939 resultados para Spatial plant distribution
The potential impact of global climate change on the spatial-temporal distribution of phoma leaf spot of coffee in Brazil was evaluated. Maps were prepared with the favorability of the climate to the occurrence of the disease in the current period and future. The future scenarios used were centered for the decades of 2010-2030, 2040-2060, and 2070-2090 (scenarios A2 and B2). These scenarios were obtained from six global climate models (GCM's) provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Assuming the future scenarios outlined by the IPCC, a reduction will occur in the occurrence of climatic favorability of phoma leaf spot in Brazil in both future scenarios (A2 and B2). As with the temporal distribution, the period of greatest risk of phoma leaf spot will tend to diminish in future decades. These planned changes will be larger in the A2 scenario compared to the predicted scenario B2. Despite the decrease in the favorability of phoma leaf spot in the country, some regions still present a potential risk of this disease. Furthermore, the increased frequency of extreme weather was not taken in to account. These will certainly influence the magnitude of potential impacts of climate change on the phoma leaf spot in Brazil.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Oggetto della ricerca è il tema dello spazio delle centrali idroelettriche costruite nella prima metà del Novecento dagli architetti Giovanni Muzio e Piero Portaluppi. L’individuazione del tema sorge dalla volontà di indagare quali siano stati gli sviluppi dal punto di vista architettonico all’interno di un genere così specifico durante un periodo di tempo in cui gli stili architettonici e le tendenze hanno subito stravolgimenti ed evoluzioni che ancora oggi trovano una difficile connotazione e definizione precisa. L’analisi dell’architettura delle centrali idroelettriche, effettuata ripercorrendo le principali vicende del settore idroelettrico dalla fine del secolo scorso al secondo dopoguerra, oltre a considerare il rapporto con il contesto territoriale e culturale del nostro Paese vuole prendere in considerazione anche il particolare rapporto che in più casi si è venuto a creare tra committenti e progettisti. Compito della tesi è rileggere un settore poco indagato finora e capire se vi sia stata effettivamente una evoluzione architettonica dal punto di vista tipologico o se la centrale sia stata sempre affrontata come semplice esercizio di “vestizione” di un involucro precostituito da precise esigenze tecniche. La ricerca infatti si pone come obiettivo lo studio delle centrali non solo dal punto di vista tipologico e spaziale dei suoi principali elementi, ma si pone come obiettivo anche lo studio della loro distribuzione nel sito in cui sono sorte, distribuzione che spesso ha portato alla formazione di una sorta di vera e propria “città elettrica”, in cui la composizione dei vari elementi segue una logica compositiva ben precisa. Dal punto di vista del contributo originale la ricerca vuole proporre una serie di riflessioni ed elaborati inerenti alcune centrali non ancora indagate. Nel caso specifico di Portaluppi l’apporto originale consiste nell’aver portato alla luce notizie inerenti centrali che sono sempre state poste in secondo piano rispetto le ben più note e studiate centrali della Val d’Ossola. Nel caso invece di Muzio il contributo consiste in una analisi approfondita e in una comparazione di documenti che di solito sono sempre stati pubblicati come semplice apparato iconografico, ma che messi a confronto danno una lettura di quelle che sono state le fasi e le elaborazioni progettuali apportate dall’autore. Il tema della ricerca è stato affrontato poi attraverso una lettura delle fonti dirette relative agli scritti degli autori, con una contemporanea lettura di testi, articoli e interventi tratti dalle riviste appartenenti al periodo in esame per comprendere al meglio il panorama culturale e architettonico che hanno fatto da scenario alle esperienze di entrambe le figure oggetto di studio. Infine la ricerca si è concentrata sull’analisi di alcune opere in particolare - due centrali idroelettriche per ciascun autore oggetto della tesi - scelte perché considerate rappresentative sia per impianto spaziale e tipologico, sia per le scelte compositive e stilistiche adottate. La lettura dei manufatti architettonici scelti è stata condotta con l’analisi di copie di elaborati grafici originali, foto d’epoca e altri documenti reperiti grazie ad una ricerca condotta in vari archivi. Le centrali scelte nell’ambito delle esperienze maturate da Muzio e Portaluppi sono state individuate per rappresentare il quadro relativo allo sviluppo e alla ricerca di un nuovo linguaggio formale da adottare nell’ambito dell’architettura di questi manufatti. Per entrambi i protagonisti oggetto della ricerca sono state individuate due centrali in grado di dare una visione il più possibile completa dell’evoluzione della tematica delle centrali idroelettriche all’interno della loro esperienza, prendendo in considerazione soprattutto gli aspetti legati all’evoluzione del loro linguaggio compositivo e stilistico. L’individuazione delle centrali da analizzare è stata dettata prendendo in considerazione alcuni fattori come il tipo di impianto, le relazioni e confronto con il contesto geografico e naturale e le soluzioni adottate.
To determine the contribution of polar auxin transport (PAT) to auxin accumulation and to adventitious root (AR) formation in the stem base of Petunia hybrida shoot tip cuttings, the level of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) was monitored in non-treated cuttings and cuttings treated with the auxin transport blocker naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) and was complemented with precise anatomical studies. The temporal course of carbohydrates, amino acids and activities of controlling enzymes was also investigated. Analysis of initial spatial IAA distribution in the cuttings revealed that approximately 40 and 10% of the total IAA pool was present in the leaves and the stem base as rooting zone, respectively. A negative correlation existed between leaf size and IAA concentration. After excision of cuttings, IAA showed an early increase in the stem base with two peaks at 2 and 24h post excision and, thereafter, a decline to low levels. This was mirrored by the expression pattern of the auxin-responsive GH3 gene. NPA treatment completely suppressed the 24-h peak of IAA and severely inhibited root formation. It also reduced activities of cell wall and vacuolar invertases in the early phase of AR formation and inhibited the rise of activities of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and phosphofructokinase during later stages. We propose a model in which spontaneous AR formation in Petunia cuttings is dependent on PAT and on the resulting 24-h peak of IAA in the rooting zone, where it induces early cellular events and also stimulates sink establishment. Subsequent root development stimulates glycolysis and the pentosephosphate pathway
A methodology, fluorescence-intensity distribution analysis, has been developed for confocal microscopy studies in which the fluorescence intensity of a sample with a heterogeneous brightness profile is monitored. An adjustable formula, modeling the spatial brightness distribution, and the technique of generating functions for calculation of theoretical photon count number distributions serve as the two cornerstones of the methodology. The method permits the simultaneous determination of concentrations and specific brightness values of a number of individual fluorescent species in solution. Accordingly, we present an extremely sensitive tool to monitor the interaction of fluorescently labeled molecules or other microparticles with their respective biological counterparts that should find a wide application in life sciences, medicine, and drug discovery. Its potential is demonstrated by studying the hybridization of 5′-(6-carboxytetramethylrhodamine)-labeled and nonlabeled complementary oligonucleotides and the subsequent cleavage of the DNA hybrids by restriction enzymes.
Human activities are altering greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere and causing global climate change. The issue of impacts of human-induced climate change has become increasingly important in recent years. The objective of this work was to develop a database of climate information of the future scenarios using a Geographic Information System (GIS) tools. Future scenarios focused on the decades of the 2020?s, 2050?s, and 2080?s (scenarios A2 and B2) were obtained from the General Circulation Models (GCM) available on Data Distribution Centre from the Third Assessment Report (TAR) of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The TAR is compounded by six GCM with different spatial resolutions (ECHAM4:2.8125×2.8125º, HadCM3: 3.75×2.5º, CGCM2: 3.75×3.75º, CSIROMk2b: 5.625×3.214º, and CCSR/NIES: 5.625×5.625º). The mean monthly of the climate variables was obtained by the average from the available models using the GIS spatial analysis tools (arithmetic operation). Maps of mean monthly variables of mean temperature, minimum temperature, maximum temperature, rainfall, relative humidity, and solar radiation were elaborated adopting the spatial resolution of 0.5° X 0.5° latitude and longitude. The method of elaborating maps using GIS tools allowed to evaluate the spatial and distribution of future climate assessments. Nowadays, this database is being used in studies of impacts of climate change on plant disease of Embrapa projects.
Question: How can the coexistence of savanna and forest in Amazonian areas with relatively uniform climates be explained? Location: Eastern Marajo Island, northeast Amazonia, Brazil. Methods: The study integrated floristic analysis, terrain morphology, sedimentology and delta(13)C of soil organic matter. Floristic analysis involved rapid ecological assessment of 33 sites, determination of occurrence, specific richness, hierarchical distribution and matrix of floristic similarity between paired vegetation types. Terrain characterization was based on analysis of Landsat images using 4(R), 5(G) and 7(B) composition and digital elevation model (DEM). Sedimentology involved field descriptions of surface and core sediments. Finally, radiocarbon dating and analysis of delta(13)C of soil profile organic matter and natural ecotone forest-savanna was undertaken. Results: Slight tectonic subsidence in eastern Marajo Island favours seasonal flooding, making it unsuitable for forest growth. However, this area displays slightly convex-up, sinuous morphologies related to paleochannels, covered by forest. Terra-firme lowland forests are expanding from west to east, preferentially occupying paleochannels and replacing savanna. Slack, running water during channel abandonment leads to disappearance of varzea/gallery forest at channel margins. Long-abandoned channels sustain continuous terra-firme forests, because of longer times for more species to establish. Recently abandoned channels have had less time to become sites for widespread tree development, and are either not vegetated or covered by savanna. Conclusion: Landforms in eastern Marajo Island reflect changes in the physical environment due to reactivation of tectonic faults during the latest Quaternary. This promoted a dynamic history of channel abandonment, which controlled a set of interrelated parameters (soil type, topography, hydrology) that determined species location. Inclusion of a geological perspective for paleoenvironmental reconstruction can increase understanding of plant distribution in Amazonia.
2. We documented the within-host distribution of two vector species that differ in transmission efficiency, the leafhoppers Draeculacephala minerva and Graphocephala atropunctata, and which are free to move throughout entirely caged alfalfa plants. The more efficient vector D. minerva fed preferentially at the base of the plant near the soil surface, whereas the less efficient G. atropunctata preferred overwhelming the top of the plant. 3. Next we documented X. fastidiosa heterogeneity in mechanically inoculated plants. Infection rates were up to 50% higher and mean bacterial population densities were 100-fold higher near the plant base than at the top or in the taproot. 4. Finally, we estimated transmission efficiency of the two leafhoppers when they were confined at either the base or top of inoculated alfalfa plants. Both vectors were inefficient when confined at the top of infected plants and were 20-60% more efficient when confined at the plant base. 5. These results show that vector transmission efficiency is determined by the interaction between leafhopper within-plant feeding behaviour and pathogen within-plant distribution. Fine-scale vector and pathogen overlap is likely to be a requirement generally for efficient transmission of vector-borne pathogens.
In order to develop a method for use in investigations of spatial biomass distribution in solid-state fermentation systems, confocal scanning laser microscopy was used to determine the concentrations of aerial and penetrative biomass against height and depth above and below the substrate surface, during growth of Rhizopus oligosporus on potato dextrose agar. Penetrative hyphae had penetrated to a depth of 0.445 cm by 64 h and showed rhizoid morphology, in which the maximum biomass concentration, of 4.45 mg dry wt cm(-3), occurred at a depth of 0.075 cm. For aerial biomass the maximum density of 39.54 mg dry wt(-3) occurred at the substrate surface. For both aerial and penetrative biomass, there were two distinct regions in which the biomass concentration decayed exponentially with distance from the surface. For aerial biomass, the first exponential decay region was up to 0.1 cm height. The second region above the height of 0.1 cm corresponded to that in which sporangiophores dominated. This work lays the foundation for deeper studies into what controls the growth of fungal hyphae above and below the surfaces of solid substrates. (C) Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
წარმოდგენილია მიწისპირა ოზონის და ფოტოქიმიური სმოგის სივრცულ-დროითი განაწილების შესახებ საკითხის თანამედროვე მდგომარეობის მიმოხილვა. ნაჩვენებია მიწისპირა ოზონის კონცენტრაციის ტრენდი ქ. თბილისში
The zooplankton community presents stochastic temporal fluctuation and heterogeneous spatial variation determined by the relationships among the organisms and environmental conditions. We predicted that the temporal and spatial zooplankton distribution is heterogeneous and discrete, respectively, and that the daily variation of most abundant species is related to environmental conditions, specifically the availability of resources. Zooplankton samples were collected daily at three sampling stations in a lateral arm of the Rosana Reservoir (SP/PR). The zooplankton did not present significant differences in abundance and evenness among sampling stations, but the temporal variation of these attributes was significant. Abiotic variables and algal resource availability have significantly explained the daily variation of the most abundant species (p<0.001), however, the species distribution makes inferences on biotic relationships between them. Thus, not only the food resource availability is influential on the abundance of principal zooplankton species, but rather a set of factors (abiotic variables and biotic relationships).
Uncertainty quantification of petroleum reservoir models is one of the present challenges, which is usually approached with a wide range of geostatistical tools linked with statistical optimisation or/and inference algorithms. Recent advances in machine learning offer a novel approach to model spatial distribution of petrophysical properties in complex reservoirs alternative to geostatistics. The approach is based of semisupervised learning, which handles both ?labelled? observed data and ?unlabelled? data, which have no measured value but describe prior knowledge and other relevant data in forms of manifolds in the input space where the modelled property is continuous. Proposed semi-supervised Support Vector Regression (SVR) model has demonstrated its capability to represent realistic geological features and describe stochastic variability and non-uniqueness of spatial properties. On the other hand, it is able to capture and preserve key spatial dependencies such as connectivity of high permeability geo-bodies, which is often difficult in contemporary petroleum reservoir studies. Semi-supervised SVR as a data driven algorithm is designed to integrate various kind of conditioning information and learn dependences from it. The semi-supervised SVR model is able to balance signal/noise levels and control the prior belief in available data. In this work, stochastic semi-supervised SVR geomodel is integrated into Bayesian framework to quantify uncertainty of reservoir production with multiple models fitted to past dynamic observations (production history). Multiple history matched models are obtained using stochastic sampling and/or MCMC-based inference algorithms, which evaluate posterior probability distribution. Uncertainty of the model is described by posterior probability of the model parameters that represent key geological properties: spatial correlation size, continuity strength, smoothness/variability of spatial property distribution. The developed approach is illustrated with a fluvial reservoir case. The resulting probabilistic production forecasts are described by uncertainty envelopes. The paper compares the performance of the models with different combinations of unknown parameters and discusses sensitivity issues.
Durant el periode d’elaboració d’aquesta tesi hem aprofundit en el coneixement dels factors que controlen les dinàmiques espacio-temporals del límit superior del bosc. Aquest ecotò se situa entre el límit superior del bosc i els prats alpins i és susceptible a canvis ambientals, fet que provoca que fluctuï altitudinalment i latitudinalment en funció d’aquests canvis. Els motius d’aquesta dinàmica s’ha estudiat sovint des d’un punt de vista climàtic, però mai fins ara s’havia estudiat des d’un punt de vista de les interaccions entre organismes. Per aquest fet hem estat evaluant l’efecte de les interaccions planta-planta en la regulació de la dinàmica supraforestal. L’estudi l’hem emmarcat en un context alpí (als Pirineus Catalans) i en un context subàrtic (Lapònia, Suècia), fet que ens ha permès fer un estudi comparatiu en dos ecotons contrastats però homòlegs ecològicament. Hem desenvolupat una sèrie d’experiments considerant diversos factors (augment de temperatura, quantitat de nutrients, presència d’arbust, posició en l’ecotò); en les dues zones d’estudi hem fet una plantació de plançons dels arbres formadors del límit del bosc en les diverses situacions derivades de la combinació d’aquests factors, i hem fet el seguiment fenològic dels plançons durant tres periodes de creixement. Els resultats dels experiments ens han permès veure que les interaccions entre organismes tenen una gran importància en la regulació de la dinàmica supraforestal, tant als Pirineus com a Lapònia. Les interaccions planta-planta i planta-herbívors determinen el reclutament de plançons i per tant l’estructuració de les comunitats supraforestals. Per altra banda, la posició en l’ecotò evidencia la presència d’un gradient bioclimàtic; les manipulacions ambientals de temperatura i nutrients originen una resposta generalment positiva en el desenvolupament dels plançons, indicant que canvis en aquestes variables pot suposar alteracions notables de l’estructura forestal del límit del bosc. Per altra banda en aquest projecte també hem aprofundit en temes relacionats amb l'efecte dels gradients altitudinals en la distribució de plantes vasculars als Pirineus Catalans.
Durant el periode d’elaboració d’aquesta tesi hem aprofundit en el coneixement dels factors que controlen les dinàmiques espacio-temporals del límit superior del bosc. Aquest ecotò se situa entre el límit superior del bosc i els prats alpins i és susceptible a canvis ambientals, fet que provoca que fluctuï altitudinalment i latitudinalment en funció d’aquests canvis. Els motius d’aquesta dinàmica s’ha estudiat sovint des d’un punt de vista climàtic, però mai fins ara s’havia estudiat des d’un punt de vista de les interaccions entre organismes. Per aquest fet hem estat evaluant l’efecte de les interaccions planta-planta en la regulació de la dinàmica supraforestal. L’estudi l’hem emmarcat en un context alpí (als Pirineus Catalans) i en un context subàrtic (Lapònia, Suècia), fet que ens ha permès fer un estudi comparatiu en dos ecotons contrastats però homòlegs ecològicament. Hem desenvolupat una sèrie d’experiments considerant diversos factors (augment de temperatura, quantitat de nutrients, presència d’arbust, posició en l’ecotò); en les dues zones d’estudi hem fet una plantació de plançons dels arbres formadors del límit del bosc en les diverses situacions derivades de la combinació d’aquests factors, i hem fet el seguiment fenològic dels plançons durant tres periodes de creixement. Els resultats dels experiments ens han permès veure que les interaccions entre organismes tenen una gran importància en la regulació de la dinàmica supraforestal, tant als Pirineus com a Lapònia. Les interaccions planta-planta i planta-herbívors determinen el reclutament de plançons i per tant l’estructuració de les comunitats supraforestals. Per altra banda, la posició en l’ecotò evidencia la presència d’un gradient bioclimàtic; les manipulacions ambientals de temperatura i nutrients originen una resposta generalment positiva en el desenvolupament dels plançons, indicant que canvis en aquestes variables pot suposar alteracions notables de l’estructura forestal del límit del bosc. Per altra banda en aquest projecte també hem aprofundit en temes relacionats amb l'efecte dels gradients altitudinals en la distribució de plantes vasculars als Pirineus Catalans.