982 resultados para Spinal Injury


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La marcha humana es el mecanismo de locomoción por el cual el cuerpo humano se traslada en línea recta gracias a una serie de movimientos coordinados de la pelvis y de las articulaciones del miembro inferior. Frecuentemente se encuentra influenciada por factores biomecánicos, anatómicos o patologías del sistema neuromusculoesquelético que modifican la forma de caminar de cada individuo. La lesión de médula espinal es una de las patologías que afectan el desarrollo normal de los patrones de la marcha por alteración de la movilidad, de la sensibilidad o del sistema nervioso autónomo. Aunque la lesión medular afecta otras funciones, además de la pérdida de función motora y sensorial, la recuperación de la capacidad de caminar es la mayor prioridad identificada por los pacientes durante la rehabilitación. Por ello, el desarrollo de dispositivos que faciliten la rehabilitación o compensación de la marcha es uno de los principales objetivos de diferentes grupos de investigación y empresas. En el contexto del proyecto Hybrid Technological Platform for Rehabilitation, Functional Compensation and Training of Gait in Spinal Cord Injury Patients se ha desarrollado un dispositivo que combina una órtesis activa (exoesqueleto) y un andador motorizado. Este sistema, como otros dispositivos, tiene el movimiento humano como estándar de referencia, no obstante no se evalúa de manera habitual, cómo es el patrón de la marcha reproducido y su similitud o diferencias con la marcha humana, o las modificaciones o adaptaciones en la interacción con el cuerpo del paciente. El presente estudio trata de examinar las características de la marcha normal en diversos grupos de población, y las diferencias con el patrón de marcha lenta. Finalmente, se pretende evaluar qué modificaciones y adaptaciones sufre el patrón de marcha lenta teórico al ser reproducido por el exoesqueleto. La presente investigación consiste en un estudio cuantitativo transversal desarrollado en dos etapas: estudio 1 y estudio 2. En el estudio 1 se analizó el patrón de la marcha a velocidad libremente seleccionada (normal) y el patrón de la marcha a velocidad lenta (0.25m/s) en 62 sujetos distribuidos en grupos considerando el sexo y los percentiles 25, 50 y 75 de estatura de la población española. Durante el estudio 2 se analizó el patrón de la marcha lenta reproducido por el dispositivo Hybrid a diferentes porcentajes de peso corporal (30%, 50% y 70%) en diez sujetos seleccionados aleatoriamente de la muestra del estudio 1. En ambos estudios se obtuvieron variables espacio-temporales y cinemáticas mediante un sistema de captura de movimiento con 6 cámaras distribuidas a lo largo de un pasillo de marcha. Se calcularon las medias, las desviaciones estándar y el 95% de intervalo de confianza, y el nivel alfa de significación se estableció en α=0.05 para todas las pruebas estadísticas. Las principales diferencias en el patrón normal de la marcha se encontraron en los parámetros cinemáticos de hombres y mujeres, aunque también se presentaron diferencias entre los grupos en función de la estatura. Las mujeres mostraron mayor flexión de cadera y rodilla, y mayor extensión de tobillo que los hombres durante el ciclo normal, aunque la basculación lateral de la pelvis, mayor en las mujeres, y el desplazamiento lateral del centro de gravedad, mayor en los hombres, fueron los parámetros identificados como principales discriminantes entre sexos. La disminución de la velocidad de la marcha mostró similares adaptaciones y modificaciones en hombres y en mujeres, presentándose un aumento de la fase de apoyo y una disminución de la fase de oscilación, un retraso de los máximos y mínimos de flexoextensión de cadera, rodilla y tobillo, y una disminución del rango articular en las tres articulaciones. Asimismo, la basculación lateral de la pelvis y el movimiento vertical del centro de gravedad disminuyeron, mientras que el movimiento lateral del centro de gravedad y el ancho de paso aumentaron. Durante la evaluación del patrón de la marcha reproducido por el exoesqueleto se observó que las tres articulaciones del miembro inferior disminuían el rango de movimiento por la falta de fuerza de los motores para contrarrestar el peso corporal, incluso con un 70% de descarga de peso. Además, la transferencia de peso se encontró limitada por la falta de movimiento de la pelvis en el plano frontal y se sustituyó por un aumento de la inclinación del tronco y, por tanto, del movimiento lateral del centro de gravedad. Este hecho, junto al aumento del desplazamiento vertical del centro de gravedad, hizo del patrón de la marcha reproducido por el exoesqueleto un movimiento poco eficiente. En conclusión, se establecen patrones de marcha normal diferenciados por sexos, siendo la basculación lateral de la pelvis y el movimiento lateral del centro de gravedad los parámetros discriminantes más característicos entre sexos. Comparando la marcha a velocidad libremente seleccionada y la velocidad lenta, se concluye que ambos sexos utilizan estrategias similares para adaptar el patrón de la marcha a una velocidad lenta y se mantienen las características diferenciadoras entre hombres y mujeres. En relación a la evaluación del dispositivo Hybrid, se deduce que la falta de movimiento lateral de la pelvis condiciona la transferencia de peso y el aumento del rango de movimiento del centro de gravedad y, en consecuencia, tiene como resultado un patrón de la marcha poco eficiente. Este patrón no resultaría indicado para los procesos de rehabilitación o recuperación de la marcha, aunque podría considerarse adecuado para la compensación funcional de la bipedestación y la locomoción. ABSTRACT The human walking is a means of moving body forward using a repetitious and coordinated sequence of pelvis and lower limb motions. It is frequently influenced by biomechanical and anatomical factors or by musculoskeletal pathologies which modify the way of walking. The spinal injury is one of those pathologies which affect the normal pattern of walking, due to the alteration of the mobility, the sensory or the autonomic nervous system. Although the spinal injury affects many other body functions, apart from the motor and sensory ones, the main priority for patients is to recover the ability of walking. Consequently, the main objective of many research groups and private companies is the development of rehabilitation and compensation devices for walking. In this context, the Hybrid Technological Platform for Rehabilitation, Functional Compensation and Training of Gait in Spinal Cord Injury Patients project has developed a device which integrates an exoskeleton and a motorized smart walker. This system, as other similar devices, has the human movement as standard reference. Nevertheless, these devices are not usually evaluated on the way they reproduce the normal human pattern or on the modifications and in the interactions with the patient’s body. The aim of the present study is to examine the normal walking characteristics, to analyze the differences between self-selected and low speed walking patterns, and to evaluate the modifications and adaptations of walking pattern when it is reproduced by the exoskeleton. The present research is a quantitative cross-sectional study carried out in two phases: study 1 and study 2. During the study 1, the self-selected and the low speed (0.25m/s) walking patterns were analyzed in sixty-two people distributed in groups, according to sex and 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles of height for Spanish population. The study 2 analyzed the low speed walking pattern reproduced by the Hybrid system in three conditions: 30%, 50% and 70% of body weight support. To do this, ten subjects were randomly selected and analyzed from the people of study 1. An optoelectronic system with six cameras was used to obtain spatial, temporal and kinematic parameters in both studies. Means, standard deviations and 95% confidence intervals of the study were calculated. The alpha level of significance was set at α=0.05 for all statistical tests. The main differences in normal gait pattern were found in kinematic parameters between men and women. The hip and the knee were more flexed and the ankle plantar flexion was higher in women than in men during normal gait cycle. Although the greater pelvic obliquity of women and the higher lateral movement of center of gravity of men were the most relevant discriminators between male and female gait patterns. Comparing self-selected and low speed walking patterns, both sexes showed similar adaptations and modifications. At low speed walking, men and women increased the stance phase ratio and decreased the swing phase ratio. The maximum and minimum peak flexion of hip, knee and ankle appeared after and the range of motion of them decreased during low speed walking. Furthermore, the pelvic obliquity and the vertical movement of the center of gravity decreased, whereas the lateral movement of center of gravity and step width increased. Evaluating the gait pattern reproduced by the exoskeleton, a decrease of lower limb range of motion was observed. This was probably due to the lack of strength of the engines, which were not able to control the body weight, even with the 70% supported. Moreover, the weight transfer from one limb to the contralateral side was restricted due to the lack of pelvis obliquity. This movement deficiency was replaced by the lateral torso sway and, consequently, the increase of lateral movement of the center of gravity. This fact, as well as the increase of the vertical displacement of the center of gravity, made inefficient the gait pattern reproduced by the exoskeleton. In conclusion, different gait patterns of both sexes have been determined, being pelvis obliquity and lateral movement of center of gravity the most relevant discriminators between male and female gait patterns. Comparing self-selected and low speed walking patterns, it was concluded that both sexes use similar strategies for adapting the gait pattern to a low speed, and therefore, the differentiating characteristics of normal gait are maintained. Regarding the Hybrid system evaluation, it was determined that the gait pattern reproduced by the exoskeleton is inefficient. This was due to the lack of pelvis obliquity and the increase of the center of gravity displacement. Consequently, whereas the walking pattern reproduced by the exoskeleton would not be appropriated for the rehabilitation process, it could be considered suitable for functional compensation of walking and standing.


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Primary objective: To assess the relationship between disability, length of stay (LOS) and anticholinergic burden (ACB) with people following acquired brain or spinal cord injury. Research design: A retrospective case note review assessed total rehabilitation unit admission. Methods and procedures: Assessment of 52 consecutive patients with acquired brain/spinal injury and neuropathy in an in-patient neuro-rehabilitation unit of a UK university hospital. Data analysed included: Northwick Park Dependency Score (NPDS), Rehabilitation complexity Scale (RCS), Functional Independence Measure and Functional Assessment Measure FIM-FAM (UK version 2.2), LOS and ACB. Outcome was different in RCS, NPDS and FIM-FAM between admission and discharge. Main outcomes and results: A positive change was reported in ACB results in a positive change in NPDS, with no significant effect on FIM-FAM, either Motor or Cognitive, or on the RCS. Change in ACB correlated to the length of hospital stay (regression correlation = −6.64; SE = 3.89). There was a significant harmful impact of increase in ACB score during hospital stay, from low to high ACB on NPDS (OR = 9.65; 95% CI = 1.36–68.64) and FIM-FAM Total scores (OR = 0.03; 95% CI = 0.002–0.35). Conclusions: There was a statistically significant correlation of ACB and neuro-disability measures and LOS amongst this patient cohort.


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Strategies aimed at improving spinal cord regeneration after trauma are still challenging neurologists and neuroscientists throughout the world. Many cell-based therapies have been tested, with limited success in terms of functional outcome. In this study, we investigated the effects of human dental pulp cells (HDPCs) in a mouse model of compressive spinal cord injury (SCI). These cells present some advantages, such as the ease of the extraction process, and expression of trophic factors and embryonic markers from both ecto-mesenchymal and mesenchymal components. Young adult female C57/BL6 mice were subjected to laminectomy at T9 and compression of the spinal cord with a vascular clip for 1 min. The cells were transplanted 7 days or 28 days after the lesion, in order to compare the recovery when treatment is applied in a subacute or chronic phase. We performed quantitative analyses of white-matter preservation, trophic-factor expression and quantification, and ultrastructural and functional analysis. Our results for the HDPC-transplanted animals showed better white-matter preservation than the DMEM groups, higher levels of trophic-factor expression in the tissue, better tissue organization, and the presence of many axons being myelinated by either Schwann cells or oligodendrocytes, in addition to the presence of some healthy-appearing intact neurons with synapse contacts on their cell bodies. We also demonstrated that HDPCs were able to express some glial markers such as GFAP and S-100. The functional analysis also showed locomotor improvement in these animals. Based on these findings, we propose that HDPCs may be feasible candidates for therapeutic intervention after SCI and central nervous system disorders in humans.


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Bittar CK, Cliquet A Jr, dos Santos Floter M: Utility of quantitative ultrasound of the calcaneus in diagnosing osteoporosis in spinal cord injury patients. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2011;90:477-481. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the utility of quantitative ultrasound of the calcaneus in diagnosing osteoporosis in spinal cord injury patients in a Brazilian Teaching Hospital. Design: This is a diagnostic test criterion standard comparison study. Between January 2008 and October 2009, the bone density of 15 spinal cord injury patients was assessed for analysis before beginning rehabilitation using muscle stimulation. The bone density was assessed using bone densitometry examination (DEXA) and ultrasound examination of the calcaneus (QUS). The measurements acquired using QUS and DEXA were compared between patients with spinal cord injury and a control group of ten healthy individuals. Results: The T-score values for femoral neck using DEXA (P < 0.0022) and those using QUS of the calcaneus (P < 0.0005) differed significantly between the groups, and the means in the normal subjects were higher than those in spinal cord injury patients who would receive electrical stimulation. In spinal cord injury patients, the significant differences were found between the QUS T-score for calcaneus and the DEXA scores for the lumbar spine and femoral neck. Conclusions: Because of the low level of mechanical stress on the calcaneus, the results of the QUS could not be correlated with the DEXA results for diagnosing osteoporosis. Therefore, QUS seems to be not a good choice for diagnosis and follow-up.


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Study design: This is cross-sectional study. Objectives: The aim of this study is to investigate the cardiac structure and function of subjects with spinal cord injury (SCI) and the impact of metabolic, hemodynamic and inflammatory factors on these parameters. Setting: Sao Paulo, Brazil. Methods: Sixty-five nondiabetic, nonhypertensive, sedentary, nonsmoker men (34 with SCI and 31 healthy subjects) were evaluated by medical history, anthropometry, laboratory tests, analysis of hemodynamic and inflammatory parameters and echocardiography. Results: Subjects with SCI had lower systolic blood pressure and higher levels of C-reactive protein and tumor necrosis factor receptors than the healthy ones. Echocardiography data showed that the SCI group presented similar left ventricular (LV) structural and systolic parameters, but lower initial diastolic velocity (Em) (9.2 +/- 0.5 vs 12.3 +/- 0.5 cm s(-1); P<0.001) and higher peak early inflow velocity (E)/Em ratio (7.7 +/- 0.5 vs 6.1 +/- 0.3; P = 0.009) compared with the able-bodied group, even after adjustment for systolic blood pressure and C-reactive protein levels. Furthermore, injured subjects with E/Em >8 had lower peak spectral longitudinal contraction (Sm) (9.0 +/- 0.7 vs 11.6 +/- 0.4cm s(-1); P<0.001) and cardiac output (4.2 +/- 0.2 vs 5.0 +/- 0.21 min(-1); P = 0.029), as well as higher relative wall thickness (0.38 +/- 0.01 vs 0.35 +/- 0.01; P = 0.005), than individuals with SCI with E/Em<8, but similar age, body mass index, blood pressure, injury level, metabolic parameters and inflammatory marker levels. Conclusion: Subjects with SCI presented impaired LV diastolic function in comparison with able-bodied ones. Moreover, worse LV diastolic function was associated with a pattern of LV concentric remodeling and subclinical decreases in systolic function among injured subjects. Overall, these findings might contribute to explain the increased cardiovascular risk reported for individuals with SCI. Spinal Cord (2011) 49, 65-69; doi: 10.1038/sc.2010.88; published online 27 July 2010


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Study design: Cross-sectional study. Objectives: To observe if there is a relationship between the level of injury by the American Spinal Cord Injury Association (ASIA) and cortical somatosensory evoked potential (SSEP) recordings of the median nerve in patients with quadriplegia. Setting: Rehabilitation Outpatient Clinic at the university hospital in Brazil. Methods: Fourteen individuals with quadriplegia and 8 healthy individuals were evaluated. Electrophysiological assessment of the median nerve was performed by evoked potential equipment. The injury level was obtained by ASIA. N(9), N(13) and N(20) were analyzed based on the presence or absence of responses. The parameters used for analyzing these responses were the latency and the amplitude. Data were analyzed using mixed-effect models. Results: N(9) responses were found in all patients with quadriplegia with a similar latency and amplitude observed in healthy individuals; N(13) responses were not found in any patients with quadriplegia. N(20) responses were not found in C5 patients with quadriplegia but it was present in C6 and C7 patients. Their latencies were similar to healthy individuals (P > 0.05) but the amplitudes were decreased (P < 0.05). Conclusion: This study suggests that the SSEP responses depend on the injury level, considering that the individuals with C6 and C7 injury levels, both complete and incomplete, presented SSEP recordings in the cortical area. It also showed a relationship between the level of spinal cord injury assessed by ASIA and the median nerve SSEP responses, through the latency and amplitude recordings. Spinal Cord (2009) 47, 372-378; doi:10.1038/sc.2008.147; published online 20 January 2009


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Objective: To establish the occurrence of Periodic Leg Movements (PLM) and Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) in Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) subjects. Methods: In this study, twenty four patients were submitted to a full night polysomnography and were assessed with Epworth Sleepiness Scale and an adapted form of International Restless Legs Syndrome Scale Rating Scale (IRLS Rating Scale). Control Group (CG) was composed of 16 subjects, 50% of each sex, age: 24.38 +/- 4 years old. Spinal Cord Injury Group (SCIG) was composed of 8 subjects (29 +/- 5 years old) with a complete SCI (ASIA A) of about three and a half years of duration, 100% males. Results: 100% of SCIG had RLS compared to 17% in CG ( p < 0.0001). SCIG had 18.11 +/- 20.07 of PLM index while CG had 5.96 +/- 11.93 (p = 0.01). Arousals related to PLM were recorded in CG and SCIG. There was a positive moderate correlation between RLS and age (r = 0.5; p = 0.01), RLS and PLM (r = 0.49; p = 0.01), adapted IRLS Rating Scale and PLM index (r = 0.64; p = 0.03) and also a negative moderate correlation between Epworth Sleepiness Scale and PLM index (r = -0.4; p = 0.04) in both groups. Conclusion: RLS and PLM are common findings in SCI patients with a complete injury. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective To study increases in electromyographic (EMG) response from the right and left rectus femoris muscles of individuals with long-term cervical spinal cord injuries after EMG biofeedback treatment. Design Repeated measure trials compared EMG responses before and after biofeedback treatment in patients with spinal cord injuries. Main outcome measures The Neuroeducator was used to analyse and provide feedback of the EMG signal and to measure EMG response. Setting Department of Traumatic Orthopaedics, School of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Participants Twenty subjects (three men and 17 women), between 21 and 49 years of age, with incomplete spinal cord injury at level C6 or higher (range C2 to C6). Of these subjects, 10 received their spinal cord injuries from motor vehicle accidents, one from a gunshot, five from diving, three from falls and one from spinal disc herniation. Results Significant differences were found in the EMG response of the right rectus femoris muscle between pre-initial (T1), post-initial (T2) and additional (T3) biofeedback treatment with the subjects in a sitting position [mean (standard deviation) T1: 26 mu V (29); T2: 67 mu V (50); T3: 77 mu V (62)]. The mean differences and 95% confidence intervals for these comparisons were as follows: T1 to T2, -40.7 (-53.1 to -29.4); T2 to T3, -9.6 (-26.1 to 2.3). Similar differences were found for the left leg in a sitting position and for both legs in the sit-to-stand condition. Conclusions The EMG responses obtained in this study showed that treatment involving EMG biofeedback significantly increased voluntary EMG responses from right and left rectus femoris muscles in individuals with spinal cord injuries. (C) 2010 Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To standardize an experimental model of spinal cord injury in Wistar rats, computerized weight fall impact equipment were used and the parameters were used determined by the multicenter animal spinal cord injury study - MASCIS. Methods: Thirty rats were used, with age varying between 20 and 25 weeks, and weight ranging from 200 to 300g for females, and from 232 to 430g for males. The impacts were done with weights of 10g starting from 12.5, 25 and 50 mm of height, and the impact speed and compression coefficient were obtained. The impact occurred on the surface of the spinal cord at the level of the tenth thoracic vertebra after laminectomy. Vital signs were monitored and gas analysis was made before and after the spinal cord injury. The lesion volume was evaluated by the quantitative analysis of sodium and potassium ions. Results: Statistically significant correlations were verified among the lesion volume and the mechanical parameters. The lesion volume caused by the fall from 50mm height was superior to that of the 12.5 and 25mm, which didn`t differ from each other. Conclusion: The model demonstrated itself to be effective and capable of generating standard spinal cord injuries on Wistar rats.


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Objective Traumatic spinal Cord injuries are common in patients with high energy trauma and have significant morbidity and mortality rates as well as high psychological and social costs causing a major impact on public health To date the treatment of such lesions remains controversial with various studies in the literature comparing the results of non surgical treatment with immediate early or late surgical decompression The objective of the present study is to compare the results of immediate and early (within 1 hour) spinal Cord decompression Methods In the belief that the surgical treatment obtains the best result this experimental study has a case control design with histopathological and functional analysis of the results of surgical treatment of 25 Wistar mice submitted to posterior laminectomy immediately or after one hour of spinal Cord compression Results in terms of functional and neurological deficit the responses were better in the mice treated with immediate surgical decompression than in those treated one hour after the lesion (p=0 036) Conclusion The earlier the decompression of spinal Cord injuries is performed the better the end results in terms of the function and presence of neurological deficit


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Study design: A prospective, non-randomized clinical series trial. Objective: To evaluate the effect of autogenous undifferentiated stem cell infusion for the treatment of patients with chronic spinal cord injury (SCI) on somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs). Setting: A public tertiary hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Methods: Thirty-nine consecutive patients with diagnosed complete cervical and thoracic SCI for at least 2 years and with no cortical response in the SSEP study of the lower limbs were included in the trial. The trial patients underwent peripheral blood stem cell mobilization and collection. The stem cell concentrate was cryopreserved and reinfused through arteriography into the donor patient. The patients were followed up for 2.5 years and submitted to SSEP studies to evaluate the improvement in SSEPs after undifferentiated cell infusion. Results: Twenty-six (66.7%) patients showed recovery of somatosensory evoked response to peripheral stimuli after 2.5 years of follow-up. Conclusion: The 2.5-year trial protocol proved to be safe and improved SSEPs in patients with complete SCI. Sponsorship: None. Spinal Cord (2009) 47, 733-738; doi: 10.1038/sc.2009.24; published online 31 March 2009


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Introduction: Some studies have made use of the antioxidative capabilities of high doses of vitamins C and E with the aim of neutralizing the noxious effects of free radicals following spinal cord lesion. Objectives: To evaluate the effects of vitamins C and E, separately and together, on the functional performance of rats that were subjected to standardized spinal cord contusion. Materials and methods: Forty male Wistar rats were used, divided into four groups of 10 animals each. Group 3 received vitamin C 100 mg kg(-1) day(-1) intraperitoneally; Group 2 received vitamin E 100 mg kg(-1) day(-1) orally; Group 1 received vitamins C and E, at the same dosages; and Group 4 was the control. The vitamin therapy was administered for 1 month and then the animals were killed. A direct contusional injury was caused and functional evaluation was performed using the Basso, Beattie and Bresnahan rating scale. The rats were evaluated on the second postoperative day and weekly thereafter, until the end of the experiment. Results: The results were evaluated by means of the one-tailed, non-paired and non-parametric Mann-Whitney test, comparing the groups two by two. No significant difference in functional performance was observed between the groups. Conclusion: The use of vitamins C and E in these rats did not improve their neurological performance. However, histopathological examination showed that the inflammatory response was less intense following administration of the combination of vitamins C and E. Spinal Cord (2009) 47, 458-463; doi:10.1038/sc.2008.155; published online 9 December 2008


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Study Design: Data mining of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in gene pathways related to spinal cord injury (SCI). Objectives: To identify gene polymorphisms putatively implicated with neuronal damage evolution pathways, potentially useful to SCI study. Setting: Departments of Psychiatry and Orthopedics, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil. Methods: Genes involved with processes related to SCI, such as apoptosis, inflammatory response, axonogenesis, peripheral nervous system development and axon ensheathment, were determined by evaluating the `Biological Process` annotation of Gene Ontology (GO). Each gene of these pathways was mapped using MapViewer, and gene coordinates were used to identify their polymorphisms in the SNP database. As a proof of concept, the frequency of subset of SNPs, located in four genes (ALOX12, APOE, BDNF and NINJ1) was evaluated in the DNA of a group of 28 SCI patients and 38 individuals with no SC lesions. Results: We could identify a total of 95 276 SNPs in a set of 588 genes associated with the selected GO terms, including 3912 nucleotide alterations located in coding regions of genes. The five non-synonymous SNPs genotyped in our small group of patients, showed a significant frequency, reinforcing their potential use for the investigation of SCI evolution. Conclusion: Despite the importance of SNPs in many aspects of gene expression and protein activity, these gene alterations have not been explored in SCI research. Here we describe a set of potentially useful SNPs, some of which could underlie the genetic mechanisms involved in the post trauma spinal cord damage.


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Changes in gene expression have been measured 24 h after injury to mammalian spinal cords that can and cannot regenerate In opossums there is a critical period of development when regeneration stops being possible at 9 days postnatal cervical spinal cords regenerate, at 12 days they do not By the use of marsupial cDNA microarrays we detected 158 genes that respond differentially to injury at the two ages critical for regeneration For selected candidates additional measurements were made by real time PCR and sites of their expression were shown by immunostaining Candidate genes have been classified so as to select those that promote or prevent regeneration Up regulated by injury at 8 days and/or down regulated by injury at 13 days were genes known to promote growth, such as Mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 1 or transcripton factor TCF7L2 By contrast, at 13 days up regulation occurred of Inhibitory molecules including annexins ephrins and genes related to apoptosis and neurodegeneranve diseases Certain genes such as calmodulin 1 and NOGO changed expression similarly in animals that could and could not regenerate without any additional changes in response to injury These findings confirmed and extended changes of gene expression found in earlier screens on 9 and 12 day preparations without lesions and provide a comprehensive list of genes that serve as a basis for testing how identified molecules singly or in combination, promote and prevent central nervous system regeneration (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved