991 resultados para Success criteria


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El accidente de rotura de tubos de un generador de vapor (Steam Generator Tube Rupture, SGTR) en los reactores de agua a presión es uno de los transitorios más exigentes desde el punto de vista de operación. Los transitorios de SGTR son especiales, ya que podría dar lugar a emisiones radiológicas al exterior sin necesidad de daño en el núcleo previo o sin que falle la contención, ya que los SG pueden constituir una vía directa desde el reactor al medio ambiente en este transitorio. En los análisis de seguridad, el SGTR se analiza desde un punto determinista y probabilista, con distintos enfoques con respecto a las acciones del operador y las consecuencias analizadas. Cuando comenzaron los Análisis Deterministas de Seguridad (DSA), la forma de analizar el SGTR fue sin dar crédito a la acción del operador durante los primeros 30 min del transitorio, lo que suponía que el grupo de operación era capaz de detener la fuga por el tubo roto dentro de ese tiempo. Sin embargo, los diferentes casos reales de accidentes de SGTR sucedidos en los EE.UU. y alrededor del mundo demostraron que los operadores pueden emplear más de 30 minutos para detener la fuga en la vida real. Algunas metodologías fueron desarrolladas en los EEUU y en Europa para abordar esa cuestión. En el Análisis Probabilista de Seguridad (PSA), las acciones del operador se tienen en cuenta para diseñar los cabeceros en el árbol de sucesos. Los tiempos disponibles se utilizan para establecer los criterios de éxito para dichos cabeceros. Sin embargo, en una secuencia dinámica como el SGTR, las acciones de un operador son muy dependientes del tiempo disponible por las acciones humanas anteriores. Además, algunas de las secuencias de SGTR puede conducir a la liberación de actividad radiológica al exterior sin daño previo en el núcleo y que no se tienen en cuenta en el APS, ya que desde el punto de vista de la integridad de núcleo son de éxito. Para ello, para analizar todos estos factores, la forma adecuada de analizar este tipo de secuencias pueden ser a través de una metodología que contemple Árboles de Sucesos Dinámicos (Dynamic Event Trees, DET). En esta Tesis Doctoral se compara el impacto en la evolución temporal y la dosis al exterior de la hipótesis más relevantes encontradas en los Análisis Deterministas a nivel mundial. La comparación se realiza con un modelo PWR Westinghouse de tres lazos (CN Almaraz) con el código termohidráulico TRACE, con hipótesis de estimación óptima, pero con hipótesis deterministas como criterio de fallo único o pérdida de energía eléctrica exterior. Las dosis al exterior se calculan con RADTRAD, ya que es uno de los códigos utilizados normalmente para los cálculos de dosis del SGTR. El comportamiento del reactor y las dosis al exterior son muy diversas, según las diferentes hipótesis en cada metodología. Por otra parte, los resultados están bastante lejos de los límites de regulación, pese a los conservadurismos introducidos. En el siguiente paso de la Tesis Doctoral, se ha realizado un análisis de seguridad integrado del SGTR según la metodología ISA, desarrollada por el Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear español (CSN). Para ello, se ha realizado un análisis termo-hidráulico con un modelo de PWR Westinghouse de 3 lazos con el código MAAP. La metodología ISA permite la obtención del árbol de eventos dinámico del SGTR, teniendo en cuenta las incertidumbres en los tiempos de actuación del operador. Las simulaciones se realizaron con SCAIS (sistema de simulación de códigos para la evaluación de la seguridad integrada), que incluye un acoplamiento dinámico con MAAP. Las dosis al exterior se calcularon también con RADTRAD. En los resultados, se han tenido en cuenta, por primera vez en la literatura, las consecuencias de las secuencias en términos no sólo de daños en el núcleo sino de dosis al exterior. Esta tesis doctoral demuestra la necesidad de analizar todas las consecuencias que contribuyen al riesgo en un accidente como el SGTR. Para ello se ha hecho uso de una metodología integrada como ISA-CSN. Con este enfoque, la visión del DSA del SGTR (consecuencias radiológicas) se une con la visión del PSA del SGTR (consecuencias de daño al núcleo) para evaluar el riesgo total del accidente. Abstract Steam Generator Tube Rupture accidents in Pressurized Water Reactors are known to be one of the most demanding transients for the operating crew. SGTR are special transient as they could lead to radiological releases without core damage or containment failure, as they can constitute a direct path to the environment. The SGTR is analyzed from a Deterministic and Probabilistic point of view in the Safety Analysis, although the assumptions of the different approaches regarding the operator actions are quite different. In the beginning of Deterministic Safety Analysis, the way of analyzing the SGTR was not crediting the operator action for the first 30 min of the transient, assuming that the operating crew was able to stop the primary to secondary leakage within that time. However, the different real SGTR accident cases happened in the USA and over the world demonstrated that operators can took more than 30 min to stop the leakage in actual sequences. Some methodologies were raised in the USA and in Europe to cover that issue. In the Probabilistic Safety Analysis, the operator actions are taken into account to set the headers in the event tree. The available times are used to establish the success criteria for the headers. However, in such a dynamic sequence as SGTR, the operator actions are very dependent on the time available left by the other human actions. Moreover, some of the SGTR sequences can lead to offsite doses without previous core damage and they are not taken into account in PSA as from the point of view of core integrity are successful. Therefore, to analyze all this factors, the appropriate way of analyzing that kind of sequences could be through a Dynamic Event Tree methodology. This Thesis compares the impact on transient evolution and the offsite dose of the most relevant hypothesis of the different SGTR analysis included in the Deterministic Safety Analysis. The comparison is done with a PWR Westinghouse three loop model in TRACE code (Almaraz NPP), with best estimate assumptions but including deterministic hypothesis such as single failure criteria or loss of offsite power. The offsite doses are calculated with RADTRAD code, as it is one of the codes normally used for SGTR offsite dose calculations. The behaviour of the reactor and the offsite doses are quite diverse depending on the different assumptions made in each methodology. On the other hand, although the high conservatism, such as the single failure criteria, the results are quite far from the regulatory limits. In the next stage of the Thesis, the Integrated Safety Assessment (ISA) methodology, developed by the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN), has been applied to a thermohydraulical analysis of a Westinghouse 3-loop PWR plant with the MAAP code. The ISA methodology allows obtaining the SGTR Dynamic Event Tree taking into account the uncertainties on the operator actuation times. Simulations are performed with SCAIS (Simulation Code system for Integrated Safety Assessment), which includes a dynamic coupling with MAAP thermal hydraulic code. The offsite doses are calculated also with RADTRAD. The results shows the consequences of the sequences in terms not only of core damage but of offsite doses. This Thesis shows the need of analyzing all the consequences in an accident such as SGTR. For that, an it has been used an integral methodology like ISA-CSN. With this approach, the DSA vision of the SGTR (radiological consequences) is joined with the PSA vision of the SGTR (core damage consequences) to measure the total risk of the accident.


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Cette étude exploratoire dresse un portrait des transitions de milieux de vie (MDV) dans des Centres de réadaptation en déficience intellectuelle et en troubles envahissants du développement (CRDITED) de la grande région de Montréal. Elle permet d’identifier 1) les pratiques de transition de MDV des intervenants pivots en CRDITED, 2) les critères de succès de la transition de MDV et les moyens de les évaluer selon les personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle et les intervenants pivots et 3) l’écart entre les pratiques souhaitées et les pratiques actuelles à partir du point de vue des deux types de participants. Des personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle (N = 9) et des intervenants pivots (N = 19) se sont exprimés sur leurs expériences de transition de MDV en participant à des entretiens de groupe. Une analyse qualitative de contenu a permis d’identifier une typologie des expériences de transition de MDV du point de vue des intervenants pivots. Un seul type de transition de MDV parmi les cinq identifiés, le type préparée, offre des conditions favorisant la réalisation de la transition dans des conditions satisfaisantes pour les intervenants pivots. Les autres types de transitions (types dernière minute, explosive, clé en main et salle d’attente) offrent peu d’occasions pour la personne présentant une déficience intellectuelle de s’impliquer dans le processus de transition. Les propos des intervenants pivots permettent d’identifier les caractéristiques d’une transition de MDV qu’ils jugent idéale (type comme si c’était moi). Les types de transitions sont comparés entre eux sur deux axes, soit sur l’axe représentant un continuum d’implication de la personne présentant une déficience intellectuelle dans sa propre transition et sur l’axe identifiant les grandes étapes de réalisation de la transition. Les résultats permettent de déceler un écart important entre les transitions actuellement effectuées et les politiques, intentions et engagements de l’offre de service auprès de cette clientèle, notamment au regard de l’implication de la personne présentant une déficience intellectuelle dans les décisions relatives à sa transition de MDV. L’étude permet aussi d’identifier trois dimensions importantes de l’évaluation du succès de la transition selon les perspectives des personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle et des intervenants pivots. Les dimensions identifiées sont : bien-être psychologique et comportement, santé physique et collaboration. Les propos des intervenants pivots permettent de constater qu’il existe parfois un paradoxe entre leurs perceptions du succès de la transition de MDV et celles des personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle. L’interprétation des résultats a permis d’élaborer des recommandations afin de favoriser de meilleures pratiques de transition.


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Cette étude exploratoire dresse un portrait des transitions de milieux de vie (MDV) dans des Centres de réadaptation en déficience intellectuelle et en troubles envahissants du développement (CRDITED) de la grande région de Montréal. Elle permet d’identifier 1) les pratiques de transition de MDV des intervenants pivots en CRDITED, 2) les critères de succès de la transition de MDV et les moyens de les évaluer selon les personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle et les intervenants pivots et 3) l’écart entre les pratiques souhaitées et les pratiques actuelles à partir du point de vue des deux types de participants. Des personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle (N = 9) et des intervenants pivots (N = 19) se sont exprimés sur leurs expériences de transition de MDV en participant à des entretiens de groupe. Une analyse qualitative de contenu a permis d’identifier une typologie des expériences de transition de MDV du point de vue des intervenants pivots. Un seul type de transition de MDV parmi les cinq identifiés, le type préparée, offre des conditions favorisant la réalisation de la transition dans des conditions satisfaisantes pour les intervenants pivots. Les autres types de transitions (types dernière minute, explosive, clé en main et salle d’attente) offrent peu d’occasions pour la personne présentant une déficience intellectuelle de s’impliquer dans le processus de transition. Les propos des intervenants pivots permettent d’identifier les caractéristiques d’une transition de MDV qu’ils jugent idéale (type comme si c’était moi). Les types de transitions sont comparés entre eux sur deux axes, soit sur l’axe représentant un continuum d’implication de la personne présentant une déficience intellectuelle dans sa propre transition et sur l’axe identifiant les grandes étapes de réalisation de la transition. Les résultats permettent de déceler un écart important entre les transitions actuellement effectuées et les politiques, intentions et engagements de l’offre de service auprès de cette clientèle, notamment au regard de l’implication de la personne présentant une déficience intellectuelle dans les décisions relatives à sa transition de MDV. L’étude permet aussi d’identifier trois dimensions importantes de l’évaluation du succès de la transition selon les perspectives des personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle et des intervenants pivots. Les dimensions identifiées sont : bien-être psychologique et comportement, santé physique et collaboration. Les propos des intervenants pivots permettent de constater qu’il existe parfois un paradoxe entre leurs perceptions du succès de la transition de MDV et celles des personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle. L’interprétation des résultats a permis d’élaborer des recommandations afin de favoriser de meilleures pratiques de transition.


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This paper investigates the effectiveness of using a corporate enterprise resource planning (ERP) system as a multi-dimensional project control system (MPCS) to monitor and control the work performed on projects, meet the needs and expectations of the project managers and support the requirements of other key stakeholders. A qualitative approach i.e. case study interviews and literature review accompanied by a quantitative computer system validation test approach was deployed. The results from this study suggest that the corporate ERP system is effective at monitoring and controlling the project stakeholder success criteria within a fully integrated environment. The system does however need to be setup and configured for the purpose of MPCS. This study contributes to the field by providing empirical evidence that corporate ERP systems are likely one of the only systems truly capable of solving the age old problem of how to expand the traditional singular dimensional approaches commonly used in project control, thus multiple control dimensions are integrated with each other and other business systems to form a multi-dimensional project control system.


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This study used a mixed-methods approach to explore the perceptions of a heterogeneous sample of 75 police interviewers regarding their performance in a mock interview with a 5-7-year-old child. Each officer recruited for this study was authorised to conduct investigative interviews with children. Specifically, we explored how the officers' perception of what makes a good interview differs depending on their background experience and their (perceived and actual) ability to adhere to best-practice interview guidelines. Overall, the officers' perceptions of what constitutes an effective interview were not entirely consistent with those held by experts in forensic interviewing. The majority of the interviewers perceived that the locus of control in the interview rested primarily with the child and/or the environmental setting. In contrast, experts tend to place the central onus of responsibility for the outcome of an interview on the skill of the interviewer in using open-ended questions. Several possible explanations for, and the implications of, these findings are discussed.


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INTRODUCTION: In periapical surgery, the absence of standardization between different studies makes it difficult to compare the outcomes. OBJECTIVE: To compare the healing classification of different authors and evaluate the prognostic criteria of periapical surgery at 12 months. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 278 patients (101 men and 177 women) with a mean age of 38.1 years (range 11 to 77) treated with periapical surgery using the ultrasound technique and a 2.6x magnifying glass, and silver amalgam as root-end filling material were included in the study. Evolution was analyzed using the clinical criteria of Mikkonen et al., 1983; radiographic criteria of Rud et al., 1972; the overall combined clinical and radiographic criteria of von Arx and Kurt, 1999; and the Friedman (2005) concept of functional tooth at 12 months of surgery. RESULTS: After 12 months, 87.2% clinical success was obtained according to the Mikkonen et al., 1983 criteria; 73.9% complete radiographic healing using Rud et al. criteria; 62.1% overall success, following the clinical and radiographic parameters of von Arx and Kurt, and 91.9% of teeth were functional. The von Arx and Kurt criteria was found to be the most reliable. CONCLUSION: Overall evolution according to von Arx and Kurt agreed most closely with the other scales.


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The construction industry is dynamic in nature. The concept of project success has remained ambiguously defined in the construction industry. Project success is almost the ultimate goal for every project. However, it means different things to different people. While some writers consider time, cost and quality as predominant criteria, others suggest that success is something more complex. The aim of this paper is to develop a framework for measuring success of construction projects. In this paper, a set of key performance indicators (KPIs), measured both objectively and subjectively are developed through a comprehensive literature review. The validity of the proposed KPIs is also tested by three case studies. Then, the limitations of the suggested KPIs are discussed. With the development of KPIs, a benchmark for measuring the performance of a construction project can be set. It also provides significant insights into developing a general and comprehensive base for further research.


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1. Ecological data sets often use clustered measurements or use repeated sampling in a longitudinal design. Choosing the correct covariance structure is an important step in the analysis of such data, as the covariance describes the degree of similarity among the repeated observations. 2. Three methods for choosing the covariance are: the Akaike information criterion (AIC), the quasi-information criterion (QIC), and the deviance information criterion (DIC). We compared the methods using a simulation study and using a data set that explored effects of forest fragmentation on avian species richness over 15 years. 3. The overall success was 80.6% for the AIC, 29.4% for the QIC and 81.6% for the DIC. For the forest fragmentation study the AIC and DIC selected the unstructured covariance, whereas the QIC selected the simpler autoregressive covariance. Graphical diagnostics suggested that the unstructured covariance was probably correct. 4. We recommend using DIC for selecting the correct covariance structure.


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Selecting an appropriate design-builder is critical to the success of DB projects. The objective of this study is to identify selection criteria for design-builders and compare their relative importance by means of a robust content analysis of 94 Request For Proposals (RFPs) for public DB projects. These DB projects had an aggregate contract value of over US$3.5 billion and were advertised between 2000 and 2010. This study summarized twenty-six selection criteria and classified into ten categories, i.e.: price, experience, technical approach, management approach, qualification, schedule, past performance, financial capability, responsiveness to the RFP, and legal status in descending order of their relative importance. The results showed that even though price still remains as the most important selection category, its relative importance declines significantly in the last decade. The categories of qualification, experience, past performance, by contrast, have been becoming more important to DB owners for selecting design-builders. Finally, it is found that the importance weighting of price in large projects is significantly higher than that in small projects. This study provides a useful reference for owners in selecting their preferred design-builders.


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Despite extensive literature on female mate choice, empirical evidence on women’s mating preferences in the search for a sperm donor is scarce, even though this search, by isolating a male’s genetic impact on offspring from other factors like paternal investment, offers a naturally ”controlled” research setting. In this paper, we work to fill this void by examining the rapidly growing online sperm donor market, which is raising new challenges by offering women novel ways to seek out donor sperm. We not only identify individual factors that influence women’s mating preferences but find strong support for the proposition that behavioural traits (inner values) are more important in these choices than physical appearance (exterior values). We also report evidence that physical factors matter more than resources or other external cues of material success, perhaps because the relevance of good character in donor selection is part of a female psychological adaptation throughout evolutionary history. The lack of evidence on a preference for material resources, on the other hand, may indicate the ability of peer socialization and better access to resources to rapidly shape the female decision process. Overall, the paper makes useful contributions to both the literature on human behaviour and that on decision-making in extreme and highly important situations.


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In this study, the authors investigated leader generativity as a moderator of the relationships between leader age, leader-member exchange, and three criteria of leadership success (follower perceptions of leader effectiveness, follower satisfaction with leader, and follower extra effort). Data came from 128 university professors paired with one research assistant each. Results showed positive relationships between leader age and leader generativity, and negative relationships between leader age and follower perceptions of leader effectiveness and follower extra effort. Consistent with expectations based on leadership categorization theory, leader generativity moderated the relationships between leader age and all three criteria of leadership success, such that leaders high in generativity were better able to maintain high levels of leadership success at higher ages than leaders low in generativity. Finally, results of mediated moderation analyses showed that leader-member exchange quality mediated these moderating effects. The findings suggest that, in combination, leader age and the age-related construct of generativity importantly influence leadership processes and outcomes. © 2011 American Psychological Association.


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Decision making at the front end of innovation is critical for the success of companies. This paper presents a method, called decision making based on knowledge (DeBK), which was created to analyze the decision-making process at the front end. The method evaluates the knowledge of project information and the importance of decision criteria, compiling a measure that indicates whether decisions are founded on available knowledge and what criteria are in fact being considered to delineate them. The potential contribution of DeBK is corroborated through two projects that faced decision-making issues at the front end of innovation. © 2014 RADMA and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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This paper analyses the determinants of success of undergraduate Nova SBE students from 2008 to 2011. We account for the question of selection that is likely to occur when we just observe the success of those students who were admitted and enrolled at school. The main result of our empirical analysis is that the high school score appears to be a stronger predictor of the students´ success than the national Math’s exam score. In addition, the evidence also suggests that male students tend to have a better performance in Economics than female students and displaced management students have more difficulties in terms of their scores. Finally, it does not seem to exist a strong visible difference on the final GPA between students from public and private schools.