58 resultados para Storskrubb, Bertil
We study the effect of UI benefits in a typical developing country where the informal sector is sizeable and persistent. In a partial equilibrium environment, ruling out the macroeconomic consequences of UI benefits, we characterize the stationary equilibrium of an economy where policyholders may be employed in the formal sector, short-run unemployed receiving UI benefits or long-run unemployed without UI benefits. We perform comparative static exercises to understand how UI benefits affect unemployed worker´s effort to secure a formal job, their labor supply in the informal sector and leisure time. Our model reveals that an increase in UI benefits generates two opposing effects for the short-run unemployed. First, since search efforts cannot be monitored it generates moral hazard behaviours that lower effort. Second, it generates an income effect as it reduces the marginal cost of searching for a formal job and increases effort.The overall effect is ambiguous and depends on the relative strength of these two effects. Additionally, we show that an increase in UI benefits increases the efforts of long-run unemployed workers. We provide a simple simulation exercise which suggests that the income effect pointed out is not necessarily of second-order importance in comparison with moral hazard strength. This result softens the widespread opinion, usually based on the microeconomic/partial equilibrium argument that the presence of dual labor markets is an obstacle to providing UI in developing countries.
The common assumptions that labor income share does not change over time or across countries and that factor income shares are equal to the elasticity of output with respect to factors have had important implications for economic theory. However, there are various theoretical reasons why the elasticity of output with respect to reproducible factors should be correlated with the stage of development. In particular, the behavior of international trade and capital flows and the existence of factor saving innovations imply such a correlation. If this correlation exists and if factor income shares are equal to the elasticity of output with respect to factors then the labor income share must be negatively correlated with the stage of development. We propose an explanation for why labor income share has no correlation with income per capita: the existence of a labor intensive sector which produces non tradable goods.
Esta monografía se centra en evaluar mediante un enfoque constructivista, y a partir de una serie de hechos históricos, cómo la identidad construida por Rusia y Georgia fue el detonante de la Guerra de Osetia del Sur en 2008. Para tal objetivo, se partirá del supuesto que este conflicto fue el resultado de las diferencias entre ambos actores que desarrollaron una serie de políticas antagónicas, enmarcadas en una cultura de anarquía hobbesiana la cual se configuró tras la Revolución de las Rosas y la posterior llegada de Mijaíl Saakashvili al poder, puesto que Georgia se convertiría en el principal aliado de occidente en el Cáucaso, basado en un rol anti ruso y disidente de la influencia del Kremlin en la zona, divergiendo con el liderazgo de Rusia el cual se fundamenta en una identidad construida a raíz de su pasado imperial y hegemónico.
The first IUPAC Manual of Symbols and Terminology for Physicochemical Quantities and Units (the Green Book) of which this is the direct successor, was published in 1969, with the object of 'securing clarity and precision, and wider agreement in the use of symbols, by chemists in different countries, among physicists, chemists and engineers, and by editors of scientific journals'. Subsequent revisions have taken account of many developments in the field, culminating in the major extension and revision represented by the 1988 edition under the simplified title Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry. This 2007, third edition, is a further revision of the material which reflects the experience of the contributors with the previous editions. The book has been systematically brought up to date and new sections have been added. It strives to improve the exchange of scientific information among the readers in different disciplines and across different nations. In a rapidly expanding volume of scientific literature where each discipline has a tendency to retreat into its own jargon this book attempts to provide a readable compilation of widely used terms and symbols from many sources together with brief understandable definitions. This is the definitive guide for scientists and organizations working across a multitude of disciplines requiring internationally approved nomenclature.
Syftet med denna uppsats är att dels visa koleraepidemins utbredning i Alingsås år 1834 samt att kort jämföra den med omgivande städer i Västsverige och då framförallt Borås, och dels se på vilka återverkningar, upplevelser och reaktioner sjukdomen skapade hos människorna vid denna tid. De frågeställningar som har använts för att utveckla ovanstående syfte har varit: Vilka tankar, intryck och upplevelser gav sjukdomen upphov till? Vilka drabbades hårdast av sjukdomen? Hur förhåller sig dödstal, ålder, tidsdatering och social tillhörighet bland döda i en jämförelse med Borås? Vilka rykten, myter och reaktioner följde i kolerans spår? Materialet består av dödböcker och husförhörslängder för Alingsås stad och landsförsamling, protokoll från sundhetsnämnden i Alingsås landsförsamling, kungörelser och nedskrivna samtal från 1834, dagbok och anteckningar från privatpersoner från nämnda år samt litteratur och avhandlingar om Alingsås och koleran i Sverige. Alingsås stad hade vid sjukdomens inledningsskede en viss brist på läkare men detta avhjälptes snabbt och situationen var inte värre än i andra städer vid denna tid. För landsförsamlingen var dock bristen betydande. Då koleran härjade som värst upplevde människorna i Alingsås, liksom i många andra drabbade städer, en stark oro och ångest. De som oftast föll offer för koleran i Alingsås var fattiga som troligtvis på grund av trångboddhet och hygieniska svårigheter hade svårt att hålla smittan ifrån sig. I jämförelse med Borås visar Alingsås upp många likheter men också skillnader i form av fler döda och större dödlighet bland de fattiga.
This report is the first presentation of the project 'Falun above from Falun under' and comprises two reports on ongoing work within the project and two individual articles on dating wood from older parts of the mine and buildings. The main aims of the project were to reconstruct the landscape surrounding Falu Copper mine before mining activity started and to determine how increasing activity in the area affected the environment, and whether this could be measured as a indicator of increasing human impact in the area.
In Vietnam, as in other Asian countries, co-operation with foreign universities plays an important role for the development of higher education. This paper is based on personal experiences from teaching a Swedish Master Programme in Education Science at Vietnam National University in Hanoi. Using theories developed by Lev Vygotsky and Donald Schon, the programme is explored as an inter-cultural learning process. Three aspects are focused upon. Firstly, the fact that communication between students and teachers is conducted with the help of translators who support both teachers and students in their attempt to understand and make themselves understood. Secondly, the expressed need to connect the ideas and techniques which are studied in the programme to the students´ professional worlds. Thirdly, the need to construct a framework wherein the students can inquire into their own situations and to encourage them to try new and more productive ways to deal with problems they are confronted with.
Utvecklingen och framväxten av det sk informationssamhället har medfört att det svenska högskolesystemet har byggts ut. Ny grupper av studenter söker sig till högskolan. Från drygt 40.000 studenter i mitten av 60-talet finns idag över 400.000 studenter vid våra högskolor och universitet. Ett vidgat tillträde till högre utbildning ställer flera nya och utmanande frågor. Har så många människor motiv och förmåga att ta sig an högskolestudier? Är utbygnaden motiverad och löner den sig? Hur skall gymnasieskola och vuxenutbildning förbereda de kommande studenterna på ett bra sätt? Behöver så många utbilda sig, eller med andra ord, passar alla dessa nya studenter för högskolans krav? Är högskolan verkligen intresserad av att anpassa sig och ge dessa nya grupper tillträde till den högre utbildningen? Dessa och andra frågor, som utgår från den nya situation som högskolan befinner sig i, diskuterade och bearbetade en grupp lärare från Högskolan Dalarna och fem av Dalarnas folkhögskolor i en forskningscirkel. Syftet med detta paper är att sammanfatta erfarenheterna från forskningscirkeln.
In Germany, hospitals can deliver data from patients with pelvic fractures selectively or twofold to two different trauma registries, i.e. the German Pelvic Injury Register (PIR) and the TraumaRegister DGU(®) (TR). Both registers are anonymous and differ in composition and content. We describe the methodological approach of linking these registries and reidentifying twofold documented patients. The aim of the approach is to create an intersection set that benefit from complementary data of each registry, respectively. Furthermore, the concordance of data entry of some clinical variables entered in both registries was evaluated.
BACKGROUND Everolimus reduces the progression of cardiac allograft vasculopathy (CAV) in de novo heart transplant (HTx) recipients, but the influence on established CAV is unknown. METHODS In this Nordic Certican Trial in Heart and lung Transplantation substudy, 111 maintenance HTx recipients (time post-HTx 5.8 ± 4.3 years) randomized to everolimus+reduced calcineurin inhibitor (CNI) or standard CNI had matching (intravascular ultrasound) examinations at baseline and 12 months allowing accurate assessment of CAV progression. RESULTS No significant difference in CAV progression was evident between the treatment groups (P = 0.30). When considering patients receiving concomitant azathioprine (AZA) therapy (n = 39), CAV progression was attenuated with everolimus versus standard CNI (Δmaximal intimal thickness 0.00 ± 0.04 and 0.04 ± 0.04 mm, Δpercent atheroma volume 0.2% ± 3.0% and 2.6% ± 2.5%, and Δtotal atheroma volume 0.25 ± 14.1 and 19.8 ± 20.4 mm(3), respectively [P < 0.05]). When considering patients receiving mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), accelerated CAV progression occurred with everolimus versus standard CNI (Δmaximal intimal thickness 0.06 ± 0.12 vs. 0.02 ± 0.06 mm and Δpercent atheroma volume 4.0% ± 6.3% vs. 1.4% ± 3.1%, respectively; P < 0.05). The levels of C-reactive protein and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 declined significantly with AZA+everolimus, whereas MMF+everolimus patients demonstrated a significant increase in levels of C-reactive protein, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1, and von Willebrand factor. CONCLUSIONS Conversion to everolimus and reduced CNI does not influence CAV progression among maintenance HTx recipients. However, background immunosuppressive therapy is important as AZA+everolimus patients demonstrated attenuated CAV progression and a decline in inflammatory markers, whereas the opposite pattern was seen with everolimus+MMF. The different effect of everolimus when combined with AZA versus MMF could potentially reflect hitherto unknown interactions.
CONTEXT Tibial nerve stimulation (TNS) is a promising therapy for non-neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction and might also be a valuable option for patients with an underlying neurological disorder. OBJECTIVE We systematically reviewed all available evidence on the efficacy and safety of TNS for treating neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction (NLUTD). EVIDENCE ACQUISITION The review was performed according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Statement. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS After screening 1943 articles, 16 studies (4 randomized controlled trials [RCTs], 9 prospective cohort studies, 2 retrospective case series, and 1 case report) enrolling 469 patients (283 women and 186 men) were included. Five studies reported on acute TNS and 11 on chronic TNS. In acute and chronic TNS, the mean increase of maximum cystometric capacity ranged from 56 to 132mL and from 49 to 150mL, and the mean increase of bladder volume at first detrusor overactivity ranged from 44 to 92mL and from 93 to 121mL, respectively. In acute and chronic TNS, the mean decrease of maximum detrusor pressure during the storage phase ranged from 5 to 15cm H2O and from 4 to 21cm H2O, respectively. In chronic TNS, the mean decrease in number of voids per 24h, in number of leakages per 24h, and in postvoid residual ranged from 3 to 7, from 1 to 4, and from 15 to 55mL, respectively. No TNS-related adverse events have been reported. Risk of bias and confounding was high in most studies. CONCLUSIONS Although preliminary data of RCTs and non-RCTs suggest TNS might be effective and safe for treating NLUTD, the evidence base is poor, derived from small, mostly noncomparative studies with a high risk of bias and confounding. More reliable data from well-designed RCTs are needed to reach definitive conclusions. PATIENT SUMMARY Early data suggest tibial nerve stimulation might be effective and safe for treating neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction, but more reliable evidence is required.
CONTEXT Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a promising therapy for non-neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction and might also be a valuable option in patients with an underlying neurological disorder. OBJECTIVE We systematically reviewed all available evidence on the efficacy and safety of TENS for treating neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION The review was performed according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Statement. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS After screening 1943 articles, 22 studies (two randomised controlled trials, 14 prospective cohort studies, five retrospective case series, and one case report) enrolling 450 patients were included. Eleven studies reported on acute TENS and 11 on chronic TENS. In acute TENS and chronic TENS, the mean increase of maximum cystometric capacity ranged from 69ml to 163ml and from 4ml to 156ml, the mean change of bladder volume at first detrusor overactivity from a decrease of 13ml to an increase of 175ml and from an increase of 10ml to 120ml, a mean decrease of maximum detrusor pressure at first detrusor overactivity from 18 cmH20 to 72 cmH20 and 8 cmH20, and a mean decrease of maximum storage detrusor pressure from 20 cmH20 to 58 cmH2O and from 3 cmH20 to 8 cmH2O, respectively. In chronic TENS, a mean decrease in the number of voids and leakages per 24h ranged from 1 to 3 and from 0 to 4, a mean increase of maximum flow rate from 2ml/s to 7ml/s, and a mean change of postvoid residual from an increase of 26ml to a decrease of 85ml. No TENS-related serious adverse events have been reported. Risk of bias and confounding was high in most studies. CONCLUSIONS Although preliminary data suggest TENS might be effective and safe for treating neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction, the evidence base is poor and more reliable data from well-designed randomised controlled trials are needed to make definitive conclusions. PATIENT SUMMARY Early data suggest that transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation might be effective and safe for treating neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction, but more reliable evidence is required.
CONTEXT Most patients with neuro-urological disorders require life-long medical care. The European Association of Urology (EAU) regularly updates guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of these patients. OBJECTIVE To provide a summary of the 2015 updated EAU Guidelines on Neuro-Urology. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION Structured literature searches in several databases were carried out to update the 2014 guidelines. Levels of evidence and grades of recommendation were assigned where possible. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS Neurological disorders often cause urinary tract, sexual, and bowel dysfunction. Most neuro-urological patients need life-long care for optimal life expectancy and quality of life. Timely diagnosis and treatment are essential to prevent upper and lower urinary tract deterioration. Clinical assessment should be comprehensive and usually includes a urodynamic investigation. The neuro-urological management must be tailored to the needs of the individual patient and may require a multidisciplinary approach. Sexuality and fertility issues should not be ignored. Numerous conservative and noninvasive possibilities of management are available and should be considered before a surgical approach is chosen. Neuro-urological patients require life-long follow-up and particular attention has to be paid to this aspect of management. CONCLUSIONS The current EAU Guidelines on Neuro-Urology provide an up-to-date overview of the available evidence for adequate diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of neuro-urological patients. PATIENT SUMMARY Patients with a neurological disorder often suffer from urinary tract, sexual, and bowel dysfunction and life-long care is usually necessary. The update of the EAU Guidelines on Neuro-Urology, summarized in this paper, enables caregivers to provide optimal support to neuro-urological patients. Conservative, noninvasive, or minimally invasive approaches are often possible.
A variety of intracellular signaling pathways can modulate the properties of voltage-gated ion channels. Some of them are well characterized. However, the diffusible second messenger mediating suppression of M current via G protein-coupled receptors has not been identified. In superior cervical ganglion neurons, we find that the signaling pathways underlying M current inhibition by B2 bradykinin and M1 muscarinic receptors respond very differently to inhibitors. The bradykinin pathway was suppressed by the phospholipase C inhibitor U-73122, by blocking the IP3 receptor with pentosan polysulfate or heparin, and by buffering intracellular calcium, and it was occluded by allowing IP3 to diffuse into the cytoplasm via a patch pipette. By contrast, the muscarinic pathway was not disrupted by any of these treatments. The addition of bradykinin was accompanied by a [Ca2+]i rise with a similar onset and time to peak as the inhibition of M current. The M current inhibition and the rise of [Ca2+]i were blocked by depletion of Ca2+ internal stores by thapsigargin. We conclude that bradykinin receptors inhibit M current of sympathetic neurons by activating phospholipase C and releasing Ca2+ from IP3-sensitive Ca2+ stores, whereas muscarinic receptors do not use the phospholipase C pathway to inhibit M current channels.