536 resultados para Spartina maritima


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Methyl chloride transferase, a novel enzyme found in several fungi, marine algae, and halophytic plants, is a biological catalyst responsible for the production of atmospheric methyl chloride. A previous paper reports the purification of this methylase from Batis maritima and the isolation of a cDNA clone of the gene for this enzyme. In this paper, we describe the isolation of a genomic clone of the methylase gene and the expression of recombinant methyl chloride transferase in Escherichia coli and compare the kinetic behavior of the wild-type and recombinant enzyme. The recombinant enzyme is active and promotes the production of methyl chloride by E. coli under in vivo conditions. The kinetic data indicate that the recombinant and wild-type enzymes have similar halide (Cl−, Br−, and I−)-binding capacities. Both the recombinant and wild-type enzymes were found to function well in high NaCl concentrations. This high salt tolerance resembles the activity of halobacterial enzymes rather than halophytic plant enzymes. These findings support the hypothesis that this enzyme functions in the control and regulation of the internal concentration of chloride ions in halophytic plant cells.


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Like all hyperthermophiles yet tested, the bacterium Thermotoga maritima contains a reverse gyrase. Here we show that it contains also a DNA gyrase. The genes top2A and top2B encoding the two subunits of a DNA gyrase-like enzyme have been cloned and sequenced. The Top2A (type II DNA topoisomerase A protein) is more similar to GyrA (DNA gyrase A protein) than to ParC [topoisomerase IV (Topo IV) C protein]. The difference is especially striking at the C-terminal domain, which differentiates DNA gyrases from Topo IV. DNA gyrase activity was detected in T. maritima and purified to homogeneity using a novobiocin-Sepharose column. This hyperhermophilic DNA gyrase has an optimal activity around 82–86°C. In contrast to plasmids from hyperthermophilic archaea, which are from relaxed to positively supercoiled, we found that the plasmid pRQ7 from Thermotoga sp. RQ7 is negatively supercoiled. pRQ7 became positively supercoiled after addition of novobiocin to cell cultures, indicating that its negative supercoiling is due to the DNA gyrase of the host strain. The findings concerning DNA gyrase and negative supercoiling in Thermotogales put into question the role of reverse gyrase in hyperthermophiles.


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Methyl chloride transferase catalyzes the synthesis of methyl chloride from S-adenosine-l-methionine and chloride ion. This enzyme has been purified 2,700-fold to homogeneity from Batis maritima, a halophytic plant that grows abundantly in salt marshes. The purification of the enzyme was accomplished by a combination of ammonium sulfate fractionation, column chromatography on Sephadex G100 and adenosine-agarose, and TSK-250 size-exclusion HPLC. The purified enzyme exhibits a single band on SDS/PAGE with a molecular mass of approximately 22.5 kDa. The molecular mass of the purified enzyme was 22,474 Da as determined by matrix-associated laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry. The methylase can function in either a monomeric or oligomeric form. A 32-aa sequence of an internal fragment of the methylase was determined (GLVPGCGGGYDVVAMANPER FMVGLDIXENAL, where X represents unknown residue) by Edman degradation, and a full-length cDNA of the enzyme was obtained by rapid amplification of cDNA ends–PCR amplification of cDNA oligonucleotides. The cDNA gene contains an ORF of 690 bp encoding an enzyme of 230 aa residues having a predicted molecular mass of 25,761 Da. The disparity between the observed and calculated molecular mass suggests that the methylase undergoes posttranslational cleavage, possibly during purification. Sequence homologies suggest that the B. maritima methylase defines a new family of plant methyl transferases. A possible function for this novel methylase in halophytic plants is discussed.


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The protein subunit of RNase P from a thermophilic bacterium, Thermotoga maritima, was overexpressed in and purified from Escherichia coli. The cloned protein was reconstituted with the RNA subunit transcribed in vitro. The temperature optimum of the holoenzyme is near 50°C, with no enzymatic activity at 65°C or above. This finding is in sharp contrast to the optimal growth temperature of T.maritima, which is near 80°C. However, in heterologous reconstitution experiments in vitro with RNase P subunits from other species, we found that the protein subunit from T.maritima was responsible for the comparative thermal stability of such complexes.


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The osmoprotectant 3-dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) occurs in Gramineae and Compositae, but its synthesis has been studied only in the latter. The DMSP synthesis pathway was therefore investigated in the salt marsh grass Spartina alterniflora Loisel. Leaf tissue metabolized supplied [35S]methionine (Met) to S-methyl-l-Met (SMM), 3-dimethylsulfoniopropylamine (DMSP-amine), and DMSP. The 35S-labeling kinetics of SMM and DMSP-amine indicated that they were intermediates and, consistent with this, the dimethylsulfonium moiety of SMM was shown by stable isotope labeling to be incorporated as a unit into DMSP. The identity of DMSP-amine, a novel natural product, was confirmed by both chemical and mass-spectral methods. S. alterniflora readily converted supplied [35S]SMM to DMSP-amine and DMSP, and also readily converted supplied [35S]DMSP-amine to DMSP; grasses that lack DMSP did neither. A small amount of label was detected in 3-dimethylsulfoniopropionaldehyde (DMSP-ald) when [35S]SMM or [35S]DMSP-amine was given. These results are consistent with the operation of the pathway Met → SMM → DMSP-amine → DMSP-ald → DMSP, which differs from that found in Compositae by the presence of a free DMSP-amine intermediate. This dissimilarity suggests that DMSP synthesis evolved independently in Gramineae and Compositae.


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Experimental plantings to stabilize eroding shorelines in Bogue Sound in 1974 were successful. Better stands were produced on sites subject to severe wave stress by reducing transplant spacing to 1.5 to 2 feet apart. Rhizomes without well-developed culms attached were worthless as propagules within the intertidal zone. Seeding was unsuccessful due to exposure to excessive wave energy.


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Tesis Academia Rheno-Trajectinus, 1830.