962 resultados para Sorção


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Com o objetivo de determinar a dinâmica do proteinograma sangüíneo e da atividade enzimática da gamaglutamiltransferase sérica de vacas antes e após o parto, foram utilizadas 26 vacas do período pré-parto até 180 dias após o parto, todas da raça Holandesa. Os resultados permitiram concluir que as vacas, no momento do parto, apresentam menores concentrações séricas de proteína total, das frações albumina e betaglobulina, bem como de imunoglobulinas G e M, do que nos períodos ante e pós-parto, apresentando, a partir dos nove dias pós-parto, elevação gradativa desses constituintes até os 180 dias após o parto. Não houve diferença na atividade da enzima gamaglutamiltransferase nos momentos estudados.


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This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of the amount of colostrum (two and four liters) and methods of colostrum feeding (direct suckling from the cow, feeding colostrum using nipple bottle, and no feeding colostrum) on different blood traits. Thirty two Holstein calves (four groups of eight animals each) were randomly allotted to four treatments: treatment 1 - calves were hand fed four liters of colostrum; treatment 2 - calves were hand fed two liters of colostrum; treatment 3 - calves were fed colostrum directly from the cow, and treatment 4 - calves were not fed colostrum. Higher values of total serum protein, betaglobulins and gamaglobulins were observed in the calves after 24 hours of colostrum feeding. No differences among animals fed colostrum directly from the cow and hand fed two or four liters of colostrum were observed for total protein and eletrophoretic fractions. However lower values of total and eletrophoretic fractions were observed for calves that were not fed colostrum.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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As isotermas de sorção da carne de tambaqui desidratada osmoticamente foram determinadas a três temperaturas (5, 17 e 29ºC) e com duas concentrações de solução osmótica (10 e 30% de NaCl), pelo método gravimétrico. Quatro modelos de sorção foram testados para verificar o melhor ajuste; GAB, Oswin, BET e PELEG. Os dados experimentais se ajustaram satisfatoriamente aos modelos. O modelo escolhido para este trabalho foi o de PELEG. Para o ajuste nas curvas de sorção, foi feita a análise de regressão não-linear, usada o programa estatístico ORIGIN 4.0 para estimar as constantes dos modelos. A avaliação do melhor ajuste foi feita pela análise do coeficiente de determinação do ajuste (r²) e teste de Qui-quadrado (x²). Foram analisadas as influências da variação da temperatura e concentração de NaCl na atividade de água da carne do tambaqui. À medida que decresce a temperatura há um decréscimo na atividade de água. Um aumento na concentração do NaCl diminui a atividade de água. A propriedade termodinâmica estudada foi o calor isostérico de sorção. A medida que aumenta a concentração da solução osmótica aumenta o valor do calor isostérico de sorção.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produção de matéria seca e a quantidade de nutrientes extraída por Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. Tanzânia adubado com soro ácido de leite. Amostras de um Argissolo foram coletadas nas profundidades de 0-20, 20-40 e 40-60 cm e colocadas em colunas de PVC compostas por três anéis correspondentes a cada camada. As doses de soro foram definidas com base na concentração de K, de modo a adicionar ao solo 0, 75, 150, 225 e 300 kg/ha de K2O em cada uma das três aplicações: antes da semeadura, após o primeiro e após o segundo corte. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, durante 112 dias. Após esse período, as colunas foram desmontadas e o solo foi amostrado para análise. A aplicação de soro aumentou a produção de matéria seca; a produção máxima teórica total dos três cortes foi obtida com a aplicação acumulada de 390 m³/ha. As quantidades de K, P e Ca absorvidas pela planta e o teor de K no solo aumentaram significativamente com as doses de soro.


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A desidratação osmótica é uma etapa essencial na elaboração de produtos de fruta através da Tecnologia dos Métodos Combinados ou de Obstáculos (Hurdle Technology), pois reduz a atividade de água para níveis que, combinando um ou mais obstáculos, aumentam a estabilidade do produto. Neste processo há uma perda de água da fruta para a solução e incorporação de sólidos solúveis pelo produto. Este último fluxo é considerado uma desvantagem do processo pois pode alterar o sabor do produto. Neste trabalho estudou-se a ação de revestimentos comestíveis a base de alginato e gelatina aplicados em abacaxis, previamente à desidratação osmótica, como barreira à incorporação de sólidos solúveis. Os abacaxis com e sem revestimento (controle) foram desidratados em solução de sacarose sob condições isotérmicas. Foram determinadas as isotermas de dessorção de abacaxis revestidos com gelatina, alginato e sem revestimento e os parâmetros cinéticos do processo de desidratação osmótica. Abacaxis revestidos com alginato apresentaram menor velocidade de ganho de sólidos, sem alterar a velocidade de perda de água, quando comparado ao controle.


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Fistulous wither secretions from three horses were tested by the plate agglutination (PAT), tube agglutination (SAT), buffered plate-Rose Bengal (RBPT) and 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME) tests, comparatively with standard agglutination tests. In the modified tests, titers were increased in the PAT, SAT and 2-ME tests and positive reaction was observed in RBPT. Brucella abortus was isolated from the secretion of fistulous withers collected from one animal. These results suggest that the modified tests may be used as alternative tests to diagnose brucellosis in horses with fistulous withers.


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To verify the presence of cross-reaction among leishmaniosis, ehrlichiosis and babesiosis in serological diagnostics used in human visceral leishmaniasis control programs, serum samples from leishmaniasis endemic and non-endemic areas were collected and tested by Indirect Fluorescent Antibody (IFAT) and Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). All serum samples from endemic areas were positive for Leishmania sp., by ELISA and IFAT, 51% positive for Babesia canis and 43% for Ehrlichia canis by IFAT. None of the serum samples from non-endemic areas were positive for Leishmania sp., by IFAT, but 67% were positive for B. canis and 78% for E. canis using the same test. When tested by ELISA for Leishmania sp., four samples from non-endemic area were positive. These dogs were then located and no clinical signs, parasites or antibody was detected in new tests for a six month period. Only one of these 4 samples was positive for B. canis by IFAT and ELISA and three for E. canis by IFAT. The results of the work suggest a co-infection in the endemic area and no serological cross-reaction among these parasites by IFAT and ELISA.


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Introduction: The autologous serum skin test (ASST) may suggest an autoimmune etiology in chronic urticaria (CU). A new laboratory technique called basophil activation test (BAT) has been currently employed for its diagnosis. Objective: To analyze ASST in relation to BAT as well as to evaluate interleukin 3 (IL3) receptors (CD123) and non-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) autoantibodies bound to basophils in patients with chronic urticaria. Methods: We studied 33 adults with CU and mean age of 42.5 + 14 years. After stimulation by serum from patients with CU, CD63 expression on basophils from one atopic donor was analyzed by flow cytometry. Furthermore, we investigated CD123 and IgG autoantibody expressions. Results: The odds ratio (OR) between ASST and BAT was 1.00 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.22 to 4.5). The ASST for autoimmune CU diagnosis showed an accuracy of 54.5%, sensitivity of 66%, specificity of 33%, positive predictive value of 63%, and negative predictive value of 36%. There was no statistical difference between the studied groups as to mean non-specific IgG and CD123 expressions (for a p < 0.05). Discussion: This study demonstrated that ASST has low accuracy in the diagnosis of autoimmune CU. Concerning other analyzed aspects, there was no statistical difference between positive ASST and negative ASST. Conclusions: Due to insufficient studies in this area and the relevance of this issue, further investigation is required.


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An experiment was carried out to evaluate the performance of piglets fed rations containing fermented milk and zinc and copper amino acid complex. Sixty four piglets, littermates, were used. The experimental design was based on random block with two dietary treatments. One of these contained a basal diet (DB) with ZnO e CuSO 4 and the other one with the DB, but without CuSO 4 and with the addition of fermented milk and zinc and copper amino acid complex (SLF Lact +ZnCuAA). There were eight replicate pens per treatment, and pigs were grouped at 4 per pen. The SLF Lact + ZnCuAA didn't not affect (p>0.05) final live weight of the piglets. However, live weight was different (p<0.01) between males and females (24.3 vs. 24.0 kg) at end of experiment. The feed intake of animals feed with SLF Lact+ZnCuAA was higher (p<0.01) in 8% in the first 14 days (0.261 vs. 0.239 kg/d), 15% from 15 to 28 days (0.756 vs. 0.675 kg/ d) and 12% from 29 to 42 days (1.091 vs. 0.962 kg/ d) compared to control group. Daily average feed intake in the experimental period was 11% higher (p<0.01) for the animals fed with the diet contained SLF Lact+ZnCuAA. Weight gain of the treatment with SLFL act+ZnCuAA was higher (p<0.01) by 14% from 0 to 14 days (0.176 vs. 0.152 kg/d), 11% from 15 to 28 days (0.564 vs. 0.500 kg/d) and 12% from 29 to 42 days (0,572 vs. 0,501 kg/d). Average daily weight gain of 42 days of trial of treatment with SLF Lact +ZnCuAA was 12% higher (p<0.01) compared to control group (0.437 vs. 0.384 kg/d). Feed conversion ratio was 8% lower (p<0.01) for treatment with SLF Lact+ZnCuAA in the first 14 days (1.487 vs. 1.614). Supplementation with fermented milk and zinc and copper amino acid complex in diets containing zinc oxide improved growth performance of weanling piglets.