964 resultados para Standards development
Several superstructure design methodologies have been developed for low volume road bridges by the Iowa State University Bridge Engineering Center. However, to date no standard abutment designs have been developed. Thus, there was a need to establish an easy to use design methodology in addition to generating generic abutment standards and other design aids for the more common substructure systems used in Iowa. The final report for this project consists of three volumes. The first volume summarizes the research completed in this project. A survey of the Iowa County Engineers was conducted from which it was determined that while most counties use similar types of abutments, only 17 percent use some type of standard abutment designs or plans. A literature review revealed several possible alternative abutment systems for future use on low volume road bridges in addition to two separate substructure lateral load analysis methods. These consisted of a linear and a non-linear method. The linear analysis method was used for this project due to its relative simplicity and the relative accuracy of the maximum pile moment when compared to values obtained from the more complex non-linear analysis method. The resulting design methodology was developed for single span stub abutments supported on steel or timber piles with a bridge span length ranging from 20 to 90 ft and roadway widths of 24 and 30 ft. However, other roadway widths can be designed using the foundation design template provided. The backwall height is limited to a range of 6 to 12 ft, and the soil type is classified as cohesive or cohesionless. The design methodology was developed using the guidelines specified by the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials Standard Specifications, the Iowa Department of Transportation Bridge Design Manual, and the National Design Specifications for Wood Construction. The second volume (this volume) introduces and outlines the use of the various design aids developed for this project. Charts for determining dead and live gravity loads based on the roadway width, span length, and superstructure type are provided. A foundation design template was developed in which the engineer can check a substructure design by inputting basic bridge site information. Tables published by the Iowa Department of Transportation that provide values for estimating pile friction and end bearing for different combinations of soils and pile types are also included. Generic standard abutment plans were developed for which the engineer can provide necessary bridge site information in the spaces provided. These tools enable engineers to design and detail county bridge substructures more efficiently. The third volume provides two sets of calculations that demonstrate the application of the substructure design methodology developed in this project. These calculations also verify the accuracy of the foundation design template. The printouts from the foundation design template are provided at the end of each example. Also several tables provide various foundation details for a pre-cast double tee superstructure with different combinations of soil type, backwall height, and pile type.
We propose a model in which economic relations and institutions in advancedand less developed economies differ as these societies have access to different amounts of information. This lack of information makes it hard to give the right incentives to managers and entrepreneurs. We argue that differences in the amount of information arise because of the differences in the scale of activities in rich and poor economies; namely, there is too little repetition of similar activities in pooreconomies, thus insufficient information to set the appropriate standards for firm performance. Our model predicts a number of institutional and structural transformations as the economy accumulates capital and information.
In coordination with a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) consisting of County Engineers and Iowa DOT representatives, the Iowa DOT has proposed to develop a set of standards for a single span prefabricated bridge system for use on the local road system. The purpose of the bridge system is to improve bridge construction, accelerate project delivery, improve worker safety, be cost effective, reduce impacts to the travelling public by reducing traffic disruptions and the duration of detours, and allow local forces to construct the bridges. HDR Inc. was selected by the Iowa DOT to perform the initial concept screening of the bridge system. This Final Report summarizes the initial conceptual effort to investigate potential systems, make recommendations for a preferred system and propose initial details to be tested in the laboratory in Phase 2 of the project. The prefabricated bridge components were to be based on the following preliminary criteria set forth by the TAC. The criteria were to be verified and/ or modified as part of the conceptual development. - 24’ and 30’ roadway widths - Skews of 0o, 15o, and 30o - Span lengths of 30’ – 70’ in 10’ increments using precast concrete beams - Voided box beams could be considered - Limit precast element weight to 45,000 pounds for movement and placement of beams - Beams could be joined transversely with threaded rods - Abutment concepts may included precast as well as an option for cast-in-place abutments with pile foundations In addition to the above criteria, there was an interest to use a single-width prefabricated bridge component to simplify fabrication as well as a desire to utilize non-prestressed concrete systems where possible to allow for precasting of the beam modules by local forces or local precast plants. The SL-1 modular steel bridge rail was identified for use with this single span prefabricated bridge system.
To conserve natural resources and energy, the amount of recycled asphalt pavement has been steadily increasing in the construction of asphalt pavements. The objective of this study is to develop quality standards for inclusion of high RAP content. To determine if the higher percentage of RAP materials can be used on Iowa’s state highways, three test sections with target amounts of RAP materials of 30%, 35% and 40% by weight were constructed on Highway 6 in Iowa City. To meet Superpave mix design requirements for mixtures with high RAP contents, it was necessary to fractionate the RAP materials. Three test sections with actual RAP materials of 30.0%, 35.5% and 39.2% by weight were constructed and the average field densities from the cores were measured as 95.3%, 94.0%, and 94.3%, respectively. Field mixtures were compacted in the laboratory to evaluate moisture sensitivity using a Hamburg Wheel Tracking Device. After 20,000 passes, rut depths were less than 3mm for mixtures obtained from three test sections. The binder was extracted from the field mixtures from each test section and tested to identify the effects of RAP materials on the performance grade of the virgin binder. Based on Dynamic Shear Rheometer and Bending Beam Rheometer tests, the virgin binders (PG 64-28) from test sections with 30.0%, 35.5% and 39.2% RAP materials were stiffened to PG 76-22, PG 76-16, and PG 82-16, respectively. The Semi-Circular Bending (SCB) test was performed on laboratory compacted field mixtures with RAP amounts of 30.0%, 35.5% and 39.2% at two different temperatures of -18 and -30 °C. As the test temperature decreased, the fracture energy decreased and the stiffness increased. As the RAP amount increased, the stiffness increased and the fracture energy decreased. Finally, a condition survey of the test sections was conducted to evaluate their short-term pavement performance and the reflective transverse cracking did not increase as RAP amount was increased from 30.0% to 39.2%.
Currently, individuals including designers, contractors, and owners learn about the project requirements by studying a combination of paper and electronic copies of the construction documents including the drawings, specifications (standard and supplemental), road and bridge standard drawings, design criteria, contracts, addenda, and change orders. This can be a tedious process since one needs to go back and forth between the various documents (paper or electronic) to obtain information about the entire project. Object-oriented computer-aided design (OO-CAD) is an innovative technology that can bring a change to this process by graphical portrayal of information. OO-CAD allows users to point and click on portions of an object-oriented drawing that are then linked to relevant databases of information (e.g., specifications, procurement status, and shop drawings). The vision of this study is to turn paper-based design standards and construction specifications into an object-oriented design and specification (OODAS) system or a visual electronic reference library (ERL). Individuals can use the system through a handheld wireless book-size laptop that includes all of the necessary software for operating in a 3D environment. All parties involved in transportation projects can access all of the standards and requirements simultaneously using a 3D graphical interface. By using this system, users will have all of the design elements and all of the specifications readily available without concerns of omissions. A prototype object-oriented model was created and demonstrated to potential users representing counties, cities, and the state. Findings suggest that a system like this could improve productivity to find information by as much as 75% and provide a greater sense of confidence that all relevant information had been identified. It was also apparent that this system would be used by more people in construction than in design. There was also concern related to the cost to develop and maintain the complete system. The future direction should focus on a project-based system that can help the contractors and DOT inspectors find information (e.g., road standards, specifications, instructional memorandums) more rapidly as it pertains to a specific project.
The main objective of this research is to examine the effects that different methods of RAP stockpile fractionation would have on the volumetric mix design properties for high-RAP content surface mixes, with the goal of meeting all specified criteria for standard HMA mix designs. To determine the distribution of fine aggregates and binder in RAP stockpile, RAP materials were divided by each sieve size. The composition of RAP materials retained on each sieve was analyzed to determine the optimum fractionation method. Fractionation methods were designed to separate the stockpile at a specified sieve size to control the amount of fine RAP materials which contain higher amounts of fine aggregates and dust contents. These fine RAP materials were used in reduced proportions or completely eliminated, thereby decreasing the amount of fine aggregate materials introduced to the mix. Mix designs were performed using RAP materials from four different stockpiles and the two fractionated methods were used with high-RAP contents up to 50% by virgin binder replacement. By using a fractionation method, a mix with up to 50% RAP was successfully designed while meeting all Superpave criteria and asphalt film thickness requirement by controlling the dust content from RAP stockpiles.
Large enterprises have for many years employed eBusiness solutions in order to improve their efficiency. Smaller companies, however, have not been able to leverage these technologies due to the high level of know-how and resources required in implementing them. To solve this, novel software services are being developed to facilitate eBusiness adoption for the small enterprise with the aim of making B2Bi feasible not only between large organisations but also between trading partners of all sizes. The objective of this study was to find what standards and techniques on eBusiness and software testing and quality assurance fit best for building these new kinds of software considering the requirements their unique eBusiness approach poses. The research was conducted as a literature study with focus on standards on software testing and quality assurance together with standards on eBusiness. The study showed that the current software testing and quality assurance standards do not possess such characteristics as would make select standards evidently better fitted for building this type of software, which were established to be best developed as web services in order for them to meet their requirements. A selection of eBusiness standards and technologies was proposed to support this approach. The main finding in the study was, however, that these kinds of web services that have high interoperability requirements will have to be able to carry out automated interoperability and conformance testing as part of their operation; this objective dictates how the software are built and how testing during software development is to be done. The study showed that research on automated interoperability and conformance testing for web services is still limited and more research is needed to make the building of highly-interoperable web services more feasible.
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
We give an overview on the development of "horizontal" European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) standards for characterising soils, sludges and biowaste in the context of environmental legislation in the European Union (EU). We discuss the various steps in the development of a horizontal standard (i.e. assessment of the possibility of such a standard, review of existing normative documents, pre-normative testing and validation) and related problems. We also provide a synopsis of European and international standards covered by the so-called Project HORIZONTAL. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Introduction There is a renewed call for a new approach to development with emphasis on community empowerment or participation, with the belief that more sustainable activities will be undertaken in those communities. Much of that call, however, is coming not from within the communities, but primarily from advocates of change who may have little to do with those communities. What then will the new approach bring apart from a change in who are the decision-makers? And how do we ensure that the change that is called for will, in fact, bring added benefits to the communities themselves? To be sure, there are some successful stories of a community approach to problem solving. However, there are also many more stories of project failures. Serious analytical work, therefore, needs to be done to determine the factors that promote a successful community-based approach; when this approach should be used; and the methodology that should be employed. In an attempt to determine these factors, a brief analysis will be made of some of the governing structures in the subregion and their possible impact on the proposed new approach. Some of the earlier efforts at stakeholder and community approach to projects will also be examined as well as the new development strategy that is prompting the call for this new paradigm. The new paradigm focuses to a large extent on decision-making and community empowerment. With few exceptions, it is short on the promotion of tangible activities that are based on the resource inventory of the communities. This is not surprising, since, as noted before, the advocates of community empowerment may have very little connection with the communities and, in most cases, are unfamiliar with the resource base. Hence, a theoretical case is made, suggesting more style than substance. Another obvious shortcoming of this new paradigm is its continued over- dependence on assistance from the outside to build communities. Externally funded projects, seminars and meetings outside of the communities and foreign technical assistance continue to dominate these projects. While, of course, all communities have basic common needs such as water, health, education and electricity, there is sufficient diversity within communities to allow for tailoring of activities and programmes such that their differences become assets. It is in that context, that agro-tourism activities, standards, agricultural diversification, food and nutrition and priority setting have been chosen as aspects and activities for promoting community development, drawing on the various strengths of communities, rural or urban.
Federal Highway Administration, Office of Research, Development and Technology, Washington, D.C.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Passenger Vehicle Research, Washington, D.C.