989 resultados para Sodium Sulfate Attack


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The SER spectra of riboflavin and FAD are identical and are resonance enhanced at 514 or 532 nm. Signals from FAD/ riboflavin dominated SER spectra whenever these compounds were present with proteins or bacteria. SER spectra of very different bacteria such as Pseudomonas. aeruginosa, Bacillu. subtilis and Geobacillus. stearothermophilus were dominated by signals from FAD, even when these bacteria were added to a preformed colloid. The SERS signal of FAD is greatly reduced at 785 nm, and SER spectra of bacteria excited at 785 nm are quite different than those collected at 514 or 532 nm. This supports the assignment of the peaks in the 514 nm SER spectra of bacteria to FAD rather to amino acids or N-acetylglucosamine. The SER spectra of certain mixes of adenine and FAD showed similar changes to those of bacteria when the excitation was changed from 514/532 nm to 785 nm. The ratio of colloid: bacteria was of critical important for obtaining good SER spectra, and the addition of sodium sulfate was also beneficial. Removal of EPS from bacteria before analysis facilitated interaction with the silver surface, and may be a useful step to include in identification protocols.


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Nanostructured MnO2 was synthesized at ambient condition by reduction of potassium permanganate with aniline. Powder X-ray diffraction, thermal analysis (thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller surface area, and infrared spectroscopy studies were carried out for physical and chemical characterization. The as-prepared MnO2 was amorphous and contained particles of 5-10 nm diameter. Upon annealing at temperatures >400°C, the amorphous MnO2 attained crystalline α-phase with a concomitant change in morphology. A gradual conversion of nanoparticles to nanorods is evident from scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies. High-resolution TEM images suggested that nanoparticles and nanorods grow in different crystallographic planes. Capacitance behavior was studied by cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic charge-discharge cycling in a potential range from -0.2 to 1.0 V vs SCE in 0.1 M sodium sulfate solution. Specific capacitance of about 250 F g-1 was obtained at a current density of 0.5 mA cm-2(0.8 A g-1).


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Fly ash and silica fume are two pozzolans that have been widely used for improved concrete strength and durability. Silica fume displays a greater pozzolanic reactivity than fly ash primarily due to its finer particle size. The reactivity of fly ash can be improved by reducing its particle size distribution. This paper discusses the fresh and hardened properties of concrete made with an ultra-fine fly ash (UFFA) produced by air classification. Durability testing for chloride diffusivity, rapid chloride permeability, alkali-silica reaction (ASR), and sulfate attack was also conducted It was found that at a given workability and water content, concrete containing UFFA could be produced with only 50% of the high-range water-reducer dosage required for comparable silica fume concrete. Similar early strengths and durability measures as silica fume concrete were observed when a slightly higher dosage of UFFA was used with a small reduction (10%) in water content.


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Background: Genetic variants of NOD2 are linked to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) etiology. Results: DSS model of colitis in wild-type and inducible nitric-oxide synthase (iNOS) null mice revealed that NOD2-iNOS/NO-responsive microRNA-146a targets NUMB gene facilitating Sonic hedgehog (SHH) signaling. Conclusion: miR-146a-mediated NOD2-SHH signaling regulates gut inflammation. Significance: Identification of novel regulators of IBD provides new insights into pathophysiology and development of new therapy concepts. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a debilitating chronic inflammatory disorder of the intestine. The interactions between enteric bacteria and genetic susceptibilities are major contributors of IBD etiology. Although genetic variants with loss or gain of NOD2 functions have been linked to IBD susceptibility, the mechanisms coordinating NOD2 downstream signaling, especially in macrophages, during IBD pathogenesis are not precisely identified. Here, studies utilizing the murine dextran sodium sulfate model of colitis revealed the crucial roles for inducible nitric-oxide synthase (iNOS) in regulating pathophysiology of IBDs. Importantly, stimulation of NOD2 failed to activate Sonic hedgehog (SHH) signaling in iNOS null macrophages, implicating NO mediated cross-talk between NOD2 and SHH signaling. NOD2 signaling up-regulated the expression of a NO-responsive microRNA, miR-146a, that targeted NUMB gene and alleviated the suppression of SHH signaling. In vivo and ex vivo studies confirmed the important roles for miR-146a in amplifying inflammatory responses. Collectively, we have identified new roles for miR-146a that established novel cross-talk between NOD2-SHH signaling during gut inflammation. Potential implications of these observations in therapeutics could increase the possibility of defining and developing better regimes to treat IBD pathophysiology.


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Os efluentes contendo cádmio podem ser gerados dos por várias indústrias. A aplicação de ambas as tecnologias osmose inversa (OI) e nanofiltração (NF) para o tratamento de efluentes contendo o íon cádmio para reduzir a degradação ambiental foram estudadas no presente trabalho. Amostras sintéticas contendo o íon cádmio em várias concentrações foram preparadas e submetidas aos tratamentos por OI e NF em escala laboratorial. Assim, dividiu-se o processo de remoção em três etapas: 1- analisou-se os processos de osmose inversa e nanofiltração em termos da rejeição do íon cádmio, onde se correlacionou e avaliou os principais parâmetros de processos (concentração da solução alimentação, fluxo de permeado e pressão) e comparou-se os sistemas entre si. Nas etapas 2 e 3 avaliou-se os efeitos da salinidade utilizando os contra-íons zinco e sódio respectivamente, sobre a rejeição do íon cádmio no sistema de osmose inversa em soluções aquosas contendo misturas de sulfato de cádmio e sulfato de zinco, e sulfato de cádmio e sulfato de sódio. Mediu-se as concentrações de cádmio e zinco por espectroscopia de absorção atômica e as concentrações de sulfato e sódio por cromatografia de íons. Os resultados obtidos na primeira etapa dos experimentos mostram que a osmose inversa e nanofiltração são eficientes na remoção de cádmio, onde se obteve as taxas médias de rejeição de 92,4% e 96,6% respectivamente, sendo esses valores iguais em magnitude, tendo em vista os valores da incerteza padrão relativa associada a esses resultados. Em ambos os sitemas, os fluxos de permeado e as rejeições não sofreram influência do aumento da concentração de cádmio na solução alimentação.Na etapa 2, os resultados mostraram a diminuição da rejeição de cádmio com o aumento da concentração de sulfato de zinco na alimentação, sendo esse fenômeno atribuído a semelhança existente entre os íons Cd2+ e Zn2+ associados aos seus raios iônicos de hidratação e as energias de hidratação. Foram observadas as quedas do fluxo de permeado e das rejeições com o aumento da concentração de alimentação provavelmente devido ao efeito da polarização. Na etapa 3, a rejeição do íon cádmio não foi afetada pelo aumento da concentração de sulfato de sódio na alimentação, assim como os fluxos de permeado. Outro aspecto relacionado à rejeição é que a difusão do sódio através da membrana é favorecida frente à difusão do cádmio, sendo atribuído ao menor raio de hidratação do sódio


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Comprehensive understanding of the long-term performance of cement-bentonite slurry trench cut-off walls is essential as these mixes may degrade when exposed to aggressive environments or when subjected to prolonged drying. A series of wetting-drying and immersion experiments was carried out to evaluate the durability characteristics of laboratory mixed samples and block field samples from 40 days to 11 years of age. For the wetting-drying tests, the samples buried in medium graded sand were subjected to periodical flooding and drying cycles. They were then used for permeability testing and unconfined compressive strength (UCS) testing. For the immersion tests, the samples confined in perforated molds were submerged in magnesium sulfate solution for 16 weeks and their microstructures were then analyzed using X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique. This paper identifies the effects of contaminant exposure on durability of cement-bentonite and the effects of aging by comparing 11 years old samples to younger samples. Test results showed that young or previously contaminated cement-bentonite mixes are more susceptible to sulfate attack than old or less contaminated mixes. Copyright ASCE 2008.


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Arylsulfatase activity and growth were estimated in Escherichia coli, isolated from marine sediment. Maximum activity was observed at pH 6.6 whereas the maximum growth was at pH 5.6. 2x10ˉ³ M is the optimum substrate concentration for the highest level of enzyme activity/synthesis as well as for its growth. In general higher substrate concentration tended to inhibit enzyme activity and also the growth of the bacterium. Maximum growth and highest enzyme activity occurred at 29°C and above this temperature decreased both of them. Besides these, glucose, sodium sulfate, sodium chloride, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, sodium acetate and ammonium chloride at higher concentrations were inhibiting the enzyme activity and growth. Above 0.2% of glucose, 3% of sodium chloride, 10x10ˉ³ M concentrations of sodium sulfate, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, sodium acetate and ammonium chloride inhibited the activity and growth also. These observations indicate that, to generalize a compound as inhibitor or activator it is difficult since this depends not only on its concentration but also on the source of the enzyme when more than one type is encountered in nature.


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The performance of porous blocks containing three different reactive magnesia-based cements - namely magnesia alone, magnesium oxide: Portland cement (PC) in 1:1 ratio, cured in ambient conditions, and magnesia alone, cured at elevated carbon dioxide conditions, in hydrochloric acid and magnesium sulfate solution - was investigated. Different aggressive chemical solution conditions were used, to which the samples were exposed for up to 12 months and then tested for strength and microstructure. The performance was also compared with that of standard PC-based blocks. The results showed the significant resistance to chemical attack offered by magnesia, both alone and with PC blend in the porous blocks when cured under ambient carbon dioxide conditions, and confirmed the much poorer performance of blocks made from PC alone. The blocks of solely magnesia cured in elevated carbon dioxide conditions, at 20% concentration, showed slightly lower resistance to acid attack than PC; however, the resistance to sulfate attack was much higher. © 2012 Thomas Telford Ltd.


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Plasma-sprayed 8YSZ (zirconia stabilized with 8 wt% yttria)/NiCoCrAlYTa thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) were laser-glazed using a continuous-wave CO2 laser. Open pores within the coating surface were eliminated and an external densified layer was generated by laser-glazing. The hot corrosion resistances of the plasma-sprayed and laser-glazed coatings were investigated. The two specimens were exposed for the same period of 100 h at 900 degrees C to a salt mixture of vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) and sodium sulfate (Na2SO4). Serious crack and spallation occurred in the as-sprayed coating, while the as-glazed coating exhibited good hot corrosion behavior and consequently achieved a prolonged lifetime. The results showed that the as-sprayed 8YSZ coating achieved remarkably improved hot corrosion resistance by laser-glazing.


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The water uptake and water loss behaviour in three different formulations of zinc oxy-chloride cement have been studied in detail. Specimens of each material were subjected to a high humidity atmosphere (93% RH) over saturated aqueous sodium sulfate, and a low humidity desiccating atmosphere over concentrated sulfuric acid. In high humidity, the cement formulated from the nominal 75% ZnCl2 solutions gained mass, eventually becoming too sticky to weigh further. The specimens at 25% and 50% ZnCl2 by contrast lost mass by a diffusion process, though by 1 week the 50% cement had stated to gain mass and was also too sticky to weigh. In low humidity, all three cements lost mass, again by a diffusion process. Both water gain and water loss followed Fick's law for a considerable time. In the case of water loss under desiccating conditions, this corresponded to values of Mt/MĄ well above 0.5. However, plots did not go through the origin, showing that there was an induction period before true diffusion began. Diffusion coefficients varied from 1.56 x 10-5 (75% ZnCl2) to 2.75 x 10-5 cm2/s (50% ZnCl2), and appeared to be influenced not simply by composition. The drying of the 25% and 50% ZnCl2 cements in high humidity conditions occurred at a much lower rate, with a value of D of 2.5 x 10-8 cm2/s for the 25% ZnCl2 cement. This cement was found to equilibrate slowly, but total water loss did not differ significantly from that of the cements stored under desiccating conditions. Equilibration times for water loss in desiccating conditions were of the order of 2-4 hours, depending on ZnCl2 content; equilibrium water losses were respectively 28.8 [25% ZnCl2], 16.2 [50%] and 12.4 [75%] which followed the order of ZnCl2 content. It is concluded that the water transport processes are strongly influenced by the ZnCl2 content of the cement.


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The thermal stability of electrochemically prepared polypyrrole (PPy) films with p-toluenesulfonate (pTS) or perchlorate (ClO4) counterion (PPy/pTS and PPy/ClO4) is improved by simple treatment with aqueous sulfuric acid, sodium sulfate or sodium bisulfate. The degree of stabilization achieved depends on the solution, temperature and duration of treatment. Although the mechanism for improved stability is not yet clear, it is apparent that the level of ion exchange and the original polymer microstructure are important. A model for the conductivity decay as a function of thickness has been proposed. The early stages of ion exchange are not symmetrical, and diffusion is facilitated at the electrode side of the film. Furthermore, X-ray diffraction shows no evidence of morphological change after treatment of PPy/pTS (43 μm), but in PPy/pTS (12 μm) and PPy/ClO4 (41 μm) films an additional peak is indicative of more ordered structure following treatment. The glass transition temperature, Tg, of PPy/pTS and PPy/ClO4 films obtained by modulated differential scanning calorimetry is approximately 155°C.


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The thermal stability of electrochemically prepared polypyrrole (PPy) films with p-toluene sulfonate (pTS) or perchlorate (CIOP4) counter ion (PPy/pTS and PPy/ClO4) is improved by simple treatment with aqueous sulfuric acid, sodium sulfate or sodium bisulfate. The degree of stabilization achieved depends on the solution, temperature and duration of treatment. PPy/pTS is easily stabilized and thick films (43μm) retain 90 % of the initial conductivity after long period (300 h) at 150 °C, while thinner films (12 μm) retain slightly less (70 %). A model for the conductivity decay has been proposed. Although the mechanism for improved stability is not yet clear it is apparent that the level of ion exchange and the original polymer microstructure are important. The early stages of ion exchange are not symmetrical and diffusion is facilitated at the electrode side of the film. Furthermore, X-ray diffraction shows no evidence of morphological change after treatment of thick PPy/pTS but in thin PPy/pTS and PPy/ClO4 films an additional peak is indicative of more ordered structure following treatment. These observation may imply that there is a higher density of crosslinks and branching at the growth side than at the electrode side of the film.


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Extraction and preconcentration of the model polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), phenanthrene, in aqueous solutions by two different kinds of nonionic ethoxylated alcohols, Tergitol 15-S-7 and Neodol 25-7, as extractants was studied at ambient temperature (22°C). Both surfactants have almost the same numbers of hydrocarbons and ethylene-oxide (EO) units, but differ in the location of the alcohols. Neodol 25-7 is a primary alcohol, while Tergitol 15-S-7 is a secondary one. The extraction process is based on the clouding phenomena of these two nonionic surfactants. Addition of sodium sulfate or sodium phosphate could decrease the cloud point temperatures of the surfactant solutions below the ambient temperatures, so that the cloud-point extraction process could be facilitated. Increasing the salt concentration or decreasing the surfactant concentration could improve the preconcentration factor, which is attributable to the decrease in the volume of surfactant-rich phase. Consequently, the recovery efficiency higher than 96% was achieved for phenanthrene in aqueous solution.


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Ulcerative colitis comprising an inflammatory bowel disease, whose most severe consequence is the development of intestinal neoplasia. The drugs currently used to treat the disease trigger a variety of serious adverse effects and are not effective in many cases. Recent studies demonstrated the effectiveness of natural products for the treatment of inflammatory processes. Seaweed extracts and their purified products have shown protective effects in models of inflammation and the association of traditional therapies with probiotics has significantly improved the clinical symptoms of ulcerative colitis. Therefore, the aims of this study include evaluating the potential effects of the use of probiotic strain Enterococcus faecium 32 (Ef32), the methanolic extract of the green seaweed Caulerpa mexicana (M.E.) and their concomitant administration in a murine model of colitis induced by dextran sodium sulfate (DSS). Accordingly, C57BL /6 mice were pretreated orally with Ef32 (109 CFU/ml) for seven days. In the seven days following, the colitis was induced by administration of 3% DSS (w/v) diluted in the animals drinking water. During this period, animals were treated daily with Ef32 and the M.E. (2.0 mg/kg) every other day by intravenous route. The development of colitis was monitored by the disease activity index (DAI), which takes into account the loss of body weight, consistency and presence of blood in stools. After euthanasia, the colon was removed, its length measured and tissue samples were destined for histological analysis and culture for cytokine quantification. The levels of cytokines in the culture supernatant of the colon were measured by ELISA. The treatments with the probiotic Ef32 or the M.E. alone or the combination of these two substances provoked significant improvement as to weight loss and DAI, and prevented the shortening of the colon in response to DSS. The isolated treatments triggered a slight improvement in intestinal mucosal tissue damage. However, their combination was able to completely repair the injury triggered by DSS. The association was also able to reduce the levels of all the cytokines analyzed (IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-6, IL-12, IL-17A and TNF-α). On the other hand, the treatment with Ef32 did not interfere with the levels of TNF-α, whereas treatment with M.E. did not alter the levels of IL-6. Moreover, the treatment with Ef32 not interferes in TNF-α levels, whereas treatment with M.E. did not alter the levels of IL-6. Therefore, the potential probiotic Ef32 and M.E. and especially when these samples were associated proved promising alternatives in the treatment of ulcerative colitis as demonstrated in an experimental model because of its beneficial effects on morphological and clinical parameters, and by reducing the production of proinflammatory cytokines of Th1, Th2 and Th17


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Chitosan nanoparticles have been used in several systems for the controlled release of drugs. The aim of this study was to obtain and characterize chitosan nanoparticles prepared by the method of coacervation / precipitation using sodium sulfate at different concentrations as the crosslinking agent. The characterization was done using zeta potential and small angle Xray scattering, SAXS. The dispersions of chitosan were obtained at pH 1 and pH = 3. The results of zeta potential at pH = 1 ranged from +64.8 to +29.27 mV and for pH = 3 they varied from +72.4 to +23.48 mV, indicating that the chain of chitosan is positively charged in acidic pH and the behavior of nanoparticles in terms of surface charge was independent of pH. However, the results indicated a dependence of particle size in relation to pH. This difference in behavior was explained by the influence of enthalpic and entropic components