980 resultados para Sport activities


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Spinal cord injuries result after diving into shallow water, often after incautious jumps head first into water of unknown depth during recreational or sport activities. Mortality is generally due to upper cervical trauma. The authors present a case of a diving-related death in a young woman who underwent medicolegal investigations. The measured water depth at the supposed dive site was 1.40 m. Postmortem radiology and autopsy revealed fractures of the body and the posterior arch of the fifth cervical vertebra, a fracture of the right transverse process of the sixth cervical vertebra and hemorrhages involving the cervical paraspinal muscles. Neuropathology showed a posterior epidural hematoma involving the whole cervical region and a symmetric laceration of the spinal cord located at the fourth and fifth cervical vertebra level, surrounded by multiple petechial hemorrhages. Toxicology revealed the presence of ethanol in both blood and urine samples. The death was attributed to cervical spine fracture (C5-C6), spinal cord contusion, and subsequent drowning. This case highlights the usefulness of postmortem radiology, examination of the deep structures of the neck, toxicology, neuropathology, and a detailed research of signs of drowning to formulate appropriate hypotheses pertaining to the cause and mechanism of death.


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Concussion, a frequent injury in sports, is rarely evoked and often trivialized in children and teenagers. Knowledge of the diverse symptoms and signs to seek for is essential to an appropriate and secure management. The initial treatment relies on cognitive and physical rest followed by a progressive return to school and subsequently sport activities. The aim of this article is to review an injury whose prognosis is generally favourable, but whose rare complications can prove dramatic.


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Aim: To summarize published findings in peer-reviewed journals of the first two waves of the Swiss Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors (C-SURF), a longitudinal study assessing risk and protective factors of 5,987 young men during the phase of emerging adulthood (20 years at baseline, followed-up 15 months later). Methods: Included were 33 studies published until November 2014 focusing on substance use. Results: Substance use in early adulthood is a prevalent and stable behavior. The 12-month prevalence of nonmedical use of prescription drugs (10.6%) lies between that of cannabis (36.4%) and other illicit drugs such as ecstasy (3.7%) and cocaine (3.2%). Although peer pressure in the form of misconduct is associated with increased substance use, other aspects such as peer involvement in social activities may have beneficial effects. Regular sport activities are associated with reduced substance use, with the exception of alcohol use. Young men are susceptible to structural conditions such as the price of alcohol beverages or the density of on-premise alcohol outlets. Particularly alcohol use in public settings such as bars, discos or in parks (compared with private settings such as the home) is associated with alcohol-related harm, including injuries or violence. Being a single parent versus nuclear family has no effect on alcohol use, but active parenting does. Besides parenting, religiousness is an important protective factor for both legal and illegal substance use. Merely informing young men about the risks of substance use may not be an effective preventive measure. At-risk users of licit and illicit substances are more health literate, e. g., for example, they seek out more information on the internet than non-at-risk-users or abstainers. Discussion: There are a number of risk and protective substance use factors, but their associations with substance use do not necessarily agree with those found outside Europe. In the United States, for example, heavy alcohol use in this age group commonly takes place in private settings, whereas in Switzerland it more often takes place in public settings. Other behaviors, such as the nonmedical use of prescription drugs, appear to be similar to those found overseas, which may show the need for targeted preventive actions. C-SURF findings point to the necessity of establishing European studies to identify factors for designing specific preventive actions.


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Purpose: The influence of environment in the development of overweight and obesity is an ongoing concern. This investigation examined the influence of urbanization on the rates of childhood overweight and obesity. Method: 2167 (1090M, 1077F) grade four children from 75 schools in Ontario's Niagara Region were sampled. A sophisticated algorithm overlaying electoral boundaries, population densities, and the knowledge of community members was used to classify schools into one of three location categories: urban {N= 1588), urban fringe {N= 379), and rural (A^= 234). Each subject was measured for: height, weight, and aerobic performance (Leger). Physical activity was evaluated with the self-report Participation Questionnaire (free-time and organized sport activities), and teacher's evaluations of student activity. Overweight (overweight and obesity combined) was measured both as a continuous (BMI) and categorical variable (BMI category), to evaluate the prevalence by location. A multivariate analysis was used to test for a suppression effect. Results: BMI and BMI category did not differ significantly by location or gender, and no evidence of a gender interaction existed. According to both a linear and logistic regression, physical activity or fitness levels did not suppress the influence of location on BMI and BMI category. Age, gender, free-time activity, organized sports, fitness level, and number of siblings, were all found to significantly influence overweight. Conclusions: It is plausible that the prevalence of overweight does not differ in urban and rural children from the Niagara Region. Further investigation is recommended, examining subjects by individual location of residence, in multiple regions throughout Ontario.


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Familiale Bewegungssozialisation – Zum Einfluss der Herkunftsfamilie auf die Bewegungssozialisation von Grundschulkindern. Die zentrale Fragestellung der Schrift ist, welchen Einfluss die soziale Herkunft auf die Bewegungssozialisation und Bewegungsentwicklung von Kindern im Grundschulalter hat. Die Auswirkungen sozialer Ungleichheit auf die Bewegungssozialisation, insbesondere die motorische Entwicklung, wurden in der Sportwissenschaft noch unzureichend untersucht. Der Arbeit liegt die Sozialisationstheorie von Witte (1994) zugrunde; mit ihrer Hilfe wird versucht die motorische Entwicklung theoriegeleitet zu erklären. Dafür werden Merkmale der Bewegungssozialisation und der motorischen Entwicklung in das theoretische Rahmenkonzept von Witte (1994) eingesetzt. Zu Beginn (Kapitel 1) erklärt die Arbeit den Begriff der sozialen Herkunft. Es werden der soziale Status, die Familienform und der Migrationshintergrund als Bestandteile der sozialen Herkunft definiert. Im weiteren Verlauf (Kapitel 2) wird die Sozialisationsinstanz Familie und die verschiedenen Familienformen vor dem Hintergrund sozialer Ungleichheit dargelegt. Das dritte Kapitel widmet sich dem sozialisationstheoretischen Konzept. Es werden die Sozialisationstheorie von Hurrelmann, die Körper- und Bewegungskarriere von Baur und das theoretische Rahmenkonzept der Sozialisation von Witte erklärt. Kapitel 4 beschreibt den Forschungsstand und Kapitel 5 stellt die Modellbildung und die Herleitung der Hypothesen dar. Die empirische Untersuchung fand an ausgewählten Grundschulen der Stadt Kassel statt. Insgesamt wurden 251 Kinder im Alter von 7-10 Jahren mit dem AST 6-11 untersucht und deren Eltern mit einem eigens entwickelten Fragebogen befragt. Die Daten wurden mit Hilfe von multivariaten Verfahren in Beziehung zueinander gesetzt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich Grundschulkinder hinsichtlich ihrer motorischen Entwicklung nicht in Abhängigkeit der sozialen Herkunft unterscheiden. Jedoch ist das Sportklima der Familien sehr stark abhängig von der sozialen Herkunft. Es wird deutlich, dass Kinder aus sozial benachteiligten Familien, aus Ein-Eltern-Familien und mit Migrationshintergrund schlechtere Möglichkeiten haben sich in ihrer Bewegungssozialisation zu entfalten. Die Prüfung des Sozialisationsmodells zeigt, neben der guten Operationalisierbarkeit des Modells, dass die Modellvariable „Orientierung“ (Orientierung der Familie hinsichtlich der Bedeutung von Bewegung und Sport) den größten Einfluss auf die Bewegungssozialisation von Kindern hat.


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Introducción Las rupturas agudas del tendón de Aquiles se presentan en pacientes entre 40 y 50 años. Las causas más comunes son actividades deportivas. Se han descrito técnicas mínimamente invasivas, con complicaciones como infección del sitio operatorio, adherencias y la lesión del nervio sural. El propósito de este estudio es determinar el desenlace clínico y funcional, de los pacientes con rupturas agudas del tendón de Aquiles llevados a reparación quirúrgica mínimamente invasiva entre 2011 y 2013 en nuestra institución. Materiales y métodos. Estudio tipo Serie de casos. Se realizó evaluación de fuerza muscular, fatiga muscular, arcos de movilidad con respecto a la extremidad contralateral, la escala AOFAS y se describieron las complicaciones. Resultados. Se evaluaron 21 pacientes de 31 elegibles, diecisiete hombres y cuatro mujeres. Edad promedio de 42,7 años, duración promedio de seguimiento de 17,47 meses. Como complicación hubo una dehiscencia de sutura treinta días después del procedimiento. Los pacientes regresaron a actividades laborales 48 días después de cirugía. El tiempo promedio de retorno a actividades deportivas fue de 8.47 meses. El puntaje promedio en la escala AOFAS fue 90. Los arcos de movilidad del tobillo fueron en promedio de 52° para el lado afectado y 56° en el no intervenido. El número de repeticiones de elevación de talón de la extremidad afectada fue de 58 en promedio. Discusión. Estos resultados sugieren que la técnica mínimamente invasiva para reparación del tendón de Aquiles provee resultados funcionales satisfactorios a corto y mediano plazo con bajas tasas de complicación.


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La participación en carreras atléticas de calle ha aumentado; esto requiere detectar riesgos previos al esfuerzo físico. Objetivo. Identificar factores de riesgo del comportamiento y readiness de inscritos a una carrera. Método. Estudio transversal en aficionados de 18-64 años. Encuesta digital con módulos de IPAQ, PARQ+ y STEP. Muestreo aleatorio sistemático con n=510, para una inactividad física esperada de 35% (±5%). Se evaluó nivel de actividad física, consumo de alcohol (peligroso), de fruta, verdura, tabaco y sal, y readiness. Resultados. El cumplimiento de actividad física fue 97,4%; 2,4% consume nivel óptimo de fruta o verdura (diferencias por edad, sexo y estrato), 3,7% fuma y 44,1% consumo peligroso de alcohol. El 19,8% reportó PARQ+ positivo y 5,7% requiere supervisión. Hay diferencias por trabajo y estudio. Discusión. Los aficionados cumplen el nivel de actividad física; pero no de otros factores. Una estrategia de seguridad en el atletismo de calle es evaluar los factores de riesgo relacionados con el estilo de vida así como el readiness.


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L'estudi de les formes d'organització de l'activitat conjunta en l'ensenyament de la col·laboració tàctica en els esports col·lectius en l'àmbit escolar mostra com a punts de referència teòrica, per un costat aportacions provinents de la psicologia de la instrucció, i per un altre costat aportacions provinents de la didàctica de l' ensenyament de l' educació física i l' esport. Pel que fa al camp de la psicologia, cal situar l'estudi de l'activitat conjunta en una perspectiva constructivista dels processos d'ensenyament i aprenentatge. Aquesta pren com a referents Piaget, Ausubel, ... i molt especialment les aportacions fetes des de la teoria sociohistòrica i cultural per Vigotsky i també per Bruner. Així, conceptes com "mediació semiòtica", "internalització", "intersubjectivitat" i "zona de desenvolupament pròxim" tenen un paper molt rellevant. El que ens interessa en aquest treball és saber com s'ho fan el professor i els alumnes per aconseguir que aquests últims construeixin el seu propi coneixement al voltant del contingut proposat. En aquest sentit les idees de Vigotsky, així com la metàfora de "la bastida" de Bruner, són d'una gran importància. Des del camp de l'ensenyament dels esports col·lectius han pres com a referència bàsica el model d'ensenyament a partir de la tàctica provinent dels treballs de Bunker i Thorpe sobre l'ensenyament "per a la comprensió dels esports col·lectius". Així mateix ens hem guiat per aportacions d'autors com Bayer, Castejón, Riera o DevÍs. Pel que fa al camp de la didàctica, les recerques de Pieron han tingut una influència considerable. Es proposa l'estudi del procés d'ensenyament i aprenentatge esportiu des de l'anàlisi de la "interacció educativa" i de la "influència pedagògica", i molt especialment des de la "interactivitat". En aquest marc destaquen els "mecanismes d'influència educativa", que operen en l'àmbit de la interactivitat i que permeten comprendre com el professor ajusta l'ajuda per afavorir la construcció de coneixement dels alumnes. El nostre treball estudia un dels dos mecanismes descrits pels treballs de Coll i els seus col·laboradors de la Universitat de Barcelona i també corroborats pels treballs dirigits per Vila (Universitat de Girona). En concret, el treball se centra en l'anàlisi del procés de cessió i traspàs de la responsabilitat i del control de l' aprenentatge del professor envers els alumnes. Per això s'empren els nivells i les unitats d'anàlisi proposades per aquests treballs: la seqüència didàctica, la sessió, els segments d'interactivitat i les configuracions de segments d'interactivitat. Així mateix, s'incorpora l'anàlisi de les característiques del contingut, tant pel que fa a la tipologia de les tasques com pel que fa als criteris d' organització i seqüenciació. Es manté la idea que l'organització de l'activitat conjunta entre el professor i els alumnes esta fortament influenciada per les característiques del contingut. Per dur a terme el treball s'ha realitzat una seqüència didàctica de 4 sessions amb 10 alumnes de segon cicle d'ensenyament primari de l' escola "Annexa-Joan Puigbert" de la ciutat de Girona. S'ha enregistrat amb vídeo i amb micròfons sense fils tot el que deien i feien tant el professor com els alumnes durant la seqüència d'ensenyament. Posteriorment s'han transcrit les dades a un "full de transcripció" . Hem analitzat les característiques de la seqüència, de les sessions i del contingut: número de tasques, tipus de tasques, elements que intervenen en les tasques, etc., així com la millora en el comportament tàctic dels alumnes. Igualment s'ha analitzat l'activitat conjunta mitjançant segments d'interactivitat i configuracions de segments d'interactivitat. S'ha estudiat l'evolució dels diferents segments, tant en quantitat com en temps emprat durant la seqüència. I també l'evolució de l'activitat conjunta en diferents tipus de tasques: tasques repetides, tasques-base i les respectives modificacions, etc. Això ens ha permès veure el paper del contingut en l'organització de l' activitat conjunta. Les dades obtingudes permeten corroborar les hipòtesis plantejades en el treball i que tenen a veure amb que: 1. És possible obtenir indicadors sobre el procés de cessió i traspàs del control i de la responsabilitat en una situació d'ensenyament i aprenentatge de la col·laboració tàctica en atac en la iniciació als esports col·lectius. Aquest procés és temporal, gradual i discontinu i no es produeix ni de forma absoluta ni definitiva. 2. És necessari considerar aquest mecanisme en relació amb un segon mecanisme descrit: la construcció d'un sistema cada vegada més ampli i més ric de significats compartits entre el professor i els alumnes al voltant del contingut. Ambdós mecanismes estan interrelacionats i són irreductibles tot i que és possible estudiar-los focalitzant l'atenció en un d'ells. 3. Es constata el paper fonamental del contingut, tant la tipologia com els criteris d'organització i seqüenciació, en l'organització de l'activitat conjunta. Dels resultats obtinguts se'n desprenen algunes conclusions finals que van referides, d'una banda a aspectes d'interès per a futures recerques en aquest camp, i d'altra banda, a aspectes d'interès per a les pràctiques educatives.


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RESUMO: Numa sociedade cada vez mais exigente, onde o acesso a estudos e estatísticas se torna cada vez mais fácil, deve consciencializar-se os intervenientes no contexto desportivo para a falta de actividade física e desportiva dos nossos jovens no seu dia-a-dia, bem como o seu abandono precoce da prática desportiva. Esse abandono apresenta-se como um fenómeno multifactorial, na medida em que são diversos os contextos e motivos que o determinam. Na actividade diária de professores/treinadores, os aspectos relacionados com os factores que conduzem ao abandono dos praticantes devem merecer uma atenção permanente. Torna-se importante responder às perguntas “o abandono surge porquê?”; “Quais as causas?” ou “Quais os factores?”, sendo esse o principal objectivo deste estudo. A amostra foi constituída por alunos de ambos os sexos, de diversas escolas de Lisboa, num total de 174 inquiridos dos ensinos básico e secundário, que abandonaram a prática do desporto escolar durante o ano lectivo 2011/2012. Foi aplicado como instrumento de medida o Questionário de Razões para o Abandono da Prática do Desporto Escolar – QRAPDE versão adaptada para o desporto escolar com base num instrumento similar desenvolvido por Cruz e colaboradores (1988; 1995). Os resultados evidenciam como causas mais importantes para o abandono as questões relacionadas com a dimensão “Falta de tempo” com média de 1,84, seguida da dimensão “Orientação desportiva” apresentando uma média de 1,44 e, como causa menos importante, a dimensão “Indicadores de treino e competição” (1,26). A todos os intervenientes desportivos, especialmente professores, cabe uma introspecção sobre os factores de abandono. Acreditamos que com uma orientação consciente e sustentada será possível inverter o abandono do desporto escolar pelos alunos.ABSTACT: In an increasingly demanding society, where access to studies and statistics is becoming rather easy, all subjects for sport activities must be aware concerning the lack of physical and sports activity of our young people in their day-to-day life, as well as the early withdrawn. This dropout mus be presented as a multifactorial phenomenon, as there are several contexts and motives which determine it. In daily work of teachers/coaches, aspects related to the factors that lead to the abandonment of the youngsters deserve continued attention. Therefore, it is important to answer the questions "Why does abandonment arises?" "What are the causes?" or "What are the factors? This is the key issue and the goal of this study. The sample was 174 students of both genders, of elementary and secondary school grade, from several schools in Lisbon, who had abandoned the practice of school sports during the academic year 2011/2012. To determine the reasons of dropout we use the Questionnaire of Reasons for the Abandonment of School Sports – QRAPDE, version adapted for school sports based on a similar instrument developed by Cruz et al (1988; 1995) The results show that the most important causes for the abandonment are related to the dimension "lack of time" with an average of 1.84, followed by the dimension "Sports Guidance" with an average of 1.44, and, as the less important cause, the "Indicators of training and competition" (1.26). All responsible intervenients, namely teachers, should thoroughly reflect about the factors of dropout. We believe that with a conscious and sustainable guidance it will be possible to reverse the abandonment of school sports by students.


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Sabe-se pouco sobre a prevalência da prática de actividade física em Portugal, estratificada por categorias de índice de massa corporal. O objectivo do presente projecto foi verificar a associação da prática de actividade física como (a) características sociodemográficas e (b) índice de massa corporal. Trata-se de um estudo observacional e transversal. Dados recolhidos entre Janeiro/2003 e Janeiro/2005, por questionário estruturado (entrevista face-a-face) e avaliação antropométrica (peso, altura e perímetros da cintura e anca). Amostra representativa da população adulta em Portugal continental. Para avaliação da prática de actividade física, foi utilizado o Baecke Questionnaire of Habitual Physical Activity. Participaram 8116 pessoas. 27.9% referiu praticar algum tipo de actividade desportiva. A proporção dos que fazem desporto diminui com a idade. A proporção de homens que referiram níveis de actividade mais elevados é significativamente superior à encontrada para as mulheres. As pontuações obtidas para a prática de actividade física em qualquer dos contextos (lazer, desporto e trabalho) correlacionam-se significativamente com o nível educacional (principalmente em contextos de lazer). Nas actividades de lazer e de desporto, a pontuação de actividade física está negativamente correlacionada com o índice de massa corporal. Quanto à actividade física no trabalho, esta correlaciona-se positivamente com o índice de massa corporal. Concluímos que são necessárias estratégias de saúde pública que facilitem e promovam a actividade física em contexto de lazer, especialmente dirigidas aos idosos e aos grupos demográficos com níveis educacionais mais baixos.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O presente trabalho surge em função de buscar um melhor entendimento sobre o papel da torcida, diante dos estados emocionais dos atletas, em especial da ansiedade e da agressividade. Baseado em vasta revisão de literatura, que apresenta as diversas concepções conceituais aqui estudado (adolescência, agressão, ansiedade e torcida) e seus desdobramentos, o estudo assume a vertente da pesquisa qualitativa, optando pela pesquisa participante, como estratégia de verificação. Assim, interessou-se em estudar os aspectos relativos à ação da torcida e sua interferência no comportamento agressivo e ansioso do jogador jovem, que participa de uma modalidade federada, afim de verificar se o aumento da ansiedade e da agressividade, no momento esportivo, reflete o aumento de pressão que se exerce exteriormente. Considerou-se torcida aquele público presente, que assiste aos confrontos esportivos, nas figuras de pais, fãs, familiares e crônica esportiva e o público ausente, como os pais e a imprensa, que ficam no aguardo do resultado, em seus ambientes próprios. Esta pesquisa, exploratória, analisou o contexto esportivo competitivo de atletas das modalidades de basquetebol, futebol de salão, voleibol, handebol, atletismo e natação, observando, entrevistando e coletando falas e expressões que pudessem, após rigorosa categorização, oferecer subsídios para um replanejamento na conduta esportiva de adolescentes. Constatou a grande influência do público, em especial a dos pais, com muito determinismo, seguido do profissional da área esportiva, conforme indicam outros estudos. Explicita a questão da causa efeito no que diz respeito a ansiedade e agressão, oferecendo propostas para trabalhos que possibilitem outra abordagem ou favoreçam outras interferências por parte do público presente.


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Muscle strains are among the most prevalent causes for athletes absence from sport activities. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has recently emerged as a potential contender to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in muscle strain treatment. In this work we investigated effects of LLLT and diclofenac on functional outcomes in the acute stage after muscle strain injury in rats. Muscle strain was induced by overloading the tibialis anterior muscle of rats during anesthesia. The injured groups received either no treatment, or a single treatment with diclofenac 30 min prior to injury, or LLLT (810 nm, 100 mW) with doses of 1, 3, 6 or 9 J, at 1 h after injury. Functional outcome measures included a walking index and assessment of electrically induced muscle performance. All treatments (except 9 J LLLT) significantly improved the walking index 12 h postinjury compared with the untreated group. The 3 J group also showed a significantly better walking index than the drug group. All treatments significantly improved muscle performance at 6 and 12 h. LLLT dose of 3 J was as effective as the pharmacological agent in improving functional outcomes in the early phase after a muscle strain injury in rats.


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The present work explores the psychosocial issues emerging from a large cross-sectional study aimed to assess the prevalence, clinical manifestations, and psychosocial correlates of hyperandrogenism in a population of Italian high school students. Participants were 1804 adolescents, aged between 15 and 19 years, who volunteered to fill in a package of self-report questionnaires (including the Psychosocial Index, the Symptom Questionnaire and Ryff’s Psychological Well-Being scales for the assessment of psychological aspects) and undergo a comprehensive physical examination. Significant gender differences were found with regard to psychological distress, with females reporting higher scores compared with males, but not on well-being dimensions. The relationships of well-being to distress were found to be complex. Although inversely associated, well-being and ill-being appeared to be distinct domains of mental functioning. The evaluation of the moderating effects of well-being in the association between stress and psychological distress indicated that well-being may act as a protective factor, contributing to less pronounced psychological distress as stress levels increased. Higher rates of somatic complaints were found among current smokers. However, substance use (i.e., smoking and drug use) was also found to be positively associated with some well-being dimensions. A considerable number of participants were found to present with disordered eating symptoms, particularly females, and associated higher stress levels and lower quality of life. Sport activities were found to favourably affect psychological health. As to clinical signs of hyperandrogenism, a significant impairment in psychosocial functioning was found among females, whereas no effects on psychological measures could be detected among males. Subgroups of adolescents with distinct clinical and psychological characteristics could be identified by means of cluster analysis. The present study provides new insights into better understanding of the complex relationships between well-being, distress and health status in the adolescent population, with important clinical implications.


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The objective of the present study was to measure the occurrence of orofacial and cerebral injuries in different sports and to survey the awareness of athletes and officials concerning the use of mouthguards during sport activities. Two hundred and sixty-seven professional athletes and 63 officials participating in soccer, handball, basketball and ice hockey were interviewed. The frequency of orofacial and cerebral trauma during sport practice was recorded and the reason for using and not using mouthguards was assessed. A great difference in orofacial and cerebral injuries was found when comparing the different kinds of sports and comparing athletes with or without mouthguards. 45% of the players had suffered injuries when not wearing mouthguards. Most injuries were found in ice hockey, (59%), whereas only 24% of the soccer players suffered injuries when not wearing mouthguards. Sixty-eight percentage of the players wearing mouthguards had never suffered any orofacial and cerebral injuries. Two hundred and twenty-four athletes (84%) did not use a mouthguard despite general acceptance by 150 athletes (56%). Although the awareness of mouthguards among officials was very high (59%), only 25% of them would support the funding of mouthguards and 5% would enforce regulations. Athletes as well as coaches should be informed about the high risk of oral injuries when performing contact sports. Doctors and dentists need to recommend a more intensive education of students in sports medicine and sports dentistry, and to increase their willingness to become a team dentist.