980 resultados para Substitutos de Saliva
The aims of this study were to compare the detection of human herpesviruses (HHVs) in the saliva of HIV-infected and healthy control children, and to evaluate associations between viral infection and gingivitis and immunodeficiency. Saliva samples were collected from 48 HIV-infected and 48 healthy control children. Clinical and laboratory data were collected during dental visits and from medical records. A trained dentist determined gingival indices and extension of gingivitis. Saliva samples were tested for herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2), varicella zoster virus (VZV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and cytomegalovirus (CMV) by nested polymerase chain reaction assays. Thirty-five HIV-infected and 16 control children had gingivitis. Seventeen (35.4%) HIV-infected children and 13 (27%) control children were positive for HHVs. CMV was the most commonly detected HHV in both groups (HIV-infected, 25%; control, 12.5%), followed by HSV-1 (6.2% in both groups) and HSV-2 (HIV-infected, 4.2%; control, 8.3%). The presence of HHVs in saliva was not associated with the presence of gingivitis in HIV-1-infected children (p = 0.104) or healthy control children (p = 0.251), or with immunosuppression in HIV-infected individuals (p = 0.447). Gingivitis was correlated with HIV infection (p = 0.0001). These results suggest that asymptomatic salivary detection of HHVs is common in HIV-infected and healthy children, and that it is not associated with gingivitis.
Através de inoculação no peritônio de camundongos, demonstraram, os autores a presença do Toxoplasma gondii na saliva de 12 (60%) indivíduos com toxoplasmose, em estudo no qual 20 doentes foram considerados. Esta verificação é comunicada como complementação a outra, anterior e preliminar, relativa ao mesmo assunto. A importância da presença do parasito na saliva mereceu destaque, em virtude do significado que ela pode ter em relação à transmissão da toxoplasmose.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Biomédica
This study was designed to investigate whether saliva could be a feasible alternative to serum for the diagnosis of recent rubella infection in a clinic setting. Forty-five paired blood and saliva samples collected 1 to 29 days after onset of illness were tested for specific immunoglobulin (Ig) M by antibody-capture radioimmunoassay (MACRIA). Rubella IgM was detected in all serum samples and in 38 (84.4%) saliva specimens. Forty-six serum and saliva samples from other patients with rash diseases were tested by MACRIA for control purposes and two saliva specimens were reactive. The saliva test had specificity of 96%. These results indicate that salivary IgM detection may be a convenient non-invasive alternative to serum for investigation of recent rubella cases, especially for disease surveillance and control programmes.
The aim of this investigation was to determine nitric oxide metabolite levels in saliva samples from hepatitis C virus-positive patients in an attempt to test the hypothesis if increased levels of nitric oxide metabolites correlates with the presence of HCV-RNA in saliva. Saliva of 39 HCV-positive patients and 13 HCV-negative patients, without clinical or laboratorial evidence of liver disease were tested for nitric oxide metabolites. HCV-RNA was detected in serum and saliva by a RT-PCR method and nitric oxide level was determined by evaluation of its stable degradation products, nitrate and nitrite. No differences were found between the concentration of nitrite in saliva from HCV patients and controls, in despite of the presence or not of HCV RNA in saliva. Patients with HCV and cirrhosis had higher concentrations of nitrite but not significantly different from the control group or the groups of anti-HCV patients without cirrhosis. Increased levels of nitrite were not detected in anti-HCV positive patients, an indirect indication that chronic sialoadenitis are infrequent in these patients or occurs with low intensity not sufficient to increase nitric oxide metabolite levels in saliva.
Estafilococos coagulase negativa estão frequentemente associados às infecções nosocomiais e os profissionais da saúde podem ser reservatório e dissemina-los no hospital e comunidade. O objetivo desse estudo foi identificar espécies de estafilococos coagulase negativa isolados da saliva de profissionais da enfermagem, determinar o perfil de resistência e detectar o gene mecA. Foram selecionados 100 estafilococos coagulase negativa, sendo 41 identificados como Staphylococcus epidermidis, 25 Staphylococcus saprophyticus, 18 Staphylococcus haemolyticus, 8 Staphylococcus cohnii, 4 Staphylococcus lugdunenses, 3 Staphylococcus capitis, e 1 Staphylococcus Simulans. Desses, 32% apresentaram resistência à oxacilina, 84,4% à mupirocina, 32% à cefoxitina, e todos sensíveis a vancomicina. Dos estafilococos coagulase negativa resistentes à oxacilina, 93,7% desenvolveram-se no agar oxacilina (6µg/ml) e o gene mecA foi detectado em 75%. Os resultados sinalizam que maiores investimentos devem ser direcionados a identificação das espécies de estafilococos coagulase negativa nas instituições de saúde e na comunidade.
INTRODUCTION: Human herpesviruses are frequently associated with orofacial diseases in humans (HSV-1, EBV, CMV and HHV-8), some can also cause systemic disease (CMV and HHV-8). The transmission of these viruses occurs by contact with infected secretions, especially saliva. Human immunodeficiency virus infection is associated with an increased risk of HHVs and related diseases. METHODS: This work aimed to detect HSV-1, EBV, CMV and HHV-8 DNA in saliva of HIV-infected patients from Teresina, northeast Brazil, by PCR and compare these findings with age and sex matched HIV-seronegative individuals. RESULTS: No difference in prevalence was verified between HHV detection in the saliva of HIV-seropositive individuals and controls. The individual frequencies of these viruses in these two populations were different. HIV seropositivity correlated positively with the presence of CMV (OR: 18.2, p= 0.00032) and EBV (OR: 3.44, p= 0.0081). No association between CD4 counts and the prevalence of HHVs in the saliva was observed; however, a strong association was determined between seropositivity and the presence of multiple HHV DNAs in saliva (OR: 4.83, p = 0.0028). CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest the asymptomatic salivary shedding of HHVs is a common event between HIV-seropositive and seronegative individuals from Teresina, Piauí, Brazil, and, especially for HIV-seropositive patients, saliva is a risk factor for the acquisition/transmission of multiple HHVs.
INTRODUCTION: Although urine is considered the gold-standard material for the detection of congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection, it can be difficult to obtain in newborns. The aim of this study was to compare the efficiency of detection of congenital CMV infection in saliva and urine samples. METHODS: One thousand newborns were included in the study. Congenital cytomegalovirus deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). RESULTS: Saliva samples were obtained from all the newborns, whereas urine collection was successful in only 333 cases. There was no statistically significant difference between the use of saliva alone or saliva and urine collected simultaneously for the detection of CMV infection. CONCLUSIONS: Saliva samples can be used in large-scale neonatal screening for CMV infection.
Objectives: This research work intends to clarify the role of artificial saliva, in particularly the role of mucin, a salivary protein, on the surface properties and adhesion ability of Candida spp. oral clinical isolates to abiotic surfaces. Methods: Four oral clinical isolates of Candida spp. were used: two Candida albicans strains (AC; AM) and two Candida parapsilosis strains (AD; AM2). The strains were isolated from patients using oral prosthesis. The microorganisms were cultured in the absence or presence of mucin and artificial saliva, and their adhesion to an abiotic surface (coated with mucin and artificial saliva) was evaluated. Results: The presence of mucin per se onto the abiotic surface decreased the adhesion of all strains, although the combination of mucin with artificial saliva had reduced this effect. No direct correlation between adhesion and the surface free energies of adhesion of the microorganisms was found. Significance: Candida spp. were human commensal microorganisms that became pathogenic when the host immune defenses were compromised. Medical devices were colonized by Candida spp. particularly, oral prostheses, which might lead to the degradation of the prostheses and systemic infections. The salivary secretions that constantly cover the oral cavity influenced Candida spp. adhesion process. Therefore, it was important to understand the interactions between Candida spp., salivary proteins and the characteristic of oral prosthesis when developing materials for oral prostheses.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar, morfologicamente, por tomografia computadorizada espiral, enxertos de pericárdio bovino liso empregados como substitutos aórticos. MÉTODOS: Dez pacientes foram submetidos a exame por tomografia computadorizada espiral para reconstituição da imagem dos enxertos. Os critérios de seleção foram tempo de seguimento superior a 2 anos, enxertos de pericárdio liso não revestido, implantados na aorta ascendente ou descendente. RESULTADOS: Os exames demonstraram bom resultado cirúrgico em todos os casos, persistindo em alguns, a imagem de dissecção aórtica distal à anastomose. Um caso apresentava hematoma entre o enxerto e a parede aórtica, em 5 não foram encontradas alterações estruturais no pericárdio e, nos demais, foi detectada dilatação de grau leve, em relação ao diâmetro descrito do enxerto implantado. Não foram vistos sinais de calcificação ou pseudoaneurismas. CONCLUSÃO: Os enxertos tubulares de pericárdio bovino liso, não revestido, apresentam resultados satisfatórios quando empregados como substitutos aórticos. A médio prazo, não foram detectadas anormalidades estruturais relacionadas ao material empregado, pela tomografia computadorizada espiral, exceto dilatação em alguns casos.
Salivary glad lysates of the sand fly Lutzomia longipalpis have been shown to enhance the infectivity of Leishmania in mice. As shown herein, the simultaneous inoculation of Leishmania chagasi stationary-phase promastigotes and L. longipalpis salivary gland by the intradermal route in a group of mongrel dogs induced a statistically significant eosinophilia, in relation to dogs inoculated with Leishmania or with salivary gland lysate only. These dogs had no evidence of infection, in spite of the infectivity of the promastigotes when inoculated by the intravenous route.
Estudi de la presència de cocaïna i opiacis en saliva, en subjectes sospitosos de conduir sota els efectes de les drogues. Aplicació d’un test d’immunoassaig (Cozart). Confirmació i quantificació dels resultats positius (CG-EM). Comparació amb alteracions clíniques en els subjectes. No hi ha diferències entre concentracions de droga i signes clínics avaluades
In this study, the ability of maxadilan and Lutzomyia longipalpis salivary gland lysate to enhance the infection of CBA mice by Leishmania major and of BALB/c mice by L. braziliensis was tested. No difference was observed between sizes of lesion in CBA mice infected with L. major and treated or not with salivary gland lysate or maxadilan, although they were injected in concentrations that induced cutaneous vasodilation. Although parasites were more frequently observed in foot pads and spleens of animals treated with maxadilan than in the animals treated with salivary gland lysate or saline, the differences were small and not statistically significant. The lesions in BALB/c mice infected with L. braziliensis and treated with maxadilan were slightly larger than in animals that received Leishmania alone. Such differences disappeared 14 weeks after infection, and were statistically significant only in one of two experiments.
There has been an ardent interest in herbivore saliva due to its roles in inducing plant defenses and its impact on herbivore fitness. Two techniques are described that inhibit the secretion of labial saliva from the caterpillar, Helicoverpa zea, during feeding. The methods rely on cauterizing the caterpillar's spinneret, the principal secretory structure of the labial glands, or surgically removing the labial salivary gland. Both methods successfully inhibit secretion of saliva and the principal salivary enzyme glucose oxidase. Caterpillars with inhibited saliva production feed at similar rates as the untreated caterpillars, pupate, and emerge as adults. Glucose oxidase has been suggested to increase the caterpillar's survival through the suppression of inducible anti-herbivore defenses in plants. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) leaves fed on by caterpillars with ablated salivary glands had significantly higher levels of nicotine, an inducible anti-herbivore defense compound of tobacco, than leaves fed upon by caterpillars with intact labial salivary glands. Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) leaves fed upon by caterpillars with suppressed salivary secretions showed greatly reduced evidence of hydrogen peroxide formation compared to leaves fed upon by intact caterpillars. These two methods are useful techniques for determining the role that saliva plays in manipulating plant anti-herbivore defenses.
El consum de drogues no institucionalitzades té una important dimensió epidemiològica. En l'actualitat augmenta el consum de cocaïna i de cànnabis i s'estabilitza o disminueix el de opiacis. En la majoria dels països hi ha una relació entre la drogoaddicció i el delicte. Objectius: 1) Obtenir dades sociodemogràfiques en una població detinguda en els jutjats de guàrdia que passen a disposició judicial; 2) Obtenir dades sanitàries referents a infecció per VIH, VHC I VHB; 3) Obtenir dades de consums de cocaïna, haxis, heroïna, benzodiazepines i drogues de síntesis; 4) Conèixer la correlació o concordança clínico-analítica i, 5) Valorar la relació de l'addicció a drogues amb la delictologia. Subjectes i Mètodes: Estudi realitzat en una població de 151 subjectes consumidors de drogues il·legals detinguts a disposició judicial al Jutjat de guàrdia de la ciutat de Barcelona. Temps de l'estudi: 1,5 anys. Mètodes: Administració d'un qüestionari amb dades sociodemogràfiques, sanitàries i de consums de tòxics. Obtenció d'una mostra d'orina que es va analitzar per immunoassaig en l'analitzador AsXym (*Abbot). Els resultats es van interpretar com positius o negatius segons el punt de tall establert per al mètode. Resultats: El perfil de la mostra és un home solter, edat mitjana de 31.4 anys, amb estudis primaris i sense professió qualificada. La droga il·legal més consumida és la cocaïna, 77,5%, seguida dels opiacis 62,9%, del cànnabis 60,3% i benzodiazepines 61.6% (auto-medicades 40,9%). La prevalença de HIV va ser del 16,7%, VHC 37,9% i VHB 19,1%. La via intravenosa és utilitzada pel 46% dels cocainòmans i pel 53.8% del heroinòmans. Un 45.5% tenen signes compatibles amb UDVP. Només un 14.2% presentava signes de deteriorament físic i un 23.1% una clara síndrome d’abstinència. Existeix un 74.3% de correlació o concordança clínico-analítica. El delicte més relacionat amb el consum de drogues va ser els delictes contra la propietat. Conclusions i Discusió: Es detecta un alt consum de cocaïna i disminució de l'heroïna. El consum de cànnabis i benzodiazepines és elevat. Els delictes contra la propietat estan associats al consum de drogues il·legals. Propostes: L'estudi té aplicabilitat en medicina forense. El screening rutinari d'orina en població detinguda és una mesura d'utilitat. Permet obtenir dades objectives quan se sol·liciten informes de drogoaddicció als perits. Els detinguts poden beneficiar-se de circumstàncies modificadores de la responsabilitat criminal en cas de ser consumidors de tòxics, d’acord amb la legislació actual. Els lletrats i l'autoritat judicial tindran una prova objectiva en les seves actuacions per poder resoldre amb més coneixement els procediments on es troben implicats els consumidors de drogues d'abús.