992 resultados para Static Vehicle Tests.


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Uma das tarefas mais desafiadoras do engenheiro na área da Geotecnia é a escolha dos valores de parâmetros geotécnicos obtidos de ensaios de campo ou laboratório e que serão utilizados nos modelos analíticos ou numéricos na fase de projeto de fundações. Diante das incertezas inerentes aos ensaios de SPT e da heterogeneidade de abordagens para a utilização dos valores de NSPT, é proposta neste estudo, a aplicação de um critério estatístico para obtenção de valores de NSPT, a partir da construção de intervalos de confiança de 95% de probabilidade em torno da reta ajustada de regressão linear simples entre a variável aleatória NSPT e a profundidade. Os valores obtidos de NSPT pelo critério aplicado foram utilizados na previsão da capacidade de carga de 19 estacas isoladas a partir da utilização de três métodos semi-empíricos: Aoki-Velloso (1975) com coeficientes alterados por Monteiro (1997), Décourt & Quaresma (1978) alterado pelo método de Décourt (1996) e Método de Alonso (1996). As cargas de ruptura dessas 19 estacas ensaiadas através de Provas de Carga Estática foram obtidas pelos métodos de extrapolação de Van Der Veen (1953) e Décourt (1996) e serviram para comparação e consequente validação do critério estatístico. Adicionalmente, com fulcro no item da ABNT NBR 6122:2010 Resistência calculada por método semi-empírico, foram avaliados os fatores de segurança em relação às cargas de projeto, inclusive, também se utilizando da premissa de reconhecimento de regiões representativas, levando em conta o número de ensaios de SPT executados, fato que promove uma diminuição da incerteza dos parâmetros, apontando a um menor fator de segurança. A dissertação enfatiza as vantagens de um adequado tratamento estatístico dos parâmetros geotécnicos, a exemplo da recomendação já existente nas normas internacionais como Eurocódigo e outras. O critério construído permite e encoraja análises e decisões racionais no universo das partes interessadas consumidores, projetistas, fiscais de obras, contratantes e comunidade científica promovendo as discussões de forma mais objetiva e harmoniosa sobre o tema.


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The impact response of laminated composites consisting of alternate layers of AI ahoy foam and Al2O3 was studied experimentally in low and intermediate velocity regimes. Low velocity impacts (1.2-2.8 m s(-1)) were conducted using an instrumented falling weight apparatus and were compared with static indentation tests (0.2 x 10(-4) m s(-1)). Intermediate velocity impacts were carried out by means of both Hopkinson bar (60 m s(-1)) and gas gun (200 m s(-1)) tests, Post-impact damage was assessed using X-ray radiography and microscopy, It was found that there is good correlation between low velocity impact and quasi-static responses. In both cases, penetration of the layered targets resulted in the formation of a distinctive plug. Increasing impact velocity (intermediate velocity range) snitched the penetration mode from plugging to fragmentation, giving rise to an increase in the absorbed energy. In this range, impacts led to localisation of damage in the region under the projectile, Furthermore, a comparison has been made between the penetration response of foam laminates and dense metal laminates of equivalent areal density. Preliminary results suggest that the dense metal laminates are superseded by the foam laminates on an energy absorption basis.


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This paper deals with the case history of a damaged one-span prestressed concrete bridge on a crucial artery near the city of Cagliari (Sardinia), along the sea-side. After being involved in a disastrous flood, attention has arisen on the worrying safety state of the deck, submitted to an intense daily traffic load. Evident signs of this severe condition were the deterioration of the beams concrete and the corrosion, the lack of tension and even the rupture of the prestressing cables. After performing a limited in situ test campaign, consisting of sclerometer, pull out and carbonation depth tests, a first evaluation of the safety of the structure was performed. After collecting the data of dynamic and static load tests as well, a comprehensive analysis have been carried out, also by means of a properly calibrated F.E. model. Finally the retrofitting design is presented, consisting of the reparation and thickening of the concrete cover, providing flexural and shear FRP external reinforcements and an external prestressing system, capable of restoring a satisfactory bearing capacity, according to the current national codes. The intervention has been calibrated by the former F.E. model with respect to transversal effects and influence of local and overall deformation of reinforced elements. © 2012 Taylor & Francis Group.


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Notch Izod impact strength of poly(propylene) (PP)/glass bead blends was studied as a function of temperature. The results indicated that the toughness for various blends could undergo a brittle-ductile transition (BDT) with increasing temperature. The BDT temperature (T-BD) decreased with increasing glass bead content. Introducing the interparticle distance (ID) concept into the study, it was found that the critical interparticle distance (IDc) reduced with increasing test temperature correspondingly. The static tensile tests showed that the Young's modulus of the blends decreased slightly first and thereafter increased with increasing glass bead content. However, the yield stress decreased considerably with the increase in glass bead content. Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) measurements revealed that the heat-deflection temperature of the PP could be much improved by the incorporation of glass beads. Moreover, the glass transition temperature (T-g) increased obviously with increasing glass beads content. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) results implied that the addition of glass beads could change the crystallinity as well as the melting temperature of the PP slightly.


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Ground vehicle tests have been performed to evaluate the performance of a Passive Millimeter Wave (PMMW) imager in reduced visibility conditions and in particular, the ability to detect power lines and cables. A PMMW imager was
compared with Long Wave Infrared (LWIR) and visible imaging cameras. The three sensors were mounted on a Land Rover, together with GPS and digital recording system. All three sensors plus the GPS data were recorded simultaneously in order to provide direct comparisons. The vehicle collected imagery from a number of sites in the vicinity of Malvern, UK, in January, 2008. Imagery was collected both while the vehicle was stationary at specific sites
and while it was moving. Weather conditions during the data collection included clear, drizzle, rain and fog. Imagery was collected during the day, at night, and during dusk/dawn transition periods. The PMMW imager was a prototype which operated at 94 GHz and was based on a conically scanned folded Schmidt camera and the LWIR and visible sensors were commercial off the shelf items.


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A distributed optical fiber sensor based on Brillouin scattering (BOTDR or BOTDA) can measure and monitor strain and temperature generated along optical fiber. Because it can measure in real-time with high precision and stability, it is quite suitable for health monitoring of large-scale civil infrastructures. However, the main challenge of applying it to structural health monitoring is to ensure it is robust and can be repaired by adopting a suitable embedding method. In this paper, a novel method based on air-blowing and vacuum grouting techniques for embedding long-distance optical fiber sensors was developed. This method had no interference with normal concrete construction during its installation, and it could easily replace the long-distance embedded optical fiber sensor (LEOFS). Two stages of static loading tests were applied to investigate the performance of the LEOFS. The precision and the repeatability of the LEOFS were studied through an overloading test. The durability and the stability of the LEOFS were confirmed by a corrosion test. The strains of the LEOFS were used to evaluate the reinforcing effect of carbon fiber reinforced polymer and thereby the health state of the beams.


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Fatigue damage calculations of unidirectional polymer composites is presented applying micromechanics theory. An orthotropic micromechanical damage model is integrated with an isotropic fatigue evolution model to predict the micromechanical fatigue damage of the composite structure. The orthotropic micromechanical damage model is used to predict the orthotropic damage evolution within a single cycle. The isotropic fatigue model is used to predict the magnitude of fatigue damage accumulated as a function of the number of cycles. The advantage of using this approach is the cheap determination of model parameters since the orthotropic damage model parameters can be determined using available data from quasi-static loading tests. Decomposition of the state variables down to the constituent scale is accomplished by micromechanics theory. Phenomenological damage evolution models are then postulated for each constituent and for interphase among them. Comparison between model predictions and experimental data is presented.


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A new model for fatigue damage evolution of polymer matrix composites (PMC) is presented. The model is based on a combination of an orthotropic damage model and an isotropic fatigue evolution model. The orthotropic damage model is used to predict the orthotropic damage evolution within a single cycle. The isotropic fatigue model is used to predict the magnitude of fatigue damage accumulated as a function of the number of cycles. This approach facilitates the determination of model parameters since the orthotropic damage model parameters can be determined from available data from quasi-static-loading tests. Then, limited amount of fatigue data is needed to adjust the fatigue evolution model. The combination of these two models provides a compromise between efficiency and accuracy. Decomposition of the state variables down to the constituent scale is accomplished by micro-mechanics. Phenomenological damage evolution models are then postulated for each constituent and for the micro-structural interaction among them. Model parameters are determined from available experimental data. Comparison between model predictions and additional experimental data is presented.


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This article presents the results from an experimental program designed to evaluate the performance of a system consisting of a readout unit and a ribbon type Fiber Optic Sensor (FOS) based on Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analysis (BOTDA). The system is intended for the detection of cracks as well as the monitoring of long-term performance for steel bridge girders. The program consisted of introducing a crack at the center of a 3-m-long steel beam and monitoring its progression using static loading tests performed at ambient and sub-zero temperatures. For sensor lengths similar to those used in the field, the resonant frequency shifts per unit increase in crack width were found to decrease from 114 MHz/mm at ambient temperature (~25C) to 65 MHz/mm at -10C. Results also revealed nonlinearity and variability, which can be attributed to an incompatibility between the settings of the laser pump in the readout unit and the sensor length. Significant losses were detected along the bonded segments of the sensor and were attributed to the presence of ripples along the sensor. These undulations worsen with a reduction in temperature and are induced by the bonding procedure as well as the slack provided in the plastic sleeves containing the splices.


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As espumas de alumínio são materiais ultraleves, o que as torna atractivas para um largo espectro de aplicações comerciais na área da defesa, na indústria automóvel e aeroespacial, entre outras. Actualmente, há um grande interesse na utilização de espumas de alumínio em componentes estruturais ultraleves, incorporados em sistemas de absorção de energia para protecção contra o impacto. O recurso à simulação numérica para resolver problemas de engenharia em várias áreas é cada vez mais comum. A modelação numérica dos materiais assume vital importância quando o problema envolve a análise de processos tecnológicos como, por exemplo, a conformação plástica de materiais, ou a análise de estruturas. Deste modo, torna-se imprescindível garantir que a modelação dos materiais é de tal forma rigorosa que permite simular o melhor possível o seu comportamento real nas condições concretas da análise a realizar. A forma mais comum de garantir o rigor dos modelos utilizados é a validação dos modelos numéricos tendo por base resultados experimentais. Neste trabalho, fez-se a caracterização do comportamento mecânico das espumas de alumínio com nome comercial ALPORAS!, obtidas pelo processo de fabrico denominado expansão directa do metal fundido por adição de um agente expansor. Esta caracterização consistiu num conjunto de ensaios experimentais quer no regime quasi-estático, quer no regime dinâmico. No regime quasi-estático realizaram-se ensaios de compressão uniaxial e de compressão multiaxial. Para a caracterização no regime dinâmico foram realizados ensaios em barras de Hopkinson de polimetil-metacrilato (PMMA). Com base nos resultados experimentais obtidos determinaram-se os parâmetros dos dois modelos constitutivos para espumas metálicas implementados no programa comercial Abaqus™/Explicit. Estes modelos, e os respectivos parâmetros determinados, foram validados reproduzindo numericamente alguns ensaios experimentais quasi-estáticos e dinâmicos. Assim, verificou-se a adequabilidade dos modelos em diversas condições quer em termos de esforços quer em termos de regime de taxa de deformação Por último, desenvolveu-se uma estrutura inovadora para absorção de energia durante um impacto, constituída por componentes perfilados em liga de alumínio e por componentes em espumas de alumínio. Esta estrutura foi testada exclusivamente com recurso à simulação numérica, utilizando os modelos constitutivos validados anteriormente.


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The increasing tempo of construction activity the world over creates heavy pressure on existing land space. The quest for new and competent site often points to the needs for improving existing sites, which are otherwise deemed unsuitable for adopting conventional foundations. This is accomplished by ground improvement methods, which are employed to improve the quality of soil incompetent in their natural state. Among the construction activities, a well-connected road network is one of the basic infrastructure requirements, which play a vital role for the fast and comfortable movement of inter- regional traffic in countries like India.One of the innovative ground improvement techniques practised all over the world is the use of geosynthetics, which include geotextiles, geomembranes, geogrids, etc . They offer the advantages such as space saving, enviromnental sensitivity, material availability, technical superiority, higher cost savings, less construction time, etc . Because of its fundamental properties, such as tensile strength, filtering and water permeability, a geotextile inserted between the base material and sub grade can function as reinforcement, a filter medium, a separation layer and as a drainage medium. Though polymeric geotextiles are used in abundant quantities, the use of natural geotextiles (like coir, jute, etc.) has yet to get momentum. This is primarily due to the lack of research work on natural geotextilcs for ground improvement, particularly in the areas of un paved roads. Coir geotextiles are best suited for low cost applications because of its availability at low prices compared to its synthetic counterparts. The proper utilisation of coir geotextilcs in various applications demands large quantities of the product, which in turn can create a boom in the coir industry. The present study aims at exploring the possibilities of utilising coir geotextiles for unpaved roads and embankments.The properties of coir geotextiles used have been evaluated. The properties studied include mass per unit area, puncture resistance, tensile strength, secant modulus, etc . The interfacial friction between soils and three types of coir geotextiles used was also evaluated. It was found that though the parameters evaluated for coir geotextiles have low values compared to polymeric geotextiles, the former are sufficient for use in unpaved roads and embankments. The frictional characteristics of coir geotextile - soil interfaces are extremely good and satisfy the condition set by the International Geosynthetic Society for varied applications.The performance of coir geotextiles reinforced subgrade was studied by conducting California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests. Studies were made with coir geotextiles placed at different levels and also in multiple layers. The results have shown that the coir geotextile enhances the subgrade strength. A regression analysis was perfonned and a mathematical model was developed to predict the CBR of the coir geotextile reinforced subgrade soil as a function of the soil properties, coir geotextile properties, and placement depth of reinforcement.The effects of coir geotextiles on bearing capacity were studied by perfonning plate load tests in a test tan1e This helped to understand the functioning of geotextile as reinforcement in unpaved roads and embankments. The perfonnance of different types of coir geotextiles with respect to the placement depth in dry and saturated conditions was studied. The results revealed that the bearing capacity of coir-reinforced soil is increasing irrespective of the type of coir geotextiles and saturation condition.The rut behaviour of unreinforced and coir reinforced unpaved road sections were compared by conducting model static load tests in a test tank and also under repetitive loads in a wheel track test facility. The results showed that coir geotextiles could fulfill the functions as reinforcement and as a separator, both under static and repetitive loads. The rut depth was very much reduced whik placing coir geotextiles in between sub grade and sub base.In order to study the use of Coir geotextiles in improving the settlement characteristics, two types of prefabricated COlf geotextile vertical drains were developed and their time - settlement behaviour were studied. Three different dispositions were tried. It was found that the coir geotextile drains were very effective in reducing consolidation time due to radial drainage. The circular drains in triangular disposition gave maximum beneficial effect.In long run, the degradation of coir geotextile is expected, which results in a soil - fibre matrix. Hence, studies pertaining to strength and compressibility characteristics of soil - coir fibre composites were conducted. Experiments were done using coir fibres having different aspect ratios and in different proportions. The results revealed that the strength of the soil was increased by 150% to 200% when mixed with 2% of fibre having approximately 12mm length, at all compaction conditions. Also, the coefficient of consolidation increased and compression index decreased with the addition of coir fibre.Typical design charts were prepared for the design of coir geotextile reinforced unpaved roads. Some illustrative examples are also given. The results demonstrated that a considerable saving in subase / base thickness can he achieved with the use of eoir geotextiles, which in turn, would save large quantities of natural aggregates.


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The subsequent chapters of the Thesis deal with the toxic effects of mercury, copper, zinc und~1ead on these bivalve molluecs, their accumulation and distribution among various organs of the animals and also the motel retention winstica by the three species. Static biousauy tests have been conducted in these studies. It was found that the concentrations of the various metals studied in these organism are well below the permitted level given far ease ahellfienes (crab and ehrimgi and that these maliuscs are very good integrators ef trace metals from their environment and may be used as an indicator organism sf metal pallutaute. The present investigutionsemphaeie the need for a clean coastal water and gives a serious warning regarding the possiblc route of heavy metals in ta human body thraugh marine food chain.


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The Joint UK Land Environmental Simulator (JULES) was run offline to investigate the sensitivity of land surface type changes over South Africa. Sensitivity tests were made in idealised experiments where the actual land surface cover is replaced by a single homogeneous surface type. The vegetation surface types on which some of the experiments were made are static. Experimental tests were evaluated against the control. The model results show among others that the change of the surface cover results in changes of other variables such as soil moisture, albedo, net radiation and etc. These changes are also visible in the spin up process. The model shows different surfaces spinning up at different cycles. Because JULES is the land surface model of Unified Model, the results could be more physically meaningful if it is coupled to the Unified Model.


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The crushing behaviour and energy absorption of foam filled aluminium tubular structures were investigated using the quasi-static compressive tests. The crushing behaviour of the tubular structures changed due to foam filling. The energy absorption of the foam filled tubular structures was improved significantly. Foam filling caused an interaction effect between the tube and the foam during progressive crushing, leading to an increase in the mean crushing load compared to that of the foam or tube itself. This interaction effect might be affected by several parameters such as the density of the foam, the properties of both the foam material and tube material, and the thickness and outer diameter of the tube. In particular, the interaction effect essentially depended on the ratio of the mean crushing force of the foam to that of the tube.


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This paper reports on the corrosion of Mg alloy AZ31 in simulated body fluid (SBF) using static immersion tests and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. A preliminary study on the effect of flowing SBF on the corrosion behaviour of AZ31 has also been carried out. Low toxicity ionic liquids (ILs) trimethyl(butyl)phosphonium diphenyl phosphate P1444DPP and trihexyl(tetradecyl)-phosphonium bis-2,4,4trimethylpentyl-phosphinate [P66614][ i(C8) 2PO2] have been used to provide corrosion protection for AZ31 in SBF. Time dependent immersion tests indicate that under static conditions, AZ31 suffers severe localised corrosion in SBF, with pits developing predominantly beside the Al-Mn intermetallic phase in the α matrix. At longer immersion times, the corrosion product eventually precipitates and covers the entire specimen surface. When exposed to SBF under flowing conditions with a shear stress of 0·88 Pa, more uniform corrosion was observed. The optical profilometry results and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy analysis suggest that both P
1444DPP and [P66614][i(C8)2PO2] pretreatments can increase the corrosion resistance of AZ31 in SBF, in particular by decreasing the number of deeper pits found on the alloy surface. Cytotoxic test shows that the presence of the ILs P
1444DPP and [P66614][i(C8)2PO2] in cell culture media slightly inhibits the growth of human coronary artery endothelial cells in comparison with the good cell viability around the treated specimen. A pretreatment with IL is used in order to improve the corrosion resistance of this alloy in SBF. © 2012 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining.