919 resultados para Social Relationships


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El diagnóstico de cáncer ha sido asociado con un alto riesgo de presentar ideación suicida en comparación con la población no oncológica, sin embargo se ha considerado al apoyo social como un factor protector para la ocurrencia de esta conducta. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar la relación entre el apoyo social percibido y la ideación suicida en 90 pacientes oncológicos adultos en Bogotá, bajo la hipótesis de que a mayor apoyo social percibido, menor presencia de ideación suicida. Se midió la variable de apoyo social a través del cuestionario Duke UNC y la ideación suicida a través de cuatro instrumentos: Escala de Ideación Suicida (SSI), Escala de Desesperanza de Beck (BHS), el ítem 9 del Inventario de Depresión de Beck (BDI-IA) y una entrevista semiestructurada. Los resultados mostraron que no existe relación entre el apoyo social percibido y la ideación suicida. Por otro lado se identificó una prevalencia de suicidio entre 5,6% y 22,77%, confirmando que el paciente con cáncer considera el suicidio y es fundamental evaluar esta variable en esta población. Se considera importante continuar con la realización de investigaciones que permitan generalizar los resultados a la población oncológica colombiana.


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Analyses of neo-liberal change in African mining tend to frame discussion through the lens of an overarching structural perspective. Far less attention has been paid to the way change is enacted within social relations in mining communities. To this end, our chapter considers how development in the Tanzanian mineral sector transforms people’s relationships and stimulates new iterations of power and agency within local trajectories of development, focusing on the case of artisanal gold mining in Mgusu village in Geita region, Tanzania. The aim is to trace how neo-liberal change configures market rationality and property relations in ways that can fundamentally alter social relationships within the local community, occupational groups and families, raising both opportunities for wealth accumulation and the potential to entrench poverty. The creative action involved in these processes generates new associational ties and repertoires of practice, as miners’ respond to change and the need to protect their livelihoods.


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In this paper we explore the importance of emotionally inter-dependent relationships to the functioning of embodied social capital and habitus. Drawing upon the experiences of young people with socio-emotional differences, we demonstrate how emotionally inter-dependent and relatively nurturing relationships are integral to the acquisition of social capital and to the co-construction and embodiment of habitus. The young people presented in this paper often had difficulties in forging social relationships and in acquiring symbolic and cultural capital in school spaces. However, we outline how these young people (re)produce and embody alternative kinds of habitus, based on emotionally reciprocal relationships forged through formal and informal leisure activities and familial and fraternal social relationships. These alternative forms of habitus provide sites of subjection, scope for acquiring social and cultural capital and a positive sense of identity in the face of problematic relations and experiences in school spaces.


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The current study was designed to evaluate the impact of health, social relationships, work and coping on the adjustment and self-esteem of people with multiple sclerosis (MS). The participants were 251 people with MS (84 men, 167 women) and 184 people from the general population (56 men, 128 women). Data were obtained on the above variables using an anonymous questionnaire. In order to determine the impact of these relationships over time, the questionnaire was completed on two occasions, 18 months apart. The impact of health, social relationships, work and coping at time 1 on adjustment and self-esteem at time 2, was explored. The results indicated that there was a high level of stability in the levels of adjustment and self-esteem among both populations over time. People with MS experienced poorer adjustment and self-esteem, as well as poorer health, lower quality relationships, and lower work capacity than people from the general population. People with MS were also less likely to adopt problem focused or seeking social support coping, and more likely to adopt a detached style of coping. For both the MS and general populations, the most important predictors of adjustment and self-esteem at time 2 were time 1 levels of the same variables, with health, social relationships, work or coping strategies explaining little of the variance in time 2 levels of adjustment. The implications of this level of stability on the psychological adjustment of people with MS are discussed.


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Social phobia is the least well known of the anxiety disorders and it is perhaps also the least well understood. The lifetime prevalence rates for social phobia, which range from 3% to 13%, clearly indicate that social phobia is a widespread mental health problem. Those affected by social phobia often live their lives around the limitations of the disorder including avoidance of social situations, depression and loneliness. Thus for these individuals, social phobia becomes an impairing disorder which can have long-term negative impacts on work performance and social relationships. Anxiety support groups offer an important resource to sufferers of social phobia. Support groups provide a potentially safe and confidential environment in which to interact with others. Support groups also have the potential to help to de-stigmatize the disorders for sufferers as all members share similar concerns that are often not well understood by others. The practical benefits to be derived from anxiety support groups are presented through the discussion of two case studies.


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This is a study of the influence of social and cultural factors on the adoption of e-­learning in higher education in Malaysia, Indonesia, Turkey, Singapore and Australia. Particular attention in each case was given to factors relating to social capital, attitudes and patterns of behavior in leadership, entrepreneurialism, and teaching and to broader sets of attitudes that shape general outlook. A case study approach was chosen in order to enable a richer and more finely grained analysis of the issues. The case studies are based on semi-­structured interviews and observations conducted over several years. This research shows that previously known factors that affect the adoption of e-­learning in higher education, namely, policy, guidelines, paradigm shifts and pedagogical change, are also significant in the contexts of each of the case studies in this research. However, this research shows that the adoption and uptake of e-­learning technologies is also strongly shaped by cultural and social factors but not in ways that might first have been expected. It is not so much that there are specific cultural and social factors relating to specific e-­learning technologies, but rather, that the degree of uptake of these technologies depends on teachers being encouraged, guided and assisted to innovate and adopt new technology. This can only occur when there is sufficient social capital, mediated through appropriate social networks, to build trust, overcome objections and anxieties, and generally motivate staff to engage in challenging, time-­consuming initiatives in e-­learning that generally do not promise immediate rewards.

Certain culture-­based issues emerged as important. These included staff mentoring, clustering through ‘bamboo networking’, trust-­building and overcoming fear of ‘losing face’ (kiasu), facilitating women to take the initiative and lead, developing sensitivity to cultural differences, encouraging entrepreneurialism and rewarding pioneering endeavours, all of which were present in varying degrees across all five case studies. There were subtle variations on a central theme, which was clearly that of the impact of social capital as a driver. It was social capital played out through personal relationships and social networks that most strongly influenced individual teachers to be sufficiently motivated to add to an already busy schedule by taking on the additional burdens of pioneering e-­learning technology and it was those social relationships that provided guidance and ongoing encouragement. As a consequence of these findings, this study offers a social capital model of e-­learning adoption, which suggests that the adoption and uptake of e-­learning technologies is strongly shaped by cultural and social factors.


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This research illustrates that social anxiety likely emerges in middle childhood in light of developments in social perspectiove-taking ability. Once these abilities develop children experience social anxiety when self-monitoring and doubting their social abilities. This occurs even in children who are relatively well integrated and happy with their social relationships.


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The study showed the improvements were observed in adolescents' flexible thinking and social insights, and parent's perception of their child's self-regulation following intervention


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– The purpose of this paper is to explore the underlying relational properties of security networks by focusing specifically on the relationship between formal and informal ties, and interpersonal and inter-organisational trust.


– The research is based on 20 qualitative interviews with senior members of police and security agencies across the field of counter-terrorism in Australia.


– The findings suggest that the underlying relational properties of security networks are highly complex, making it difficult to distinguish between formal and informal ties, interpersonal and inter-organisational trust. The findings also address the importance of informal ties and interpersonal trust for the functioning of organisational security networks.

Research limitations/implications

– The research is exploratory in nature and extends to a number of organisational security networks in the field of counter-terrorism in Australia. While it is anticipated that the findings will be relevant in a variety of contexts, further research is required to advance our knowledge of the implications and properties of informal social networks within defined network boundaries.

Practical implications

– The findings suggest that the functioning of security networks is likely to be highly dependent on the underlying social relationships between network members. This has practical implications for those responsible for designing and managing security networks.


– The paper calls attention to a very understudied topic by focusing on the dynamics of informal ties and interpersonal trust within organisational security networks.


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This dissertation examines the organizational innovation as a nonlinear process, which occurs in a social and political context and, therefore, socially immersed. Examines the case of shrimp in the state of RN, starting from the following problem: although the norteriograndense shrimp occupies the largest producer of farmed shrimp from Brazil, has a series of bottlenecks concerning the generation of industry innovation, concerning the social relationships and policies between the various actors in the network, whether private or public, and its consequences in terms of opportunity and limits generated for the innovative dynamics. The objective of the research is to understand how the social embeddedness of political actors affects norteriograndense shrimp within the context of structural relations, the industry generation of innovation, throughout its technological trajectory . The approach of social embeddedness balances atomised perspectives, undersocialized and oversocialized, of economic action, considering both the human capacity to act as sources of constraint, whose mechanisms are analyzed the structural and political. In methodological terms this is a case study, analyzed from the research literature, documentary and experimental. Primary data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed in depth by the technique of content analysis. Was adopted a longitudinal approach, seeking to understand the phenomenon from the perspective of the subjects, describing it in an inductive process of investigation. After characterizing the sector and defining their technological trajectory, the analysis of the results followed its four stages: (1) Introduction of Technology: 1973-1980, (2) Intensification of Research: 1981-1991, (3) Technological Adaptation, 1992 -2003, (4) Technological Crisis: 2004-2009. A cross-sectional analysis along the evolutionary trajectory revealed the character of structural changes and policies over time, and implications on the generating process of innovation. Note that, the technological limit to which the sector reached requires changes in technology standards, but is more likely that the potiguar shrimp is entering a new phase of his career in technology rather than a new technological paradigm


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As obras de Sade procuram retratar as práticas corruptas e libertinas presentes no regime despótico de Luís XV, apontando invariavelmente a alcova como lugar privilegiado de transformação do corpo e da mente e, ao mesmo tempo, de produção filosófica. A atualidade do pensamento de Sade revela-se no fato de colocar como tendencia da modernidade, a constituição narcísica da subjetividade que, em sua variante político-social, aparece sob a forma do conformismo político. Este artigo pretende apresentar o pensamento de Sade como urna crítica aos liames sociais, o que conduz à ruptura da idéia de pacto social formulada por Rousseau. A doutrina sem compaixão de Sade torna-se filosofia negativa na medida em que fornece os fundamentos da crítica à razão instrumental. Sendo pessimista quanto aos rumos do existente, a teoria sadiana aponta a animalidade humana como possibilidade de transcendencia da artificialidade dos laços sociais.


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Social behavior of Guiana dolphins, Sotalia guianensis, at Pipa Beach, RN, Brazil: dynamics, sequence, breathing synchrony, and responses to dolphin watching. Social animals form groups that can range from temporary to permanent. Depending on the nature of the social relationships developed between individuals, groups present a particular social organization and the effect of these interactions shapes the activity patterns of these animals. This study investigates: (i) fission-fusion dynamics of Guiana dolphins, through the analysis of three dimensions of the social system (variation in spatial cohesion, variation in size and composition of groups), (ii) sequence, routine and behavioral stability, (iii) breathing intervals in synchronized groups and (iv) behavioral responses of the animals to dolphin watching. Systematic observations of Guiana dolphins were made from a platform located in cliffs about 25 m above sea level that surround Madeiro Bay, Pipa Beach. Sampling occurred from December 2007 to February 2009 between 0600 h and 1600 h, and the groups of Guiana dolphins were investigated according to their size (alone and group) and composition (adults, adults and juveniles, and adults and calves). According to the analysis of fission-fusion dynamics, Guiana dolphin groups frequently changed their composition, modifying their patterns of spatial grouping and cohesion every 20 minutes on average. More than 50% of the individuals maintained a distance of up to 2 m from other group members and new individuals were attracted to the group, especially during feeding, leaving it for foraging. Large groups were more unstable than small, while groups containing only adults were more stable than groups of adults and juveniles. According to the Z-score analysis to investigate the sequence and behavioral routine, lone individuals were more ! .7! ! involved in foraging and feeding, while resting was more common in groups. Foraging and feeding were more common in homogeneous groups (individuals of the same age class), while heterogeneous groups (different age classes) were often involved in socialization, displaying a broader behavioral repertoire. Foraging and resting behavior presented higher stability (continuous duration in minutes) than the other behaviors. The analysis of breathing intervals in synchronized groups showed significant differences depending on type of behavior, composition and area preference. During resting, breathing intervals were of longer duration, and groups with calves showed shorter breathing intervals than groups without calves. Lone individuals also preferred areas called corral , often used for the entrapment of fishes. The Markov chain analysis revealed behavioral changes in the presence of boats, according to the type of group composition. Groups composed of adults presented decreased resting and increased in traveling during the presence of boats. Groups of adults and juveniles showed a massive reduction of socialization, while the behavior transition probability traveling-traveling was higher in groups of adults and calves. In the presence of the boats, stability of resting was reduced by one third of its original duration and traveling more than doubled. The behavioral patterns analyzed are discussed in light of socio-ecological models concerning costs and benefits of proximity between individuals and behavioral optimization. Furthermore, significant changes in behavioral patterns indicate that Guiana dolphins, at Pipa Beach, have suffered the effects of tourism as a result of violation of rules of conduct established for the study area


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Several studies on nonhuman primates show that the relationships between individuals strongly influence the expression of cooperative behavior, both in natural environment and in captivity settings. Recent studies suggest that cooperative breeders present outstanding performance in tasks involving social cognition, such as cooperative tasks with experimental apparatuses. In experimental research on this subject it is crucial to differentiate between real cooperation (or communicative cooperation, mediated by social attention) and by-product cooperation that results from simultaneous actions of individuals. The present study assessed, in Callithrix jacchus, a cooperative breeder species, if social relationships and social attention between subjects are important factors during performance in cooperative tasks. During the experimental procedure the animals participated in three different cooperative tasks: cooperation task, prosocial task and control task. Diverging from the literature, matrix correlation tests revealed no significant relationship between grooming or proximity and the execution of the tasks, suggesting that other factors such as age or hierarchy may have an effect on the performance in cooperative tasks in this species. There was also no relationship between the execution of the cooperative tasks and social glances, suggesting that there was no social attention during the tasks. Moreover, there were lower rates of social glances in the cooperative tasks as opposed to the control tasks. However, the small number of pulls in prosocial tasks suggests that the animals distinguished between tasks that benefited only a partner and tasks that generated benefits to themselves, choosing the latter. We conclude that, for the tasks presented in this study, we could neither detect the role of social relationships on the cooperative tasks nor assert that there were true cooperation and prosocial behavior


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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Socioecological models assume that primates adapt their social behavior to ecological conditions, and predict that food availability and distribution, predation risk and risk of infanticide by males affect patterns of social organization, social structure and mating system of primates. However, adaptability and variation of social behavior may be constrained by conservative adaptations and by phylogenetic inertia. The comparative study of closely related species can help to identify the relative contribution of ecological and of genetic determinants to primate social systems. We compared ecological features and social behavior of two species of the genus Sapajus, S. nigritus in Carlos Botelho State Park, an area of Atlantic Forest in Sao Paulo state, and S. libidinosus in Fazenda Boa Vista, a semi-arid habitat in Piaui state, Brazil. S. libidinosus perceived higher predation risk and fed on clumped, high quality, and usurpable resources (fruits) all year round, whereas S. nigritus perceived lower predation risk and relied on evenly distributed, low-quality food sources (leaves) during periods of fruit shortage. As predicted by socioecology models, S. libidinosus females were philopatric and established linear and stable dominance hierarchies, coalitions, and grooming relationships. S. nigritus females competed less often, and could transfer between groups, which might explain the lack of coalitions and grooming bonds among them. Both populations presented similar group size and composition and the same polygynous mating system. The species differed from each other in accordance with differences in the characteristics of their main food sources, as predicted by socioecological models, suggesting that phylogenetic inertia does not constrain social relationships established among female Sapajus. The similarity in mating systems indicates that this element of the social system is not affected by ecological variables and thus, is a more conservative behavioral feature of the genus Sapajus. Am. J. Primatol. 74:315331, 2012. (c) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.