789 resultados para Socio-political organization


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L’Europe engendre des transformations majeures de l’État national, influence sa structure politique, sa conception de la démocratie et du droit, et produit des effets sur les rapports majorité minorités. Elle a pour effet d’éloigner l’État national du modèle traditionnel de l’État-Nation ethniquement ou culturellement homogène en l’amenant à reconnaître la pluralité de ses composantes nationales. Ces mutations sont le résultat du processus même d’intégration communautaire et des politiques de régionalisation et de décentralisation que favorisent les institutions européennes. Soumis au double processus d’intégration supranationale et de désagrégation infranationale, l’État national se transforme. Son rapport avec les minorités, également. L’Europe commande des aménagements de la diversité. Pour y arriver, elle impose un droit à la différence, lequel s’inscrit toujours dans la protection générale des droits de l’homme mais vise spécifiquement à reconnaître des droits identitaires ou poly ethniques aux personnes appartenant à des minorités, en tant que groupe, dans le but évident de les protéger contre la discrimination et l’intolérance. En faisant la promotion de ce droit à la différence, l’Europe propose un modèle alternatif à l’État-Nation traditionnel. La nation (majorité) peut désormais s’accommoder de la diversité. La nation n’est plus seulement politique, elle devient socioculturelle. En faisant la promotion du principe de subsidiarité, l’Europe incite à la décentralisation et à la régionalisation. En proposant un droit de la différence, l’Union européenne favorise la mise au point de mécanismes institutionnels permanents où la négociation continue de la normativité juridique entre groupes différents est possible et où l’opportunité est donnée aux minorités de contribuer à la définition de cette normativité. Le pluralisme juridique engendré par la communautarisation reste par ailleurs fortement institutionnel. L’État communautarisé détient encore le monopole de la production du droit mais permet des aménagements institutionnels de l’espace public au sein d’un ensemble démocratique plus vaste, donc l’instauration d’un dialogue entre les différentes communautés qui le composent, ce qui aurait été impensable selon la théorie classique de l’État-nation, du droit moniste et monologique. Ainsi, assistons-nous à la transformation progressive dans les faits de l’État-nation en État multinational. La question des minorités soulève un problème de fond : celui de l'organisation politique minoritaire. La volonté de respecter toutes les identités collectives, de donner un statut politique à toutes les minorités et de satisfaire toutes les revendications particularistes n’a pas de fin. L’État-Nation n’est certes pas le meilleur –ni le seul- modèle d’organisation politique. Mais l’État multinational constitue-t-il une alternative viable en tant que modèle d’organisation politique ?


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Cette thèse cible l’étude d’une organisation sociotechnique pluraliste, le Réseau de centres d’excellence ArcticNet, établi depuis 2003 au sein de l’Université Laval et financé par le programme fédéral des Réseaux de centres d’excellence (RCE). Ce programme, effectif depuis 1988, est issu d’une initiative du ministère de l’Industrie Canada et des trois Conseils fédéraux de financement de la recherche scientifique (CRSNG, CRSH et IRSC). Par sa dimension interdisciplinaire et interinstitutionnelle, le RCE ArcticNet sollicite la mise en place de divers accommodements sur une thématique environnementale controversée, celle du développement de l’Arctique canadien côtier. Notre approche se concentre sur la description de ces collaborations pluralistes et l’analyse des stratégies de consensus mises en place par une organisation universitaire médiatrice. Si cette étude illustre le cas d’ArcticNet, elle questionne toutefois deux réalités d’ensemble: (1) D’un point de vue théorique, prépondérant dans cette thèse, les enjeux environnementaux et de développement durable s’inscrivent dans les nouvelles réalités de la production des connaissances portées par une coévolution entre science et société, contribuant à l’expansion des domaines de R&D ciblés; et, (2) D’un point de vue empirique illustratif, les éléments de formation et d’évolution d’un réseau sociotechnique intersectoriel et les stratégies des scientifiques dans la recherche et le développement de l’Arctique canadien côtier présentent un profil basé sur l’accommodement des parties prenantes. Cette recherche adhère au postulat épistémologique des théories des organisations sociotechniques pluralistes, plutôt qu’aux modèles théoriques de la société/économie de la connaissance. L’étude regroupe un total de 23 entrevues recueillies en 2008 et en 2010 auprès de l’administration, de membres scientifiques et de partenaires d’ArcticNet, suivant une logique de témoignage. Elle ouvre ainsi une nouvelle réflexion sur leur milieu de pratique de la science, plus particulièrement des sciences de l’environnement, vers lequel la société actuelle oriente la nouvelle production des connaissances, à travers les divers financements de la recherche et du développement.


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Les minorités linguistiques francophones au Nouveau-Brunswick et en Ontario et la minorité galloisante au Pays de Galles ont plusieurs éléments en commun. D’abord, elles se sont dotées d’un réseau associatif dense qui a mené de front plusieurs luttes, souvent avec succès, et qui a eu pour résultats l’amélioration de la situation sociopolitique et la reconnaissance symbolique de la communauté minoritaire. Ensuite, le statut légal et social de la langue minoritaire a relativement progressé dans les trois cas, grâce à l’adoption de lois et de politiques linguistiques. Ajoutons qu’elles ont tous accès à des institutions qui leur permettent de faire entendre leurs voix ou encore de se gouverner, que ce soit à travers leurs gouvernements locaux ou les assemblées législatives, et peuvent compter sur un ombudsman linguistique. Toutefois, la principale différence entre ces trois cas réside dans le niveau de mobilisation linguistique que l’on y observe à l’heure actuelle. On pourrait le qualifier d’élevé au Pays de Galles, de modéré en Ontario et de faible au Nouveau-Brunswick. Comment expliquer cette différence malgré un contexte similaire dans chacun des cas ? En nous inspirant des travaux sur la mobilisation linguistique, sur la rémanence et sur les régimes linguistiques, nous proposons une hypothèse qui établit un lien causal entre la satisfaction des groupes représentant les minorités linguistiques à l’égard des régimes linguistiques et le niveau de mobilisation. Le niveau de mobilisation d’une minorité linguistique varie en fonction de sa satisfaction à l’égard du régime linguistique, et cette satisfaction est liée à la perception qu’ont les groupes quant aux succès ou aux échecs de leurs mobilisations linguistiques. Autrement dit, quand une minorité linguistique considère que sa mobilisation linguistique n’a pas obtenu le succès escompté et que le régime linguistique ne répond pas à ses principales attentes, les organisations qui la représentent maintiennent un niveau de mobilisation élevé. À l’inverse, quand une minorité linguistique perçoit que sa mobilisation linguistique a connu du succès et que le régime linguistique répond à ses principales attentes, les organisations se réorganisent et entrent en rémanence. De façon plus précise, cette hypothèse propose donc une explication pour chacun des cas. Au Pays de Galles, le niveau de mobilisation des Galloisants demeure élevé parce que les modifications apportées au régime linguistique gallois ne répondent toujours pas aux attentes formulées par les acteurs de la société civile et ces acteurs ne considèrent pas que leur mobilisation a connu les succès escomptés. En Ontario, le niveau de mobilisation est modéré, parce qu’après une période de rémanence suivant un succès de la mobilisation linguistique, elle a repris une certaine vigueur alors que certains acquis étaient menacés. Au Nouveau-Brunswick, la mobilisation linguistique est en rémanence après que la mobilisation ait atteint sa finalité, c’est-à-dire qu’elle a connu le succès qu’elle recherchait, mais les acteurs de la société civile ne sont pas pour autant absents de l’espace public.


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The international dimension of democratisation is a major concern in the study of contemporary political systems. The analysis of domestic political transformations in which International Organisations (IOs) may be salient actors compromises the traditional inward-looking approach of comparative politics that holds democracy to be a domestic affair par excellence. Nevertheless, the maturity of any process of democratisation relies upon the establishment and sustainability of institutions that genuinely reflect the interests and socio-political identity of the citizens of that polity. The role of external influence, whether progressive or abrupt, is clearly limited in constructing and sustaining this process. However, the relevance of international variables in influencing the renaissance or enhancement of democracy has not been overlooked by either scholars or politicians over the past fifteen years. As a number of political systems went through what became known as the third wave of democratization, the role of IOs in breaking down undemocratic strongholds and in neutralising possible reversals began to gain momentum. Contending approaches and controversial case studies alike appear to elicit very different conclusions concerning the legitimacy and the effectiveness of international actors in this field. This analysis addresses the rationale underpinning the deployment of multilateral external actors as agents of democratisation. Drawing on an integrative theoretical approach and a comparative case study involving the democratisation agendas of the Organization of American States (OAS) and the United Nations (UN) in Latin America (LA), contrasting international models of deployment are assessed. It is argued that IOs’ democratisation strategies are based on institutional roadmaps leading towards the attainment of targets which vary according to three key ´guidelines’: how democracy is conceptualised, what cooperative strategies are used, and what frameworks for democratisation are adopted.-----La dimensión internacional de la democratización representa un fenómeno importante de los sistemas políticos contemporáneos. El hecho de que la transformación política interna sea incluida bajo el título de organizaciones internacionales (OI) indica un rompimiento con el enfoque tradicional de observación interna de la política comparativa, si se parte de la suposición de que la “democracia” es un asunto interno por excelencia. Hay procesos complejos que limitan la viabilidad de la fortuna democrática en la política interior, los cuales dependen de las estructuras representativas del poder que fluye de la legitimidad nacional y la identidad política. No obstante, los estímulos internacionales que sostienen a los sistemas nacionales de gobierno, estructurados alrededor de la construcción y la consolidación de la democracia, están en el centro de la política comparativa contemporánea. Cuando varios sistemas políticos atravesaban la tercera ola de democratización, las OI asumieron rápidamente una posición significativa como agentes que neutralizaban los miedos a la inversión de políticas, rompiendo lazos con formas antidemocráticas de gobierno y eliminando las normas informales de los juegos democráticos. Las dinámicas mencionadas dan fundamento para abordar el debate sobre los modelos externos de apoyo. Mediante un enfoque teórico integrador y un estudio comparativo de casos de las agendas de democratización de la Organización de Estados Americanos y las Naciones Unidas dirigidas a la problemática democrática latinoamericana, se aclaran modelos internacionales “ocultos” de despliegue. Se argumenta que las estrategias de las OI para democratizar se fundamentan en que los planes de desarrollo institucionales para la democratización lleguen a los objetivos democráticos a través de tres “guías” multilaterales: conceptualización de la democracia, estrategias de cooperación y marcos de referencia especiales para la democratización.


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El presente estudio de caso busca analizar, de manera crítica, la influencia que la ONG Human Rights Watch (HRW) tuvo frente al manejo de la práctica de reclutamiento de niños en Liberia y Sierra Leona durante el periodo 1989 – 2003. Con este fin se analiza la participación de la ONG en el reconocimiento internacional de dicha práctica como una problemática de derechos humanos, al tiempo que se contrapone a las perspectivas de los contextos socio-políticos y culturales de ambos países frente a la vinculación de niños en los conflictos armados. Este estudio mostró que la difusión de las ideas de derechos humanos por parte de HRW, a pesar de enfrentarse a conceptos distintos del „deber ser‟ de los niños en distintos contextos, termina siendo aceptada por ambos países mediante el reconocimiento de la normatividad internacional y por tanto, de esta práctica de vieja data como una violación de derechos humanos.


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O interesse e a escolha do tema satisfação dos profissionais docentes acontece porque a satisfação profissional influencia por um lado o trabalhador ao nível da saúde e bem-estar, e por outro a organização, uma vez que associados à satisfação estão aspectos tão importantes como eficácia, produtividade, clima e abandono. No caso dos professores, o mal-estar vai afectar não só os docentes como também os alunos, influenciando assim negativamente o processo de ensino-aprendizagem. O objectivo deste estudo consiste em identificar quais os factores que contribuem para a satisfação e insatisfação dos professores da Escola Conde de Oeiras, analisando também a influencia de variáveis sócio-demográficas como os anos de experiencia e o ciclo de ensino leccionado. Para tal foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: - o Questionário de Satisfação Profissional dos Professores (TJSQ); - e o Questionário de Satisfação Geral no Trabalho. Através dos resultados obtidos é possível concluir que, de uma forma geral os professores desta escola se encontram satisfeitos face à sua actividade profissional e que não a desejam abandonar, no entanto na dimensão recompensas pessoais existe algum mal-estar, confirmando assim a teoria de Herzeberg que afirma, que a insatisfação dos professores decorre de motivos sócio-políticos.


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This thesis is a literary history which argues that much of the short fiction published in Australia during the 1980s was deeply influenced by the rapid social and political changes during that decade. My argument concentrates on links between the short stones of the period and the socio/political environment into which they were written. The decade was marked by massive changes in technology, the workplace, and in all other areas of social life. In general terms, the ideology of the 'market' predominated over notions of small 'l' liberalism and the last vestiges of state intervention in the economy. The Australian short story benefited from the social 'experiments' of the 1970s in that its concerns became broader - encompassing the onslaught of feminism, the foregrounding of 'multicultural' concerns, and a move away from the bush into the city as a primary site for narratives. The decade was a rich period for the genre. Why was there a tolerance for a new diversity, in literary terms, when the social and political environment was turning to the right? This is a central question of the thesis. I argue that instead of the 'base' determining the 'superstructure' (i.e. culture) the superstructural changes were essential to the deconstruction of the social and political landscape. This thesis contends that a relationship always exists between the 'literary' and 'the social'. I argue, among other things, that many of the short fictions were influenced by 'postmodern' theory to the extent that they became a form of traumatic note-taking, which masked a late romanticism beneath a fear of the sovereign subject. The fear of 'closure' which insinuated itself into many of the texts, besides being a form of academic corrective, was also a flight from emotional candor. I argue that storytelling was, in many cases, the loser.


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Marketing theory has largely ignored the issue of power in influencing exchanges. Most of the studies either disregard the role of power, or resource power is the only dimension taken into account. In this study, we expand the existing understanding by centrally situating the role of socio-political power in the consumption process. We examine the health care system in the Indian state of Kerala and highlight that socio-political power is a crucial determinant of consumption levels. In the process, we argue that in a resource—constrained Third World society socio-political empowerment is critical to the development process.


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O presente estudo propõe uma interpretação da Psicologia Social como expressão da relação homem/meio, baseada no modelo dialético genético-estrutural Piagetano. É conceituada uma interdependência entre diferentes níveis de análise teórica e uma continuidade do mais simples ao complexo, mantendo-se a autonomia relativa, em cada nível que, com suas próprias leis, obedecerá ao sistema global da organização vital: níveis biológicos, psicológicos e sociológicos encadeiam-se, sem que se possa definir um limite estrito entre eles. Supera-se assim o problema metodológico de abstração de níveis que leva a consideráveis distorções, especialmente quando se abstrai o nível político-social. Psicologia Social será o estudo da ação que uma estrutura social provoca no indivíduo e a ação recíproca que o indivíduo exerce sobre a estrutura social: o sujeito participa ativamente, em grupo, da construção da estrutura que sobre ele atua. Frente à abordagem psicossocial dominante, empírico-analítica e à abordagem alternativa, histórico-social, e introduzida uma visão interacionista que integra como complementares posições conflitantes, sendo criticadas teorias que pretendem reduzir o comportamento humano ao meio ou ao sujeito. É proposta uma teoria psicobiológica da relação homem/meio que definira o grau de desenvolvimento atingido pelo indivíduo e grupo como função da interação permitida: se o contexto for repressor, ocorrera uma atualização empobrecida de fenótipos culturais. O psicólogo social deverá ter um enfoque do desenvolvimento do indivíduo e sociedade, para poder atuar de forma politicamente relevante. A ideologia ê interpretada como expressa0 de uma função humana mais geral, a função simbólica e será sempre dependente da autorregularão atingida pelo grupo em um contexto sócio-político específico. Como uma ação concreta sempre é ideológica por sua práxis, um nível meta-ideológico só será atingido através da atuação num nível ideológico; apenas através da pesquisa psico e sociogenética se atingirá um dado não-ideológico.


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O reconhecimento da educação escolar como uma mediação imprescindível para uma maior e mais qualitativa inserção do indivíduo no âmbito político, social, cultural e econômico; e da avaliação da aprendizagem como um dos elementos pedagógicos de maior peso no fenômeno fracasso escolar e impeditivo de tal inserção, constituem-se nos fatores nucleares a orientar o presente estudo. Objetivamos através da problematização da educação escolar e do fracasso escolar, discutir e redimensionar o sentido e a prática avaliativa a partir dos trabalhos coletivos desenvolvidos durante o Planejamento, numa escola pública de 1 º e 2º graus na cidade de Patos, Paraíba. Introduzimos a este estudo com uma explanação geral sobre os objetivos propostos, complementados e aprofundados a partir do referencial teórico de alguns estudos sobre a relação escola-sociedade e sobre a avaliação. Consideramos importante descrever os momentos vivenciados durante o desenrolar da pesquisa, seja no que se refere aos trabalhos desenvolvidos junto ao corpo docente, como também aos problemas surgidos no cotidiano escolar; tentamos evidenciá-los a partir da conjuntura político-social e sindical predominante naquele momento no presente contexto. Traçamos os caminhos percorridos no trabalho de campo, pormenorizando acerca da amostra pesquisada, dos procedimentos, estratégias e instrumentos utilizados dentro de um processo que prioriza os trabalhos coletivos e a representação de professores e alunos sobre o objeto de estudo, a avaliação. Os dados resultantes destes procedimentos são tratados e analisados a partir da configuração de algumas categorias, e à luz de alguns pressupostos teóricos e de pesquisas desenvolvidas em outros contextos. Retomamos, enfim, às indagações iniciais, evidenciando a concreticidade e as vias de mudança dessa escola a partir dos trabalhos coletivos ora desenvolvidos, apontando caminhos possíveis.


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The central research question was to search for data to ratify the theory and discourse of the so-called practitioners of economic solidarity, by defending the substantive rationality should guide the principles of economic solidary, designing the space economy incidental and not the primacy of relations in determining social as well, reflecting the predominance of dimensions of social management in administrative practices of ESS's. For both analyzed the theoretical dimensions of social management - sociopolitical, economic, organizational and environmental - manifested in organizational practices supportive of economic organization Potiguar West. For the success of the research realized the triangulation involving a combination of quantitative and qualitative methodological approaches. At first the research will use a quantitative approach, from the cluster analysis, to verify the behavior of the sample chosen for this study. In the second stage of the qualitative study was carried out focus group technique (FLICK, 2002) for further analysis of the dimensions of social management on organizational practices supportive of economic organization, related to the principles of Solidary Economy, established in a quantitative approach. In quantitative analysis, the socio-political dimension, it was clear that the more equity instruments of internal and external, from the purposeful living in public spaces, the best monetary results. Another point worth stressing concerns the economic dimension, with the practice reciprocity prevailing in market. Thus, the qualitative approach was possible to understand the processes of exchange of product or service. Rural enterprises surveyed in the allocation of the agro-ecological products have the following scale of priority, sequentially: self-consumption (domestic), market and exchange. The research leads to the fact that training and practices that enhance the socio-political dimension (knowledge, empowerment, sense of belonging) become the guiding principle for the strengthening of the social management in the context of other dimensions, leading to gains sociopolitical, economic, organizational and environmental. Despite the weaknesses found in the organizational dimension and environment, both in a quantitative as in qualitative, we determined that the practices of ESS's Potiguar West incorporate predominantly elements of social management and economic solidarity, with a preponderance of substantive rationality in the primacy of the instrumental. Finally, research has brought information that the participants of the ESS's do not give the money economy primacy in determining social relations, which in turn leads to the confirmation that, in practice the solidarity economy, prevailing the dominance of substantive rationality, as a guide for organizational practices


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We are observing, particurlarly in the last two decades an aggravation of social problems inherent in contemporary society, such as high rates of unereloyment and social exclusion. In this context, the social economy appears as an alternative to generate employment and income, especially for the country man through the production and distribution of developed products in a collective way where the actions of cooperation gain significant importance this study aims to determine how the collective actions affect the sustainability of cooperative socio-political and economic developments of the economy and so it was adopted a methodology of multiple case study in three organizations in the apiculture sector of Rio Grande do Norte the Beekeepers Association of São Rafael City (AAMSR); Beekeepers Association of Serra do Mel (APISMEL) and Family Agriculture Cooperative of Apodi (COOAFAP). To evaluate relationship in collaborative ventures solidarity it is constructed a matrix that identify and develop relationship in the organization and, to measure the level of sustainability of these ventures are calculated the indices of socio-political sustainability and economic sustainability. The research results shows a fully collaborative relationship in all cases based on factors such as effective communication between beekeepers involved/and also cooperated with these organization; availability of beekeepers to perform adjustments in production process; an organizational culture focused on collaboration and high level of situation described above and taking into account that the business of solidarity economy better positioned in the matrix of relationships are those that have best indices of sustainability, it is evidence the importance of collaborative relationships for the sustainability of joint ventures


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The goal of our dissertation is to study how the Scandinavian writings produced a Norwegian identity of warlike ideals in a compilation of Icelandic sagas known as Heimskringla and has parts of its content focused on storytelling about a troubled time of Scandinavian monarchies rising between the 8th and 11th centuries, which is called the Viking Age. The Heimskringla, also known as The Circle of the World is a set of writings based on Icelandic oral memory about the Norwegian kings and the conception of a Norwegian territory. While we investigated the relationship between the members of royalty, their companions and the Scandinavian people, we delineate the relationship between memory, identity and war. Our study points out how the Scandinavian war produces, in its storytelling, proper spaces, in socio-political relations among the participants, in the organization of its conflicts or the location of war activities, where places are transformed into essential points in these narratives. The war is both a place of identity statements and a space of practices, necessary for the strengthening of royal power


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This paper analyzes the political participation of Social Workers at the Social Service Regional Council Region 14th. The theoretical and methodological framework of this investigation has as its perspective the totality of social life and its determining relations within the object of study. To the production, analysis and collecting of data it was used a qualitative approach considering a bibliographical and documental research as well as a series of twelve interviews with 2005-2008 and 2008-2011 managing counselors of CRESS/RN. It was also used the data obtained from other special interviews held with the social workers in the period between 2007 and 2008. The results of this study allow and affirm the political dimension of Caseworkers and the CRESS/RN as a space of political activity with opportunities for effective and collective elaboration of strategies in order to reach the fulfillment of the ethical and professional policy of the Social Work. From a historical viewpoint, the beginning of this process is marked by the struggle for democracy, the end of military dictatorship, the establishment of the State of Human Rights. The Democratization of the so called Federal Council of Social Workers and its Regional Councils of Social Workers, CFAS / CRAS, respectively, area a result of the participation of the category in an effort to fight for democratization in Brazil. The objective of this research, so, is to understand which the socio-historical determinants are, that focus objectively and subjectively in the demobilization of social workers in CRESS Region 14th - in the contemporary and historical context. Among the results obtained we identified the ignorance of some professional workers and also of some advisors, regarding the existence and the role of the Council, as well as the commercialization of Education that compromises the quality of the professional training in its theoretical and methodological, ethical and political dimensions. According to our understanding, this shows a the presence of a non-critical professional profile based on a false reality, on the precariousness of employment contracts which undermine the political organization and submit the worker to various social exploring mechanisms such as double shift and ultimately the fragility of the management of the Regional Council -, as a consequence of the offensive capitalist system that ideologically invests to stop the political organization founded in a critical and democratic perspective. The low participation of some advisors and, in general, the category in CRESS / RN, despite its objective conditions, is a reality and it is presented to us as a challenge to future managements and policy consolidation to society. Inasmuch as the category intends to guarantee the high quality of its social workers, the demands of future counselors, their skills and abilities in dealing with regulatory issues, administrative policies that pervade the everyday life of CRESS / RN are necessary


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This paper discusses the dilemmas and challenges of the union of social workers in contemporary Brazil. The study is supported by the theme in a literature search, especially productions that deal with the trade union movement of workers in the brazilian reality, as well as on field research, which consisted of interviews with national trade union leaders of the CUT and CONLUTA as also representatives of national organizations representing the professional category of social workers, notably CFESS, ABEPSS ENESSO and a labor union and the national category, FENAS. The analysis of the object is oriented in the perspective of totality, considering its founding and contradictory aspects of the current socio-historical dynamics. The inflections occurred in the razilian Labor Movement in the early 1990s, during which the offensive of capital, characterized by the fusion of flexible accumulation and the dictates of neoliberal policy is established in the country, caused a profound shock in life and organization of the class working. The major repercussions of this process are evident today in the form of defensive organization of trade union struggles, notably fragile and fragmented. In the case of the category of social workers is symptomatic of the political backlash, experienced the process of reopening their unions and the creation of FENAS. This definition, part of the analysis that considers more strategic perspective of class organization, corporate antiunionism of the mass of the 1980s, built, largely, by category and expressed by the extinction of their union and unification to the broader struggles of workers with transition to unionization by industry. Given this reality, we analyze the performance of the political perspectives of the brazilian labor movement, from the characterization of organizational arrangements for trade union struggles and situate this process, the motion to reopen union of social workers, from the emergence of FENAS. Therefore, we aimed to identify the particular and the ideological and political perspectives that make up the dilemma of the trade union movement from this reopening, as corresponds to a political trend, largely, overcome within the brazilian social work