962 resultados para Soldiers of fortune.


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After 9/11, it has become increasingly obvious that strongly held religious convictions about the end of the world cannot be dismissed as the predictable consequences of deprivation, as several generations of social scientists once claimed. Instead, it has become clear that these kinds of ideas, having a life of their own, may establish discourses which may have extraordinary capacity to cross nations, cultures and even religions, encouraging passive withdrawal from the political world as well as inspiring vicious and sometimes violent attempts at its subjugation, underwriting the ‘war on terror’ as well as inspiring some of those intent on the destruction of the United States. This article describes one of Ireland’s most successful intellectual exports – a very specific system of thinking about the end of the world known as ‘dispensational premillennialism.’ And the article will move from county Wicklow in the early nineteenth century, through the troubled decades of American modernity, to arrive, perhaps unexpectedly, in the company of the soldiers of radical jihad. The article will describe the globalisation of a discourse which was developed among the most privileged classes of early nineteenth-century Ireland to explain and justify their attempt to withdraw from the world, and which has more recently been used to explain and justify sometimes violent political interventions by both prominent Western politicians and some of the most marginalised and desperate inhabitants of our broken twenty-first century.


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The anticipated rewards of adaptive approaches will only be fully realised when autonomic algorithms can take configuration and deployment decisions that match and exceed those of human engineers. Such decisions are typically characterised as being based on a foundation of experience and knowledge. In humans, these underpinnings are themselves founded on the ashes of failure, the exuberance of courage and (sometimes) the outrageousness of fortune. In this paper we describe an application framework that will allow the incorporation of similarly risky, error prone and downright dangerous software artefacts into live systems – without undermining the certainty of correctness at application level. We achieve this by introducing the notion of application dreaming.


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Ce mémoire se focalise sur la pièce Antony and Cleopatra de Shakespeare en relation avec la pensée biblique, l’humanisme de la Renaissance et les caractéristiques de la tragédie comme genre littéraire et philosophie grecque. La chute d’Adam et Eve dans la Bible, ainsi que le conflit entre le héros tragique et les dieux, sont deux thèmes qui sont au centre de ce mémoire. Le mythe de la chute d’Adam et Eve sert, en effet, d’un modèle de la chute—et par conséquent, de la tragédie—d’Antoine et Cléopâtre mais aussi de structure pour ce mémoire. Si le premier chapitre parle de paradis, le deuxième évoque le péché originel. Le troisième, quant à lui, aborde une contre-rédemption. Le premier chapitre réfère à l’idée du paradis, ou l’Éden dans la bible, afin d’examiner ce qui est édénique dans Antony and Cleopatra. La fertilité, l’épicuréisme, l’excès dionysien sont tous des éléments qui sont présents dans la conception d’un Éden biblique et Shakespearien. Le deuxième chapitre est une étude sur la tragédie comme genre fondamentalement lié à la pensée religieuse et philosophique des grecs, une pensée qui anime aussi Antony and Cleopatra. Ce chapitre montre, en effet, que les deux protagonistes Shakespeariens, comme les héros tragiques grecs, défient les dieux et le destin, engendrant ainsi leur tragédie (ou ‘chute’, pour continuer avec le mythe d’Adam et Eve). Si le deuxième chapitre cherche à créer des ponts entre la tragédie grecque et la tragédie Shakespearienne, le troisième chapitre montre que le dénouement dans Antony and Cleopatra est bien différent des dénouements dans les tragédies de Sophocle, Euripide, et Eschyle. Examinant la pensée de la Renaissance, surtout la notion d’humanisme, la partie finale du mémoire présente les protagonistes de Shakespeare comme des éternels rebelles, des humanistes déterminés à défier les forces du destin.


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This is a critical review of the empirical literature on the relationship between violence and economic growth in Colombia: an interesting case study for social scientists studying violence, conflict, crime and development. We argue that, despite the rapid development of this literature and the increasing use of new techniques, there is still much room for research. After assessing the contribution of the most influential papers on the subject, we suggest directions for future research.


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In recent times, Virtual Worlds such as Second Life have generated substantial publicity due to the participation of Fortune 500 companies, and other public and private organisations. As practitioners continue to discuss how organisations could derive business value from Virtual Worlds, new security and ethical issues in Virtual Worlds have emerged to challenge Virtual World users and stakeholders. This paper discusses privacy, intellectual property and a host of other security and ethical issues in Virtual Worlds. It contributes to practice and research by (i) providing insight into emerging security and ethical issues in Virtual Worlds, (ii) analysing the implication of these issues, within and beyond Virtual Worlds, and (iii) raising awareness on security and ethics among Virtual World users and stakeholders.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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is a predominant characteristic, conditioned by the presence of castes with different morphology, ontogeny, and development. The soldier caste is unique among social insects and it is responsible for colony defense. Soldiers belonging to the Nasutitermitinae subfamily are very peculiar, since they may be polymorphic and present a nasus in addition to either developed or vestigial mandibles. The defensive secretions of soldiers of the neotropical Nasutitermitinae have been the aim of several chemical studies, but few data exist concerning the anatomy and histology of the exocrine glands. This article presents a comparative study on the anatomy of the frontal gland of soldiers of several Nasutitermitinae species: Syntermes dirus (Burmeister), Syntermes nanus (Constantino), Constrictotermes cyphergaster (Silvestri), Nasutitermes corniger (Motschulsky) and Velocitermes heteropterus (Silvestri), with emphasis on the ultramorphology and ultrastructure of the frontal tube.


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"Fortune Polls on Antisemitism" (1947) (veröffentlicht unter dem Titel "Fortune Survey Analyzed by AJC Consultant to Appraise Results", in: News Letter, American Jewish Committee, Dezember 1947, S. 4):; 1. Max Horkheimer: Über Fortune Polls, a) Typoskript, 3 Blatt, b) Typoskript, 3 Blatt, c) Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 3 Blatt, d) Typoskript, 3 Blatt; 2. Max Horkheimer: Über Fortune Polls und die Gefahren eines neuen Antisemitismus (Vortragsskript?), Typoskript und Manuskript, 4 Blatt; 3. Theodor W. Adorno (?): "Some Results of Adult Project". Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 2 Blatt; 4. "Education Counteracts Prejudice" Auszug aus "Antisemitism among American Labor". Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 5. "Discord versus Harmony", Excerpt from: The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, March 1946, Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 6. Theodor W. Adorno: "Memorandum, Subject: Poll Controversy", 24.4.1948; 7. Leo Löwenthal: "Memorandum on Fortune Poll" und "Supplementary Memorandum on Fortune Poll", 8.10.1947. Typoskripte mit eigenhändigen Ergänzungen, 4 Blatt; 8. "Massing's Comment" (8.10.1947). Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 9. "Excerpts from Fortune Magazine 'The Fortune Survey': Racial and Religious Intolerance". Typoskript, 3 Blatt, a) "Summary of 'Fortune Survey' on Antisemitism in U.S. (Fortune, April, 1939)", Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 10. Leo Löwenthal: 1 Brief mit Unterschrift an Max Horkheimer, New York, 4.10.1947, 1 Blatt; 11. Exzerpt der Umfrage-Materialien der Opinion Research Corporation, Typoskripte, 61 Blatt; 12. Zahlenmaterial zu den Umfragen, 16 Blatt; Office of War Information, Bureau of Intelligence: Berichte über Antisemitismus: 13. "Attitudes toward Jews in the United States", 27.10.1942, a) als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 22 Blatt, b) Typoskript, 35 Blatt; 14. "Political Anti-Semitism: A Study of Indoctrination" (27.10.1942), a) als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 18 Blatt, b) Typoskript, 26 Blatt; 15. "Anti-Semitism - a Symptom of Disaffection" (8.10.1942), a) als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 8 Blatt, b) Typoskript, 12 Blatt; 16. Samuel H. Flowerman und Marie Jahoda: "Polls on Anti-Semitism. How much do they tell us?", Sonderdruck, 4 Blatt; 17. Fragebogen, Drucksachen, 4 Blatt; 18. Zeitungausschnitte aus: The Fortune Survey, 9 Blatt;


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"Pendleton and Highland in the world war": p.76-100.


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Starting from a descriptive analysis of the main attacks by Daesh in Tunisia, this article examines the nature and evolution of the terrorist organization in this North African country. Thus, it examines the characteristics and vicissitudes of the attack on the Bardo Museum in March 2015, the attack on the Susa beach in June 2015, the bombing of the Presidential Guard in November 2015 and, finally, the military offensive against the town of Ben Gardane in March 2016. In addition, it presents some previous facts that are relevant in this research, such as the important presence of Tunisian foreign fighters in Syria or Libya, and, in particular, the threat of Daesh in Libya to the Tunisian State


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La Guerra de la Independencia, según la denominación tradicional de la historiografía española o The Peninsular Wars, como se suele denominar ese acontecimiento por los historiadores de habla inglesa, se perfila como uno de esos momentos en que las relaciones hispano-británicas adquieren una intensidad especial. De esa colaboración, de ese acto de comunicación intensa entre combatientes de un mismo enemigo, surgen unas manifestaciones literarias y muchos más relatos y diarios escritos por oficiales e incluso simples soldados del ejército de su majestad que contienen todo un tesoro de anécdotas, descripciones, y, principalmente, valoraciones dignas de analizar y hasta de disfrutar. Se trata, en este caso, de una recopilación de vivencias muy personales, en la mayoría de las ocasiones muy dolorosas, como cabría esperar de una guerra, y que a menudo ofrecen juicios y opiniones de España y Portugal que revelan una actitud paternalista y crítica.


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Este trabajo ha sido realizado dentro del Grupo de Investigación GIU 10-19 “LITTERARVM. Grupo de Investigación en Literatura, Retórica y Tradición Clásica” de la UPV/EHU.


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This article, and the research out of which it springs, has a number of points of origin; it may also have more than one point of conclusion even as it argues that the current manifestation of Las Vegas could well be read as its last. This is not to say that Las Vegas will cease to create its new versions of itself; after all, this is one of the main sustaining factors of Las Vegas’ success in the last two decades as a new Strip on Las Vegas Boulevard has arisen from the demolitions and redesigns of the original Las Vegas Strip of the 1950s and 1960s. What is argued for here is a reading of Vegas as a terminal point within American culture and particularly within its visual realms. Las Vegas’ place within the dynamics of American visual and exhibition culture comes as the latest in a sequence which, since the nineteenth century, has included among its manifestations World’s Fairs, side shows, freak shows and travelling carnivals. America’s experiments in the visual domain have been updated in both the twentieth- and twenty-first centuries in a variety of spectacular forms and entertainment zones (Disneyland, EPCOT, the new Las Vegas). Vegas is the ultimate incarnation of a carnivalised display culture, the city’s casino Strip reclothed primarily as a theme park for digital camera-toting tourists than as a resort for dedicated gamblers. The possibility that the current incarnation of Las Vegas of late 2009 and 2010 will be the last Vegas hovers as a spectral remnant of the economic downturn and financial collapse of 2008, marked by the unfinished skeletons of projected new casino hotels on Las Vegas Boulevard and by a sudden reversal of fortune for the nation’s favourite gaming location.


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Ma recherche vise, d’une part, à appréhender le phénomène de la publication des correspondances des « poilus » (les soldats français de la Première Guerre mondiale) et d’autre part, à déterminer leur rôle dans la mémoire collective de la Grande Guerre. Précédé d’un bilan historiographique, mon travail se divise en trois chapitres autour de trois thèmes principaux, la correspondance, l’édition et la mémoire. Le premier chapitre met en contexte la production des lettres et identifie les facteurs l’influençant. Le deuxième chapitre se penche sur les buts éditoriaux des publications de correspondances et sur leur transformation au fil des époques. Finalement, le dernier chapitre analyse la place de ces publications dans le cadre de la commémoration de la Grande Guerre. La recherche va au-delà de l’analyse des lettres et s’intéresse davantage aux desseins éditoriaux des recueils. Les sources utilisées sont des ouvrages collectifs publiant des lettres de poilus, édités entre 1922 (La dernière lettre) et 2006 (Paroles de Verdun).