981 resultados para Software 3D e 2D


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Microstructure manipulation is a fundamental process to the study of biology and medicine, as well as to advance micro- and nano-system applications. Manipulation of microstructures has been achieved through various microgripper devices developed recently, which lead to advances in micromachine assembly, and single cell manipulation, among others. Only two kinds of integrated feedback have been demonstrated so far, force sensing and optical binary feedback. As a result, the physical, mechanical, optical, and chemical information about the microstructure under study must be extracted from macroscopic instrumentation, such as confocal fluorescence microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. In this research work, novel Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical-System (MOEMS) microgrippers are presented. These devices utilize flexible optical waveguides as gripping arms, which provide the physical means for grasping a microobject, while simultaneously enabling light to be delivered and collected. This unique capability allows extensive optical characterization of the structure being held such as transmission, reflection, or fluorescence. The microgrippers require external actuation which was accomplished by two methods: initially with a micrometer screw, and later with a piezoelectric actuator. Thanks to a novel actuation mechanism, the "fishbone", the gripping facets remain parallel within 1 degree. The design, simulation, fabrication, and characterization are systematically presented. The devices mechanical operation was verified by means of 3D finite element analysis simulations. Also, the optical performance and losses were simulated by the 3D-to-2D effective index (finite difference time domain FDTD) method as well as 3D Beam Propagation Method (3D-BPM). The microgrippers were designed to manipulate structures from submicron dimensions up to approximately 100 μm. The devices were implemented in SU-8 due to its suitable optical and mechanical properties. This work demonstrates two practical applications: the manipulation of single SKOV-3 human ovarian carcinoma cells, and the detection and identification of microparts tagged with a fluorescent "barcode" implemented with quantum dots. The novel devices presented open up new possibilities in the field of micromanipulation at the microscale, scalable to the nano-domain.


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Microstructure manipulation is a fundamental process to the study of biology and medicine, as well as to advance micro- and nano-system applications. Manipulation of microstructures has been achieved through various microgripper devices developed recently, which lead to advances in micromachine assembly, and single cell manipulation, among others. Only two kinds of integrated feedback have been demonstrated so far, force sensing and optical binary feedback. As a result, the physical, mechanical, optical, and chemical information about the microstructure under study must be extracted from macroscopic instrumentation, such as confocal fluorescence microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. In this research work, novel Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical-System (MOEMS) microgrippers are presented. These devices utilize flexible optical waveguides as gripping arms, which provide the physical means for grasping a microobject, while simultaneously enabling light to be delivered and collected. This unique capability allows extensive optical characterization of the structure being held such as transmission, reflection, or fluorescence. The microgrippers require external actuation which was accomplished by two methods: initially with a micrometer screw, and later with a piezoelectric actuator. Thanks to a novel actuation mechanism, the “fishbone”, the gripping facets remain parallel within 1 degree. The design, simulation, fabrication, and characterization are systematically presented. The devices mechanical operation was verified by means of 3D finite element analysis simulations. Also, the optical performance and losses were simulated by the 3D-to-2D effective index (finite difference time domain FDTD) method as well as 3D Beam Propagation Method (3D-BPM). The microgrippers were designed to manipulate structures from submicron dimensions up to approximately 100 µm. The devices were implemented in SU-8 due to its suitable optical and mechanical properties. This work demonstrates two practical applications: the manipulation of single SKOV-3 human ovarian carcinoma cells, and the detection and identification of microparts tagged with a fluorescent “barcode” implemented with quantum dots. The novel devices presented open up new possibilities in the field of micromanipulation at the microscale, scalable to the nano-domain.


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This document describes the first bundle of core WP2 (user data analytics) client side components, including their specifications, usecases, and working prototypes. Included assets contain a description of their current status, and links to their full designs and downloadable versions. This deliverable only describes operational SW assets (even though beta) that are tested and documented. It should be noted, however, that various additional software assets (2.2d Cognitive Capacity Measurement and 2.3a Realtime Emotion Detection) are near completion for inclusion in games during the first pilot round. Those assets are still scheduled for inclusion in the final bundle deliverable D2.2.


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Este trabajo se enfoca en el diseño de una turbina de vapor de carácter experimental para simular, en un laboratorio de transferencia térmica, la dinámica propia de una turbina de mayor tamaño en el circuito secundario de un ciclo de potencia. La máquina diseñada produciría 185 kW de potencia en el eje a 9.000 RPM con un rendimiento interno del 88 %, tomando en la entrada 0,4 kg/s de vapor saturado a 40 bar y descargando a una presión de 1,5 bar. Se desarrolló la teoría de turbomáquinas necesaria para realizar los cálculos fuidodinámicos y se propuso un método de diseño apropiado para el alcance del trabajo. Se decidió que la turbina sería de tres etapas, dos Curtis y una de impulso, y se realizaron los cálculos correspondientes. Una vez que el diseño fluidodinámico estaba definido, se procedió a dimensionar los distintos elementos mecánicos, con el alcance correspondiente a ingeniería conceptual y básica. Se realizaron detalladamente los cálculos propios del dimensionado del rotor (eje y discos), rodamientos, carcasa, válvula de seguridad de presión y asociados. Además se presentó el diseño conceptual de los elementos restantes, sistema de control y otros auxiliares. Finalmente, se realizaron los modelos en software 3D de todas las piezas y se produjeron los planos correspondientes.


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Este trabajo se enfoca en el diseño de una turbina de vapor de carácter experimental para simular, en un laboratorio de transferencia térmica, la dinámica propia de una turbina de mayor tamaño en el circuito secundario de un ciclo de potencia. La máquina diseñada produciría 185 kW de potencia en el eje a 9.000 RPM con un rendimiento interno del 88 %, tomando en la entrada 0,4 kg/s de vapor saturado a 40 bar y descargando a una presión de 1,5 bar. Se desarrolló la teoría de turbomáquinas necesaria para realizar los cálculos fuidodinámicos y se propuso un método de diseño apropiado para el alcance del trabajo. Se decidió que la turbina sería de tres etapas, dos Curtis y una de impulso, y se realizaron los cálculos correspondientes. Una vez que el diseño fluidodinámico estaba definido, se procedió a dimensionar los distintos elementos mecánicos, con el alcance correspondiente a ingeniería conceptual y básica. Se realizaron detalladamente los cálculos propios del dimensionado del rotor (eje y discos), rodamientos, carcasa, válvula de seguridad de presión y asociados. Además se presentó el diseño conceptual de los elementos restantes, sistema de control y otros auxiliares. Finalmente, se realizaron los modelos en software 3D de todas las piezas y se produjeron los planos correspondientes.


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L’incessante urbanizzazione e il continuo aumento della popolazione urbana stanno generando nuove sfide per le pubbliche amministrazioni, le quali necessitano soluzioni per la gestione sostenibile di risorse primarie (cibo, acqua, suolo, fonti energetiche) e la corretta pianificazione delle città, allo scopo di salvaguardare le condizioni ambientali, la salute dei cittadini e il progresso economico: in questo complesso panorama si afferma il concetto di Digital Twin City (DTC) o gemello digitale della città, la controparte virtuale di oggetti e processi in ambiente urbano in grado di comunicare con essi e di simularne, replicarne e predirne i possibili scenari. In questo contesto, un elemento essenziale è costituito dal modello geometrico 3D ad alta fedeltà dell'ambiente urbano, e la Geomatica fornisce gli strumenti più idonei alla sua realizzazione. La presente elaborazione si sviluppa in tre parti: nella prima è stata condotta un’analisi della letteratura sui DTC, in cui sono state evidenziate le sue caratteristiche principali come l’architettura, le tecnologie abilitanti, alcune possibili modellazioni, ostacoli, scenari futuri ed esempi di applicazioni reali, giungendo alla conclusione che un accurato modello 3D della città deve essere alla base dei DTC; nella seconda parte è stata illustrata nel dettaglio la teoria delle principali tecniche geomatiche per la realizzazione di modelli 3D ad alta fedeltà, tra cui le tecniche fotogrammetriche di aerotriangolazione e l’algoritmo Structure from Motion (SfM); nella terza e ultima parte è stata condotta una sperimentazione su tre zone campione del comune di Bologna di cui, grazie ad un dataset di fotogrammi nadirali e obliqui ottenuto da un volo fotogrammetrico realizzato nel 2022, sono state ottenute Reality Meshes e ortofoto/DSM. I prodotti della terza zona sono stati confrontati con i medesimi ottenuti da un dataset del 2017. Infine, sono state illustrati alcuni strumenti di misura e di ritocco dei prodotti 3D e 2D.


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BACKGROUND: The yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe is frequently used as a model for studying the cell cycle. The cells are rod-shaped and divide by medial fission. The process of cell division, or cytokinesis, is controlled by a network of signaling proteins called the Septation Initiation Network (SIN); SIN proteins associate with the SPBs during nuclear division (mitosis). Some SIN proteins associate with both SPBs early in mitosis, and then display strongly asymmetric signal intensity at the SPBs in late mitosis, just before cytokinesis. This asymmetry is thought to be important for correct regulation of SIN signaling, and coordination of cytokinesis and mitosis. In order to study the dynamics of organelles or large protein complexes such as the spindle pole body (SPB), which have been labeled with a fluorescent protein tag in living cells, a number of the image analysis problems must be solved; the cell outline must be detected automatically, and the position and signal intensity associated with the structures of interest within the cell must be determined. RESULTS: We present a new 2D and 3D image analysis system that permits versatile and robust analysis of motile, fluorescently labeled structures in rod-shaped cells. We have designed an image analysis system that we have implemented as a user-friendly software package allowing the fast and robust image-analysis of large numbers of rod-shaped cells. We have developed new robust algorithms, which we combined with existing methodologies to facilitate fast and accurate analysis. Our software permits the detection and segmentation of rod-shaped cells in either static or dynamic (i.e. time lapse) multi-channel images. It enables tracking of two structures (for example SPBs) in two different image channels. For 2D or 3D static images, the locations of the structures are identified, and then intensity values are extracted together with several quantitative parameters, such as length, width, cell orientation, background fluorescence and the distance between the structures of interest. Furthermore, two kinds of kymographs of the tracked structures can be established, one representing the migration with respect to their relative position, the other representing their individual trajectories inside the cell. This software package, called "RodCellJ", allowed us to analyze a large number of S. pombe cells to understand the rules that govern SIN protein asymmetry. CONCLUSIONS: "RodCell" is freely available to the community as a package of several ImageJ plugins to simultaneously analyze the behavior of a large number of rod-shaped cells in an extensive manner. The integration of different image-processing techniques in a single package, as well as the development of novel algorithms does not only allow to speed up the analysis with respect to the usage of existing tools, but also accounts for higher accuracy. Its utility was demonstrated on both 2D and 3D static and dynamic images to study the septation initiation network of the yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. More generally, it can be used in any kind of biological context where fluorescent-protein labeled structures need to be analyzed in rod-shaped cells. AVAILABILITY: RodCellJ is freely available under http://bigwww.epfl.ch/algorithms.html, (after acceptance of the publication).


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A través de la propuesta Styled Layer Descriptor 3D (SLD3D), cuya especificación se encuentra en el Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), se posibilitará la generación de información tridimensional. La interpretación de estos estilos a través del Keyhole Markup Language (KML) y su representación en los interfaces 3D, garantizarán el aprovechamiento de la tercera componente espacial permitiendo una representación realista del entorno


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether measurements on conventional cephalometric radiographs are comparable with 3D measurements on 3D models of human skulls, derived from cone beam CT (CBCT) data. A CBCT scan and a conventional cephalometric radiograph were made of 40 dry skulls. Standard cephalometric software was used to identify landmarks on both the 2D images and the 3D models. The same operator identified 17 landmarks on the cephalometric radiographs and on the 3D models. All images and 3D models were traced five times with a time-interval of 1 week and the mean value of repeated measurements was used for further statistical analysis. Distances and angles were calculated. Intra-observer reliability was good for all measurements. The reproducibility of the measurements on the conventional cephalometric radiographs was higher compared with the reproducibility of measurements on the 3D models. For a few measurements a clinically relevant difference between measurements on conventional cephalometric radiographs and 3D models was found. Measurements on conventional cephalometric radiographs can differ significantly from measurements on 3D models of the same skull. The authors recommend that 3D tracings for longitudinal research are not used in cases were there are only 2D records from the past.


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This paper describes a method for DRR generation as well as for volume gradients projection using hardware accelerated 2D texture mapping and accumulation buffering and demonstrates its application in 2D-3D registration of X-ray fluoroscopy to CT images. The robustness of the present registration scheme are guaranteed by taking advantage of a coarse-to-fine processing of the volume/image pyramids based on cubic B-splines. A human cadaveric spine specimen together with its ground truth was used to compare the present scheme with a purely software-based scheme in three aspects: accuracy, speed, and capture ranges. Our experiments revealed an equivalent accuracy and capture ranges but with much shorter registration time with the present scheme. More specifically, the results showed 0.8 mm average target registration error, 55 second average execution time per registration, and 10 mm and 10° capture ranges for the present scheme when tested on a 3.0 GHz Pentium 4 computer.


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We developed an object-oriented cross-platform program to perform three-dimensional (3D) analysis of hip joint morphology using two-dimensional (2D) anteroposterior (AP) pelvic radiographs. Landmarks extracted from 2D AP pelvic radiographs and optionally an additional lateral pelvic X-ray were combined with a cone beam projection model to reconstruct 3D hip joints. Since individual pelvic orientation can vary considerably, a method for standardizing pelvic orientation was implemented to determine the absolute tilt/rotation. The evaluation of anatomically morphologic differences was achieved by reconstructing the projected acetabular rim and the measured hip parameters as if obtained in a standardized neutral orientation. The program had been successfully used to interactively objectify acetabular version in hips with femoro-acetabular impingement or developmental dysplasia. Hip(2)Norm is written in object-oriented programming language C++ using cross-platform software Qt (TrollTech, Oslo, Norway) for graphical user interface (GUI) and is transportable to any platform.


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OBJECTIVES: To determine the accuracy of automated vessel-segmentation software for vessel-diameter measurements based on three-dimensional contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (3D-MRA). METHOD: In 10 patients with high-grade carotid stenosis, automated measurements of both carotid arteries were obtained with 3D-MRA by two independent investigators and compared with manual measurements obtained by digital subtraction angiography (DSA) and 2D maximum-intensity projection (2D-MIP) based on MRA and duplex ultrasonography (US). In 42 patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy (CEA), intraoperative measurements (IOP) were compared with postoperative 3D-MRA and US. RESULTS: Mean interoperator variability was 8% for measurements by DSA and 11% by 2D-MIP, but there was no interoperator variability with the automated 3D-MRA analysis. Good correlations were found between DSA (standard of reference), manual 2D-MIP (rP=0.6) and automated 3D-MRA (rP=0.8). Excellent correlations were found between IOP, 3D-MRA (rP=0.93) and US (rP=0.83). CONCLUSION: Automated 3D-MRA-based vessel segmentation and quantification result in accurate measurements of extracerebral-vessel dimensions.


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In this study, twenty hydroxylated and acetoxylated 3-phenylcoumarin derivatives were evaluated as inhibitors of immune complex-stimulated neutrophil oxidative metabolism and possible modulators of the inflammatory tissue damage found in type III hypersensitivity reactions. By using lucigenin- and luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence assays (CL-luc and CL-lum, respectively), we found that the 6,7-dihydroxylated and 6,7-diacetoxylated 3-phenylcoumarin derivatives were the most effective inhibitors. Different structural features of the other compounds determined CL-luc and/or CL-lum inhibition. The 2D-QSAR analysis suggested the importance of hydrophobic contributions to explain these effects. In addition, a statistically significant 3D-QSAR model built applying GRIND descriptors allowed us to propose a virtual receptor site considering pharmacophoric regions and mutual distances. Furthermore, the 3-phenylcoumarins studied were not toxic to neutrophils under the assessed conditions. (C) 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Background and purpose: To evaluate biochemical control and treatment related toxicity of patients with localized adenocarcinoma of the prostate treated with high dose-rate brachytherapy (HDRB) combined with conventional 2D or 3D-conformal external beam irradiation (EBI). Material and methods: Four-hundred and three patients treated between December 2000 and March 2004. HDRB was delivered with three fractions of 5.5-7 Gy with a single implant, followed by 45 Gy delivered with 2D or 3D conformal EBI. Results: The median follow-up was 48.4 months. Biochemical failure (BF) occurred in 9.6% according to both ASTRO and Phoenix consensus criteria. Mean time to relapse was 13 and 26 months, respectively. The 5-year BF free survival using the ASTRO criteria was 94.3%, 86.9% and 86.6% for the low, intermediate and high risk groups, respectively; using Phoenix criteria, 92.4%, 88.0% and 85.3%, respectively. The only predictive factor of BF in the multivariate analysis by both ASTRO and Phoenix criteria was the presence of prostate nodules detected by digital palpation, and patients younger than 60 years presented a higher chance of failure using Phoenix criteria only. Conclusions: Treatment scheme is feasible and safe with good efficacy. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd All rights reserved. Radiotherapy and Oncology 98 (2011) 169-174


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Introduction and Objectives. Laparoscopic surgery has undeniable advantages, such as reduced postoperative pain, smaller incisions, and faster recovery. However, to improve surgeons’ performance, ergonomic adaptations of the laparoscopic instruments and introduction of robotic technology are needed. The aim of this study was to ascertain the influence of a new hand-held robotic device for laparoscopy (HHRDL) and 3D vision on laparoscopic skills performance of 2 different groups, naïve and expert. Materials and Methods. Each participant performed 3 laparoscopic tasks—Peg transfer, Wire chaser, Knot—in 4 different ways. With random sequencing we assigned the execution order of the tasks based on the first type of visualization and laparoscopic instrument. Time to complete each laparoscopic task was recorded and analyzed with one-way analysis of variance. Results. Eleven experts and 15 naïve participants were included. Three-dimensional video helps the naïve group to get better performance in Peg transfer, Wire chaser 2 hands, and Knot; the new device improved the execution of all laparoscopic tasks (P < .05). For expert group, the 3D video system benefited them in Peg transfer and Wire chaser 1 hand, and the robotic device in Peg transfer, Wire chaser 1 hand, and Wire chaser 2 hands (P < .05). Conclusion. The HHRDL helps the execution of difficult laparoscopic tasks, such as Knot, in the naïve group. Three-dimensional vision makes the laparoscopic performance of the participants without laparoscopic experience easier, unlike those with experience in laparoscopic procedures.