205 resultados para Stormwater
Using a case study approach, this paper presents a robust methodology for assessing the compatibility of stormwater treatment performance data between two geographical regions in relation to a treatment system. The desktop analysis compared data derived from a field study undertaken in Florida, USA, with South East Queensland (SEQ) rainfall and pollutant characteristics. The analysis was based on the hypothesis that when transposing treatment performance information from one geographical region to another, detailed assessment of specific rainfall and stormwater quality parameters is required. Accordingly, characteristics of measured rainfall events and stormwater quality in the Florida study were compared with typical characteristics for SEQ. Rainfall events monitored in the Florida study were found to be similar to events that occur in SEQ in terms of their primary characteristics of depth, duration and intensity. Similarities in total suspended solids (TSS) and total nitrogen (TN) concentration ranges for Florida and SEQ suggest that TSS and TN removal performances would not be very different if the treatment system is installed in SEQ. However, further investigations are needed to evaluate the treatment performance of total phosphorus (TP). The methodology presented also allows comparison of other water quality parameters.
Gross pollutant traps (GPT) are designed to capture and retain visible street waste, such as anthropogenic litter and organic matter. Blocked screens, low/high downstream tidal waters and flows operating above/below the intended design limits can hamper the operations of a stormwater GPT. Under these adverse operational conditions, a recently developed GPT was evaluated. Capture and retention experiments were conducted on a 50% scale model with partially and fully blocked screens, placed inside a hydraulic flume. Flows were established through the model via an upstream channel-inlet configuration. Floatable, partially buoyant, neutrally buoyant and sinkable spheres were released into the GPT and monitored at the outlet. These experiments were repeated with a pipe-inlet configured GPT. The key findings from the experiments were of practical significance to the design, operation and maintenance of GPTs. These involved an optimum range of screen blockages and a potentially improved inlet design for efficient gross pollutant capture/retention operations. For example, the outlet data showed that the capture and retention efficiency deteriorated rapidly when the screens were fully blocked. The low pressure drop across the retaining screens and the reduced inlet flow velocities were either insufficient to mobilise the gross pollutants, or the GPT became congested.
Treatment performance of bioretention basins closely depends on hydrologic and hydraulic factors such as rainfall characteristics and inflow and outflow discharges. An in-depth understanding of the influence of these factors on water quality treatment performance can provide important guidance for effective bioretention basin design. In this paper, hydraulic and hydrologic factors impacting pollutant removal by a bioretention basin were assessed under field conditions. Outcomes of the study confirmed that the antecedent dry period plays an important role in influencing treatment performance. A relatively long antecedent dry period reduces nitrite and ammonium concentrations while increasing the nitrate concentration, which confirms that nitrification occurs within the bioretention basin. Additionally, pollutant leaching influences bioretention basin treatment performance, reducing the nutrients removal efficiency, which was lower for high rainfall events. These outcomes will contribute to a greater understanding of the treatment performance of bioretention basins, assisting in the design, operation and maintenance of these systems.
In recent years there has been increasing interest in the use of water resources generated within the urban boundary for potable supply substitution as a means of augmenting the current supply capacity. These urban water resources include roof and stormwater runoff. Expanding the use of stormwater runoff to add to the water supply and reduce water pollution are important objectives all over Australia. This book presents the background, significance and objectives of the research, as well as the reasons why stormwater plays a significant role as an alternative source of water.
Constructed wetlands are among the most common Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) measures for stormwater treatment. These systems have been extensively studied to understand their performance and influential treatment processes. Unfortunately, most past studies have been undertaken considering a wetland system as a lumped system with a primary focus on the reduction of the event mean concentration (EMC) values of specific pollutant species or total pollutant load removal. This research study adopted an innovative approach by partitioning the inflow runoff hydrograph and then investigating treatment performance in each partition and their relationships with a range of hydraulic factors. The study outcomes confirmed that influenced by rainfall characteristics, the constructed wetland displays different treatment characteristics for the initial and later sectors of the runoff hydrograph. The treatment of small rainfall events (<15 mm) is comparatively better at the beginning of runoff events while the trends in pollutant load reductions for large rainfall events (>15 mm) are generally lower at the beginning and gradually increase towards the end of rainfall events. This highlights the importance of ensuring that the inflow into a constructed wetland has low turbulence in order to achieve consistent treatment performance for both, small and large rainfall events.
This research study comprehensively analyses the dynamics of nitrogen and suspended solids removal in stormwater biofilters. The study focuses on pollutant removal during an event with time, rather than the conventional event-mean analysis. Antecedent dry days (number of days in between rainfall) during which biofilters remain dry and the inflow concentration of pollutants were two other important variables analysed in this study. The research outcome highlights the significance of dry-phase processes and the process of stabilization on filter performance and sets a paradigm shift from the current approach towards an innovative way of performance analysis of biofilters.
Urbanisation significantly changes the characteristics of a catchment as natural areas are transformed to impervious surfaces such as roads, roofs and parking lots. The increased fraction of impervious surfaces leads to changes to the stormwater runoff characteristics, whilst a variety of anthropogenic activities common to urban areas generate a range of pollutants such as nutrients, solids and organic matter. These pollutants accumulate on catchment surfaces and are removed and trans- ported by stormwater runoff and thereby contribute pollutant loads to receiving waters. In summary, urbanisation influences the stormwater characteristics of a catchment, including hydrology and water quality. Due to the growing recognition that stormwater pollution is a significant environmental problem, the implementation of mitigation strategies to improve the quality of stormwater runoff is becoming increasingly common in urban areas. A scientifically robust stormwater quality treatment strategy is an essential requirement for effective urban stormwater management. The efficient design of treatment systems is closely dependent on the state of knowledge in relation to the primary factors influencing stormwater quality. In this regard, stormwater modelling outcomes provide designers with important guidance and datasets which significantly underpin the design of effective stormwater treatment systems. Therefore, the accuracy of modelling approaches and the reliability modelling outcomes are of particular concern. This book discusses the inherent complexity and key characteristics in the areas of urban hydrology and stormwater quality, based on the influence exerted by a range of rainfall and catchment characteristics. A comprehensive field sampling and testing programme in relation to pollutant build-up, an urban catchment monitoring programme in relation to stormwater quality and the outcomes from advanced statistical analyses provided the platform for the knowledge creation. Two case studies and two real-world applications are discussed to illustrate the translation of the knowledge created to practical use in relation to the role of rainfall and catchment characteristics on urban stormwater quality. An innovative rainfall classification based on stormwater quality was developed to support the effective and scientifically robust design of stormwater treatment systems. Underpinned by the rainfall classification methodology, a reliable approach for design rainfall selection is proposed in order to optimise stormwater treatment based on both, stormwater quality and quantity. This is a paradigm shift from the common approach where stormwater treatment systems are designed based solely on stormwater quantity data. Additionally, how pollutant build-up and stormwater runoff quality vary with a range of catchment characteristics was also investigated. Based on the study out- comes, it can be concluded that the use of only a limited number of catchment parameters such as land use and impervious surface percentage, as it is the case in current modelling approaches, could result in appreciable error in water quality estimation. Influential factors which should be incorporated into modelling in relation to catchment characteristics, should also include urban form and impervious surface area distribution. The knowledge created through the research investigations discussed in this monograph is expected to make a significant contribution to engineering practice such as hydrologic and stormwater quality modelling, stormwater treatment design and urban planning, as the study outcomes provide practical approaches and recommendations for urban stormwater quality enhancement. Furthermore, this monograph also demonstrates how fundamental knowledge of stormwater quality processes can be translated to provide guidance on engineering practice, the comprehensive application of multivariate data analyses techniques and a paradigm on integrative use of computer models and mathematical models to derive practical outcomes.
Ripening period refers to a phase of stabilization in sand filters in water treatment systems that follows a new installation or cleaning of the filter. Intermittent wetting and drying, a unique property of stormwater biofilters, would similarly be subjected to a phase of stabilization. Suspended solids, is an important parameter that is often used to monitor the stabilization of sand filters in water treatment systems. Stormwater biofilters however, contain organic material that is added to the filter layer to enhance nitrate removal, the dynamics of which is seldom analysed in stabilization of stormwater biofilters. Therefore, in this study of stormwater biofiltration in addition to suspended solids (Turbidity), organic matter (TOC, DOC, TN and TKN) was also monitored as a parameter for stabilization of the stormwater biofilter. One Perspex bioretention column (94 mm internal diameter) was fabricated with filter layer that contained 8% organic material and fed with tapwater with different antecedent dry days (0 – 40 day) at 100 mL/min. Samples were collected from the outflow at different time intervals between 2 – 150 minutes and were tested for Total Organic Carbon, Dissolved Organic Carbon, Total Nitrogen, Total Kjeldhal Nitrogen and Turbidity. The column was observed to experience two phases of stabilization, one at the beginning of each event that lasted for 30 minutes while the other phase was observed across subsequent events that related to the age of filter.
Process variability in pollutant build-up and wash-off generates inherent uncertainty that affects the outcomes of stormwater quality models. Poor characterisation of process variability constrains the accurate accounting of the uncertainty associated with pollutant processes. This acts as a significant limitation to effective decision making in relation to stormwater pollution mitigation. The study undertaken developed three theoretical scenarios based on research findings that variations in particle size fractions <150µm and >150µm during pollutant build-up and wash-off primarily determine the variability associated with these processes. These scenarios, which combine pollutant build-up and wash-off processes that takes place on a continuous timeline, are able to explain process variability under different field conditions. Given the variability characteristics of a specific build-up or wash-off event, the theoretical scenarios help to infer the variability characteristics of the associated pollutant process that follows. Mathematical formulation of the theoretical scenarios enables the incorporation of variability characteristics of pollutant build-up and wash-off processes in stormwater quality models. The research study outcomes will contribute to the quantitative assessment of uncertainty as an integral part of the interpretation of stormwater quality modelling outcomes.
High concentrations of nitrate-nitrogen degrade the quality of aquatic environments. The primary mechanism by which nitrate-nitrogen is removed (denitrification) requires anoxic conditions and electron donors. While removal of total and ammonium-nitrogen is often high in stormwater biofilters, poor removal or even the release of nitrate-nitrogen in the outflow has often been observed. Five Perspex biofilter columns (94 mm internal diameter) were fabricated with a filter layer that contained 8% organic material. Columns were operated at 875 mm/h 875 mm/h and fed with simulated stormwater with different antecedent dry days (ADDs) and concentrations of nitrate-nitrogen. Samples were collected from the outflow at different time intervals between 2 and 150 min and were tested for nitrate-nitrogen. The removal of nitrate-nitrogen varied during an event from a high removal percentage (60–90%) in the initial outflow that gradually decreased in the first 30 min and settled at 0–15% removal thereafter. This remained consistent during all simulated events independent of the number of ADDs or inflow concentrations. ADDs and previous event feed concentrations affected the outflow nitrate-nitrogen concentration in the first 30 min of the current event. Therefore, from this study it is concluded that denitrification within stormwater biofilters occurs mainly during drying periods rather than wetting periods.
Uncertainty inherent to heavy metal build-up and wash-off stems from process variability. This results in inaccurate interpretation of stormwater quality model predictions. The research study has characterised the variability in heavy metal build-up and wash-off processes based on the temporal variations in particle-bound heavy metals commonly found on urban roads. The study outcomes found that the distribution of Al, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb were consistent over particle size fractions <150µm and >150µm, with most metals concentrated in the particle size fraction <150µm. When build-up and wash-off are considered as independent processes, the temporal variations in these processes in relation to the heavy metals load are consistent with variations in the particulate load. However, the temporal variations in the load in build-up and wash-off of heavy metals and particulates are not consistent for consecutive build-up and wash-off events that occur on a continuous timeline. These inconsistencies are attributed to interactions between heavy metals and particulates <150µm and >150µm, which are influenced by particle characteristics such as organic matter content. The behavioural variability of particles determines the variations in the heavy metals load entrained in stormwater runoff. Accordingly, the variability in build-up and wash-off of particle-bound pollutants needs to be characterised in the description of pollutant attachment to particulates in stormwater quality modelling. This will ensure the accounting of process uncertainty, and thereby enhancing the interpretation of the outcomes derived from modelling studies.
We treat urban stormwater as a problem as it causes flooding, transports pollutants and degrades the ecosystem health of waterways (Goonetilleke et al., 2014). Municipal authorities devote a significant component of their budget to capture and remove stormwater from urban areas as rapidly as possible. Unfortunately, it is a largely unappreciated fact that urban stormwater is the last available uncommitted water resource for our cities as the demand for potable water escalates due to growing urbanisation, industrialisation and higher living standards.
Emerging contaminants (ECs) are chemical compounds commonly present in water. It is only recently that this family of compounds is being recognized as significant water pollutants (. ECs include a wide variety of chemicals such as pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs), pesticides, hydrocarbons and hormones, among others, that once released into the environment exert adverse impacts on the human and wildlife endocrine system. Natural attenuation and conventional treatment processes are not capable of removing these micro-pollutants detected in wastewater influent and effluent and surface and drinking water. The main challenges related with presence of ECs in stormwater in the context of reuse are: a) Development of suitable laboratory test methodologies and protocols for ECs identification and quantification b) Identification of the sources of ECs in the urban environment; c) Understanding their impacts on human and/or ecosystem health; and d). Development of cost-effective removal technologies which are appropriate for large as well as small-scale application.
Impervious surfaces in an urban catchment are the primary stormwater pollutant contributing areas. Appropriate treatment of stormwater runoff from these impervious surfaces is essential to safeguard the urban water environment. While urban roads have received significant research attention in this regard, roofs have not been well investigated. Key pollutant processes such as build-up on roads and roofs can be different due to the different surface characteristics. This entails different treatment strategies being needed for road and roofs. The research study characterized roof pollutants build-up by differentiating with road surfaces. It was noted that pollutants are more highly concentrated on particles and particularly finer particles in the case of roof surfaces, compared to road surfaces. Additionally, pollutants built-up on roof surfaces tend to be relatively more variable from one day to another in terms of pollutant loads. These results highlight the significance of roofs as a stormwater pollutant source and the important need for a specific stormwater treatment strategy rather than the application of a combined approach for treating stormwater runoff from both, roads and roofs.