996 resultados para Sowing.


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The Central Highlands region has a unique climate that presents both challenges and novel farming systems opportunities for cotton production. We have been re-examining the Emerald climate in a bid to identify opportunities that might enable the production of more consistent cotton yields and quality in what can be a highly variable climate. A detailed climatic analysis identified that spring and early summer is the most optimal period for boll growth and maturation. However, to unlock this potential requires unseasonal winter sowing that is 4 to 6 weeks earlier than the traditional mid-September sowing. Our experiments have sought answers to two questions: i) how much earlier can cotton be sown for reliable crop establishment and high yield; ii) can degradable plastic film mulches minimise the impact of potentially cold temperatures on crop establishment and early vigour. Initial data suggests August sowing offers the potential to grow a high yield at a time of year with reduced risk of cloud and high night temperatures during boll growth. For the past two seasons late winter sowing (with and without film) has resulted in a compact plant with high retention that physiologically matures by the beginning of January. Even with the spectre of replanting cotton in some seasons due to frost in August, early sowing would appear to offer the opportunity for more efficient crop input usage, simplified agronomic management and new crop rotation options during late summer and autumn. This talk will present an overview of results to date.


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The water availability for flood irrigated rice (Oryza sativa L.) is decreasing worldwide. Therefore, developing technologies to allow growing rice in aerobic condition, such as a no-tillage system (NTS) can contribute to produce upland rice grains without yield losses and also in saving more water. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of soil management, seed treatment and compaction on the sowing furrow on grain yield of upland rice genotypes. We made two trials, one in an NTS and another using conventional tillage, CT (one plowing and two diskings). The field experiments were performed in the Central Region of Brazil in Cerrado soils. For each trial, the experimental design was a randomized block design in a factorial scheme, with three replications. The treatments consisted of a combination of 10 genotypes with 2 compaction pressures on the sowing furrow (25 kPa and 126kPa) and 2 types of seed treatment (with and without pesticide). Under CT, the seed treatment did not contribute to increase upland rice grain yields. However, under NTS the grain yield of some genotypes [BRS Esmeralda (from 723 to 1,766 kg ha-1), BRS Pepita (from 930 to 1,874 kg ha-1), AB072044 (from 523 to 1,579 kg ha-1), and AB072085 (from 632 to 1,636 kg ha-1) at 25 kPA soil compaction pressure, and Sertaneja (from 994 to 2,167 kg ha-1), BRS Pepita (from 1,161 to 2,100 kg ha-1), and AB072085 (from 958 to 2,213 kg ha-1), at 126 kPA soil compaction pressure] increased with the use of this practice. At CT the higher soil compaction pressure on the sowing furrow (from 25 kPa to 126 kPa) increased rice grain yield only when it was used seed treatment and the genotypes Serra Dourada (from 1,239 to 2,178 kg ha-1), Sertaneja (from 1,510 to 2,379 kg ha-1), and Cambará (from 1,877 to 2,831 kg ha-1). On the other hand, under NTS, increasing soil compaction pressure on the sowing furrow allowed for an increased rice grain yield of Serra Dourada (from 1,553 to 2,347 kg ha-1), Esmeralda (from 723 to 1,643 kg ha-1), AB072044 (from 523 to 2,040 kg ha-1), and Cambará (from 1,243 to 2,032 kg ha-1) without seed treatment and Sertaneja (from 1,385 to 2,167 kg ha-1) and AB072044 (from 1,579 to 2,356 kg ha-1) with seed treatment. In CT the most productive genotypes were AB062008 (2,714 kg ha-1) and BRSMG Caravera (2,479 kg ha-1), while at NTS were the genotypes: BRSGO Serra Dourada (2,118 kg ha-1), AB072047 (1,888 kg ha-1), AB062008 (1,823 kg ha-1), BRSMG Caravera (1,737 kg ha-1), Cambará (1,716 kg ha-1), AB072044 (1,625 kg ha-1), BRS Esmeralda (1,604 kg ha-1), and BRS Pepita (1,516 kg ha-1).


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Grasslands are heavily relied upon for food and forage production. A key component for sustaining production in grassland ecosystems is the maintenance of soil organic matter (SOM), which can be strongly influenced by management. Many management techniques intended to increase forage production may potentially increase SOM, thus sequestering atmospheric carbon (C). Further, conversion from either cultivation or native vegetation into grassland could also sequester atmospheric carbon. We reviewed studies examining the influence of improved grassland management practices and conversion into grasslands on soil C worldwide to assess the potential for C sequestration. Results from 115 studies containing over 300 data points were analyzed. Management improvements included fertilization (39%), improved grazing management (24%), conversion from cultivation (15%) and native vegetation (15%), sowing of legumes (4%) and grasses (2%), earthworm introduction (1%), and irrigation (1%). Soil C content and concentration increased with improved management in 74% of the studies, and mean soil C increased with all types of improvement. Carbon sequestration rates were highest during the first 40 yr after treatments began and tended to be greatest in the top 10 cm of soil. Impacts were greater in woodland and grassland biomes than in forest, desert, rain forest, or shrubland biomes. Conversion from cultivation, the introduction of earthworms, and irrigation resulted in the largest increases. Rates of C sequestration by type of improvement ranged from 0.11 3.04 Mg C.ha(-1) yr(-1), with a mean of 0.54 Mg C.ha(-1).yr(-1) and were highly influenced by biome type and climate. We conclude that grasslands can act as a significant carbon sink with the implementation of improved management.


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A field survey of faba bean (Vicia [aba L.) for viruses in six Arab countries showed the presence of nine viruses. Bean leaf roll virus (BLRV), bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV), broad bean mottle virus (BBMV) and to a lesser extent broad bean stain virus (BBSV) were the most common. When testing with ELISA 789 samples with symptoms suggestive of virus infection collected from Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Sudan, Syria and Tunisia, BBMV was detected in 203 samples, BBSV in 151, broad bean true mosaic virus (BBTMV) in 7, broad bean wilt virus (BBWV) in 47, BYMV in 314, cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) in 96, pea enation mosaic virus (PEMV) in 31, and pea seed-borne mosaic virus (PSbMV) in 49 samples. Identity of selected field isolates was confirmed by electron microscopy and host reaction studies. In a yield experiment, infection with BYMV, BBMV and BBSV 11 weeks after sowing (pre-flowering) led to 81, 54 and 84% yield loss, respectively. Inoculation with the same viruses 15 weeks after sowing (flowering) and 20 weeks after sowing (pod setting) led to 56, 84 and 18%, and 39, 37 and 18% yield loss, respectively.


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Sustainable harvesting of grasslands can buffer large scale wildfires and the harvested biomass can be used for various products. Spinifex (Triodia spp.) grasslands cover ≈30% of the Australian continent and form the dominant vegetation in the driest regions. Harvesting near settlements is being considered as a means to reduce the occurrence and intensity of wildfires and to source biomaterials for sustainable desert living. However, it is unknown if harvesting spinifex grasslands can be done sustainably without loss of biodiversity and ecosystem function. We examined the trajectory of plant regeneration of burned and harvested spinifex grassland, floristic diversity, nutrient concentrations in soil and plants, and seed germination in controlled ex situ conditions. After two to three years of burning or harvesting in dry or wet seasons, species richness, diversity, and concentrations of most nutrients in soil and leaves of regenerating spinifex plants were overall similar in burned and harvested plots. Germination tests showed that 20% of species require fire-related cues to trigger germination, indicating that fire is essential for the regeneration of some species. Further experimentation should evaluate these findings and explore if harvesting and intervention, such as sowing of fire-cued seeds, allow sustainable, localised harvesting of spinifex grasslands.


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Introducing nitrogen (N)-fixing legumes into cereal-based crop rotations reduces synthetic fertiliser-N use and may mitigate soil emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O). Current IPCC calculations assume 100% of legume biomass N as the anthropogenic N input and use 1% of this as an emission factor (EF)—the percentage of input N emitted as N2O. However, legumes also utilise soil inorganic N, so legume-fixed N is typically less than 100% of legume biomass N. In two field experiments, we measured soil N2O emissions from a black Vertosol in sub-tropical Australia for 12 months after sowing of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), canola (Brassica napus L.), faba bean (Vicia faba L.), and field pea (Pisum sativum L.). Cumulative N2O emissions from N-fertilised canola (624 g N2O-N ha−1) greatly exceeded those from chickpea (127 g N2O-N ha−1) in Experiment 1. Similarly, N2O emitted from canola (385 g N2O-N ha−1) in Experiment 2 was significantly greater than chickpea (166 g N2O-N ha−1), faba bean (166 g N2O-N ha−1) or field pea (135 g N2O-N ha−1). Highest losses from canola were recorded during the growing season, whereas 75% of the annual N2O losses from the legumes occurred post-harvest. Legume N2-fixation provided 37–43% (chickpea), 54% (field pea) and 64% (faba bean) of total plant biomass N. Using only fixed-N inputs, we calculated EFs for chickpea (0.13–0.31%), field pea (0.18%) and faba bean (0.04%) that were significantly less than N-fertilised canola (0.48–0.78%) (P < 0.05), suggesting legume-fixed N is a less emissive form of N input to the soil than fertiliser N. Inputs of legume-fixed N should be more accurately quantified to properly gauge the potential for legumes to mitigate soil N2O emissions. EF’s from legume crops need to be revised and should include a factor for the proportion of the legume’s N derived from the atmosphere.


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The mechanisms and control of hardseededness in the 3 Australian cultivars of the genus Desmanthus were investigated in a series of experiments in which the effects of various seedsoftening treatments, particularly boiling water, were measured. Desmanthus seed is predominantly hard, only defective seeds being normally otherwise. As it has only very brief, early embryo dormancy, hardseededness is the only serious barrier to germination. Seed is most readily softened through rupture of the palisade at the lens (strophiole). The lens is of a typically mimosaceous type which is readily ruptured by immersion in boiling water or less readily by application of pressure to adjacent parts of the testa. Ruptures may consist only of separation of the palisade from underlying tissue, which alone does not confer permeability; mostly they also result in fractures to the palisade that then render seeds irreversibly permeable. The palisade becomes reflective as it separates, which allows the event to be witnessed at the moment of separation if suitable pressure is applied to the testa of an individual seed while it is viewed under magnification. Brief (4–10 seconds) immersion of highquality seed in boiling water consistently softened a high proportion of seeds without causing serious damage. Extending the duration of immersion led to a progressive increase in the proportion of seed deaths. Neither previous boiling water treatment nor scarification damage to the testa materially affected results of treatment, but immature and small seeds behaved differently, being more vulnerable to damage than mature seed, and less likely to undergo lens rupture. Adaptation of boiling water treatment to farm-scale seed handling was simple and reliable. Commercial treatment of seed by an alternative method suitable for greater bulks and consisting of passage through a rice-whitener was checked and found to be successful through a combination of gentle scarification and lens rupture, both attributable to the numerous minor impacts of the process. Percentage emergence of seedlings from soil in the greenhouse closely followed percentage laboratory germination, except when inferior seed grades were included in the comparison, when emergence was poor. Very little seed softened in soil. Already-permeable seed either germinated rapidly or died, while buried hard seed mostly remained hard and viable even more than a year after sowing.


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Continuous cultivation and cereal cropping of southern Queensland soils previously supporting native vegetation have resulted in reduced soil nitrogen supply, and consequently decreased cereal grain yields and low grain protein. To enhance yields and protein concentrations of wheat, management practices involving N fertiliser application, with no-tillage and stubble retention, grain legumes, and legume leys were evaluated from 1987 to 1998 on a fertility-depleted Vertosol at Warra, southern Queensland. The objective of this study was to examine the effect of lucerne in a 2-year lucerne–wheat rotation for its nitrogen and disease-break benefits to subsequent grain yield and protein content of wheat as compared with continuous wheat cropping. Dry matter production and nitrogen yields of lucerne were closely correlated with the total rainfall for October–September as well as March–September rainfall. Each 100 mm of total rainfall resulted in 0.97 t/ha of dry matter and 26 kg/ha of nitrogen yield. For the March–September rainfall, the corresponding values were 1.26 t/ha of dry matter and 36 kg/ha of nitrogen yield. The latter values were 10% lower than those produced by annual medics during a similar period. Compared with wheat–wheat cropping, significant increases in total soil nitrogen were observed only in 1990, 1992 and 1994 but increases in soil mineralisable nitrogen were observed in most years following lucerne. Similarly, pre-plant nitrate nitrogen in the soil profile following lucerne was higher by 74 kg/ha (9–167 kg N/ha) than that of wheat–wheat without N fertiliser in all years except 1996. Consequently, higher wheat grain protein (7 out of 9 seasons) and grain yield (4 out of 9 seasons) were produced compared with continuous wheat. There was significant depression in grain yield in 2 (1993 and 1995) out of 9 seasons attributed to soil moisture depletion and/or low growing season rainfall. Consequently, the overall responses in yield were lower than those of 50 kg/ha of fertiliser nitrogen applied to wheat–wheat crops, 2-year medic–wheat or chickpea–wheat rotation, although grain protein concentrations were higher following lucerne. The incidence and severity of the soilborne disease, common root rot of wheat caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana, was generally higher in lucerne–wheat than in continuous wheat with no nitrogen fertiliser applications, since its severity was significantly correlated with plant available water at sowing. No significant incidence of crown rot or root lesion nematode was observed. Thus, productivity, which was mainly due to nitrogen accretion in this experiment, can be maintained where short duration lucerne leys are grown in rotations with wheat.


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Models that implement the bio-physical components of agro-ecosystems are ideally suited for exploring sustainability issues in cropping systems. Sustainability may be represented as a number of objectives to be maximised or minimised. However, the full decision space of these objectives is usually very large and simplifications are necessary to safeguard computational feasibility. Different optimisation approaches have been proposed in the literature, usually based on mathematical programming techniques. Here, we present a search approach based on a multiobjective evaluation technique within an evolutionary algorithm (EA), linked to the APSIM cropping systems model. A simple case study addressing crop choice and sowing rules in North-East Australian cropping systems is used to illustrate the methodology. Sustainability of these systems is evaluated in terms of economic performance and resource use. Due to the limited size of this sample problem, the quality of the EA optimisation can be assessed by comparison to the full problem domain. Results demonstrate that the EA procedure, parameterised with generic parameters from the literature, converges to a useable solution set within a reasonable amount of time. Frontier ‘‘peels’’ or Pareto-optimal solutions as described by the multiobjective evaluation procedure provide useful information for discussion on trade-offs between conflicting objectives.


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The chemical control of groundnut white grubs, Holotrichia serrata F. and H. reynaudi Blanchard (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), was studied in south--central India. Microplot trials demonstrated that chlorpyrifos and imidacloprid seed--dressings were effective against H. serrata at rates as low as 0.6 and 3.5 g a.i. kg-1, respectively, while microplot and on--farm trials showed that 1.2 and 3.5 g a.i. kg-1of chlorpyrifos and imidacloprid, respectively, were required for H. reynaudi. Chlorpyrifos residue analyses indicated that at 20 days after sowing (d.a.s.) rates up to 5.0 g a.i. kg-1 produced residues in soil and groundnut seedlings markedly below the relevant MRL, and no detectable residues at harvest under the southern Indian rainy--season environment. A farmer survey found that in Andhra Pradesh (AP), insecticides (chlorpyrifos and phorate) were applied for white grub control in 37.5% of farms sampled, while no insecticides were applied for this purpose in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. The white grub density on farms in AP where insecticide had been applied averaged 0.07 larvae m-2, compared to 1.04 larvae m-2 in the remaining AP farms. In AP, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, 70%, 42% and 39% of currently untreated groundnut fields, respectively, exceed the provisional economic threshold. A survey in the Anantapur district of AP found that farmer’s target and achieved rates for seed treatment averaged 0.44 and 0.52 g a.i. kg-1, both below optimal rates determined in microplot experiments. These data provide the foundation for an effective and sustainable program of management for groundnut white grubs in south--central India by providing key efficacy data and baseline data on farmer insecticide- use patterns.