971 resultados para Software free
Diferentes organizações públicas e privadas coletam e disponibilizam uma massa de dados sobre a realidade sócio-econômica das diferentes nações. Há hoje, da parte do governo brasileiro, um interesse manifesto de divulgar uma gama diferenciada de informações para os mais diversos perfis de usuários. Persiste, contudo, uma série de limitações para uma divulgação mais massiva e democrática, entre elas, a heterogeneidade das fontes de dados, sua dispersão e formato de apresentação pouco amigável. Devido à complexidade inerente à informação geográfica envolvida, que produz incompatibilidade em vários níveis, o intercâmbio de dados em sistemas de informação geográfica não é problema trivial. Para aplicações desenvolvidas para a Web, uma solução são os Web Services que permitem que novas aplicações possam interagir com aquelas que já existem e que sistemas desenvolvidos em plataformas diferentes sejam compatíveis. Neste sentido, o objetivo do trabalho é mostrar as possibilidades de construção de portais usando software livre, a tecnologia dos Web Services e os padrões do Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) para a disseminação de dados espaciais. Visando avaliar e testar as tecnologias selecionadas e comprovar sua efetividade foi desenvolvido um exemplo de portal de dados sócio-econômicos, compreendendo informações de um servidor local e de servidores remotos. As contribuições do trabalho são a disponibilização de mapas dinâmicos, a geração de mapas através da composição de mapas disponibilizados em servidores remotos e local e o uso do padrão OGC WMC. Analisando o protótipo de portal construído, verifica-se, contudo, que a localização e requisição de Web Services não são tarefas fáceis para um usuário típico da Internet. Nesta direção, os trabalhos futuros no domínio dos portais de informação geográfica poderiam adotar a tecnologia Representational State Transfer (REST).
Nesta dissertação foi desenvolvido o sistema SAQUA (Sistema para Análise da Qualidade das Águas Fluviais), que permite o acompanhamento dos dados de séries históricas de parâmetros físico-químicos para análise da qualidade de águas fluviais. A alimentação do sistema SAQUA se dá a partir do arquivo tipo texto gerado no Hidroweb, sistema de banco de dados hidrológicos da ANA (Agência Nacional de Águas), disponibilizado na internet. O SAQUA constitui uma interface que permite a análise espaço-temporal de parâmetros de qualidade da água específicos definidos pelo usuário. A interface foi construída utilizando o servidor de mapas Mapserver, as linguagens HTML e PHP, além de consultas SQL e o uso do servidor Web Apache. A utilização de uma linguagem dinâmica como o PHP permitiu usar recursos internos do Mapserver por meio de funções que interagem de forma mais flexível com códigos presentes e futuros, além de interagir com o código HTML. O Sistema apresenta como resultado a representação gráfica da série histórica por parâmetro e, em mapa, a localização das estações em análise também definidas pelo usuário, geralmente associadas a uma determinada região hidrográfica. Tanto na representação gráfica da série temporal quanto em mapa, são destacados a partir de código de cores a estação de monitoramento e a observação em que os limites estabelecidos na resolução CONAMA 357/05 não foi atendido. A classe de uso da resolução CONAMA que será usada na análise também pode ser definida pelo usuário. Como caso de estudo e demonstração das funções do SAQUA foi escolhida a bacia hidrográfica do rio Paraíba do Sul, localizada na região hidrográfica Atlântico Sudeste do Brasil. A aplicação do sistema demonstrou ótimos resultados e o potencial da ferramenta computacional como apoio ao planejamento e à gestão dos recursos hídricos. Ressalta-se ainda, que todo o sistema foi desenvolvido a partir de softwares disponibilizados segundo a licença GPL de software livre, ou seja, sem custo na aquisição de licenças, demonstrando o potencial da aplicação destas ferramentas no campo dos recursos hídricos.
Na década de 90 com o aumento da capacidade de processamento e memória dos computadores, surgiu a fotogrametria digital, que tem como objetivo principal o mapeamento automático das feições naturais e artificiais do terreno, utilizando a imagem fotogramétrica digital como fonte primária de dados. As soluções fotogramétricas se tornaram mais compactas e versáteis. A estação fotogramétrica digital educacional E-FOTO é um projeto multidisciplinar, em desenvolvimento no laboratório de Fotogrametria Digital da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, que se baseia em dois pilares: autoaprendizado e gratuidade. Este trabalho tem o objetivo geral de avaliar a qualidade das medições fotogramétricas utilizando a versão integrada 1.0β do E-FOTO. Para isso foram utilizados dois blocos de fotografias de regiões distintas do planeta: um bloco de fotografias (2005) do município de Seropédica-RJ e um bloco de fotografias antigas (1953) da região de Santiago de Compostela, na Espanha. Os resultados obtidos com o E-FOTO foram comparados com os resultados do software comercial de fotogrametria digital Leica Photogrammetry Suite (LPS 2010) e com as coordenadas no espaço-objeto de pontos medidos com posicionamento global por satélite (verdade de campo). Sendo possível avaliar as metodologias dos softwares na obtenção dos parâmetros das orientações interior e exterior e na determinação da exatidão das coordenadas no espaço-objeto dos pontos de verificação obtidas no módulo estereoplotter versão 1.64 do E-FOTO. Os resultados obtidos com a versão integrada 1.0β do E-FOTO na determinação dos parâmetros das orientações interior e exterior e no cálculo das coordenadas dos pontos de verificação, sem a inclusão dos parâmetros adicionais e a autocalibração são compatíveis com o processamento realizado com o software LPS. As diferenças dos parâmetros X0 e Y0 obtidos na orientação exterior com o E-FOTO, quando comparados com os obtidos com o LPS, incluindo os parâmetros adicionais e a autocalibração da câmara fotogramétrica, não são significativas. Em função da qualidade dos resultados obtidos e de acordo com o Padrão de Exatidão Cartográfica, seria possível obter um documento cartográfico Classe A em relação à planimetria e Classe B em relação à altimetria na escala 1/10.000, com o projeto Rural e Classe A em relação à planimetria e Classe C em relação à altimetria na escala 1/25.000, com o Projeto Santiago de Compostela. As coordenadas tridimensionais (E, N e H) dos pontos de verificação obtidas fotogrametricamente no módulo estereoplotter versão 1.64 do E-FOTO, podem ser consideradas equivalentes as medidas com tecnologia de posicionamento por satélites.
The application of automated design optimization to real-world, complex geometry problems is a significant challenge - especially if the topology is not known a priori like in turbine internal cooling. The long term goal of our work is to focus on an end-to-end integration of the whole CFD Process, from solid model through meshing, solving and post-processing to enable this type of design optimization to become viable & practical. In recent papers we have reported the integration of a Level Set based geometry kernel with an octree-based cut- Cartesian mesh generator, RANS flow solver, post-processing & geometry editing all within a single piece of software - and all implemented in parallel with commodity PC clusters as the target. The cut-cells which characterize the approach are eliminated by exporting a body-conformal mesh guided by the underpinning Level Set. This paper extends this work still further with a simple scoping study showing how the basic functionality can be scripted & automated and then used as the basis for automated optimization of a generic gas turbine cooling geometry. Copyright © 2008 by W.N.Dawes.
In the modern engineering design cycle the use of computational tools becomes a neces- sity. The complexity of the engineering systems under consideration for design increases dramatically as the demands for advanced and innovative design concepts and engineering products is expanding. At the same time the advancements in the available technology in terms of computational resources and power, as well as the intelligence of the design software, accommodate these demands and make them a viable approach towards the chal- lenge of real-world engineering problems. This class of design optimisation problems is by nature multi-disciplinary. In the present work we establish enhanced optimisation capabil- ities within the Nimrod/O tool for massively distributed execution of computational tasks through cluster and computational grid resources, and develop the potential to combine and benefit from all the possible available technological advancements, both software and hardware. We develop the interface between a Free Form Deformation geometry manage- ment in-house code with the 2D airfoil aerodynamic efficiency evaluation tool XFoil, and the well established multi-objective heuristic optimisation algorithm NSGA-II. A simple airfoil design problem has been defined to demonstrate the functionality of the design sys- tem, but also to accommodate a framework for future developments and testing with other state-of-the-art optimisation algorithms such as the Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) and the Multi-Objective Tabu Search (MOTS) techniques. Ultimately, heav- ily computationally expensive industrial design cases can be realised within the presented framework that could not be investigated before. © 2012 by the authors. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.
In the modern engineering design cycle the use of computational tools becomes a necessity. The complexity of the engineering systems under consideration for design increases dramatically as the demands for advanced and innovative design concepts and engineering products is expanding. At the same time the advancements in the available technology in terms of computational resources and power, as well as the intelligence of the design software, accommodate these demands and make them a viable approach towards the challenge of real-world engineering problems. This class of design optimisation problems is by nature multi-disciplinary. In the present work we establish enhanced optimisation capabilities within the Nimrod/O tool for massively distributed execution of computational tasks through cluster and computational grid resources, and develop the potential to combine and benefit from all the possible available technological advancements, both software and hardware. We develop the interface between a Free Form Deformation geometry management in-house code with the 2D airfoil aerodynamic efficiency evaluation tool XFoil, and the well established multi-objective heuristic optimisation algorithm NSGA-II. A simple airfoil design problem has been defined to demonstrate the functionality of the design system, but also to accommodate a framework for future developments and testing with other state-of-the-art optimisation algorithms such as the Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) and the Multi-Objective Tabu Search (MOTS) techniques. Ultimately, heavily computationally expensive industrial design cases can be realised within the presented framework that could not be investigated before. ©2012 AIAA.
We demonstrate how the Gaussian process regression approach can be used to efficiently reconstruct free energy surfaces from umbrella sampling simulations. By making a prior assumption of smoothness and taking account of the sampling noise in a consistent fashion, we achieve a significant improvement in accuracy over the state of the art in two or more dimensions or, equivalently, a significant cost reduction to obtain the free energy surface within a prescribed tolerance in both regimes of spatially sparse data and short sampling trajectories. Stemming from its Bayesian interpretation the method provides meaningful error bars without significant additional computation. A software implementation is made available on www.libatoms.org.
We demonstrate how a prior assumption of smoothness can be used to enhance the reconstruction of free energy profiles from multiple umbrella sampling simulations using the Bayesian Gaussian process regression approach. The method we derive allows the concurrent use of histograms and free energy gradients and can easily be extended to include further data. In Part I we review the necessary theory and test the method for one collective variable. We demonstrate improved performance with respect to the weighted histogram analysis method and obtain meaningful error bars without any significant additional computation. In Part II we consider the case of multiple collective variables and compare to a reconstruction using least squares fitting of radial basis functions. We find substantial improvements in the regimes of spatially sparse data or short sampling trajectories. A software implementation is made available on www.libatoms.org.
facilitating formal specification acquisition by using recursive functions on context-free languages
Although formal specification techniques are very useful in software development, the acquisition of formal specifications is a difficult task. This paper presents the formal specification language LFC, which is designed to facilitate the acquisition and validation of formal specifications. LFC uses context-free languages for syntactic aspect and relies on a new kind of recursive functions, i.e. recursive functions on context-free languages, for semantic aspect of specifications. Construction and validation of LFC specifications are machine-aided. The basic ideas behind LFC, the main aspects of LFC, and the use of LFC and illustrative examples are described.
The State Key Laboratory of Computer Science (SKLCS) is committed to basic research in computer science and software engineering. The research topics of the laboratory include: concurrency theory, theory and algorithms for real-time systems, formal specifications based on context-free grammars, semantics of programming languages, model checking, automated reasoning, logic programming, software testing, software process improvement, middleware technology, parallel algorithms and parallel software, computer graphics and human-computer interaction. This paper describes these topics in some detail and summarizes some results obtained in recent years.
The liquid metal flow in induction crucible models is known to be unstable, turbulent and difficult to predict in the regime of medium frequencies when the electromagnetic skin-layer is of considerable extent. We present long term turbulent flow measurements by a permanent magnet incorporated potential difference velocity probe in a cylindrical container filled with eutectic melt In-Ga-Sn. The parallel numerical simulation of the long time scale development of the turbulent average flow is presented. The numerical flow model uses an implicit pseudo-spectral code and k-w turbulence model, which was recently developed for the transitional flow modelling. The results compare reasonably to the experiment and demonstrate the time development of the turbulent flow field and the turbulence energy.
High-integrity castings require sophisticated design and manufacturing procedures to ensure they are essentially macrodefect free. Unfortunately, an important class of such defects—macroporosity, misruns, and pipe shrinkage—are all functions of the interactions of free surface flow, heat transfer, and solidication in complex geometries. Because these defects arise as an interaction of the preceding continuum phenomena, genuinely predictive models of these defects must represent these interactions explicitly. This work describes an attempt to model the formation of macrodefects explicitly as a function of the interacting continuum phenomena in arbitrarily complex three-dimensional geometries. The computational approach exploits a compatible set of finite volume procedures extended to unstructured meshes. The implementation of the model is described together with its testing and a measure of validation. The model demonstrates the potential to predict reliably shrinkage macroporosity, misruns, and pipe shrinkage directly as a result of interactions among free-surface fluid flow, heat transfer, and solidification.
The liquid metal flow in inducation crucible models is known to be higly unstable and turbutlen in the regim e of medium frequecies when the elctronmagnetic skin-layer is of considerable extent. We present long term turbulent flow measurements by a permanent magnet incorporated potential difference veolocity probe in a cylindirical container filled with eutecti mlt In-Ga-SN. The parallel numerical simulation of the long time scale development of the turbulen average flow is presented. The numerical lfow model uses a pseud-spectral code and k-w turbulence model, which was recently developed for the transitional flow modelling. The result compare reasonably to the experiment and demonstrate the time development of the turbulent flow field.
When designing a new passenger ship or modifying an existing design, how do we ensure that the proposed design and crew emergency procedures are safe from an evacuation point of view? In the wake of major maritime disasters such as the Herald of Free Enterprise and the Estonia and in light of the growth in the numbers of high density, high-speed ferries and large capacity cruise ships, issues concerned with the evacuation of passengers and crew at sea are receiving renewed interest. In the maritime industry, ship evacuation models offer the promise to quickly and efficiently bring evacuation considerations into the design phase, while the ship is "on the drawing board". maritimeEXODUS-winner of the BCS, CITIS and RINA awards - is such a model. Features such as the ability to realistically simulate human response to fire, the capability to model human performance in heeled orientations, a virtual reality environment that produces realistic visualisations of the modelled scenarios and with an integrated abandonment model, make maritimeEXODUS a truly unique tool for assessing the evacuation capabilities of all types of vessels under a variety of conditions. This paper describes the maritimeEXODUS model, the SHEBA facility from which data concerning passenger/crew performance in conditions of heel is derived and an example application demonstrating the models use in performing an evacuation analysis for a large passenger ship partially based on the requirements of MSC circular 1033.
In this paper the use of free-surface techniques, within the framework of a finite volume methodology, are investigated for the simulation of metal forming processes. In such processes, for example extrusion and forging, a workpiece is subjected to large scale deformation to create the product's shape. The use of Eulerian free-surface techniques to predict this final shape offers the advantage, over the traditionally used Lagrangian finite element method, of not requiring remmeshing. Two free-surface techniques to predict this final shape offers the advantage, over the traditionally used Lagrangian finite element method, of not requiring remesingh. Two free-surface techniques are compared by modelling a typical example of this type of process - non-Newtonian extrusion of an aluminium workpiece through a conical die.