981 resultados para Sound recording industry


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Cette recherche exploratoire et empirique porte sur le vécu de la professionnalisation de l’humoriste québécois francophone. Les ressources théoriques et scientifiques sur le sujet étant peu nombreuses, la théorie ancrée (The Grounded Theory) de Glaser et Strauss (1967) nous permettra d’utiliser nos données de terrain afin que nous puissions les confronter et établir un canevas théorique sur le métier de l’humoriste. Nous nous sommes aussi penchés sur l’étude du rire de Bergson. Selon lui, le rire peut avoir une fonction sociale et c’est aussi un langage universel qui permet à tout un chacun de se reconnaître et de faire partie d’un tout. Du point de vue méthodologique, nous avons interrogé huit humoristes québécois, sept hommes et une femme, jeunes et moins jeunes, ayant fait, ou pas, l’École nationale de l’humour, mais avec comme particularité commune de gagner leur vie en faisant de l’humour. À la suite de ces entrevues, nous avons décidé d’interroger la Directrice de l’École nationale de l’humour, Louise Richer, car chaque humoriste avait un lien particulier avec cette institution. Les entrevues, de type semi-dirigé, ont été réalisées sous une forme chronologique, reliées à une grille de questions sous le thème de la professionnalisation. Les données ont été recueillies et retranscrites (verbatim) grâce à un enregistrement sonore. Faire de l’humour est une profession non conventionnelle où chaque humoriste est laissé à lui-même, mais où rapidement il se crée une espèce de microcosme autour de lui afin de pouvoir évoluer et agir indépendamment des autres. L’adolescence, l’École nationale de l’humour ainsi que le contexte culturel Québécois seront des éléments incontournables à leur professionnalisation.


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La version intégrale de ce mémoire [ou de cette thèse] est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université de Montréal (www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU)


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Esta investigación se dirige a determinar cuál es la utilidad de los conceptos y estrategias comunitarias en el marketing online para la prevención de la copia ilegal en el mercado musical. Con este proyecto se desea que por medio de una nueva disquera enfocada en el comercio online, y usando los conceptos del mercadeo comunitario y el mercadeo relacional, se pueda desarrollar nuevas estrategias de mercadeo en donde se logre incentivar y promover la compra de música original por medio de la creación de una relación más estrecha entre la compañía y el cliente, en la cual pueda afectar de forma positiva a la comunidad a la que este pertenece. El objetivo general es determinar cuál es la utilidad de los conceptos y estrategias comunitarias en el marketing online para la prevención de la copia ilegal en el mercado musical. Los objetivos específicos son: 1. Mostrar la utilidad de los conceptos y estrategias del marketing comunitario en la prevención de la copia ilegal del mercado musical y 2. Implementar las estrategias logradas en la investigación en un plan de creación de empresa. Se utilizará el método de investigación y análisis de caso, utilizando el plan de empresa en la creación de una empresa del mercado musical, tomando la relación estratégica comunitaria y el marketing dentro del plan de mercadeo como estrategia para la prevención de la copia ilegal. Mediante este proyecto se desea que por medio del marketing relacional y de los conceptos del mercadeo hacia comunidades, enfocado en une- marketing sepuedanestablecerestrategiasparalaprevencióndelacopiailegalydelacomprade estos productos Además, se busca implementar dichos resultados en la empresa que se pretende crear en el sector de la industria musical, puesto que la seguridad que tendrán los productos a la venta, serán la ventaja competitiva de la empresa.


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Un instrumento musical implica la presencia de un registro sonoro que afecta tanto a la organización de los sonidos, silencios y ruidos, como a la disposición corporal que con él se va forjando. Desde esta consideración, la organización de la música llevada a cabo con las tecnologías eléctricas y electrónicas supone una profunda modificación de ambos aspectos. La llegada de la electricidad implica una triple dislocación: respecto a la transmisión de lo sonoro, a su posibilidad de reproducción y a la escucha. Estas dislocaciones son puestas en relación con invenciones que, desde el órgano de Ctesibios hasta el clavecín ocular de Castel, nos dibujan un marco en el que música, técnica, sensibilidad y sistema económico-social, tejen sus nexos. A lo largo de este recorrido se trazan lo que se ha denominado contrapuntos de la invención, que pueden tomar en las figuras de J.S. Bach y de J. Cage sus ejemplos más prominentes


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This study will show the capability of the reactive/nonreactive sputtering (dc/rf) technique at low power for the growth of nanometric thin films from magnetic materials (FeN) and widegap semiconductors (AlN), as well as the technological application of the Peltier effect using commercial modules of bismuth telluride (Bi2Te3). Of great technological interest to the high-density magnetic recording industry, the FeN system represents one of the most important magnetic achievements; however, diversity of the phases formed makes it difficult to control its magnetic properties during production of devices. We investigated the variation in these properties using ferromagnetic resonance, MOKE and atomic force microscopy (AFM), as a function of nitrogen concentration in the reactive gas mixture. Aluminum nitride, a component of widegap semiconductors and of considerable interest to the electronic and optoelectronic industry, was grown on nanometric thin film for the first time, with good structural quality by non-reactive rf sputtering of a pure AlN target at low power (≈ 50W). Another finding in this study is that a long deposition time for this material may lead to film contamination by materials adsorbed into deposition chamber walls. Energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis shows that the presence of magnetic contaminants from previous depositions results in grown AlN semiconductor films exhibiting magnetoresistance with high resistivity. The Peltier effect applied to commercially available compact refrigeration cells, which are efficient for cooling small volumes, was used to manufacture a technologically innovative refrigerated mini wine cooler, for which a patent was duly registered


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O objetivo desta pesquisa é compreender como os professores das Ilhas de Belém constituem-se professores ao longo de uma trajetória de formação profissional nas condições sócio-culturais desta região com destaque para seus saberes matemáticos. Trata-se de professores lotados nas escolas de cinco Ilhas administradas pela Prefeitura Municipal de Belém e pelo Governo do Estado do Pará. Por se tratar de diversificadas formas de saberes buscamos referências nos autores: Tardif, Lorenzato, Fiorentini e Lorenzato, Imbernón, Smole e Diniz, Charlot, Zabala e Perrenoud .para esclarecer e fundamentar teoricamente esta pesquisa. A metodologia é fundamentada na observação participante do pesquisador, também chamada de Etnográfica e na análise do tipo qualitativa das informações obtidas. A pesquisa é baseada na investigação que buscou compreender como constituíram-se os professores nas Ilhas de Belém, com dados registrados: na identificação histórico-cultural das ilhas, das respectivas escolas, por entrevistas aos respectivos professores, por dados obtidos em sala de aula através do Curso de Matemática para os Professores de Séries Iniciais das Ilhas, fotos, vídeos e gravação sonora. A pesquisa mostra que os professores de séries iniciais lidam com conceitos matemáticos em sala de aula, por isso ensinam matemática. Evidencia os desafios e a necessidade de um aprofundamento do domínio desses conceitos, bem como a perseverança diante das dificuldades encontradas frente à busca de formação continuada e também no desenvolvimento da prática docente. A análise mostra que estes professores elaboram/reelaboram seus saberes através do desenvolvimento da prática docente, e também identifica a busca de conhecimentos por estes professores.


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This research is focussed on the study of Orcinus orca's communication system. The analysis of vocalizations emitted by marine mammals has started in the '80s and most studies have been carried out in the wild. In this regard the most studied animal has been common dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) as the numerous presence of captive individuals worldwide made researches easier to be carried out. Studies about Orcinus orca's vocalizations have mainly been carried out in the wild (most in British Columbia) because its maintenance in a controlled environment results to be very difficult, only 17 among parks and oceanaria worldwide have some Orcinus orca (45 overall among which 64% born in captivity). These researches showed that Orcinus orca emit three main different types of sounds, classified as: whistles, clicks and calls. Besides, it was discovered that different groups (pods) produce sounds belonging only to the relevant pod (dialects). It is rare to find two pods sharing some calls. The two pods usually live in adjacent areas and can form a clan. This study was carried out in a controlled environment in the Orca ocean structure (Loro Parque, Tenerife, Spain) where, at the moment (March 2012) 6 individuals are hosted. Here it was developed an automatic sound recording system. Thanks to the use of suitable mathematical algorithms that allow to isolate only "interesting" sound events that differ from the "background noise", it was possible to create a database. The visualization of the sound events collected in the database is carried out with the use of a software. By looking at this output and at the observation register we could match the animal to the sound produced. Three situations were detected and studied: 1) Chosen alone: the animal chooses to go to the recording pool but it is free to move to another pool with other individuals. 2) Put alone: the animal is put alone in the recording pool. 3) With other orcas: more animals are together in the recording pool. The statistic analysis show that animals emit more vocalizations when they are in the situation "Chosen alone". The research will continue in order to observe eventual differences in the individual repertoire of each Orcinus orca.


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Este trabajo pretende realizar un resumen del estado del arte del diseño de estudios de grabación sonora desde el punto de vista de las soluciones acústicas a aplicar para la obtención de un entorno acústico profesional. Para ello, se ha realizado un amplio trabajo bibliográfico estudiando los principales libros de diseño de estudios de grabación sonora existentes en inglés y procurando rescatar de ellos los aspectos más importantes. Además, tras el estudio teórico de todos los aspectos que entran en juego en este complejo mundo, se ha propuesto una solución para un recinto existente en el cual se llevará a cabo la construcción de dicho diseño. SUMMARY This paper seeks to make a summary of the state-of-the-art in the design of sound recording studios from the point of view of applying acoustic solution for obtaining a professional acoustic environment. To do this, we have done extensive work studying literature major design books about Sound Recording Studios in English and then tried to use the most important aspects from then. Furthermore, following the study of the theoretical aspects that come into play in this complex field, it was proposed a solution to an existing enclosure in which will be held the construction of such design.


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The Autumn of the World -- Formal Incantation -- My Company -- Sonnet ["One day you will intuitively come"] -- Sonnet ["This plain is a full arena"] -- Daphne -- A Short Poem for Armistice Day -- Moon's Farm [excerpt] -- Felix Transitus.


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Unlike other works of art (painting, sculpture, etc.) a musical composition should be performed, it should sound to become accessible. Therefore, the role of the musical masterly performance is extremely important. But presently it has increased in importance when music through mass communication media i.e. radio, television, sound recording becomes in the full sense of the word the property of millions. Art in all its genres as a means of information helps to recreate a picture of one or other epoch as a whole. Moreover, art has a profound impact on education: it can be positive or negative, creative or destructive. Let us dwell on such aspect of music as means of information and the value of musical mastery activity for brining information to hearers of the alternating generations. Unlike other works of art (painting, sculpture etc.) a musical composition should be performed, it should sound to become intelligible. Therefore, the role of the musical masterly performance is extremely important. But presently it becomes particularly great in the XXI century when music becomes a true property of the masses due to mass media – radio, television, sound recording.


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The report presents the film 10th century. The South of the Royal Palace in Great Preslav. It consists of two parts – 10th century. The Royal Palace in Great Prelsav. The Square with the Pinnacle and The Ruler’s Lodgings. 3D and virtual reconstructions of an architectural ensemble – part of the Preslav Royal Court unearthed during archaeological researches are used in the film. 3D documentaries have already gained popularity around the world and are well received by both scholars and the public at large. One of the distinguished tourist destinations in Bulgaria is Great Preslav – capital of the mediaeval Bulgarian state and a significant cultural center of the European Southeast in 9th–10th centuries, too. The first part of the film is created with the financial support of America for Bulgaria Foundation and the second – with the funding of Bulgarian National Science Fund at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science. A team of almost 20 members worked on the film, including computer specialists, professional actors, and translators in the four main European languages – English, German, French and Russian, Trima Sound Recording Studio. In the first part of the 3D film are shown a segment of the Royal Palace, the square with the water pinnacle and the adjacent buildings – an important structural element of the town-planning of the Preslav Court center in the 10th century. In the second part the accent is the southern part of the Royal Palace in Great Preslav, where the personal residence of the Preslav ruler’s dynasty is situated. The work on the virtual reconstruction was done by Virtual Archaeology club at the Mathematical School, Shumen. Due to the efforts of its members it is now clear how the square in front of the southern gate looked like.


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The enthusiasm towards writing music for the viola that flourished in the early 1900’s thanks to the efforts of a number of twentieth-century violists and composers rapidly spilled over to North and South America. Viola works by American and Canadian composers have already become cornerstones of the viola repertoire worldwide. On the other hand, compositions from other parts of the American continent remain lesser known outside of their country of origin. This is due in part to the less developed publishing and recording industry in these countries which makes it difficult for performers and programmers from other countries to buy or rent performing materials. As a violist born and trained in Venezuela, performing works by important Latin American composers to new audiences is deeply important to me. This dissertation was completed by performing selected works by Canadian, American, Cuban, Mexican, Brazilian, and Venezuelan composers. Composers from these countries have mixed their rich musical traditions with modern compositional techniques, creating original works that have greatly enriched the viola repertoire. This eclectic mixture of styles makes the music from Latin American composers not only very different from that of American and Canadian composers, but also very different from those of their neighboring countries. Through my three dissertation recitals, I intend to share this music with new audiences and inspire other violists to become familiar with this repertoire. The first recital includes compositions by American composers George Rochberg (1918-2015), Elliott Carter (1908-2012), and Alan Shulman (1915-2002) and Canadian composer Elizabeth Raum (b. 1945). The second recital includes works by Cuban composers Cesar Orozco (b. 1980), and Keyla Orozco (b. 1969), Venezuelan composers Aldemaro Romero (1928-2007) and Modesta Bor (1926-1998), and Venezuelan-Uruguayan composer Efrain Oscher (b. 1974). The third recital includes works by Mexican composers Carlos Chavez (1899-1978), José Pablo Moncayo (1912-1958) and Manuel M Ponce (1882-1948), and Brazilian composers Francisco Mignone (1897-1986) and Brenno Blauth (1931-1993). This music represents a bouquet of a distinctive mixture of styles from different parts of the American continent. Recordings of all three recitals can be accessed at the University of Maryland Hornabake Library.


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