976 resultados para Solar collector


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The main aim of this project is to develop an ESES lab on a full scale system. The solar combisystem used is available most of the time and is only used twice a year to carry out some technical courses. At the moment, there are no other laboratories about combisystems. The experiments were designed in a way to use the system to the most in order to help the students apply the theoretical knowledge in the solar thermal course as well as make them more familiar with solar systems components. The method adopted to reach this aim is to carry out several test sequences on the system, in order to help formulating at the end some educating experiments. A few tests were carried out at the beginning of the project just for the sake of understanding the system and figuring out if any additional measuring equipment is required. The level of these tests sequences was varying from a simple energy draw off or collector loop controller respond tests to more complicated tests, such as the use of the ‘collector’ heater to simulate the solar collector effect on the system. The tests results were compared and verified with the theoretical data wherever relevant. The results of the experiment about the use of the ‘collector’ heater instead of the collector were positively acceptable. Finally, the Lab guide was developed based on the results of these experiments and also the experience gotten while conducting them. The lab work covers the theories related to solar systems in general and combisystems in particular. 


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Reduction of household energy consumption is one of the top issues in contemporary discussions on sustainable consumption. This chapter concerns one way through which consumption of purchased energy for house heating can be reduced; by having a solar thermal system added to one's house. However, the fact that one of the components - the solar collector - usually is situated on the roof or the facade of a building, is a recurrent impediment to such installations. In certain contexts, these attributes may melt into the building, while in others, they may be perceived as problematic. The latter may particularly be the case when the appearance of the building is of major imiportance, as with houses deemed worthy of preservation for coming generations. This chapter draws upon a study carried out in Visby Town, a walled Hanseatic town and a World Heritage site on the island of Gotland, Sweden.


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A sealed space between absorber and cover glass makes it possible reducing the influence of humidity condensate and dust at the same time as the enclosed space can be filled with a suitable gas for lowering the losses. This paper is about the size of the losses in these collectors. A calculating model of a gas-filled flat plate solar collector was built in Matlab with standard heat transfer formulas. It showed that the total loss can be reduced up to 20% when changing to an inert gas. It is also possible using a much shorter distance and still achieve low losses at the same time as the mechanical stresses in the material is reduce.


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The demand for cooling and air-conditioning of building is increasingly ever growing. This increase is mostly due to population and economic growth in developing countries, and also desire for a higher quality of thermal comfort. Increase in the use of conventional cooling systems results in larger carbon footprint and more greenhouse gases considering their higher electricity consumption, and it occasionally creates peaks in electricity demand from power supply grid. Solar energy as a renewable energy source is an alternative to drive the cooling machines since the cooling load is generally high when solar radiation is high. This thesis examines the performance of PV/T solar collector manufactured by Solarus company in a solar cooling system for an office building in Dubai, New Delhi, Los Angeles and Cape Town. The study is carried out by analyzing climate data and the requirements for thermal comfort in office buildings. Cooling systems strongly depend on weather conditions and local climate. Cooling load of buildings depend on many parameters such as ambient temperature, indoor comfort temperature, solar gain to the building and internal gains including; number of occupant and electrical devices. The simulations were carried out by selecting a suitable thermally driven chiller and modeling it with PV/T solar collector in Polysun software. Fractional primary energy saving and solar fraction were introduced as key figures of the project to evaluate the performance of cooling system. Several parametric studies and simulations were determined according to PV/T aperture area and hot water storage tank volume. The fractional primary energy saving analysis revealed that thermally driven chillers, particularly adsorption chillers are not suitable to be utilizing in small size of solar cooling systems in hot and tropic climates such as Dubai and New Delhi. Adsorption chillers require more thermal energy to meet the cooling load in hot and dry climates. The adsorption chillers operate in their full capacity and in higher coefficient of performance when they run in a moderate climate since they can properly reject the exhaust heat. The simulation results also indicated that PV/T solar collector have higher efficiency in warmer climates, however it requires a larger size of PV/T collectors to supply the thermally driven chillers for providing cooling in hot climates. Therefore using an electrical chiller as backup gives much better results in terms of primary energy savings, since PV/T electrical production also can be used for backup electrical chiller in a net metering mechanism.


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Hybrid Photovoltaic Thermal (PVT) collectors are an emerging technology that combines PV and solar thermal systems in a single solar collector producing heat and electricity simultaneously. The focus of this thesis work is to evaluate the performance of unglazed open loop PVT air system integrated on a garage roof in Borlänge. As it is thought to have a significant potential for preheating ventilation of the building and improving the PV modules electrical efficiency. The performance evaluation is important to optimize the cooling strategy of the collector in order to enhance its electrical efficiency and maximize the production of thermal energy. The evaluation process involves monitoring the electrical and thermal energies for a certain period of time and investigating the cooling effect on the performance through controlling the air mass flow provided by a variable speed fan connected to the collector by an air distribution duct. The distribution duct transfers the heated outlet air from the collector to inside the building. The PVT air collector consists of 34 Solibro CIGS type PV modules (115 Wp for each module) which are roof integrated and have replaced the traditional roof material. The collector is oriented toward the south-west with a tilt of 29 ᵒ. The collector consists of 17 parallel air ducts formed between the PV modules and the insulated roof surface. Each air duct has a depth of 0.05 m, length of 2.38 m and width of 2.38 m. The air ducts are connected to each other through holes. The monitoring system is based on using T-type thermocouples to measure the relevant temperatures, air sensor to measure the air mass flow. These parameters are needed to calculate the thermal energy. The monitoring system contains also voltage dividers to measure the PV modules voltage and shunt resistance to measure the PV current, and AC energy meters which are needed to calculate the produced electrical energy. All signals recorded from the thermocouples, voltage dividers and shunt resistances are connected to data loggers. The strategy of cooling in this work was based on switching the fan on, only when the difference between the air duct temperature (under the middle of top of PV column) and the room temperature becomes higher than 5 °C. This strategy was effective in term of avoiding high electrical consumption by the fan, and it is recommended for further development. The temperature difference of 5 °C is the minimum value to compensate the heat losses in the collecting duct and distribution duct. The PVT air collector has an area of (Ac=32 m2), and air mass flow of 0.002 kg/s m2. The nominal output power of the collector is 4 kWppv (34 CIGS modules with 115 Wppvfor each module). The collector produces thermal output energy of 6.88 kWth/day (0.21 kWth/m2 day) and an electrical output energy of 13.46 kWhel/day (0.42 kWhel/m2 day) with cooling case. The PVT air collector has a daily thermal energy yield of 1.72 kWhth/kWppv, and a daily PV electrical energy yield of 3.36 kWhel /kWppv. The fan energy requirement in this case was 0.18 kWh/day which is very small compared to the electrical energy generated by the PV collector. The obtained thermal efficiency was 8 % which is small compared to the results reported in literature for PVT air collectors. The small thermal efficiency was due to small operating air mass flow. Therefore, the study suggests increasing the air mass flow by a factor of 25. The electrical efficiency was fluctuating around 14 %, which is higher than the theoretical efficiency of the PV modules, and this discrepancy was due to the poor method of recording the solar irradiance in the location. Due to shading effect, it was better to use more than one pyranometer.


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Exploiting solar energy technology for both heating and cooling purposes has the potential of meeting an appreciable portion of the energy demand in buildings throughout the year. By developing an integrated, multi-purpose solar energy system, that can operate all twelve months of the year, a high utilisation factor can be achieved which translates to more economical systems. However, there are still some techno-economic barriers to the general commercialisation and market penetration of such technologies. These are associated with high system and installation costs, significant system complexity, and lack of knowledge of system implementation and expected performance. A sorption heat pump module that can be integrated directly into a solar thermal collector has thus been developed in order to tackle the aforementioned market barriers. This has been designed for the development of cost-effective pre-engineered solar energy system kits that can provide both heating and cooling. This thesis summarises the characterisation studies of the operation of individual sorption modules, sorption module integrated solar collectors and a full solar heating and cooling system employing sorption module integrated collectors. Key performance indicators for the individual sorption modules showed cooling delivery for 6 hours at an average power of 40 W and a temperature lift of 21°C. Upon integration of the sorption modules into a solar collector, measured solar radiation energy to cooling energy conversion efficiencies (solar cooling COP) were between 0.10 and 0.25 with average cooling powers between 90 and 200 W/m2 collector aperture area. Further investigations of the sorption module integrated collectors implementation in a full solar heating and cooling system yielded electrical cooling COP ranging from 1.7 to 12.6 with an average of 10.6 for the test period. Additionally, simulations were performed to determine system energy and cost saving potential for various system sizes over a full year of operation for a 140 m2 single-family dwelling located in Madrid, Spain. Simulations yielded an annual solar fraction of 42% and potential cost savings of €386 per annum for a solar heating and cooling installation employing 20m2 of sorption integrated collectors.


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A tool for standardized calculation of solar collector performance has been developed in cooperation between SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, DTU Denmark and SERC Dalarna University. The tool is designed to calculate the annual performance of solar collectors at representative locations in Europe. The collector parameters used as input in the tool are compiled from tests according to EN12975, without any intermediate conversions. The main target group for this tool is test institutes and certification bodies that are intended to use it for conversion of collector model parameters (derived from performance tests) into a more user friendly quantity: the annual energy output. The energy output presented in the tool is expressed as kWh per collector module. A simplified treatment of performance for PVT collectors is added based on the assumption that the thermal part of the PVT collector can be tested and modeled as a thermal collector, when the PV electric part is active with an MPP tracker in operation. The thermal collector parameters from this operation mode are used for the PVT calculations. © 2012 The Authors.


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The literature over the past 25 years indicates that there has been a continued interest in using passive and active solar technologies to reduce the conventional energy required to maintain water temperatures in small recirculation aquaculture systems. Although all of the experimental systems reviewed report favourable results, there is little information available to guide system designers. This paper describes the use of a simulation model to predict the annual conventional energy consumption of a 10.6 m3 RAS enclosed in a double layer polyethylene greenhouse in two different climates. The water was maintained at 22.5 °C and the recirculation rate was 10% of tank volume per day. Simple unglazed solar collectors have also been combined with the greenhouse to further reduce energy consumption. The effect of increasing collector area on the solar fraction and utilization of useful energy was predicted. Finally, the model was used to investigate the relationship between the occurrence of condensation on the inner cover, ventilation rates and energy use. It was found that in a hot dry climate, the greenhouse alone was sufficient to reduce the conventional energy requirements by 87%; while in the cooler temperate climate reductions of 66% were possible. When solar collectors were added to the system, conventional energy requirements were reduced further and depended on the area of collector used. For example, in the temperate climate location, conventional energy requirements were reduced to 23% of a RAS enclosed in a non-solar building when 26 m2 of solar collector inclined at the optimum angle for winter energy collection were used. Although condensation could be successfully reduced by ventilation of the greenhouse, this increased conventional energy requirements because the potential for evaporation was increased. Covering the tanks at night was found to be a more effective strategy because it reduced condensation and conventional energy use simultaneously.


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The use of solar collectors with coloured absorbers for water heating is an area of particular interest when considering their integration with buildings. By matching the absorber colour with that of the roof or façade of the building, it is possible to achieve an architecturally and visually pleasing result. Despite the potential for the use of coloured absorbers, very little work has been undertaken in the field.

In this study, the thermal performance of a series of coloured (ranging from white to black), building integrated solar collectors for water heating was examined both theoretically and experimentally. Subsequently, the annual solar fraction for typical water heating systems with coloured absorbers was calculated. The results showed that coloured solar collector absorbers can make noticeable contributions to heating loads. Furthermore, although their thermal efficiency is lower than highly developed selective coating absorbers, they offer the advantage of improved aesthetic integration with buildings.


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New Zealand is one of the world’s largest producers of dairy products and has a climate with high levels of solar radiation; however, the use of solar energy in the dairy processing industry has received limited attention. An examination of historical records found that the annual peak in New Zealand milk production and processing occurs at a time when solar radiation levels are increasing markedly. An F-Chart analysis was used to simulate the performance of large-area arrays of solar collectors and to determine their suitability for heating and cooling in a dairy processing environment. For the study four types of solar collectors were analysed: glazed flat plates, evacuated tubes, evacuated tubes with CPC reflectors and a building-integrated solar collector under development at the University of Waikato (UoW). It was found that of these echnologies, both flat plate and evacuated tubes with CPC reflectors could make useful heating and cooling contributions. Furthermore, the solar fraction was determined mainly by the collector area to storage volume ratio. Finally, it was found that the UoW building-integrated solar collector could make a significant contribution to energy use in dairies and may be an attractive future technology for the industry.


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Esta Tese apresenta uma análise do comportamento térmico de um sistema de aquecimento solar operando por termossifão. Neste tipo de sistema o fluido no coletor solar é circulado por convecção natural, que acontece devido à diferença de massa específica da água ao longo circuito. Nestes sistemas a vazão mássica varia ao longo do dia e do ano, dependendo, dentre outros fatores, da irradiância solar absorvida, do perfil de temperaturas da água no sistema, da geometria, do volume e do perfil de demanda de água quente. Para uma avaliação detalhada do comportamento térmico de aquecedores solares operando por termossifão foram realizados ensaios experimentais e cálculos teóricos. Os resultados dos experimentos concordaram com aqueles apresentados na literatura e sua análise fundamentou o desenvolvimento do aplicativo TermoSim, um programa de simulação computacional do comportamento térmico de sistemas de aquecimento de água com energia solar. O tratamento matemático adotado no TermoSim compreende a modelagem dos coletores solares de acordo com a teoria de Hottel-Bliss-Whillier. O reservatório térmico é modelado com estratificação térmica, convecção e condução entre as camadas. A vazão mássica é obtida a partir do balanço da quantidade de movimento no circuito. Os modelos matemáticos empregados na construção do aplicativo TermoSim foram validados através do confronto dos resultados simulados com medidas experimentais. Foi demonstrado que a utilização destes modelos é adequada e permite reproduzir com precisão o comportamento térmico dos coletores solares e do reservatório térmico. Além do programa TermoSim, foi também desenvolvido o programa TermoDim, que é uma ferramenta para o dimensionamento de sistemas de aquecimento solar, que requer apenas o conhecimento dos parâmetros geométricos do sistema, dados meteorológicos em média mensal e informação a respeito do volume de demanda. O TermoDim é apropriado para estimar o desempenho de aquecedores solares operando por termossifão com tanques verticais e horizontais. O método de dimensionamento do TermoDim é baseado na correlação para a eficiência média mensal obtida neste trabalho a partir de um grande número de simulações.


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It s presented a solar collector to be used in a system for heating bath water, whose main characteristic is its low cost. The collector consists of five plates of PVC with 10 mm thick, 200 mm in width and 1400mm in length, with an area equal to 1.4 square meters. The plates were connected in parallel to the ends of PVC tubes of  40 mm and 32 mm. The plates were coated on one side with aluminum sheets of soft drinks and beers cans open. The system worked on a thermosiphon and was tested in two configurations: the plates uncoated and coated with aluminum material, to determine the influence of material on the efficiency of the collector. For both configurations was used EPS plates below the surface to minimize heat losses from the botton. The thermal reservoir of the heating system is, also, alternative and low cost, since it was constructed from a polyethylene tank for storing water, with volume of 150 end 200 liters. It will be presented the thermal efficiency, heat loss, water temperature of the thermal reservoir at the end of the process and simulation of baths for a house with four residents. The will be demonstrated thermal, economic and material viability of the proposed collector, whose main innovation is the use of recyclables materials, cans of beer and soft drinks, to increase the temperature of the absorber plate.


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It presents a solar collector to be used in a system for heating water for bathing, whose main characteristics are its low cost and easy manufacturing and assembly. The absorbing surface of the collector is formed by an aluminum plate with eight flaps where they lodge PVC pipes. The catchment area of solar radiation corresponds to 1.3 meters. The collector box was made of wood, is covered by transparent glass and thermal insulation of tire chips and expanded polystyrene (EPS). Absorber tubes were connected in parallel through the use of PVC fittings and fixed to the plate by the use of metal poles and rivets. The entire absorber received paint flat black for better absorption of sunlight. The system worked on a thermosiphon assembly and absorber of the collector has been tested in two configurations: with the tubes facing up, directly exposed to the impact of sunlight and facing down, exchanging heat with the plate by conduction. It was determined the most efficient configuration for the correct purpose. The solar collector was connected to a thermal reservoir, also alternative, low-cost forming the system of solar water heating. We evaluated thermal parameters that proved the viability of the heating system studied


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It presents a solar collector to be used in a system for heating water for bathing, whose main characteristics are low cost and easy manufacturing and assembly. The system operates under natural convection or thermosiphon. The absorbing surface of the collector is formed by twelve PVC pipes of 25 mm outside diameter connected in parallel via connections in T of the same material. The tubes were covered with absorbing fins made with recycled aluminum cans. We studied eight settings between absorber plate, thermal insulating EPS boards and thermal reservoirs 150 and 200 liters. It was determined the most efficient configuration for the correct purpose. We evaluated thermal parameters that proved the viability of the heating system studied


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We studied the feasibility of using a system of Solar Water Heating (SAS) with low cost, for three configurations. In configurations I and II have the collector grid absorber composed of six PVC tubes placed in parallel on the tile cement. In configuration II, the PVC tubes were transparent cover made of plastic bottles. Configuration III uses a collector composed of 12 black HDPE pipes, supported on four cement tiles 2.44 m x 0.50 m, two by two overlapping and interspersed with a filling of glass wool, comprising an area exposed to the global radiation incident of 2.44 m2, with the top two tiles painted matte black. In this configuration, the HDPE pipes replace conventional PVC pipes painted black. The total cost of SAS for configuration III, the most economical, was around $ 150.00. For the configurations tested the system of operation was thermosyphon collector. The study showed that the proposed systems have good thermal efficiency, are easy to install and handle and have low cost compared to conventional.