984 resultados para Steady-state identification Propene productionunit


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This paper describes an approach for the analysis and design of 765kV/400kV EHV transmission system which is a typical expansion in Indian power grid system, based on the analysis of steady state and transient over voltages. The approach for transmission system design is iterative in nature. The first step involves exhaustive power flow analysis, based on constraints such as right of way, power to be transmitted, power transfer capabilities of lines, existing interconnecting transformer capabilities etc. Acceptable bus voltage profiles and satisfactory equipment loadings during all foreseeable operating conditions for normal and contingency operation are the guiding criteria. Critical operating strategies are also evolved in this initial design phase. With the steady state over voltages obtained, comprehensive dynamic and transient studies are to be carried out including switching over voltages studies. This paper presents steady state and switching transient studies for alternative two typical configurations of 765kV/400 kV systems and the results are compared. Transient studies are carried out to obtain the peak values of 765 kV transmission systems and are compared with the alternative configurations of existing 400 kV systems.


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We report numerical and analytic results for the spatial survival probability for fluctuating one-dimensional interfaces with Edwards-Wilkinson or Kardar-Parisi-Zhang dynamics in the steady state. Our numerical results are obtained from analysis of steady-state profiles generated by integrating a spatially discretized form of the Edwards-Wilkinson equation to long times. We show that the survival probability exhibits scaling behavior in its dependence on the system size and the "sampling interval" used in the measurement for both "steady-state" and "finite" initial conditions. Analytic results for the scaling functions are obtained from a path-integral treatment of a formulation of the problem in terms of one-dimensional Brownian motion. A "deterministic approximation" is used to obtain closed-form expressions for survival probabilities from the formally exact analytic treatment. The resulting approximate analytic results provide a fairly good description of the numerical data.


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1. 1. The binding parameters of prealbumin-2 with retinol-binding protein and thyroxine (T4) revealed the existence of distinct and multiple sites for both retinol-binding protein and T4. 2. 2. From the analysis of binding parameters of retinol-binding protein with prealbumin-2 it is clear that under steady-state conditions about 99% of the holo-retinol-binding protein remains bound to prealbumin-2. 3. 3. Equilibrium dialysis studies on binding properties of thyroid hormones with prealbumin-2 revealed that it has a single high affinity site and three low affinity sites. 4. 4. The occurrence of three carrier proteins for thyroid hormones, thyroxine-binding globulin, prealbumin-2 and albumin has been demonstrated. However, the chicken thyroxine-binding globulin differs from human thyroxine-binding globulin by being relatively less acidic and occuring at a two-fold lower concentration. But the thyroid hormone binding parameters are comparable. 5. 5. Highly sensitive methods were developed for determination of T4 binding capacities of the various proteins and plasma level of total T4 by fractionation of carrier proteins and further quantitatively employing in electrophoresis and equilibrium dialysis. 6. 6. The thyroxine-binding proteins were found to be two types, one (viz., thyroxine-binding globulin) of great affinity but of low binding capacity, which mainly acts as reservoir of T4, and another (viz.,prealbumin-2) of low affinity but of high binding capacity, which can participate predominantly in the control of the free T4 pool.


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Utilizing a circuit model [1, 2] of an induction motor, a simplified analysis of steady state performance of a voltage controlled induction motor (VCIM) drive is described in this paper. By solving a set of nonlinear algebraic equations which describe the VCIM drive under steady operation, the operating variables such as constant components of torque, rotor flux linkages, fundamental components of stator voltage and current and phase angle are obtained for any given value of slip, triggering angle and supply voltage.


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Active-clamp dc-dc converters are pulsewidth-modulated converters having two switches featuring zero-voltage switching at frequencies beyond 100 kHz. Generalized equivalent circuits valid for steady-state and dynamic performance have been proposed for the family of active-clamp converters. The active-clamp converter is analyzed for its dynamic behavior under current control in this paper. The steady-state stability analysis is presented. On account of the lossless damping inherent in the active-clamp converters, it appears that the stability region in the current-controlled active-clamp converters get extended for duty ratios, a little greater than 0.5, unlike in conventional hard-switched converters. The conventional graphical approach fails to assess the stability of current-controlled active-clamp converters due to the coupling between the filter inductor current and resonant inductor current. An analysis that takes into account the presence of the resonant elements is presented to establish the condition for stability. This method correctly predicts the stability of the current-controlled active-clamp converters. A simple expression for the maximum duty cycle for subharmonic free operation is obtained. The results are verified experimentally.


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A three-dimensional mathematical model has been developed to simulate the gas flow, composition, and temperature profiles inside a cupola. Comparison of the model with the reported experimental data shows the presence of a zone with low combustion rate at the tuyere level. For a 24 in (610 mm) cupola with four rows of tuyeres, the combustion zones from each tuyere overlap each other, forming an overall combustion zone of cylindrical shape of height similar to 0.2 m. Using the model, it is found that the spout temperature initially increases with increasing blast velocity and attains a maximum. Further increase in blast velocity does not change the spout temperature. This suggests that smaller size tuyeres and higher permeability of the bed can give superior cupola performance. (C) 1997 The Institute of Materials.


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The steady state of a two spin system coupled to an isotropic environment and to each other through a dipolar interaction and under irradiation by a monochromatic, circularly polarized radio frequency field is determined ab initio using thermodynamic arguments. This steady state is used to describe the well known nuclear Overhauser effect in liquids. The steady state is also derived from the Solomon-Bloch set of equations used to describe the driven spin. It is shown that in the limit of weak driving, the two solutions coincide. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(99)71210-9].


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The COREX melter gasifier is a countercurrent reactor to produce liquid iron. Directly reduced iron (DRI), noncoking coal, and other additives are charged to the melter gasifier at their respective temperatures, and O-2 is blown through the tuyeres. Functionally, a melter gasifier is divided into three zones: a moving bed, fluidized bed, and free board. A model has been developed for the moving bed, where the tuyere region is two-dimensional (2-D) and the rest is one-dimensional (1-D). It is based on multiphase conservation of mass, momentum, and heat. The fluidized bed has been treated as 1-D. Partial equilibrium is calculated for the free board. The calculated temperature of the hot metal, the top gas, and the chemistry of the top gas agree with the reported plant data. The model has been used to study the effects of bed height, injection of impure O-2, coal chemistry, and reactivity on the process performance.


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The maintenance of chlorine residual is needed at all the points in the distribution system supplied with chlorine as a disinfectant. The propagation and level of chlorine in a distribution system is affected by both bulk and pipe wall reactions. It is well known that the field determination of wall reaction parameter is difficult. The source strength of chlorine to maintain a specified chlorine residual at a target node is also an important parameter. The inverse model presented in the paper determines these water quality parameters, which are associated with different reaction kinetics, either in single or in groups of pipes. The weighted-least-squares method based on the Gauss-Newton minimization technique is used for the estimation of these parameters. The validation and application of the inverse model is illustrated with an example pipe distribution system under steady state. A generalized procedure to handle noisy and bad (abnormal) data is suggested, which can be used to estimate these parameters more accurately. The developed inverse model is useful for water supply agencies to calibrate their water distribution system and to improve their operational strategies to maintain water quality.


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Active-clamp dc-dc converters are pulsewidth-modulated converters having two switches featuring zero-voltage switching at frequencies beyond 100 kHz. Generalized equivalent circuits valid for steady-state and dynamic performance have been proposed for the family of active-clamp converters. The active-clamp converter is analyzed for its dynamic behavior under current control in this paper. The steady-state stability analysis is presented. On account of the lossless damping inherent in the active-clamp converters, it appears that the stability region in the current-controlled active-clamp converters get extended for duty ratios, a little greater than 0.5 unlike in conventional hard-switched converters. The conventional graphical approach fails to assess the stability of current-controlled active-clamp converters, due to the coupling between the filter inductor current and resonant inductor current. An analysis that takes into account the presence of the resonant elements is presented to establish the condition for stability. This method correctly predicts the stability of the current-controlled active-clamp converters. A simple expression for the maximum duty cycle for subharmonic-free operation is obtained. The results are verified experimentally.


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Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRS) catalyze the bimolecular association reaction between amino acid and tRNA by specifically and unerringly choosing the cognate amino acid and tRNA. There are two classes of such synthetases that perform tRNA-aminoacylation reaction. Interestingly, these two classes of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases differ not only in their structures but they also exhibit remarkably distinct kinetics under pre-steady-state condition. The class I synthetases show initial burst of product formation followed by a slower steady-state rate. This has been argued to represent the influence of slow product release. In contrast, there is no burst in the case of class H enzymes. The tight binding of product with enzyme for class I enzymes is correlated with the enhancement of rate in presence of elongation factor. EF-TU. In spite of extensive experimental studies, there is no detailed theoretical analysis that can provide a quantitative understanding of this important problem. In this article, we present a theoretical investigation of enzyme kinetics for both classes of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. We present an augmented kinetic scheme and then employ the methods of time-dependent probability statistics to obtain expressions for the first passage time distribution that gives both the time-dependent and the steady-state rates. The present study quantitatively explains all the above experimental observations. We propose an alternative path way in the case of class II enzymes showing the tRNA-dependent amino acid activation and the discrepancy between the single-turnover and steady-state rate.


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Introduction of processor based instruments in power systems is resulting in the rapid growth of the measured data volume. The present practice in most of the utilities is to store only some of the important data in a retrievable fashion for a limited period. Subsequently even this data is either deleted or stored in some back up devices. The investigations presented here explore the application of lossless data compression techniques for the purpose of archiving all the operational data - so that they can be put to more effective use. Four arithmetic coding methods suitably modified for handling power system steady state operational data are proposed here. The performance of the proposed methods are evaluated using actual data pertaining to the Southern Regional Grid of India. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.