998 resultados para Stylocheilus Striatus (formerly Longicauda)


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Homogenates of tissues have been analysed for the presence of 5'-nucleotidase activity. Sexes are not treated individually since no significant differences were observed. All organs showed marked activity, the highest being in the cardiac tissues, then the kidney, spleen, brain, and low values in the liver and muscles. Comparison with data from other fish studied shows a marked difference between O. striatus and O. punctatus.


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Various physical properties (viscosity, fluidity, surface tension and specific gravity) have been determined for muscle lipids of Ophicephalus striatus and Clarias batrachus. Results are presented and the methods used in determination noted. The physical parameters studied are found to be species-specific.


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The present communication reports the changes in the specific gravity, coefficient of viscosity, fluidity and surface tension of the muscle lipid of O. striatus, a common freshwater murrel, when stored at room temp (32 ± 2°C) The specific gravity of muscle lipid was found to rise from 0.894 to 0.912 during the first 25 days of storage but registered the highest (0.925) when stored for 50 days. Surface tension seemed to rise with the duration of storage. This was, presumably, due to an increase in the forces with which the molecules in the surface of the lipid tended to compress the molecules below to the smallest possible volume. During the period of storage marked changes seemed to occur in the direction of an increase in the value of the coefficient of viscosity and a reciprocal decline in the fluidity. Evidently, the observed increase in the viscosity seemed to be the result of increased internal friction between different molecular layers of the lipid, whereas a decline in the fluidity was perhaps the consequence of its inverse correlation with the coefficient of viscosity.


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The importance of selection of species for culture according to the ecological niches and fish food organisms is highlighted with respect to the Fox Sagar, an irrigation take. The tank was infested with submerged vegetation as well as minnows and weed fishes, which rendered the tank unsuitable for the culture of Indian major carps. The tank was stocked with 8000 fingerlings of Channa marulius and C. striatus during 1981 by the local fisherman co-operative society. Only partial harvest was possible during 1982 because of high water level. The final harvest was in April-May, 1983. The yield obtained was 3640 kg during the culture period of about 20 months.


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The iced storage characteristics of common murrel (Channa striatus) have been studied. The non-protein nitrogen and alpha amino nitrogen in the muscle of the fish decreased during iced storage and the total volatile base nitrogen at the end of iced storage was not high even though the fish became unacceptable during the period. There was steep decrease in total bacterial count during initial storages of storage and then increased steadily on further storage. The fish remained in acceptable condition for 8 to 9 days in ice.


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Feeding experiments were conducted on the postlarvae of Channa striatus with two different live feeds - a copepod (Thermocyclops decipiens) and cladocerans (Moina micrura and Ceriodaphnia comuta) individually and in mixture. Food was provided at the rate of (500±50 Ind/L) and the experiments were carried out in 100 litre capacity tanks for 30 days. Results indicated better weight gain (951.85±28.77%) and survival (92.00<%) of postlarvae fed with mixed live food than individual live feed organisms.


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Qianlabeo striatus gen. et sp. nov. is described from a stream tributary to the Beipan Jiang of the upper Zhu Jiang (Pearl River) drainage in Matou, Anshun County, Guizhou Province, China. This monotypic genus is mainly characterized by its oromadibular morphology, namely an upper lip only present in and fully adnate to the side of the upper jaw, not covered by the pendulous rostral fold; the median portion of the upper jaw lacking an upper lip but bearing a thin, flexible and cornified cutting edge that is fully covered by the pendulous rostral fold; a postlabial groove prolonged, extended anteromedially close to the anteromost point of the midline of the lower lip but not to meet with its counterpart. The type species of this genus, Q. striatus has a longitudinal dark stripe along the side of the body.


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The Nassau grouper, Epinephelus striatus (Bloch, 1792), is an endangered species that has been historically overexploited in numerous fisheries throughout its range in the Caribbean and tropical West Atlantic. Data relating fishery exploitation levels to stock abundance of the species are deficient, and protective regulations for the Nassau grouper are yet to be implemented in the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI). The goal of this study was to conduct a stock assessment and evaluate the exploitation status of the Nassau grouper in the TCI. Materials and methods. Calibrated length cohort analysis was applied to published fisheries data on Nassau grouper landings in the TCI. The total lengths of Nassau groupers among the catches of spearfishers, lobster trappers, and deep sea fishers on the island of South Caicos during 2006 and 2008 were used with estimates of growth, natural mortality, and total annual landings to derive exploitation benchmarks. Results. The TCI stock experienced low to moderate fishing mortality (0.28, 0.18) and exploitation rates (0.49, 0.38) during the period of the study (2006, 2008). However, 21.2%-64.4% of all landings were reproductively immature. Spearfishing appeared to contribute most to fishing mortality relative to the use of lobster traps or hydraulic reels along bank drop-offs. Conclusion. In comparison with available fisheries data for the wider Caribbean, the results reveal the TCI as one of the remaining sites, in addition to the Bahamas, with a substantial Nassau grouper stock. In light of increasing development and tourism in the TCI, continued monitoring is essential to maintain sustainable harvesting practices.


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This paper describes inter-specific differences in the distribution of sediment in the gut compartments and in the enzyme and bacterial profiles along the gut of abyssal holothurian species — Oneirophanta mutabilis, Psychropotes longicauda and Pseudostichopus villosus sampled from a eutrophic site in the NE Atlantic at different times of the year. Proportions of sediments, relative to total gut contents, in the pharynx, oesophagus, anterior and posterior intestine differed significantly in all the inter-species comparisons, but not between inter-seasonal comparisons. Significant differences were also found between the relative proportions of sediments in both the rectum and cloaca of Psychropotes longicauda and Oneirophanta mutabilis. Nineteen enzymes were identified in either gut-tissue or gut-content samples of the holothurians studied. Concentrations of the enzymes in gut tissues and their contents were highly correlated. Greater concentrations of the enzymes were found in the gut tissues suggesting that they are the main source of the enzymes. The suites of enzymes recorded were broadly similar in each of the species sampled collected regardless of the time of the year, and they were similar to those described previously for shallow-water holothurians. Significant inter-specific differences in the gut tissue concentrations of some of the glycosidases suggest dietary differences. For example, Psychropotes longicauda and Pseudostichopus villosus contain higher levels of chitobiase than Oneirophanta mutabilis. There were no seasonal changes in bacterial activity profiles along the guts of O. mutabilis and Pseudostichopus villosus. In both these species bacterial activity and abundance declined between the pharynx/oesophagus and anterior intestine, but then increased along the gut and became greatest in the rectum/cloaca. Although the data sets were more limited for Psychropotes longicauda, bacterial activity increased from the anterior to the posterior intestine but then declined slightly to the rectum/cloaca. These changes in bacterial activity and densities probably reflect changes in the microbial environment along the guts of abyssal holothurians. Such changes suggest that there is potential for microbial breakdown of a broader range of substrates than could be otherwise be achieved by the holothurian itself. However, the present study found no evidence for sedimentary (microbial) sources of hydrolytic enzymes.


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Sexual selection theory predicts that signals reflecting the relative quality of individuals should be used in mate choice. Females could base their choice of copulation partners on male secondary sexual traits that honestly signal male age, as predicted by the age-based indicator mechanism. Studies have shown that female blue tits prefer older males and that aspects of dawn song reflect male quality, but it remains unknown whether dawn song characteristics correlate with male age. We compared dawn song characteristics of second-year (SY) and older (ASY) male blue tits (cross-sectional analysis), and tested for age-related changes within individuals (longitudinal analysis) and differential overwinter survival of SY males. We further investigated the relation between dawn song and paternity gain and loss. We found that ASY male blue tits began to sing earlier relative to sunrise than did SY males. This difference in the onset of dawn singing was due to age-related changes in individual performance rather than differential survival of individuals with varying expression of the trait. Males that began to sing earlier at dawn had more mating partners, and were more likely to gain extrapair paternity. Our findings suggest that the onset of dawn song can provide a simple mechanism for females to assess the relative quality of their mate and of neighbouring males. We propose that females use the onset of singing as a cue for their choice of extrapair partners. (c) 2006 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Members of the Burkholderia cepacia complex can secrete proteases, lipases, and hemolysins. We report in this study the identification of a general secretory pathway present in a B. vietnamiensis (formerly genomovar V) clinical isolate, which is required for the efficient secretion of phospholipase C and hemolysin activities. Southern blot hybridization experiments revealed that this general secretion pathway is highly conserved among the different genomovars of the B. cepacia complex and is homologous to a similar system described in B. pseudomallei. We also show that this pathway appears not to be necessary for intracellular survival of B. vietnamiensis within Acanthamoeba polyphaga.


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Mammalian heterotherms, such as hibemators, are known to be more tolerant of low oxygen tensions than their homeothermic counterparts. It has been suggested that this relative hypoxia tolerance is related to their ability to deal with dramatic changes in body temperature during entry to and arousal from torpor. However, hibemators demonstrate dramatic seasonality in both daily heterothermy and overall torpor expression. It was of interest to test if seasonal comparisons of normothermic individuals within a single species with the capacity to hibernate produce changes in the response to hypoxia that would reflect a seasonal change in tolerance to low oxygen. In particular, the species studied, the Eastern chipmunk {Tamias striatus), is known to enter into torpor exclusively in the winter. To test for seasonal differences in the metabolic and thermoregulatory responses to hypoxia, flow-through respirometry was used to compare metabolic rate, minimum thermal conductance, body temperature, and a thermal gradient used to assess selected ambient temperature in response to hypoxia in both summer and winter acclimated animals. Although the animals periodically expressed torpor throughout the winter, no differences between season in resting metabolic rate, body temperature or minimum thermal conductance were observed in normoxia. The metabolic trials indicated that chipmunks are less responsive to hypoxia in the winter than they are in the summer. Although body temperature dropped in response to hypoxia in both seasons, the decrease was less in the winter, and there was no corresponding decrease in metabolic rate. Providing the animals with a choice of ambient temperatures in hypoxia resulted in a blunting of the drop in body temperature in both seasons, suggesting that the reported fall in body temperature set point in hypoxia is not fully manifested in the behavioural pathways responsible for thermoregulation in chipmunks. Instead, body temperature in hypoxia appears to be highly dependent on ambient temperature and oxygen concentration. The results of this study suggest that the season in which the responses to hypoxia are measured is important, especially in a heterotherm where seasonality can affect the degree to 1 which the animal is tolerant of hypoxia. Winter-acclimated chipmunks appear more capable of defending metabolic heat production in hypoxia, a response consistent with the increased thermogenic capacity observed in animals that must periodically enter and arouse from torpor during hibernation.