976 resultados para South Carolina--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775


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Annually, the association publishes a journal, The Proceedings, which consists of papers presented at the annual meeting. Writing and Research in Southern History by Fletcher Melvin Green – University of North Carolina The South Carolina Constitution of 1865 as a Democratic Document by John Harold Wolfe – Appalachian State Teachers College William Porcher Miles, Progressive Mayor of Charleston, 1855-1857 by Clarence McKittrick Smith Jr. – Newberry College Salient Attributes of Bodin’s Theory of Sovereignty by Charles N. Sission – Coker College Sources for South Carolina History in the Nation’s Capital by Maxcy Robson Dickson – The National Archives


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Annually, the association publishes a journal, The Proceedings, which consists of papers presented at the annual meeting. Mitteleuropa as a Marxist Utopia by William L. Spalding, Jr. William Edward Dodd: Historian of the Old South by Jack K. Williams Sandino: Patriot or Bandit by Joseph O. Baylen The Study of South Carolina History by J. H. Easterby


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"Authorities consulted and quoted": p. v-viii.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Trawling was conducted in the Charleston, South Carolina, shipping channel between May and August during 2004–07 to evaluate loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) catch rates and demographic distributions. Two hundred and twenty individual loggerheads were captured in 432 trawling events during eight sampling periods lasting 2–10 days each. Catch was analyzed by using a generalized linear model. Data were fitted to a negative binomial distribution with the log of standardized sampling effort (i.e., an hour of sampling with a net head rope length standardized to 30.5 m) for each event treated as an offset term. Among 21 variables, factors, and interactions, five terms were significant in the final model, which accounted for 45% of model deviance. Highly significant differences in catch were noted among sampling periods and sampling locations within the channel, with greatest catch furthest seaward consistent with historical observations. Loggerhead sea turtle catch rates in 2004–07 were greater than in 1991–92 when mandatory use of turtle excluder devices was beginning to be phased in. Concurrent with increased catch rates, loggerheads captured in 2004–07 were larger than in 1991–92. Eighty-five percent of loggerheads captured were ≤75.0 cm straight-line carapace length (nuchal notch to tip of carapace) and there was a 3.9:1 female-to-male bias, consistent with limited data for this location two decades earlier. Only juvenile loggerheads ≤75.0 cm possessed haplotypes other than CC-A01 or CC-A02 that dominate in the region. Six rare and one un-described haplotype were predominantly found in June 2004.


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From 1992 to 1996, 153 bottlenose dolphin stranded in South Carolina, accounting for 73% of all marine mammal strandings during this period. The objectives of our study were to evaluate data from these strandings to deter-mine 1) annual trends in strandings, 2) seasonal and spatial distribution trends, 3) life history parameters such as sex ratio and age classes, 3) seasonal trends in reproduction, and 4) the extent to which humans have played a role in causing these strandings (human inter-actions). The results showed that 49% of the bottlenose dolphin strandings occurred between April and July; the greatest number of strandings occurred in July (n=22). There was a significant seasonal increase in the distribution of bottlenose dolphin strandings in the northern portion of the state from November to March. Bottlenose dolphin neonates stranded in every month of the year, except March and October, and represented 19.6% of the total number of strandings with known length (n=138). Fifty-five percent (n=15) of bottlenose dolphin neonatal strandings occurred between May and July. Bottlenose dolphins determined to have died as the result of human interaction accounted for 23.1% of the total number of bottlenose dolphin strandings (excluding those for which a determination could not be made).Incidents of bottlenose dolphin entanglements in nets accounted for 16 of these cases.


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The Covenanters of South Carolina Collections consists of a "Sketch of the Covenanters of Rocky Creek, South carolina About 1750 to 1840" by Miss Mary Elder, 1886 as dictated to her by her father Mr. Matthew Elder, Yorkville, SC. Also included is an undated genealogical sketch of William Stinson (Stevenson) (1752-1809) who was a covenanter from Rocky Creek, SC and a "History of Fishing Creek Presbyterian Church by Mrs. Frank Hicklin" that was written ca. 1958. The Fishing Creek Presbyterian Church was organized ca. 1752.


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The South Carolina Teacher Association History collection consists of a publication written by David Duncan Wallace titled History of the South Carolina Teachers' Association in 1924. The publication covers the history of the South Carolina Teacher Association from its founding in 1850 to 1924.


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The South Carolina Extension Homemakers Council History and Handbook collection consists of History of South Carolina Extension Homemakers Council: Fifty Years 1921-1971 by Mrs. W. E. Cochran, 1971 and a 1971-1972 Handbook of South Carolina Extension Homemakers Council.


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Folded map in pocket.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.