978 resultados para Solar-powered vehicle activated signs


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Desalination of groundwater is essential in arid regions that are remote from both seawater and freshwater resources. Desirable features of a groundwater desalination system include a high recovery ratio, operation from a sustainable energy source such as solar, and high water output per unit of energy and land. Here we propose a new system that uses a solar-Rankine cycle to drive reverse osmosis (RO). The working fluid such as steam is expanded against a power piston that actuates a pump piston which in turn pressurises the saline water thus passing it through RO membranes. A reciprocating crank mechanism is used to equalise the forces between the two pistons. The choice of batch mode in preference to continuous flow permits maximum energy recovery and minimal concentration polarisation in the vicinity of the RO membrane. This study analyses the sizing and efficiency of the crank mechanism, quantifies energy losses in the RO separation and predicts the overall performance. For example, a system using a field of linear Fresnel collectors occupying 1000 m2 of land and raising steam at 200 °C and 15.5 bar could desalinate 350 m3/day from saline water containing 5000 ppm of sodium chloride with a recovery ratio of 0.7.


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We have directly measured properties of concentrated seawater brines produced through solar evaporation in salt works. They are sufficiently hygroscopic for use in desiccant cooling cycles which can cool air to 8.0–10.9 °C below ambient. This compares to only 3.8–8.7 °C with simple evaporative cooling. Desiccant cooling can extend the growing seasons of greenhouse crops thus providing an adaptive measure against climate change.


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Experiments and theoretical modelling have been carried out to predict the performance of a solar-powered liquid desiccant cooling system for greenhouses. We have tested two components of the system in the laboratory using MgCl2 desiccant: (i) a regenerator which was tested under a solar simulator and (ii) a desiccator which was installed in a test duct. Theoretical models have been developed for both regenerator and desiccator and gave good agreement with the experiments. The verified computer model is used to predict the performance of the whole system during the hot summer months in Mumbai, Chittagong, Muscat, Messina and Havana. Taking examples of temperate, sub-tropical, tropical and heat-tolerant tropical crops (lettuce, soya bean, tomato and cucumber respectively) we estimate the extensions in growing seasons enabled by the system. Compared to conventional evaporative cooling, the desiccant system lowers average daily maximum temperatures in the hot season by 5.5-7.5 °C, sufficient to maintain viable growing conditions for lettuce throughout the year. In the case of tomato, cucumber and soya bean the system enables optimal cultivation through most summer months. It is concluded that the concept is technically viable and deserves testing by means of a pilot installation at an appropriate location.


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Liquid desiccant systems are of potential interest as a means of cooling greenhouses to temperatures below those achieved by conventional means. However, only very little work has been done on this technology with previous workers focussing on the cooling of human dwellings using expensive desiccants such as lithium salts. In this study we are designing a system for greenhouse cooling based on magnesium chloride desiccant which is an abundant and non-toxic substance. Magnesium chloride is found in seawater, for example, and is a by-product from solar salt works. We have carried out a detailed experimental study of the relevant properties of magnesium rich solutions. In addition we have constructed a test rig that includes the main components of the cooling system, namely a dehumidifier and solar regenerator. The dehumidifier is a cross-flow device that consists of a structured packing made of corrugated cellulose paper sheets with different flute angles and embedded cooling tubes. The regenerator is of the open type with insulated backing and fabric covering to spread the flow of desiccant solution. Alongside these experiments we are developing a mathematical model in gPROMS® that combines and simulates the heat and mass transfer processes in these components. The model can be applied to various geographical locations. Here we report predictions for Havana (Cuba) and Manila (Philippines), where we find that average wet-bulb temperatures can be lowered by 2.2 and 3°C, respectively, during the month of May.


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The aim of this paper is to identify and evaluate potential areas of technical improvement to solar-powered desalination systems that use reverse osmosis (RO). We compare ideal with real specific energy consumption (SEC) to pinpoint the causes of inefficiency. The ideal SEC is compared among different configurations including a batch system driven by a piston, and continuous systems with single or multiple stages with or without energy recovery in each case. For example, to desalinate 1 m3 of freshwater from normal seawater (osmotic pressure 27 bar) will require at least 0.94 kWh of solar energy; thus in a sunny coastal location, up to 1850 m3 of water per year per m2 (m3/m2) of land covered by solar collectors could theoretically be desalinated. For brackish water (osmotic pressure 3 bar), 11570 m3/m2 of fresh water could theoretically be obtained under the same conditions. These ideal values are compared with practically achieved values reported in the literature. The practical energy consumption is found to be typically 40-200 times higher depending on feed water composition, system configuration and energy recovery. For state-of-the-art systems, energy losses at the various steps in the conversion process are quantified and presented with the help of Sankey diagrams. Improvements that could reduce the losses are discussed. Consequently, recommendations for areas of R&D are highlighted with particular reference to emerging technologies. It is concluded that there is considerable scope to improve the efficiency of solar-powered RO system.


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Desalination of groundwater is essential in many arid areas that are far from both seawater and fresh water resources. The ideal groundwater desalination system should operate using a sustainable energy source and provide high water output per land area and cost. To avoid discharging voluminous brine, it should also provide high recovery. To achieve these aims, we have designed DesaLink, a novel approach to linking the solar Rankine cycle to reverse osmosis (RO). To achieve high recovery without the need for multiple RO stages, DesaLink adopts a batch mode of operation. It is suited to use with a variety of solar thermal collectors including linear Fresnel reflectors (LFR). For example, using a LFR occupying 1,000m of land and providing steam at 200°C and 15.5 bar, DesaLink is predicted to provide 350m of fresh water per day at a recovery ratio of 0.7, when fed with brackish groundwater containing 5,000ppm of sodium chloride. Here, we report preliminary experiments to assess the feasibility of the concept. We study the effects of longitudinal dispersion, concentration polarisation and describe a pilot experiment to demonstrate the batch process using a materials testing machine. In addition, we demonstrate a prototype of DesaLink running from compressed air to simulate steam.


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Monitoring gases for environmental, industrial and agricultural fields is a demanding task that requires long periods of observation, large quantity of sensors, data management, high temporal and spatial resolution, long term stability, recalibration procedures, computational resources, and energy availability. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are currently representing the best alternative to monitor large, remote, and difficult access areas, as these technologies have the possibility of carrying specialised gas sensing systems, and offer the possibility of geo-located and time stamp samples. However, these technologies are not fully functional for scientific and commercial applications as their development and availability is limited by a number of factors: the cost of sensors required to cover large areas, their stability over long periods, their power consumption, and the weight of the system to be used on small UAVs. Energy availability is a serious challenge when WSN are deployed in remote areas with difficult access to the grid, while small UAVs are limited by the energy in their reservoir tank or batteries. Another important challenge is the management of data produced by the sensor nodes, requiring large amount of resources to be stored, analysed and displayed after long periods of operation. In response to these challenges, this research proposes the following solutions aiming to improve the availability and development of these technologies for gas sensing monitoring: first, the integration of WSNs and UAVs for environmental gas sensing in order to monitor large volumes at ground and aerial levels with a minimum of sensor nodes for an effective 3D monitoring; second, the use of solar energy as a main power source to allow continuous monitoring; and lastly, the creation of a data management platform to store, analyse and share the information with operators and external users. The principal outcomes of this research are the creation of a gas sensing system suitable for monitoring any kind of gas, which has been installed and tested on CH4 and CO2 in a sensor network (WSN) and on a UAV. The use of the same gas sensing system in a WSN and a UAV reduces significantly the complexity and cost of the application as it allows: a) the standardisation of the signal acquisition and data processing, thereby reducing the required computational resources; b) the standardisation of calibration and operational procedures, reducing systematic errors and complexity; c) the reduction of the weight and energy consumption, leading to an improved power management and weight balance in the case of UAVs; d) the simplification of the sensor node architecture, which is easily replicated in all the nodes. I evaluated two different sensor modules by laboratory, bench, and field tests: a non-dispersive infrared module (NDIR) and a metal-oxide resistive nano-sensor module (MOX nano-sensor). The tests revealed advantages and disadvantages of the two modules when used for static nodes at the ground level and mobile nodes on-board a UAV. Commercial NDIR modules for CO2 have been successfully tested and evaluated in the WSN and on board of the UAV. Their advantage is the precision and stability, but their application is limited to a few gases. The advantages of the MOX nano-sensors are the small size, low weight, low power consumption and their sensitivity to a broad range of gases. However, selectivity is still a concern that needs to be addressed with further studies. An electronic board to interface sensors in a large range of resistivity was successfully designed, created and adapted to operate on ground nodes and on-board UAV. The WSN and UAV created were powered with solar energy in order to facilitate outdoor deployment, data collection and continuous monitoring over large and remote volumes. The gas sensing, solar power, transmission and data management systems of the WSN and UAV were fully evaluated by laboratory, bench and field testing. The methodology created to design, developed, integrate and test these systems was extensively described and experimentally validated. The sampling and transmission capabilities of the WSN and UAV were successfully tested in an emulated mission involving the detection and measurement of CO2 concentrations in a field coming from a contaminant source; the data collected during the mission was transmitted in real time to a central node for data analysis and 3D mapping of the target gas. The major outcome of this research is the accomplishment of the first flight mission, never reported before in the literature, of a solar powered UAV equipped with a CO2 sensing system in conjunction with a network of ground sensor nodes for an effective 3D monitoring of the target gas. A data management platform was created using an external internet server, which manages, stores, and shares the data collected in two web pages, showing statistics and static graph images for internal and external users as requested. The system was bench tested with real data produced by the sensor nodes and the architecture of the platform was widely described and illustrated in order to provide guidance and support on how to replicate the system. In conclusion, the overall results of the project provide guidance on how to create a gas sensing system integrating WSNs and UAVs, how to power the system with solar energy and manage the data produced by the sensor nodes. This system can be used in a wide range of outdoor applications, especially in agriculture, bushfires, mining studies, zoology, and botanical studies opening the way to an ubiquitous low cost environmental monitoring, which may help to decrease our carbon footprint and to improve the health of the planet.


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A major challenge to Australia and New Zealand is the perceived need to develop "knowledge economies" based on the expertise of university graduates,  especially engineers. However, many countries are finding less students are choosing to study engineering. At the same time, there is increasing concern about increased levels of greenhouse gases leading to global warming with species loss, rising sea levels and desertification being likely outcomes. Numerous competitions have been established aimed at attracting school students into science and engineering careers. Environmental groups have also sponsored educational activities to increase student awareness of alternative energy technologies. One activity which provides both a science and engineering challenge while also raising awareness of alternative energy and more efficient conversion of that energy for transport is the Model Solar Vehicle Challenge (MSVC). The Challenge, which provides a solar powered boat competition for younger students and a car race for the older ones, has involved thousands of Victorian school students since 1990 and students from all Australian states since 1993. Boats race in 2 or 3 lanes guided by an overhead wire in a 10 metre pool, and cars race 100 metres around a figure 8 track. Top boats average over 7 kph and cars reach speeds of 25 kph at the finish line. This paper will discuss the conduct of the Challenge, motivation of participants, the depth of learning which can be achieved and the effectiveness of the Challenge in encouraging students to continue with science subjects through school and to select engineering at university. It will also briefly discuss the lessons that can be learnt from the MSVC and applied to first year university courses.


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This paper describes the experimental evaluation of a novel Autonomous Surface Vehicle capable of navigating complex inland water reservoirs and measuring a range of water quality properties and greenhouse gas emissions. The 16 ft long solar powered catamaran is capable of collecting water column profiles whilst in motion. It is also directly integrated with a reservoir scale floating sensor network to allow remote mission uploads, data download and adaptive sampling strategies. This paper describes the onboard vehicle navigation and control algorithms as well as obstacle avoidance strategies. Experimental results are shown demonstrating its ability to maintain track and avoid obstacles on a variety of large-scale missions and under differing weather conditions, as well as its ability to continuously collect various water quality parameters complimenting traditional manual monitoring campaigns.


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This paper describes a novel Autonomous Surface Vehicle capable of navigating throughout complex inland water storages and measuring a range of water quality properties and greenhouse gas emissions. The 16 ft long solar powered catamaran can collect this information throughout the water column whilst the vehicle is moving. A unique feature of this ASV is its integration into a storage scale floating sensor network to allow remote mission uploads, data download and adaptive sampling strategies. This paper provides an overview of the vehicle design and operation including control, laser-based obstacle avoidance, and vision-based inspection capabilities. Experimental results are shown illustrating its ability to continuously collect key water quality parameters and compliment intensive manual monitoring campaigns.


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This paper presents an idea of using solar powered adsorption ice making system as an alternative or an auxiliary way for the traditional ice storage air conditioning systems. A simple solar adsorption refrigeration system runs in intermittent cycle. It makes cooling effect at night, and the cooling effect can be stored for the day use. It fits in well with the cycle of the existing off-peak ice storage air conditioning system. On the top of green effect of the solar powered ice making system, the idea is specifically beneficial for places where the price of the off-peak electricity is not significantly lower than peak price. Based on our many years experience on the solar ice making systems, the paper discusses the technical feature of the solar ice making technology and the solutions we are working on to attack the problems which may have potential damage to application of the solar ice making system for air conditioning purposes.


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The effectiveness of various photocatalysts including titanium dioxide and other oxidants was investigated in a solar powered UV photocatalytic oxidation system for colour removal in dyeing effluent. A semi-empirical constant model and guidelines were developed to assist the design and to evaluate the full scale of the system.


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Solar Decathlon Europe (SDE) is an international multidisciplinary competition in which 20 universityteams build and operate energy-efficient solar-powered houses. The aim of SDE is not only scientificbut also educational and divulgative, making visitors to understand the problems presented by realengineering applications and architecture. From a research perspective, the energy data gathered dur-ing the competition constitutes a very promising information for the analysis and understanding of thephotovoltaic systems, grid structures, energy balances and energy efficiency of the set of houses. Thisarticle focuses on the electrical energy components of SDE competition, the energy performance of thehouses and the strategies and behaviors followed by the teams. The rules evaluate the houses? electricalenergy self-sufficiency by looking at the electricity autonomy in terms of aggregated electrical energybalance; the temporary generation-consumption profile pattern correlation; and the use of electricityper measurable area. Although the houses are evaluated under the same climatological and consump-tion conditions, production results are very different due to the specific engineering solutions (differentelectrical topologies, presence or absence of batteries, diverse photovoltaic module solutions, etc.)


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Greenhouse cultivation is an energy intensive process therefore it is worthwhile to introduce energy saving measures and alternative energy sources. Here we show that there is scope for energy saving in fan ventilated greenhouses. Measurements of electricity usage as a function of fan speed have been performed for two models of 1.25 m diameter greenhouse fans and compared to theoretical values. Reducing the speed can cut the energy usage per volume of air moved by more than 70%. To minimize the capital cost of low-speed operation, a cooled greenhouse has been built in which the fan speed responds to sunlight such that full speed is reached only around noon. The energy saving is about 40% compared to constant speed operation. Direct operation of fans from solar-photovoltaic modules is also viable as shown from experiments with a fan driven by a brushless DC motor. On comparing the Net Present Value costs of the different systems over a 10 year amortization period (with and without a carbon tax to represent environmental costs) we find that sunlight-controlled system saves money under all assumptions about taxation and discount rates. The solar-powered system, however, is only profitable for very low discount rates, due to the high initial capital costs. Nonetheless this system could be of interest for its reliability in developing countries where mains electricity is intermittent. We recommend that greenhouse fan manufacturers improve the availability of energy-saving designs such as those described here.


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Stirling engines with parabolic dish for thermal to electric conversion of solar energy is one of the most promising solutions of renewable energy technologies in order to reduce the dependency from fossil fuels in electricity generation. This paper addresses the modelling and simulation of a solar powered Stirling engine system with parabolic dish and electric generator aiming to determine its energy production and efficiency. The model includes the solar radiation concentration system, the heat transfer in the ther- mal receiver, the thermal cycle and the mechanical and electric energy conversion. The thermodynamic and energy transfer processes in the engine are modelled in detail, including all the main processes occur- ring in the compression, expansion and regenerator spaces. Starting from a particular configuration, an optimization of the concentration factor is also carried out and the results for both the transient and steady state regimes are presented. It was found that using a directly illuminated thermal receiver with- out cavity the engine efficiency is close to 23.8% corresponding to a global efficiency of 10.4%. The com- ponents to be optimized are identified in order to increase the global efficiency of the system and the trade-off between system complexity and efficiency is discussed.