843 resultados para Strategic Sector


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El transporte aéreo es un sector estratégico para el crecimiento económico de cualquier país. La estabilidad y el desarrollo de este modo de transporte tienen un pilar fundamental en una operación segura, especialmente cuando las previsiones indican escenarios de crecimiento continuo del tráfico aéreo. La estimación del riesgo y, por tanto, del nivel de seguridad de un entorno operativo se ha basado en métodos indirectos como puede ser la cuantificación y análisis de los reportes voluntarios de incidentes o el uso de modelos de riesgo de colisión enfocados a escenarios operativos parciales, como puede ser un espacio aéreo oceánico. La operación en un área terminal de maniobra es compleja, con distintos flujos de tráfico de arribada y salida a uno o varios aeropuertos, con cambios frecuentes en el rumbo y velocidad de las aeronaves y con instrucciones tácticas del control de tráfico aéreo para secuenciar y separar las aeronaves El objetivo de la presente Tesis es complementar los actuales métodos de monitorización de la seguridad que presentan sus limitaciones, con el desarrollo de un modelo de riesgo de colisión para áreas terminales de alta densidad que se base en datos objetivos como son las trazar radar de las aeronaves y que tenga en cuenta la complejidad de la operación en un área terminal. Para evaluar el modelo desarrollado se ha implementado una herramienta prototipo en MATLAB© que permite procesar un número masivo de trazar radar para un escenario de área terminal y calcular un valor del riesgo de colisión para el escenario analizado. El prototipo ha sido utilizado para estimar la probabilidad de colisión para distintos escenarios del área terminal de Madrid. El uso de trazas radar permite monitorizar el nivel de riesgo de escenarios reales de manera periódica estableciendo niveles de alerta temprana si se detecta que el valor de riesgo se desvía en exceso, pero también permite evaluar el nivel de riesgo de diseños de espacio aéreo o de nuevos modos de operación a partir de las trazas radar obtenidas en las simulaciones en tiempo real o acelerado y actuar en fases tempranas de los proyectos. ABSTRACT The air transport is a strategic sector for the economic growth of any country. The stability and development of the transport mode have a fundamental pillar in a safe operation, especially when long-term forecasts show scenarios of continuous growth in air traffic. Risk estimation and therefore the level of safety in an operational airspace has been based on indirect methods such as the quantification and analysis of voluntary reports of safety incidents or use of collision risk models focused on partial or simple operational scenarios such as an oceanic airspace. The operation on a terminal maneuvering area is complex, with different traffic flows of arrival and departure at one or more airports, with frequent changes in direction and speed of aircraft and tactical instructions of air traffic control to sequence and separate aircraft. The objective of this Thesis is to complement existing methods of monitoring safety that have their limitations, with the development of a collision risk model for high-density terminal areas that is based on objective data such as aircraft radar tracks and taking into account the complexity of the operation in a terminal area. To evaluate the developed model a prototype tool was implemented with MATLAB© that can process massive numbers of radar tracks for a terminal area scenario and computing a collision risk value for that scenario. The prototype has been used to estimate the probability of collision for different scenarios of the terminal area of Madrid. The use of radar tracks allows to monitor the level of risk of real scenarios periodically establishing levels of early warning when the risk value deviates too much, but also to assess the risk level of airspace designs or modes of operations from the radar tracks obtained in real or fast time simulations and act in the early stages of projects.


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El transporte aéreo constituye un sector estratégico para el crecimiento económico de cualquier país. El sistema de gestión de tráfico aéreo ATM tiene como objetivo el movimiento seguro y eficiente de las aeronaves dentro del espacio aéreo y de los aeropuertos, siendo la seguridad, en la fase táctica, gestionada por el servicio de control de la circulación aérea. Mediante los procesos de control el tráfico aéreo es vigilado a través de sensores, regulado y guiado de forma organizada y segura. Es precisamente sobre la vigilancia donde se enfoca el contenido de la tesis, en el desarrollo de nuevos conceptos que proporcionen información de vigilancia de ‘bajo coste’ basados en las señales existentes proporcionadas por la infraestructura actual de radar secundario y por los sistemas de posicionamiento basados en satélite que utiliza la ADS-B. El conocimiento y acceso en tiempo real a las trayectorias de las aeronaves es un elemento de valor añadido no sólo para la provisión de los servicios de control de tránsito aéreo, sino para todos los actores del transporte aéreo o de la investigación, siendo uno de los elementos clave en el concepto operacional de los dos grandes proyectos tecnológicos, SESAR en Europa y NextGen en EE.UU.. En las últimas décadas el control de la circulación aérea en espacios aéreos de media y alta densidad de tráfico se ha basado en tecnologías complejas que requieren importantes infraestructuras como son el radar primario de vigilancia (PSR) y el radar secundario de vigilancia (SSR). La filosofía de los programas SESAR y NextGen siguiendo las directrices de la OACI es la de alejarse de las tecnologías basadas en tierra para evolucionar hacia nuevas tecnologías más dinámicas basadas en satélite como la ADS-B. Pero hasta que la implementación y operación de la ADS-B sea completa, existirá un período de transición que implica la coexistencia de aeronaves equipadas o no con ADS-B. El objetivo de la presente Tesis es determinar las metodologías y algoritmos más adecuados para poder hibridar las dos tecnologías descritas anteriormente, utilizando para ello un receptor de bajo coste con antena estática omnidireccional, que analice todas las señales presentes en el canal que comparten el SSR y ADS-B. Mediante esta hibridación se podrá obtener la posición de cualquier aeronave que transmita respuestas a interrogaciones SSR, en cualquiera de sus modos de trabajo, o directamente mensajes de posición ADS-B. Para desarrollar los algoritmos propuestos, además del hardware correspondiente, se han utilizado las aplicaciones LabVIEW para funciones de adquisición de datos reales, y el software MATLAB® para el desarrollo de algoritmos y análisis de datos. La validación de resultados se ha realizado mediante los propios mensajes de posición ADS-B y a través de las trazas radar proporcionadas por la entidad pública empresarial ENAIRE. La técnica desarrollada es autónoma, y no ha requerido de ninguna otra entrada que no sea la recepción omnidireccional de las señales. Sin embargo para la validación de resultados se ha utilizado información pública de las ubicaciones de la red de estaciones SSR desplegadas sobre territorio español y portugués y trazas radar. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran, que con técnicas basadas en superficies de situación definidas por los tiempos de llegada de las respuestas, es posible determinar con una precisión aceptable la posición de las estaciones SSR y la posición de cualquier aeronave que responda mediante el Modo A a éstas. ABSTRACT Air transport is a strategic sector for the economic growth of any country. The air traffic management system (ATM) aims at the safe and efficient movement of aircraft while operating within the airspace and airports, where safety, in the tactical phase, is managed by the air traffic control services. Through the air traffic control processes, aircraft are monitored by sensors, regulated and guided in an organized and safe manner. It is precisely on surveillance where this thesis is focused, developing new concepts that provide a 'low cost' surveillance information based on existing signals provided by currently secondary radar infrastructure and satellite-based positioning systems used by ADS-B. Having a deeper knowledge and a real-time access to the trajectories of the aircraft, is an element of added value not only for the provision of air traffic control services, but also for all air transport or research actors. This is one of the key elements in the operational concept proposed by the two large scale existing technological projects, SESAR in Europe and NextGen in the US. In recent decades, air traffic control in medium and high traffic density areas has been based on complex technologies requiring major infrastructures, such as the primary surveillance radar (PSR) and secondary surveillance radar (SSR). The philosophy of SESAR and NextGen programs, both following the guidelines of ICAO, is to move away from land-based technologies and evolving into some new and more dynamic satellite-based technologies such as ADS-B. Nevertheless, until the ADS-B implementation and operation is fully achieved, there will be a transitional period where aircraft with and without ADS-B equipment will have to coexist. The main objective of this thesis is to determine those methodologies and algorithms which are considered more appropriate to hybridize those two technologies, by using a low cost omnidirectional receiver, which analyzes all signals on the SSR and ADS-B shared channel. Through this hybridization, it is possible to obtain the position of any aircraft answering the SSR interrogations, in any of its modes of operation, or through the emission of ADS-B messages. To develop the proposed algorithms, LabVIEW application has been used for real-time data acquisition, as well as MATLAB software for algorithm development and data analysis, together with the corresponding hardware. The validation of results was performed using the ADS-B position messages and radar tracks provided by the Public Corporate Entity ENAIRE The developed technique is autonomous, and it does not require any other input other than the omnidirectional signal reception. However, for the validation of results, not only radar records have been used, but also public information regarding the position of SSR stations spread throughout the Spanish and Portuguese territory. The results show that using techniques based in the definition of positioning surfaces defined by the responses’ times of arrival, it is possible to determine with an acceptable level of accuracy both the position of the SSR stations as well as the position of any aircraft which transmits Mode A responses.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências do Ambiente, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2016


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In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, the market share of US investment banks is increasing, while that of their European counterparts is declining. We present evidence that US investment banks are on the verge of taking over pole position in European investment banking. Meanwhile, since 2015, Chinese investment banks have overtaken American and European investment banks in the Asia-Pacific market. Credit rating agencies and investment banks are the gatekeepers of the capital markets. The European supervisory institutions can effectively supervise the European operations of these US-managed players. On the political side, we suggest that the European Commission should continue to view its, albeit declining, banking industry as a strategic sector. The Commission, the European Central Bank and the Bank of England should jointly develop a strategic agenda for the EU-US Regulatory Dialogue. Finally, corporates rely on investment banks to issue new securities. We recommend that the big European corporates should cherish the (few) remaining European investment banks, by giving them at least one place in otherwise US- dominated banking syndicates. That could help to avoid complete dependence on US investment banks.


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Since policy-makers usually pursue several conflicting objectives, policy-making can be understood as a multicriteria decision problem. Following the methodological proposal by André and Cardenete (2005) André, F. J. and Cardenete, M. A. 2005. Multicriteria Policy Making. Defining Efficient Policies in a General Equilibrium Model, Seville: Centro de Estudios Andaluces. Working Paper No. E2005/04, multi-objective programming is used in connection with a computable general equilibrium model to represent optimal policy-making and to obtain so-called efficient policies in an application to a regional economy (Andalusia, Spain). This approach is applied to the design of subsidy policies under two different scenarios. In the first scenario, it is assumed that the government is concerned just about two objectives: ensuring the profitability of a key strategic sector and increasing overall output. Finally, the scope of the exercise is enlarged by solving a problem with seven policy objectives, including both general and sectorial objectives. It is concluded that the observed policy could have been Pareto-improved in several directions.


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El presente proyecto investiga la relación entre las organizaciones con el medio y marketing, para lo cual se debe mencionar el conflicto de intereses de la comunidad y de la organización, y como se intenta percibir a la organización como un buen vecino dentro de la comunidad. A su vez éste estudio cuenta con objetivos basados en la identificación de redes de distribución de petróleo y gas natural, tanto nacionales como internacionales, para así abarcar un sector estratégico más preciso, y mostrar las relación entre las organizaciones y la conformación de comunidades. Se tienen en cuenta factores elementales en el estudio de este sector energético, como son sus principales componentes, así como un marco teórico específico que permita desarrollar el concepto de conformación de comunidades para lograr una exitosa aplicación del mismo. Del mismo modo se incluirán temas relacionados con marketing, pero desde un punto de vista más cercano a la comunidad, tomando los medios y el marketing como un concepto más importante en el impacto de las organizaciones en la comunidad, es decir tomando el concepto de marketing como aquellas comunidades que rodean las organizaciones, como éstas dos interactúan, y que impactos tienen una sobre la otra. De la misma manera se tienen resultados en cuanto a planteamientos más profundos sobre conceptos de marketing que no son desarrollados muy a menudo, los cuales conservan su esencia fundamental y siguen impactando en silencio a las organizaciones, pero que si lo estudiamos y aprovechamos de algún modo lograremos beneficios para nuestra organización y para los intereses colectivos.


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Sunflower cropped area in Brazil has been showing potential possibilities to be increased in a short period of time for biofuel production. Planning the activities is one of the requirements for the success of future cropped area expansion. This requires a previous survey that identifies future trends in the transformation and rearrangement of the sunflower agro-industry sector and also identifies technological needs that may affect this process. With the objectives of identify future trends and technological needs, a value production chain was built and a questionary was applied to agents of all the sectors participating at the V National Brazilian Symposium of Sunflower and at the XVII Sunflower National Research Meeting Network. The results pointed out a strong tendency for area expansion in the next two to five years (75%); being as a secondary follow-up crop (83%) specially after soybean and top be used for biofuel (77%). The main research needs were linked with disease control, crop zoning and varietal improvement for disease resistance and high oleic oil content. Also considering the vision of and concerns regarding the future expansion and transformation of the sunflower productive complex, it is believed that the expansion is a consolidated trend, requiring a strategic sector planning associated with an economic and technological police for its success within the Brazilian agribusiness.


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This study explores strategic decision-making (SDM) in micro-firms, an economically significant business subsector. As extant large- and small-firm literature currently proffers an incomplete characterization of SDM in very small enterprises, a multiple-case methodology was used to investigate how these firms make strategic decisions. Eleven Australian Information Technology service micro-firms participated in the study. Using an information-processing lens, the study uncovered patterns of SDM in micro-firms and derived a theoretical micro-firm SDM model. This research also identifies several implications for micro-firm management and directions for future research, contributing to the understanding of micro-firm SDM in both theory and practice.


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Building construction is a highly competitive and risky business. This competitiveness is compounded where conflicting objectives amongst contracting and subcontracting firms set the stage for an adversarial and potentially destructive business relationship. Clients, especially those from the public sector, need broader tender evaluation criteria to complement the traditional focus on bid price. There is also a need for change in the construction industry—not only to a more cooperative approach between the constructing parties—but also from a confrontationist attitude to a more harmonious relationship between all stakeholders in providing constructed facilities. A strategic alliance is a cooperative relationship between two or more organisations that forms part of their overall strategies, and contributes to achieving their major goals and objectives. Strategic alliances in building construction may provide a useful tool to assist public sector construction managers evaluate tenders and concurrently encourage more cooperative relationships amongst construction stakeholders. This paper begins with an overview of the Australian building construction industry, then reviews the existing strategic alliance literature and describes an analysis framework comprising six attributes of strategic alliances for application to construction organisations—trust, commitment, interdependence, cooperation, communication, and joint problem solving. These attributes are currently being used to collect data from 70 building construction firms in Queensland to assess their respective levels of strategic alliance. Given the trend towards broader indicators of construction firm performance, these attributes are proposed as a tool for use in the tender evaluation process for public works.


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Bringing together some of Australia’s leading and emerging researchers studying different aspects of the not-for-profit (NFP) sector, Strategic Issues in the Not-for-Profit Sector draws on original Australian and comparative research to provide a spirited exploration of strategic issues facing NFP organisations. A diverse, vital and ever-growing sector in Australia, the NFP sector provides the organisational framework through which many of the most disadvantaged in the community receive access to services and support. However, pressures such as a changing composition, an erosion of financial sustainability, the need to professionalise, and demographic trends affecting patterns of volunteering have put pressure on the NFP sector to innovate and grow in new directions. Strategic Issues in the Not-for-Profit Sector considers the local and global drivers of change, as well as the industry, policy and community imperatives impacting upon NFP sustainability, providing a unique insight into not only the strategic issues, but also strategic responses emerging within the sector.