effectuée en utilisant la théorie de Seitz qui décrit les critères pour qu’une transition de phase ait lieu pour un liquide en état de surchauffe. De plus, un modèle calculant le signal acoustique émis lors d’une transition de phase engendré par différents types de radiations a été créé permettant de caractériser la discrimination entre différents bruits de fond en fonction de l’énergie de seuil. Finalement, un outil d’analyse, la localisation des évènements, a été utilisé pour appliquer des coupures sur le volume dans le but d’améliorer la discrimination alpha-neutron.


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Las reacciones alérgicas a medicamentos cutáneas severas (RAM) como el Síndrome Stevens Johnson (SJS) y la Necrólisis Epidérmica Tóxica (NET),caracterizadas por exantema, erosión de la piel y las membranas mucosas, flictenas, desprendimiento de la piel secundario a la muerte de queratinocitos y compromiso ocular. Son infrecuentes en la población pero con elevada morbi-mortalidad, se presentan luego de la administración de diferentes fármacos. En Asia se ha asociado el alelo HLA-B*15:02 como marcador genético para SJS. En Colombia no hay datos de la incidencia de estas RAM, ni de la relación con medicamentos específicos o potenciales y tampoco estudios de aproximación genómica de genes de susceptibilidad.


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Se presenta la manera de elaborar un porfolio de acuerdo con el modelo enseñado por la cadena de televisión 'T.V. Ontario' de Toronto (Canadá) y en proyecto de ser implantado en las Escuelas formales ligadas a la 'Université Laurentienne de Sudbury', con ubicación también en Ontario. Se subraya la importancia de resaltar el reconociendo académico de los aprendizajes adquiridos fuera de la Escuela y se hace un énfasis en la validez de la utilización del modelo presentado en el campo de la educación a distancia.


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The weakening mechanisms involved in the collapse of complex impact craters are controversial. The Araguainha impact crater, in Brazil, exposes a complex structure of 40 km in diameter, and is an excellent object to address this issue. Its core is dominated by granite. In addition to microstructural observations, magnetic studies reveal its internal fabric acquired during the collapse phase. All granite samples exhibit impact-related planar deformation features (PDFs) and planar fractures (PFs), which were overprinted by cataclasis. Cataclastic deformation has evolved from incipient brittle fracturing to the development of discrete shear bands in the center of the structure. Fracture planes are systematically decorated by tiny grains (<10 mu m) of magnetite and hematite, and the orientation of magnetic lineation and magnetic foliation obtained by the anisotropies of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and anhysteretic remanence (AAR) are perfectly coaxial in all studied sites. Therefore, we could track the orientation of deformation features which are decorated by iron oxides using the AMS and AAR. The magnetic fabrics show a regular pattern at the borders of the central peak, with orientations consistent with the fabric of sediments at the crater's inner collar and complex in the center of the structure. Both the cataclastic flow revealed from microstructural observations and the structural pattern of the magnetic anisotropy match the predictions from numerical models of complex impact structures. The widespread occurrence of cataclasis in the central peak, and its orientations revealed by magnetic studies indicate that acoustic fluidization likely operates at all scales, including the mineral scales. The cataclastic flow made possible by acoustic fluidization results in an apparent plastic deformation at the macroscopic scale in the core. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this thesis we describe in detail the Monte Carlo simulation (LVDG4) built to interpret the experimental data collected by LVD and to measure the muon-induced neutron yield in iron and liquid scintillator. A full Monte Carlo simulation, based on the Geant4 (v 9.3) toolkit, has been developed and validation tests have been performed. We used the LVDG4 to determine the active vetoing and the shielding power of LVD. The idea was to evaluate the feasibility to host a dark matter detector in the most internal part, called Core Facility (LVD-CF). The first conclusion is that LVD is a good moderator, but the iron supporting structure produce a great number of neutrons near the core. The second conclusions is that if LVD is used as an active veto for muons, the neutron flux in the LVD-CF is reduced by a factor 50, of the same order of magnitude of the neutron flux in the deepest laboratory of the world, Sudbury. Finally, the muon-induced neutron yield has been measured. In liquid scintillator we found $(3.2 \pm 0.2) \times 10^{-4}$ n/g/cm$^2$, in agreement with previous measurements performed at different depths and with the general trend predicted by theoretical calculations and Monte Carlo simulations. Moreover we present the first measurement, in our knowledge, of the neutron yield in iron: $(1.9 \pm 0.1) \times 10^{-3}$ n/g/cm$^2$. That measurement provides an important check for the MC of neutron production in heavy materials that are often used as shield in low background experiments.


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Job seekers in resource-based economic settings like the Keweenaw Peninsula in Upper Michigan and the Nickel Basin surrounding Sudbury, Ontario faced many challenges, from the dangers of the job to corporate domination to the “boom and bust” nature of inevitably limited supplies of even “endless” natural riches. Adding to these many challenges in both settings was the employer view that you were best suited to certain tasks. This paper examines these expectations from “both” ends – how and why did employers see matters this way, and what did the “recipients” make of being cast in certain roles ? Did the newcomers also expect to earn their keep from a limited range of options ? While the last word on this issue awaits a much larger study, even a glance can inform both the scholar of resource settings and the ethnic historian about an important element of resource-based economies. This paper, then, examines the links between stereotype, preference, and necessity – to what extent did local populations fight, appreciate or succumb to expectation when “making a living.” As the title suggests, Finns get significant attention, as befits both settings under study. However, the paper looks to similar trends amongst a broad demographic swathe in each setting. Was “who” you were the crucial element in finding sustenance ? “Ethnic”, Aboriginal, or “established settler society” – what factors shaped economic expectations, choices and roles?


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This chapter examines some of the grammatical variability and non-standardness found in the English of the Falkland Islands. The Falklands are an archipelago of over 700 islands located in the western South Atlantic Ocean, 480km off the east coast of Argentina. Although the population is small – around 3000 - the islands cover an area of over 12000km2 – slightly larger than Jamaica and half the size of Wales, making them, after Greenland, the most sparsely populated political entity in the world. In political terms, the Falklands are an Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom. In contrast to the rural isolated image that the Falklands perhaps conjure up, the community is, in demographic terms, an urban and diverse one. Over 85% of the population living in the capital Stanley. The 2006 census (Government of the Falkland Islands 2007: 6) shows that 55% of the population were not born on the Islands, with the largest migrant groups coming from the UK, St Helena (another British Overseas Territory, located in the eastern South Atlantic), Chile and Australia. It also highlighted the fact that people born in 62 different countries were resident on the islands at the time (Pascoe and Pepper 2008: 38). By way of a comparison, only Monaco and Andorra, in Europe, have a higher proportion of their populations made up of migrants. In addition to the local Falkland population, there is a large military presence on the islands at the Royal Airforce Base at Mount Pleasant, 50km south-west of Stanley. The Head of State is the monarch of the UK, who is represented on the islands by a governor. The democratically elected 11-member Legislative Assembly is responsible for day-to-day government of the islands. The Falklands are perhaps most famous because of their 74 day occupation by Argentina in 1982. It is not appropriate here to go into detail about the dispute between the UK and Argentina about the sovereignty of the Islands. What is undisputed is that there has been a continuous Anglophone speech community on the islands since the early 1830s, making it one of the most recently developed ‘Inner Circle’ (Kachru 1985) Englishes in the world. This chapter examines the grammatical characteristics of Falkland Island English, drawn from a transcribed corpus of over 500,000 words of informal conversational speech, collected by Andrea Sudbury both in Stanley and in ‘Camp’ (the local name for the rest of the islands) (see Sudbury 2000, 2001 for more details about the methods used in the survey).


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The decision to build the Secondary Lining in Route Tunnels which are perforated using the New Austrian Tunnelling Method does not generally depend on reasons of structural strength. The paper discusses the implications of the issue as well as the pros and cons of the current alternative courses of action.


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La consolidación de la Web 2.0 y los medios sociales en nuestra sociedad coincide en el tiempo con el paulatino afianzamiento de un mercado emergente, el de las personas mayores. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar, en el contexto de las redes sociales, cómo se gestiona la comunicación con el público maduro en España. Dos de los criterios que las empresas normalmente consideran cuando evalúan nuevos mercados son su peso económico y demográfico; en ambas áreas las personas mayores se han convertido en un grupo importante, convirtiéndose en uno de los mercados con mayor futuro del que además habría que destacar no sólo su tamaño y densidad, sino también su carácter heterogéneo, su variedad (Hudson, S., 2010; Westerhof et al., 2010; Imserso, 2009; Sudbury, L. y Simcock, P.,2009; Furlong, 2007; Kohlbacher y Herstatt, 2008: Thornhill y Martin, 2007). ¿Cumplen las redes sociales con las expectativas de los mayores, como público específico? Las redes sociales para mayores ¿son comunidades basadas en actitudes o conocimientos? (Matías Fernández, 2006) Los mayores, además de elegir redes y contenidos, ¿son internautas reales de redes sociales?, ¿son activos en la generación de contenidos hasta controlar la comunicación?... No existen precedentes y el trabajo persigue averiguar el papel de las personas mayores en las redes sociales específicas, así como el papel de las nuevas tecnologías en la comunicación de y con las personas mayores. Además, las conclusiones permitirán definir las hipótesis de estudios posteriores.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Cambridgshire : described with the deuision of the hundreds, the townes situation, with the armes of the colleges of that famous vniuersiti and also the armes of all such princes and noblemen as haue heertofore borne the honorable tytles & dignities of the Earldome of Cambridge, performed by Iohn Speede and are to be solde in popes head alley by John Sudbury and G. Humbell. It was published by J. Sudbury and G. Humbell in 1610. Scale [ca. 1:109,890]. Covers Cambridgeshire and portions of surrounding counties. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the British National Grid coordinate system (British National Grid, Airy Spheroid OSGB (1936) Datum). All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, cities and towns, drainage, and more. Relief is shown pictorially. Includes inset of Cambridge with index identifying colleges, churches and other places of interest. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from The Harvard Map Collection as part of the Imaging the Urban Environment project. Maps selected for this project represent major urban areas and cities of the world, at various time periods. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features at a large scale. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Map of Middlesex County, Massachusetts, the details from original surveys under the direction of Henry F. Walling, supt. of the state map ; Thos. W. Baker, draughtsman. It was published by Smith & Bumstead in 1856. Scale 1:50,000. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Massachusetts State Plane Coordinate System, Mainland Zone (in Feet) (Fipszone 2001). All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, railroads, drainage, public buildings, schools, churches, cemeteries, industry locations (e.g. mills, factories, mines, etc.), private buildings with names of property owners, town and county boundaries and more. Covers also parts of Boston. Relief is shown by hachures. It includes many cadastral insets of individual county towns and villages, and an inset geological map of county. It also includes illustrations, business directories, and tables of statistics and distances. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps of Massachusetts from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates (1755-1922), scales, and purposes. The digitized selection includes maps of: the state, Massachusetts counties, town surveys, coastal features, real property, parks, cemeteries, railroads, roads, public works projects, etc.


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This raster layer represents surface elevation for the Boston Region, Massachusetts. This datalayer is a subset (covering only the Boston region) of the Massachusetts statewide digital elevation model. It was created from the digital terrain models that were produced as part of the 1:5,000 Black and White Digital Orthophoto imagery project. Cellsize is 5 meters by 5 meters. Each cell has an integer value, in meters, which represents its elevation above or below sea level.