959 resultados para Spread spectrum communication


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The enormous growth of wireless communication systems makes it important to evaluate the capacity of such channels. Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) wireless communication systems are shown to yield significant performance improvement to data rates when compared to the traditional Single Input Single Output (SISO) wireless systems. The benefits of multiple antenna elements at the transmitter and receiver have become necessary to the research and the development of the next generation of mobile communication systems. In this paper we propose the use of Relaying MIMO wireless communication systems for use over long throughput. We investigate how Relays can be used in a "demodulate-and-forward" operation when the transmitter is equipped with spatially correlated multiple antenna elements and the receiver has only partial knowledge of the statistics of the channel. We show that Relays between the source and destination nodes of a wireless communication system in MIMO configuration improve the throughput of the system when compared to the typical MIMO systems, or achieve the desired channel capacity with significantly lower power resources needed.


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This thesis collects the outcomes of a Ph.D. course in Telecommunications engineering and it is focused on enabling techniques for Spread Spectrum (SS) navigation and communication satellite systems. It provides innovations for both interference management and code synchronization techniques. These two aspects are critical for modern navigation and communication systems and constitute the common denominator of the work. The thesis is organized in two parts: the former deals with interference management. We have proposed a novel technique for the enhancement of the sensitivity level of an advanced interference detection and localization system operating in the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) bands, which allows the identification of interfering signals received with power even lower than the GNSS signals. Moreover, we have introduced an effective cancellation technique for signals transmitted by jammers, exploiting their repetitive characteristics, which strongly reduces the interference level at the receiver. The second part, deals with code synchronization. More in detail, we have designed the code synchronization circuit for a Telemetry, Tracking and Control system operating during the Launch and Early Orbit Phase; the proposed solution allows to cope with the very large frequency uncertainty and dynamics characterizing this scenario, and performs the estimation of the code epoch, of the carrier frequency and of the carrier frequency variation rate. Furthermore, considering a generic pair of circuits performing code acquisition, we have proposed a comprehensive framework for the design and the analysis of the optimal cooperation procedure, which minimizes the time required to accomplish synchronization. The study results particularly interesting since it enables the reduction of the code acquisition time without increasing the computational complexity. Finally, considering a network of collaborating navigation receivers, we have proposed an innovative cooperative code acquisition scheme, which allows exploit the shared code epoch information between neighbor nodes, according to the Peer-to-Peer paradigm.


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Currently, wireless technology is revolutionizing the way we share information and communicate. The demands for mobility have made wireless technology the primary source for voice communication. Code-division multiple-access (CDMA) is a very popular spread spectrum application due to its claims of low transmission power, higher system capacity, ability to mitigate multipath fading and user interference. In that case, frequency-hopping code-division multiple access (FH-CDMA) has received considerable attention over the past few years. This technique will allow a better performance over a fading channel, message privacy, and immunity to narrowband interference. This paper addresses the characteristics of FH-CDMA in WPAN networks, with an emphasis on frequency-hopped Bluetooth systems. A performance evaluation of FH-CDMA is discussed and simulated. The analysis shows the interaction between the designed parameters and their effect on the network system. Most specifically, the FH-CDMA scheme provides frequency and temporal diversity to combat the effects of interference.


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Spread spectrum systems make use of radio frequency bandwidths which far exceed the minimum bandwidth necessary to transmit the basic message information.These systems are designed to provide satisfactory communication of the message information under difficult transmission conditions. Frequency-hopped multilevel frequency shift keying (FH-MFSK) is one of the many techniques used in spread spectrum systems. It is a combination of frequency hopping and time hopping. In this system many users share a common frequency band using code division multiplexing. Each user is assigned an address and the message is modulated into the address. The receiver, knowing the address, decodes the received signal and extracts the message. This technique is suggested for digital mobile telephony. This thesis is concerned with an investigation of the possibility of utilising FH-MFSK for data transmission corrupted by additive white gaussian noise (A.W.G.N.). Work related to FH-MFSK has so far been mostly confined to its validity, and its performance in the presence of A.W.G.N. has not been reported before. An experimental system was therefore constructed which utilised combined hardware and software and operated under the supervision of a microprocessor system. The experimental system was used to develop an error-rate model for the system under investigation. The performance of FH-MFSK for data transmission was established in the presence of A.W.G.N. and with deleted and delayed sample effects. Its capability for multiuser applications was determined theoretically. The results show that FH-MFSK is a suitable technique for data transmission in the presence of A.W.G.N.


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In this paper, we propose an orthogonal chirp division multiplexing (OCDM) technique for coherent optical communication. OCDM is the principle of orthogonally multiplexing a group of linear chirped waveforms for high-speed data communication, achieving the maximum spectral efficiency (SE) for chirp spread spectrum, in a similar way as the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) does for frequency division multiplexing. In the coherent optical (CO)-OCDM, Fresnel transform formulates the synthesis of the orthogonal chirps; discrete Fresnel transform (DFnT) realizes the CO-OCDM in the digital domain. As both the Fresnel and Fourier transforms are trigonometric transforms, the CO-OCDM can be easily integrated into the existing CO-OFDM systems. Analyses and numerical results are provided to investigate the transmission of CO-OCDM signals over optical fibers. Moreover, experiments of 36-Gbit/s CO-OCDM signal are carried out to validate the feasibility and confirm the analyses. It is shown that the CO-OCDM can effectively compensate the dispersion and is more resilient to fading and noise impairment than OFDM.


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Constant false alarm rate (CFAR) techniques can be used in Pseudo-Noise (PN) code acquisition in Spread Spectrum (SS) communication systems, and all the CFAR techniques perform well in homogeneous background PN code acquisition. However, in non-homogeneous background, some CFAR techniques suffer rapid degradation. GO/SO (Greatest-of/Smallest-of) CFAR and adaptive censored mean level detector (ACMLD) are two adaptive CFAR techniques, which are analyzed and compared with other CFAR techniques. The simulation results show that GO/SO CFAR is superior to other CFAR techniques, it maintains short mean acquisition time (MAT) even at environment with strong clutter noise, and ACMLD is suitable for background with strong interfering targets


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Bit-stream-based control, which uses one bit wide signals to control power electronics applications, is a new approach for controller design in power electronic systems. This study presents a novel family of three-phase space vector modulators, which are based on the bit-stream technique and suitable for three-phase inverter systems. Each of the proposed modulators simultaneously converts a two-phase reference to the three-phase domain and reduces switching frequencies to reasonable levels. The modulators do not require carrier oscillators, trigonometric functions or, in some cases, sector detectors. A complete three-phase modulator can be implemented in as few as 102 logic elements. The performance of the proposed modulators is compared through simulation and experimental testing of a 6 kW, three-phase DC-to-AC inverter. Subject to limits on the modulation index, the proposed modulators deliver spread-spectrum output currents with total harmonic distortion comparable to a standard carrier-based space vector pulse width modulator.


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Internet and its widespread usage for multimedia document distribution put the copyright issue in a complete new setting. Multimedia documents, specifically those installed on a web page, are no longer passive as they typically include active applets. Copyright protection safeguards the intellectual property (IP) of multimedia documents, which are either sold or distributed free of charge. In this Chapter, the basic tools for copyright protection are discussed. First, general concepts and the vocabulary used in copyright protection of multimedia documents are discussed. Later, taxonomy of watermarking and fingerprinting techniques are studied. This part is concluded by a review of the literature dealing with IP security. The main part of the chapter discusses the generic watermarking scheme and illustrates it on three specific examples: collusion-free watermarking, spread spectrum watermarking, and software fingerprinting. Future trends and conclusions close the chapter.


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Bit-Stream based control, which uses one bit wide signals to control power electronics applications, is a new approach for controller design in power electronic systems. Bit-Stream signals are inherently high frequency in nature, and as such some form of down sampling or modulating is essential to avoid excessive switching losses. This paper presents a novel three-phase space vector modulator, which is based on the Bit-Stream technique and suitable for standard three-phase inverter systems. The proposed modulator simultaneously converts a two phase reference to the three-phase domain and reduces switching frequencies to reasonable levels. The modulator consumes relatively few logic elements and does not require sector detectors, carrier oscillators or trigonometric functions. The performance of the modulator was evaluated using ModelSim. Results indicate that, subject to limits on the modulation index, the proposed modulator delivers a spread-spectrum output with total harmonic distortion comparable to standard space vector pulse width modulation techniques.


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The construction industry is a crucial component of the Hong Kong economy, and the safety and efficiency of workers are two of its main concerns. The current approach to training workers relies primarily on instilling practice and experience in conventional teacher-apprentice settings on and off site. Both have their limitations however, on-site training is very inefficient and interferes with progress on site, while off-site training provides little opportunity to develop the practical skills and awareness needed through hands-on experience. A more effective way is to train workers in safety awareness and efficient working by current novel information technologies. This paper describes a new and innovative prototype system – the Proactive Construction Management System (PCMS) – to train precast installation workers to be highly productive while being fully aware of the hazards involved. PCMS uses Chirp-Spread-Spectrum-based (CSS) real-time location technology and Unity3D-based data visualisation technology to track construction resources (people, equipment, materials, etc.) and provide real-time feedback and post-event visualisation analysis in a training environment. A trial of a precast facade installation on a real site demonstrates the benefits gained by PCMS in comparison with equivalent training using conventional methods. It is concluded that, although the study is based on specific industrial conditions found in Hong Kong construction projects, PCMS may well attract wider interest and use in future.


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Voltage source inverters (VSIs) supply nonsinusoidal voltages to induction motor drives, leading to line current distortion and torque pulsation. Conventional space vector pulsewidth modulation (PWM) techniques are widely used in VSIs on the account of good waveform quality and high dc bus utilization. In a conventional space vector PWM technique, the switching sequence begins with one zero state and ends with the other zero state in a subcycle. Some novel switching sequences have been proposed, which employ only one zero state but apply one of the two active states twice in a subcycle. One pair of such special switching sequences has recently been shown to reduce the pulsating torque considerably. In this paper, the conventional and special switching sequences are compared experimentally in terms of acoustic noise. In the low-and medium-speed ranges, the special switching sequence is seen to reduce the amplitude of the tonal component of noise at the switching frequency considerably and is also found to result in spread spectrum.


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This paper investigates the application of complex wavelet transforms to the field of digital data hiding. Complex wavelets offer improved directional selectivity and shift invariance over their discretely sampled counterparts allowing for better adaptation of watermark distortions to the host media. Two methods of deriving visual models for the watermarking system are adapted to the complex wavelet transforms and their performances are compared. To produce improved capacity a spread transform embedding algorithm is devised, this combines the robustness of spread spectrum methods with the high capacity of quantization based methods. Using established information theoretic methods, limits of watermark capacity are derived that demonstrate the superiority of complex wavelets over discretely sampled wavelets. Finally results for the algorithm against commonly used attacks demonstrate its robustness and the improved performance offered by complex wavelet transforms.


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Os Sinais de Espalhamento de Espectro de Sequência Directa exibem propriedades cicloestacionárias que implicam redundância entre componentes de frequência espaçadas por múltiplos da taxa de símbolo. Nesta tese, é apresentado um cancelador de interferência multiutilizador (Cancelador por translação na frequência - FSC) que tira partido desta propriedade. Este cancelador linear opera no domínio da frequência no sinal espalhado de tal forma que minimiza a interferência e ruído na saída (Critério do Mínimo Erro Quadrado Médio). Além de testado para o caso de antena única, são avaliadas as performances das configurações de antenas múltiplas para o caso de beamforming e canais espacialmente descorrelacionados considerando sistemas síncronos e sistemas com desalinhamento no tempo dos perfis de canais (ambos UMTS-TDD). Essas configurações divergiam na ordem da combinação temporal, combinação espacial e detecção multiutilizador. As configurações FSC foram avaliadas quando concatenadas com o PIC-2D. Os resultados das simulações mostram consideráveis melhorias nos resultados relativamente ao RAKE-2D convencional e PIC-2D. Foi atingida performance próximo ao RAKE de utilizador único quando o FSC foi avaliado concatenado com PIC-2D em quase todas as configurações. Todas as configurações foram avaliadas com modulação QPSK, 8-PSK e 16-QAM. Foi introduzida codificação Turbo e identificou-se as situações da vantagem de utilização do FSC antes do PIC-2D. As modulações 8-PSK e 16-QAM foram igualmente testadas com codificação.


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It has been shown recently that systems driven with random pulses show the signature of chaos ,even without non linear dynamics.This shows that the relation between randomness and chaos is much closer than it was understood earlier .The effect of random perturbations on synchronization can be also different. In some cases identical random perturbations acting on two different chaotic systems induce synchronizations. However most commonly ,the effect of random fluctuations on the synchronizations of chaotic system is to destroy synchronization. This thesis deals with the effect of random fluctuations with its associated characteristic timescales on chaos and synchronization. The author tries to unearth yet another manifestation of randomness on chaos and sychroniztion. This thesis is organized into six chapters.