982 resultados para Specialist Services
This brand new market briefing adds to the growing national debate on the future of dementia care services, making use of a unique and extensive L&B survey (2008) of over 6,000 care homes in the UK which provide care for people with dementia. It builds on the findings of the Alzheimer’s Society’s Dementia UK report (2007) and the national strategy for dementia Living Well with Dementia (2009) to identify market opportunities and provide essential guidance and information with regard to planning and developing new and existing services.Key issues, facts and figures highlighted in the report include:Dementia care is a multi-billion pound market in the UK and this market is set to grow considerably.��Dementia care in care homes dominates the sector in terms of current market value.��The use of dementia home care – though significantly smaller than the equivalent market in care homes – is set to rise markedly in the future.A significant proportion of residents for whom dementia is a known cause of admission are receiving care in settings which are not dedicated to dementia care.The new national dementia strategy for England, Living Well with Dementia should provide the strongest impetus yet for growth in the market for specialist dementia care.Growing awareness surrounding inappropriate use of anti-psychotic drugs on people with dementia in care homes may have a major operational impact on some homes if controls are increased and could substantially increase costs.Despite evidence of increasing dementia specialisation, there are, as yet, no organisations to emerge with full service dementia expertise and integrated care pathways.The supply of dedicated dementia services varies dramatically by region and locality, reflecting local and regional priorities and commissioning strategies.The design and layout of care homes for people with dementia is key and there is an increasing consensus around what constitutes best practice and ‘dementia friendly design’ .Care home fees for dementia are generally higher than fees for frail elderly residents.The report is essential reading for senior executives and managers within any organisation committed to, or considering involvement in, the dementia care sector, including for-profit, 'third sector' and public sector agencies.For further information, please contact:��Market ReportsTel.��020 7833 9123 orEmail��info@laingbuisson.co.uk��Download Full Brochure including Order Form��Download Contents and Tables�� Featured item on home page:��no��
BACKGROUND: The second Swiss Multicenter Adolescent Survey on Health (SMASH02) was conducted among a representative sample (n = 7428) of students and apprentices aged 16 to 20 from the three language areas of Switzerland during the year 2002. This paper reports on health needs expressed by adolescents and their use of health care services over the 12 months preceding the survey. METHODS: Nineteen cantons representing 80% of the resident population agreed to participate. A complex iterative random cluster sample of 600 classes was drawn with classes as primary sampling unit. The participation rate was 97.7% for the classes and 99.8% for the youths in attendance. The self-administered questionnaire included 565 items. The median rate of item non-response was 1.8%. Ethical and legal requirements applying to surveys of adolescent populations were respected. RESULTS: Overall more than 90% of adolescents felt in good to excellent health. Suffering often or very often from different physical complaints or pain was also reported such as headache (boys: 15.9%, girls: 37.4%), stomach-ache (boys: 9.7%, girls: 30.0%), joint pain (boys: 24.7%, girls: 29.5%) or back pain (boys: 24.3%, girls: 34.7%). Many adolescents reported a need for help on psychosocial and lifestyle issues, such as stress (boys: 28.5%, girls: 47.7%) or depression (boys: 18.9%, girls: 34.4%). Although about 75% of adolescents reported having consulted a general practitioner and about one-third having seen another specialist, reported reasons for visits do not correspond to the expressed needs. Less than 10% of adolescents had visited a psychiatrist, a family planning centre or a social worker. CONCLUSIONS: The reported rates of health services utilisation by adolescents does not match the substantial reported needs for help in various areas. This may indicate that the corresponding problems are not adequately detected and/or addressed by professionals from the health and social sectors.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, miten kirjallisuudessa kuvattua asiakkuuden hallintaa voitaisiin soveltaa keskuspankin maksuliikepalveluissa. Tarkasteltavana ovat yleiset toimintatavat, sekä asiakkuuden hallintaa tukevat järjestelmät. Tutkimuksen päätavoitteena on Help Desk toiminnan kehittäminen. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan asiakkuuden hallinnan eri osa-alueita ottaen huomioon sekä asiakkaan, että palvelun tarjoajan näkökulmat. Asiakkuuden hallinta ymmärretään strategiana, jolla kyetään kuvaamaan kuinka koko organisaatio toimii asiakkaiden kanssa. Asiakkuuden hallinnan ydin on asiakkaan arvontuotantoprosessin ymmärtäminen. Käytettyjä lähdeaineistoja ovat olleet alan kirjallisuus, artikkelit sekä Internet-lähteet. Empirian taustan ovat muodostaneet asiantuntijahaastattelut sekä keskuspankin julkaisut, sisäiset toimintaohjeet ja vakiintuneet käytännöt. Tutkimuksen keskeinen tulos on, että asiakkuudenhallinnan perusajatukset ovat monin tavoin sovellettavissa keskuspankin melko ainutkertaiseen, teknisesti ja viestinnällisesti vaativaan maksuliikepalveluympäristöön, vaikka asiakkaiden lukumäärä onkin pieni. Hyötyjä voidaan saavuttaa jo asiakkuudenhallinnan peruskomponenttien ml. strategianäkökulma tuntemuksella ja melko pieniltäkin näyttävillä toimintatapa-, työnkulku- ja asennemuutoksilla. Asiakkuuden hallintaa tukevan tietoteknologian jonkinasteinen käyttöönotto voi tuoda lisäarvoa, mutta sen kustannukset ja hyödyt on punnittava tämäntyyppisessä ympäristössä tarkoin.
La perception du patient vis-à-vis de son médecin traitant (MT) a suscité beaucoup de recherches et d'interet, notamment à cause de l'importance de la relation médecin-patient nécessaire à la qualité des soins. En Suisse, dans un contexte de libre choix du médecin, le rôle de MT peut être assumé par un generalise mais aussi, théoriquement, par un spécialiste. La fréquence de cette situation est cependant inconnue de même que son impact sur l'expérience des patients. L'objectif principal de cette etude était de décrire l'expérience des personnes âgées du canton de Vaud auprès de leur medecin traitant et de tester l'hypothèse selon laquelle cette expérience serait différente lorsque le MT est décrit comme « Généraliste » (MT Gén) ou comme « Spécialiste » (MT Spéc). Méthode : La recherche a été effectuée sur la base des données d'une enquête par questionnaire, envoyé à la population lausannoise participant à l'étude Lc65+ et à un échantillon supplémentaire de personnes agees de 68 ans ou plus sélectionnées aléatoirement dans le canton de Vaud. L'analyse a porté sur 17 items relatifs à la perception qu'ont les patients de leur MT, regroupés en 4 thèmes ? Access,bihte/Disponibilité, Relation Médecin-Patient, Information et Continuité des soins Nous ayons également analysé le recours déclaré aux soins ambulatoires, aux consultations de services d urgence, ainsi qu'aux actes de prévention. Les différences de perception et de recours selon le type de MT (Gen vs Spéc) ont été analysées par des modèles multivariés tenant compte de l'âge du sexe de I education, de la morbidité, de la présence de symptômes dépressifs et de la durée de la relation medecin-patient. Résultats : Les participants ont exprimé une perception favorable de leur MT à des taux excédant 75% pour la plupart des 17 items. Cependant, seulement 38 à 51% des participants ont répondu positivement aux questions relatives à la disponibilité en dehors des heures d'ouvertures, à l'accès au MT le soir ou en tin de semaine, à la possibilité de visites à domicile, à la probabilité de se voir prescrire des medicaments coûteux en cas de besoin, ou à la connaissance du médecin des médicaments en vente libre que le patient consomme. Les analyses bivariées et multivariées n'ont pas montré de différence entre les groupes MT Gén et MT Spec quant à la perception qu'ont les patients de leur MT, au recours aux actes de prévention ou aux services de santé. Conclusion : L'expérience des personnes interrogées était globalement positive, à part quelques questions concernant principalement le thème de l'Accessibilité/Disponibilité du MT. Nous n'avons pas mis en evidence de différence de perception ou de recours aux soins entre les deux groupes que nous avons analyses pour tester notre hypothèse. Perspective : Cette étude connaît des limites (données rapportées par les participants, groupe des MT Spéc de taille restreinte, absence de données sur les non-répondants, possible conflit de loyauté vis-à-vis du MT pour certaines questions) mais repose sur un large échantillon lui conférant une puissance suffisante, aléatoirement sélectionné dans une population géographiquement définie. Bien que ces résultats ne soient généralisables qu'au canton de Vaud, elle montre d'abord que les spécialistes reconnus comme MT s'inscrivent généralement dans des disciplines impliquant une formation en medec.ne interne. Dans cette circonstance, elle ne met en évidence aucune différence de résultats entre les personnes âgées traitées par un MT généraliste ou spécialiste.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the “Champion” training of the Therapeutic Recreation Specialist – Certified (TRSC) at Baycrest Health Sciences (BHS). BHS recently implemented a new model for Therapeutic Recreation Services that employs the model of champion for implementation of both best and next practices within the organization. This mixed methods study used both case study and program evaluation in order to understand whether the training that comprised of five different topics allowed the six participants to develop the skills needed to be champions. The results supported that learning did occur during the training and that the experience was positive for the participants. The overall finding from this study is that while the training was useful, the participants did not feel confident about utilizing these skills without further training; hence, this training can only be considered an introduction to the concepts presented.
L’arthrite est l’une des causes principales de douleur et d’incapacité auprès de la population canadienne. Les gens atteints d’arthrite rhumatoïde (AR) devraient être évalués par un rhumatologue moins de trois mois suivant l’apparition des premiers symptômes et ce afin de débuter un traitement médical approprié qui leur sera bénéfique. La physiothérapie et l’ergothérapie s’avèrent bénéfiques pour les patients atteints d’ostéoarthrite (OA) et d’AR, et aident à réduire l’incapacité. Notre étude a pour but d’évaluer les délais d’attente afin d’obtenir un rendez-vous pour une consultation en rhumatologie et en réadaptation dans le système de santé public québécois, et d’explorer les facteurs associés. Notre étude est de type observationnel et transversal et s’intéresse à la province de Québec. Un comité d’experts a élaboré trois scénarios pour les consultations en rhumatologie : AR présumée, AR possible, et OA présumée ; ainsi que deux scénarios pour les consultations en réadaptation : AR diagnostiquée, OA diagnostiquée. Les délais d’attente ont été mesurés entre le moment de la requête initiale et la date de rendez-vous fixée. L’analyse statistique consiste en une analyse descriptive de même qu’une analyse déductive, à l’aide de régression logistique et de comparaison bivariée. Parmi les 71 bureaux de rhumatologie contactés, et pour tous les scénarios combinés, 34% ont donné un rendez-vous en moins de trois mois, 32% avaient une attente de plus de trois mois et 34% ont refusé de fixer un rendez-vous. La probabilité d’obtenir une évaluation en rhumatologie en moins de trois mois est 13 fois plus grande pour les cas d’AR présumée par rapport aux cas d’OA présumée (OR=13; 95% Cl [1.70;99.38]). Cependant, 59% des cas d’AR présumés n’ont pas obtenu rendez-vous en moins de trois mois. Cent centres offrant des services publics en réadaptation ont été contactés. Pour tous les scénarios combinés, 13% des centres ont donné un rendez-vous en moins de 6 mois, 13% entre 6 et 12 mois, 24% avaient une attente de plus de 12 mois et 22% ont refusé de fixer un rendez-vous. Les autres 28% restant requéraient les détails d’une évaluation relative à l’état fonctionnel du patient avant de donner un rendez-vous. Par rapport aux services de réadaptation, il n’y avait aucune différence entre les délais d’attente pour les cas d’AR ou d’OA. L’AR est priorisée par rapport à l’OA lorsque vient le temps d’obtenir un rendez-vous chez un rhumatologue. Cependant, la majorité des gens atteints d’AR ne reçoivent pas les services de rhumatologie ou de réadaptation, soit physiothérapie ou ergothérapie, dans les délais prescrits. De meilleures méthodes de triage et davantage de ressources sont nécessaires.
Specialist tool for monitoring the measurement degradation process of induction active energy meters
This paper presents a methodology and a specialist tool for failure probability analysis of induction type watt-hour meters, considering the main variables related to their measurement degradation processes. The database of the metering park of a distribution company, named Elektro Electricity and Services Co., was used for determining the most relevant variables and to feed the data in the software. The modeling developed to calculate the watt-hour meters probability of failure was implemented in a tool through a user friendly platform, written in Delphi language. Among the main features of this tool are: analysis of probability of failure by risk range; geographical localization of the meters in the metering park, and automatic sampling of induction type watt-hour meters, based on a risk classification expert system, in order to obtain information to aid the management of these meters. The main goals of the specialist tool are following and managing the measurement degradation, maintenance and replacement processes for induction watt-hour meters. © 2011 IEEE.
The development of emergency medical services and especially neurosurgical emergencies during recent decades has necessitated the development of novel tools. Although the gadgets that the neurosurgeon uses today in emergencies give him important help in diagnosis and treatment, we still need new technology, which has rapidly developed. This review presents the latest diagnostic tools, which offer precious help in everyday emergency neurosurgery practice. New ultrasound devices make the diagnosis of haematomas easier. In stroke, the introduction of noninvasive new gadgets aims to provide better treatment to the patient. Finally, the entire development of computed tomography and progress in radiology have resulted in innovative CT scans and angiographic devices that advance the diagnosis, treatment, and outcome of the patent. The pressure on physicians to be quick and effective and to avoid any misjudgement of the patient has been transferred to the technology, with the emphasis on developing new systems that will provide our patients with a better outcome and quality of life.
Aim: To analyze changes in access to health care and its determinants in the immigrant and native-born populations in Spain, before and during the economic crisis. Methods: Comparative analysis of two iterations of the Spanish National Health Survey (2006 and 2012). Outcome variables were: unmet need and use of different healthcare levels; explanatory variables: need, predisposing and enabling factors. Multivariate models were performed (1) to compare outcome variables in each group between years, (2) to compare outcome variables between both groups within each year, and (3) to determine the factors associated with health service use for each group and year. Results: unmet healthcare needs decreased in 2012 compared to 2006; the use of health services remained constant, with some changes worth highlighting, such as the decline in general practitioner visits among autochthons and a narrowed gap in specialist visits between the two populations. The factors associated with health service use in 2006 remained constant in 2012. Conclusion: Access to healthcare did not worsen, possibly due to the fact that, until 2012, the national health system may have cushioned the deterioration of social determinants as a consequence of the financial crisis. Further studies are necessary to evaluate the effects of health policy responses to the crisis after 2012.
This paper examines issues encountered when developing new tourism services generally, and specific aspects relating to the development of remote area dinosaur fossil fields for tourism. It studies two sites, one in the USA and one in Australia. Access to both sites is by minor roads, and both sites are characterised by long drives separating the sites from small communities that offer limited infrastructure and few other attractions for visitors. In both areas, however, tourism is seen as one of the few possible ways to sustain existing communities in the face of declining primary-industry-based employment. In general, tourists visiting these areas are on touring holidays of two weeks’ duration or more where the attraction is the general attributes of the region as well as to a lesser extent their interest in dinosaur fossils. These provide a potential resource for remote-region economic development through commodification as a new tourism attraction. Development of dinosaur fossil finds as a tourism resource is conceptualised here as new service development. Developing new tourism services, especially in remote regions, is challenging and has not been well examined in the tourism literature. The new service development process used in this case study first examines the characteristics of the existing tourists travelling through the region. The characteristics of a number of potential market segments currently interested in dinosaur fossils were then examined and contrasted with the existing market. This is conceptualised on a specialist-generalist spectrum of interest in fossils. A study of the tourist service features associated with dinosaur fossil tourism in remote regions of the USA was conducted, leading to the identification of a number of possible incremental development opportunities. The paper then takes a strategic approach to examining potential new tourism service development related to dinosaur fossils in remote regions of Queensland, Australia. In particular, it describes use of information about existing services in similar regions as the basis for ideas about development as well as comparison between existing and potential markets.
Objective. To determine whether patients hospitalized with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in an Australian setting receive better pharmacological care if managed by cardiologists than by non-cardiologists. Design. Retrospective chart review of patients hospitalized between 1 January 1997 and 30 June 1998, undertaken by abstractors blind to study objectives. Setting. One tertiary and two community hospitals in south-east Queensland, Australia, in which all patients admitted with AMI were cared for by cardiologists and general physicians, respectively. Study participants. Two cohorts of consecutive patients satisfying diagnostic criteria for AMI: 184 in the tertiary hospital and 207 in the community hospitals. Main outcome measures. Frequency of use, in highly eligible patients, of thrombolysis, P-blockers, aspirin, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, lipid-lowering agents, nitrates, and calcium antagonists. Cohorts were compared for differences in prognostic factors or illness severity. Results. In community hospital patients, there was greater use of thrombolysis [100% versus 83% in the tertiary hospital; difference 17%, 95% confidence interval (CI) 11-26%; P < 0.001] and of ACE inhibitors (84% versus 66%; difference 18%, 95% CI 3-34%; P = 0.02), and lower median length of stay (6.0 days versus 7.0 days; P = 0.001) compared with tertiary hospital patients. Frequency of use of other drugs, and adjusted rates of death and re-infarction were the same for both cohorts. Conclusions. With respect to pharmacological management of patients hospitalized with AMI, cardiologists and general physicians appear to provide care of similar quality and achieve equivalent outcomes. Further studies are required to confirm the generalizability of these results to Australian practice as a whole.
The aim of this study was to obtain a profile of occupational therapists’ work activities in contemporary Australian mental health services so as to better understand the specific contribution of this profession. The study also aimed to determine whether or not actual work activity was congruent with the preferred roles of occupational therapists. A cross-sectional survey of 196 occupational therapists working in mental health was conducted. For the purposes of the study, a new instrument was developed that evaluated both actual and preferred work roles in four broad categories: administrative, general clinical skills, specialist clinical skills and community development. Respondents were engaged in a greater proportion of generic than discipline-specific work activities. They reported a preference for higher levels of activity in each of the work categories. These findings suggest that, contrary to some previous reports, not only are occupational therapists in Australia engaged in a broad spectrum of non-specialist mental health work activities, but these activities are mostly congruent with their expectations and wishes.
We investigated whether the parents of burns patients could capture suitable clinical images with a digital camera and add the necessary text information to enable the paediatric burns team to provide follow-up care via email. Four families were involved in the study, each of whom sent regular email consultations for six months. The results were very encouraging. The burns team felt confident that the clinical information in 30 of the 32 email messages (94%) they received was accurate, although in I I of these 30 cases (37%) they stated that there was room for improvement (the quality was nonetheless adequate for clinical decision making). The study also showed that low-resolution images (average size 37 kByte) were satisfactory for diagnosis. Families were able to participate in the service without intensive training and support. The user survey showed that all four families found it easy and convenient to take the digital photographs and to participate in the study. The results suggest that the technique has potential as a low-cost telemedicine service in burns follow-up, and that it requires only modest investment in equipment, training and support.
Videoconferencing at 384 kbit/s for the transmission of echocardiograms has proved useful for the assessment of children with suspected cardiac disease, in regional areas of Queensland. A retrospective review of patient and management outcomes was conducted on cardiac teleconsultations performed at two regional hospitals during the period November 2000 to February 2004, inclusive. There were 106 echo studies. A subset of 72 cardiac teleconsultations performed between May 2001 and February 2004 was reviewed in detail. The median age of patients at the time of consultation was 3 months (range 1 day-17 years). Sixteen per cent of teleconsultations were classified as urgent and were conducted on the same day as referral. Following the videoconference, 90% of patients could be managed locally and reviewed by the paediatrician or visiting paediatric cardiologist during an outreach clinic. Six children (8%) had significant cardiac lesions that were initially managed locally, with subsequent elective transfer at the appropriate time for treatment. Only one child (1%) required urgent transfer to the tertiary centre for specialist care and surgery. Telecardiology was effective in accurately identifying congenital heart disease. Paediatric telecardiology is an evolving modality of assessment and communication, and is likely to result in continued improvements in patient care, patient outcomes and parental satisfaction, in provincial centres removed from the tertiary cardiac centre.
This paper discusses how the AustLit: Australian Literature Gateway's interpretation, enhancement, and implementation of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions' Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR Final Report 1998) model is meeting the needs of Australian literature scholars for accurate bibliographic representation of the histories of literary texts. It also explores how the AustLit Gateway's underpinning research principles, which are based on the tradition of scholarly enumerative and descriptive bibliography, with enhancements from analytical bibliography and literary biography, have impacted upon our implementation of the FRBR model. The major enhancement or alteration to the model is the use of enhanced manifestations, which allow the full representation of all agents' contributions to be shown in a highly granular format by enabling creation events to be incorporated at all levels of the Work, Expression, and Manifestation nexus.