954 resultados para Strong laser fields


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An effective frozen core approximation has been developed and applied to the calculation of energy levels and ionization energies of the beryllium atom in magnetic field strengths up to 2.35 x 10(5) T. Systematic improvement over the existing results for the beryllium ground and low-lying states has been accomplished by taking into account most of the correlation effects in the four-electron system. To our knowledge, this is the first calculation of the electronic properties of the beryllium atom in a strong magnetic field carried out using a configuration interaction approximation and thus allowing a treatment beyond that of Hartree-Fock. Differing roles played by strong magnetic fields in intrashell correlation within different states are observed. In addition, possible ways to gain further improvement in the energies of the states of interest are proposed and discussed briefly.


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Accurate and efficient grid based techniques for the solution of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation for few-electron diatomic molecules irradiated by intense, ultrashort laser pulses are described. These are based on hybrid finite-difference, Lagrange mesh techniques. The methods are applied in three scenarios, namely H-2(+) with fixed internuclear separation, H-2(+) with vibrating nuclei and H-2 with fixed internuclear separation and illustrative results presented.


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We report an experimental technique for the comparison of ionization processes in ultrafast laser pulses irrespective of pulse ellipticity. Multiple ionization of xenon by 50 fs 790 nm, linearly and circularly polarized laser pulses is observed over the intensity range 10 TW/cm(2) to 10 PW/cm(2) using effective intensity matching (EIM), which is coupled with intensity selective scanning (ISS) to recover the geometry-independent probability of ionization. Such measurements, made possible by quantifying diffraction effects in the laser focus, are compared directly to theoretical predictions of multiphoton, tunnel and field ionization, and a remarkable agreement demonstrated. EIM-ISS allows the straightforward quantification of the probability of recollision ionization in a linearly polarized laser pulse. Furthermore, the probability of ionization is discussed in terms of the Keldysh adiabaticity parameter gamma, and the influence of the precursor ionic states present in recollision ionization is observed.


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A detailed investigation has been carried out of N-2 molecules in intense 55 and 220 fs, linear and circular polarized, 790 nm laser pulses. Using an intensity selective scanning technique, ionization, dissociation, and dissociative ionization channels have been studied. Remarkably similar enhancements of signal with linear polarization observed for double ionization and dissociation channels demonstrate the dominance of dynamic alignment over rescattering effects. Fragmentation energies from dissociative ionization are reasonably well reproduced by classical trajectory calculations, the higher charged fragments displaying evidence of post dissociative ionization.


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In this paper we study the response in time of N2, O2, and F2 to laser pulses having a wavelength of 390 nm. We find single-ionization suppression in O2 and its absence in F2, in accordance with experimental results at lambda= 800 nm. Within our framework of time-dependent density functional theory we are able to explain deviations from the predictions of intense-field many-body S-matrix theory (IMST). We confirm the connection of ionization suppression with destructive interference of outgoing electron waves from the ionized electron orbital. However, the prediction of ionization suppression, justified within the IMST approach through the symmetry of the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO), is not reliable since it turns out that—e.g., in the case of F2—the electronic response to the laser pulse is rather complicated and does not lead to dominant depletion of the HOMO. Therefore, the symmetry of the HOMO is not sufficient to predict ionization suppression. However, at least for F2, the symmetry of the dominantly ionized orbital is consistent with the nonsuppression of ionization.


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Application of a parallel-projection inversion technique to z-scan spectra of multiply charged xenon and krypton ions, obtained by non-resonant field ionization of neutral targets, has for the first time permitted the direct observation of intensity-dependent ionization probabilities. These ionization efficiency curves have highlighted the presence of structure in the tunnelling regime, previously unobserved under full-volume techniques.


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The interaction of a 60 fs 790 nm laser pulse with beams of Ar+, C+, H2+, HD+ and D2+ are discussed. Intensities up to 10^16 Wcm-2 are employed. An experimental z-scanning technique is used to resolve the intensity dependent processes in the confocal volume.


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We describe a new ab initio method for solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for multi-electron atomic systems exposed to intense short-pulse laser light. We call the method the R-matrix with time-dependence (RMT) method. Our starting point is a finite-difference numerical integrator (HELIUM), which has proved successful at describing few-electron atoms and atomic ions in strong laser fields with high accuracy. By exploiting the R-matrix division-of-space concept, we bring together a numerical method most appropriate to the multi-electron finite inner region (R-matrix basis set) and a different numerical method most appropriate to the one-electron outer region (finite difference). In order to exploit massively parallel supercomputers efficiently, we time-propagate the wavefunction in both regions by employing Arnoldi methods, originally developed for HELIUM.


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We theoretically demonstrate the possibility to generate both trains and isolated attosecond pulses with high ellipticity in a practical experimental setup. The scheme uses circularly polarized, counterrotating two-color driving pulses carried at the fundamental and its second harmonic. Using a model Ne atom, we numerically show that highly elliptic attosecond pulses are generated already at the single-atom level. Isolated pulses are produced by using few-cycle drivers with controlled time delay between them.


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Die Ionisation von H2 in intensiven Laserpulsen wird mit Hilfe der numerischen Integration der zeitabhängigen Schrödingergleichung für ein Einelektronenmodell untersucht, das die Vibrationsbewegung berücksichtigt. Die Spektren der kinetischen Elektronenenergie hängen stark von der Vibrationsquantenzahl des erzeugten H2+ Ions ab. Für bestimmte Vibrationszustände ist die Ausbeute der Elektronen in der Mitte des Plateaus stark erhöht. Der Effekt wird "channel closings" zugeschrieben, die in Atomen durch Variation der Laserintensität beobachtet wurden. The ionization of H2 in intense laser pulses is studied by numerical integration of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for a single-active-electron model including the vibrational motion. The electron kinetic energy spectra in high-order above-threshold ionization are strongly dependent on the vibrational quantum number of the created H2+ ion. For certain vibrational states, the electron yield in the mid-plateau region is strongly enhanced. The effect is attributed to channel closings, which were previously observed in atoms by varying the laser intensity.


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Ultrafast laser pulses have become an integral part of the toolbox of countless laboratories doing physics, chemistry, and biological research. The work presented here is motivated by a section in the ever-growing, interdisciplinary research towards understanding the fundamental workings of light-matter interactions. Specifically, attosecond pulses can be useful tools to obtain the desired insight. However access to, and the utility of, such pulses is dependent on the generation of intense, few-cycle, carrier-envelope-phase stabilized laser pulses. The presented work can be thought of as a sort of roadmap towards the latter. From the oscillator which provides the broadband seed to amplification methods, the integral pieces necessary for the generation of attosecond pulses are discussed. A range of topics from the fundamentals to design challenges is presented, outfitting the way towards the practical implementation of an intense few-cycle carrier-envelope-phase stabilized laser source.


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A theory is developed of an electrostatic probe in a fully-ionized plasma in the presence of a strong magnetic field. The ratio of electron Larmor radius to probe transverse dimension is assumed to be small. Poisson's equation, together with kinetic equations for ions and electrons are considered. An asymptotic perturbation method of multiple scales is used by considering the characteristic lengths appearing in the problem. The leading behavior of the solution is found. The results obtained appear to apply to weaker fields also, agreeing with the solutions known in the limit of no magnetic field. The range of potentials for wich results are presented is limited. The basic effects produced by the field are a depletion of the plasma near the probe and a non-monotonic potential surrounding the probe. The ion saturation current is not changed but changes appear in both the floating potential Vf and the slope of the current-voltage diagram at Vf. The transition region extends beyond the space potential Vs,at wich point the current is largely reduced. The diagram does not have an exponential form in this region as commonly assumed. There exists saturation in electron collection. The extent to which the plasma is disturbed is determined. A cylindrical probe has no solution because of a logarithmic singularity at infinity. Extensions of the theory are considered.