984 resultados para Spotted tilapia


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Genetically controlled asynchrony in anthesis is an effective barrier to gene flow between planted and native forests. We investigated the degree of genetically controlled variation in the timing of key floral developmental stages in a major plantation species in subtropical Australia, Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata K.D. Hill and L.A.S Johnson, and its relative C. maculata K.D. Hill and L.A.S. Johnson. Flowering observations were made in a common garden planting at Bonalbo in northern New South Wales in spring on 1855 trees from eight regions over three consecutive years, and monthly on a subset of 208 trees for 12 months. Peak anthesis time was stable over years and observations from translocated trees tended to be congruent with the observations in native stands, suggesting strong genetic control of anthesis time. A cluster of early flowering provenances was identified from the north-east of the Great Dividing Range. The recognition of a distinct flowering race from this region accorded well with earlier evidence of adaptive differentiation of populations from this region and geographically-structured genetic groupings in C. citriodora subsp. variegata. The early flowering northern race was more fecund, probably associated with its disease tolerance and greater vigour. Bud abundance fluctuated extensively at the regional level across 3 years suggesting bud abundance was more environmentally labile than timing of anthesis. Overall the level of flowering in the planted stand (age 12 years) was low (8–12% of assessed trees with open flowers), and was far lower than in nearby native stands. Low levels of flowering and asynchrony in peak anthesis between flowering races of C. citriodora subsp. variegata may partially mitigate a high likelihood of gene flow where the northern race is planted in the south of the species range neighbouring native stands


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We estimated the effect on growth and nutrient efficiency of replacing fishmeal with silage incorporated with rice bran in diets for fingerling red tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus × Oreochromis niloticus × Oreochromis aureus) over 12 weeks. Isonitrogenous (300 g kg−1 protein dry matter basis) and isoenergetic (4450 Kcal gross energy kg−1) feed formulations with increasing levels of tilapia silage as a replacement for fishmeal were prepared: Diet 1 with no silage (0 g Kg−1), Diet 2 (250 g Kg−1), Diet 3 (500 g Kg−1), and Diet 4 (750 g Kg−1). Feed intake was similar among Diets 1, 2, and 3, while Diet 4 had a significantly lower intake. There was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in weight gain or specific growth rate (SGR), feed conversion ratio (FCR), and protein efficiency ratio (PER), among fish fed Diets 1, 2, and 3. Fish fed with Diet 4 had significantly lower weight gain; SGR and PER and significantly higher FCR. Organoleptic properties of the fish were not affected by the diets. The results of this study indicate that less expensive dried fish silage with rice bran is an alternative protein source for tilapia feed up to 50% of fishmeal replacement.


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Spotted deer or chital (Axis axis), a major prey species in southern India, lives in large groups. To understand the benefits of group living, we carried out observations on chital herds under natural conditions. Individual and group vigilance showed a negative correlation with herd size, whereas the latter had a positive correlation with proportion of vigilant individuals. Furthermore, individual vigilance was negatively correlated with proportion of individuals vigilant and positively correlated with group vigilance. These results are explained in the context of a three-phase vigilance system, probably operative in the chital herd, under specified ecological conditions. We surmise that this system allows for adaptation to predation risk and has possibly co-evolved with the optimal hunting strategy of the predator.


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The otoliths (N = 12) of freshwater invasive species tilapia (Tilapia mossambicus) collected from two water bodies located at Kolkata and Bangalore, India, were analyzed for stable isotopes (delta 18O, delta 14C) and major and trace elements in order to assess the suitability of using otoliths as a tracer of aquatic environmental changes. The stable isotope analysis was done using the dual inlet system of a Finnigan-MAT 253 isotope ratio mass spectrometer (Thermo-Fisher, Bremen, Germany). Concentrations of major and trace elements were determined using a Thermo X-Series II quadrupole mass spectrometer. The stable isotope composition in tilapia otolith samples from Bangalore and Kolkata water bodies are quite good agreeing with that of the respective lake/pond and rain water. Elemental composition revealed in a pattern of Ca > Fe > Na > Sr > K > Ba > Cr > Mg > As > Mn > Zn > Co > Cu > Cd > Pb. The otoliths from Kolkata pond water are more enriched in Ba, Zn, Pb, Mn, Se, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Ni whereas Cr and As were found to be higher in otolith samples from Bangalore lake. The enrichment factor (EF) values of Cr were higher for both the sampling location in comparison with other metals, although all the studied metals exhibited EF values >1. The PCA shows clustering of metals in the otolith which are related either with the metabolic and physiological attributes or waterborne source. The study demonstrated the potential of stable isotope techniques to distinguish otolith specimens from varied climatic zone, while elemental composition recorded the quality of water at both the locations. The role of climate driving the quality of water can be understood by detailed and continuous monitoring of otolith specimens in the future. Future method allows reconstruction of climate and water quality from old specimens from field exposures or museum collection.


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El presente trabajo investigativo tiene como objetivo identificar los parásitos internos y externos de la tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Esta investigación se llevó a cabo en la Granja Piscícola UNA-ADPESCA, ubicada en las instalaciones de la Universidad Nacional Agraria en el kilómetro 12 ½ Carretera Norte en el Departamento de Managua. Se realizaron varios muestreos en donde se seleccionaron cuatro estanques destinados a cultivo de peces de estadio juvenil donde se escogieron peces al azar para su correspondiente estudio a nivel de laboratorio. Se utilizó un modelo estadístico descriptivo, con el cual se evaluaron las variables de prevalencia, e intensidad del parásito monogéneo y la talla de la tilapia en los meses de Marzo, Abril, Mayo y Jimio del 2.000. El parásito identificado fue el monogéneo (Cichlidogyrus sclerosus) alojado en las branquias de las tilapias. La prevalencia del parásito encontrado en la tilapia, resultó ser mayor en el mes de Mayo debido a que en este mes en la granja existió una sobrepoblación en los estanques de cultivo y esto permitió que mayor cantidad de peces fueran parasitados. La intensidad fue más alta en los meses de Mayo y Junio donde se prestaron las condiciones más favorables para que una cantidad determinada de una misma especie de parásito afectara a los peces, la presencia de estos parásitos en el cultivo de peces fue por el grado de contaminación de la fuente abastecedora de agua y la acción de los depredadores que se encargaron de propagar a los patógenos. En el mes de Junio se trabajó con peces de tallas superiores a los meses de Marzo, Abril y Mayo, esto demostró que peces de gran talla son menos resistentes a la presencia de los parásitos y son susceptibles a una infestación. Las medidas preventivas sanitario profilácticas empleadas en la granja piscícola UNA-ADPESCA demostraron ser eficientes en el control de éstos parásitos, permitiendo así producir peces de buen peso, vigorosos y saludables.


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In August 1999, giant salvinia ( Salvinia molesta Mitchell) was found along the lower Colorado River in irrigation drainages. To investigate the slow spread and apparent control of giant salvinia in this region, the herbivorous fish, tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus Trewavas), was examined as a biological control agent. The study was conducted in a 5,000-L recirculating system. (PDF contains 4 pages.)


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The spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) is considered a key species relative to the implementation of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP). One of the goals of the CERP is to increase freshwater flows to Florida Bay. Increased freshwater flows can have potential positive and negative impacts on spotted seatrout populations. At low salinities, the planktonic eggs of spotted seatrout sink to the bottom and are not viable (Alshuth and Gilmore, 1994; Holt and Holt, 2002). On the other hand, increased freshwater flows can alleviate hypersaline conditions that could result in an expansion of the distribution of the early life stages of spotted seatrout (Thayer et al., 1999; Florida Department of Environmental Protection1). Thus it would be useful to develop a monitoring program that can detect changes in seatrout abundance on time scales short enough to be useful to resource managers. The NOAA Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research (NOAA) has made sporadic collections of juvenile seatrout using otter trawls since 1984 (see Powell et al, 2004). The results suggest that it might be useful to sample for seatrout in as many as eight different areas or basins (Figure 1): Bradley Key, Sandy Key, Johnson Key, Palm Key, Snake Bight, Central, Whipray and Crocodile Dragover. Unfortunately, logistical constraints are likely to limit the number of tows to about 40 per month over a period of six months each year. Inasmuch as few seatrout are caught in any given tow and the proportion of tows with zero seatrout is often high, it is important to determine how best to allocate this limited sampling effort among the various basins so that any trends in abundance may be detected with sufficient statistical confidence. (PDF contains 16 pages)


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We investigated within- and between-reader precision in estimating age for northern offshore spotted dolphins and possible effects on precision from the sex and age-class of specimens. Age was estimated from patterns of growth layer groups i n the dentine and cementum of the dolphins' teeth. Each specimen was aged at least three times by each of two persons. Two data samples were studied. The first comprised 800 of each sex from animals collected during 1973-78. The second included 45 females collected during 1981. There were significant, generally downward trends through time in the estimates from multiple readings of the 1973-78 data. These trends were slight, and age distributions from last readings and mean estimates per specimen appeared to be homogeneous. The largest factor affecting precision in the 1973-78 data set was between-reader variation. In light of the relatively high within-reader precision (trends considered), the consistent between-reader differences suggest a problem of accuracy rather than precision for this series. Within-reader coefficients of variation averaged approximately 7% and 11%. Pooling the data resulted i n an average coefficient of variation near 16%. Within- and between-reader precision were higher for the 1981 sample, and the data homogeneous over both factors. CVs averaged near 5% and 6% for the two readers. These results point to further refinements in reading the 1981 series. Properties of the 1981 sample may be partly responsible for greater precision: by chance there were proportionately fewer older dolphins included, and preparation and selection criteria were probably more stringent. (PDF contains 35 pages.)


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This paper is an account of preparation and examination techniques and criteria used to estimate age in decalcified and stained tooth thin sections from spinner and spotted dolphins. A dentinal growth layer group (GLG), composed of two thin light and two thicker dark-stained layers, is deposited annually. The GLG component layers are variably visible, but the "ideal" pattern and successive thinning of dentinal GLGs are used as a guide to determine GLG limits. Age-specific thicknesses of dentinal GLGs found in Hawaiian spinner dolphin teeth seem to be applicable to teeth of spotted dolphins and can be used as an aid in locating GLG boundaries. Cementa1 GLGs are composed of a dark-stained and alightly stained layer and usually are deposited at a rate of one per year, but may be deposited every other year or two or three times per year. Two slightly different methods of counting dentinal GLGs are presented, along with guidelines for determining whether dentinal or cementa1 GLG counts provide the best estimate of age for a specimen. (PDF contains 23 pages.)


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Previous work has determined the age distribution from a sample of spotted dolphins (Stenella attenuata) killed in the eastern Pacific tuna purse-seine fishery. In this paper we examine the usefulness of this age distribution for estimating natural mortality rates. The observed age distribution has a deficiency of individuals from 5-15 years and cannot represent a stable age distribution. Sampling bias and errors in age interpretation are examined as possible causes of the "dip" in the observed age structure. Natural mortality rates are estimated for the 15+ age classes based on the assumption that these are sampled representatively. The resulting annual survival rate


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Estimates of length at birth and early postnatal growth are made for the northern and southern populations of the offshore spotted dolphin in the offshore eastern tropical Pacific. Length at birth is estimated to be 85.4 cm for the northern population and 83.2 cm for the southern population. Analyses of series of monthly distributions of length revealed two cohorts born each year in the northern population, at least in the northern inshore part of its geographic range, but only one cohort born each year in the southern population. Growth curves fitted to the means of the monthly distributions of length gave estimates of length at 1 year of 126.2 and 132.6 cm and length at 2 years of 154.3 and 154.9 cm for the two cohorts in the northern population. and length at 1 year of 127.9 cm for the southern population. A growth curve fitted to lengths and ages (in dental growth layer groups) from the northern population gave estimates of lengths at 1 and 2 years of 123.0 and 143.0 cm, respectively.


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This document is part of a series of 5 technical manuals produced by the Challenge Program Project CP34 “Improved fisheries productivity and management in tropical reservoirs”. The Water Research Institute (WRI) in Akosombo, Ghana, is working to bring cage aquaculture technology to smallholder farmers. The stocking, feeding and cage-construction technology piloted by WRI is now being widely adopted in the Lower Volta basin in Ghana. The results of WRI research over the period 2005-2009 are presented here as a guide to potential investors. (PDF contains 19 pages)