40 resultados para Speicher
Unter kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive lassen sich Religionen als gemeinschaftsstiftende Sinndeutungssysteme verstehen, mit deren Hilfe die Verständigung über gemeinsame Glaubens- und Wertvorstellungen geregelt werden kann. Religionen erwachsen aus interkulturellen Prozessen, denn sie speisen aus unterschiedlichen kulturellen Quellen und Bedeutungstraditionen und ‘migrieren’ aus der ursprünglichen ‘Gemeinde’ in andere kulturelle Kontexte. ‘Fremd-Religionen’ werden adaptiv verändert und in die eigene kulturelle Praxis überführt. Solche Veränderungen von Religionen werden durch Literatur begleitet und bewahrt. Sie verleiht Sinnstiftungsprozessen von Kultur sprachliche Gestalt und reflektiert damit auch immer implizit oder explizit religiöse Vorstellungen. Unter interkultureller Perspektive läßt sich Literatur also auch als Speicher religiöser Vorstellungen unter den Bedingungen ihrer epochen- und kulturspezifischen Veränderungen verstehen. Der Band sucht diesen Veränderungen in der Literatur und ihrer Spiegelung in den Medien nachzugehen und zu prüfen, wie dadurch Gemeinsamkeiten, aber auch kulturelle Differenzen bewußt gemacht werden.
Kunstwerke sowie ihre Präsentation und Vermittlung werden zunehmend von digitalen Technologien unterstützt. Virtuelle Ausstellungen, Internet-Projekte und komplexe Datenarchive stellen das Kunstwerk in einen medialen Kontext, der weit über das Moment einer technischen Reproduzierbarkeit hinausgeht. Das allgegenwärtige Konzept der Vernetzung dynamisiert Kunst, ihre Rezipienten und Ausstellungsorte. Die Beziehungen zwischen diesen Feldern werden mit Hilfe physiologischer Metaphern definiert und visualisiert. Frühere Speicher und Archive geraten in einen prozessualen Sog, in dem alles fluktuiert, sich kurzweilig verknüpft, auflöst, und in permanente Dialoge mit seiner Umgebung tritt - das virtuelle Museum gerät in aktuellen Standortbestimmungen in die definitorische Nähe des Künstlichen Lebens.
Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) mediate cell attachment and stress transfer through extracellular domains. Here we forcibly unfold the Ig domains of a prototypical Ig superfamily CAM that contains intradomain disulfide bonds. The Ig domains of all such CAMs have conformations homologous to cadherin extracellular domains, titin Ig-type domains, and fibronectin type-III (FNIII) domains. Atomic force microscopy has been used to extend the five Ig domains of Mel-CAM (melanoma CAM)—a protein that is overexpressed in metastatic melanomas—under conditions where the disulfide bonds were either left intact or disrupted through reduction. Under physiological conditions where intradomain disulfide bonds are intact, partial unfolding was observed at forces far smaller than those reported previously for either titin's Ig-type domains or tenascin's FNIII domains. This partial unfolding under low force may be an important mechanism for imparting elasticity to cell–cell contacts, as well as a regulatory mechanism for adhesive interactions. Under reducing conditions, Mel-CAM's Ig domains were found to fully unfold through a partially folded state and at slightly higher forces. The results suggest that, in divergent evolution of all such domains, stabilization imparted by disulfide bonds relaxes requirements for strong, noncovalent, folded-state interactions.
It has been proposed recently that the type of genetic instability in cancer cells reflects the selection pressures exerted by specific carcinogens. We have tested this hypothesis by treating immortal, genetically stable human cells with representative carcinogens. We found that cells resistant to the bulky-adduct-forming agent 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP) exhibited a chromosomal instability (CIN), whereas cells resistant to the methylating agent N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) exhibited a microsatellite instability (MIN) associated with mismatch repair defects. Conversely, we found that cells purposely made into CIN cells are resistant to PhIP, whereas MIN cells are resistant to MNNG. These data demonstrate that exposure to specific carcinogens can indeed select for tumor cells with distinct forms of genetic instability and vice versa.
In order to protect critical military and commercial space assets, the United States Space Surveillance Network must have the ability to positively identify and characterize all space objects. Unfortunately, positive identification and characterization of space objects is a manual and labor intensive process today since even large telescopes cannot provide resolved images of most space objects. Since resolved images of geosynchronous satellites are not technically feasible with current technology, another method of distinguishing space objects was explored that exploits the polarization signature from unresolved images. The objective of this study was to collect and analyze visible-spectrum polarization data from unresolved images of geosynchronous satellites taken over various solar phase angles. Different collection geometries were used to evaluate the polarization contribution of solar arrays, thermal control materials, antennas, and the satellite bus as the solar phase angle changed. Since materials on space objects age due to the space environment, it was postulated that their polarization signature may change enough to allow discrimination of identical satellites launched at different times. The instrumentation used in this experiment was a United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) Department of Physics system that consists of a 20-inch Ritchey-Chrétien telescope and a dual focal plane optical train fed with a polarizing beam splitter. A rigorous calibration of the system was performed that included corrections for pixel bias, dark current, and response. Additionally, the two channel polarimeter was calibrated by experimentally determining the Mueller matrix for the system and relating image intensity at the two cameras to Stokes parameters S0 and S1. After the system calibration, polarization data was collected during three nights on eight geosynchronous satellites built by various manufacturers and launched several years apart. Three pairs of the eight satellites were identical buses to determine if identical buses could be correctly differentiated. When Stokes parameters were plotted against time and solar phase angle, the data indicates that there were distinguishing features in S0 (total intensity) and S1 (linear polarization) that may lead to positive identification or classification of each satellite.
top row: Earl Thomas, Stanton Schuman, Arnold Gross, James Lincoln, Robert Morganroth, Edward Kellman
middle row: (?)Day, Edmund Slocum, William Penhale, (?) McIntosh, Frank Bradford, mgr. Bob Hilty
front row: William Lowell, Harry Wright, coach Cliff Keen, capt. Wally Heavenrich, John Speicher, (?) Taylor, Paul Cameron
top row: Rex Lardner, Harlan Danner, Lilburn Ochs, Forrest Jordan, James Lincoln, Stanton Schuman, James Mericka, EdwardKellman
middle row: Richard Tasch, Urbane Hird, coach Cliff Keen, capt. Frank Bissell, Frank Morgan, mgr Sidney Stiegel, Harold Nichols
front row: Earl Thomas, John Speicher, Paul Cameron
top row: mfr. Ned Kilmer, Harlan Danner, Roland Savilla, Don Nichols
front row: Richard Tasch, James Mericka, co-capt. John Speicher, coach Cliff Keen, co-capt. Earl Thomas, Harold Nichols, Paul Cameron