983 resultados para Social Clubs


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Ce mémoire documente l’émergence d’une sous-culture gaie masculine dans la région montréalaise entre 1860 et 1910 et s’intéresse aux discours et à la répression envers les hommes ayant des comportements homosexuels ou d’inversion de genre. Par l’analyse de sources journalistiques, judiciaires et juridiques, il déconstruit une série de préjugés, notamment à l’égard des sources, présumées pauvres; du discours public sur les comportements homosexuels, supposé inexistant; et des hommes qui avaient ces comportements, que plusieurs imaginent invisibles et isolés les uns des autres. Il montre au contraire que des archives variées révèlent une vie « gaie » et le déploiement d’une opinion publique à son égard. Ainsi, l’analyse d’un important corpus d’articles de journaux et une étude de cas portant sur deux des plus anciens clubs homosexuels connus au Québec, démantelés en 1892 et en 1908, confirment l’existence de réseaux de sociabilités « gaies » dans la région montréalaise, dès le XIXe siècle. Ce faisant, il dévoile l’existence de pratiques caractéristiques des sous-cultures gaies telles que l’usage d’un vocabulaire spécifique ou l’adoption de manières efféminées par certains hommes que l’on qualifierait aujourd’hui d’homosexuels.


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What are fundamental entities in social networks and what information is contained in social graphs? We will discuss some selected concepts in social network analysis, such as one- and two mode networks, prestige and centrality, and cliques, clans and clubs. Readings: Web tool predicts election results and stock prices, J. Palmer, New Scientist, 07 February (2008) [Protected Access] Optional: Social Network Analysis, Methods and Applications, S. Wasserman and K. Faust (1994)


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Lo esencial para una vida de club es el espíritu de camaradería y un interés común de todos los miembros En Gran Bretaña abundan los clubs. Existen 18000 con varios millones de socios. Los hay deportivos; políticos, artísticos, intelectuales y sociales. Las mujeres tienen también sus clubs y hay algunos mixtos. Y durante la reciente guerra, los hombres y mujeres del Ejército y de las fábricas de armamentos encontraron su principal descanso y recreo en la vida de un club. Entre las definiciones de club, la más sencilla es la que le describe como una asociación de personas con gustos parecidos. Las gentes habían comenzado a reunirse en tabernas y cafés y después empezaron a segregarse en pequeños grupos. Si un recién llegado se hacia desagradable en uno de éstos, no tardaba en darse cuenta de ello y se retiraba. Una de las más famosas de estas peñas se reunía, a finales del siglo XVI, en la taberna llamada Mermaid, es Londres, y entre sus asiduos se encontraban Shakespeare y otros poetas y dramaturgos de su tiempo. Sin embargo, tuvieron que pasar muchos años antes de que estas reuniones tomaran el carácter de clubs y adoptaran un nombre distintivo. Se han escrito muchos volúmenes sobre los clubs de Londres del siglo XVIII. El White es el más antiguo de los que aún florecen en sus locales originales y tiene un carácter social; El Athenaeum, se diferencia bastante porque para poder pertenecer a él, el solicitante ha de haberse distinguido en la literatura o en las ciencia o haber prestado algún importante servicio social al país; El Savage club es bohemio. Su local pertenece a la segunda mitad del siglo XIX con altos techos, clásicas columnas y ancha escalera. Gran número de sus socios son escritores, artistas, músicos y actores. Entre los clubs de Londres, sólo de mujeres están el Sésamo, el Lyceum y el Instituto de mujeres que reúne a las mujeres de todas las clases sociales y se ha extendido por las zonas rurales. Sus miembros van desde las mujeres más pobres de la nación hasta Su Majestad la Reina Isabel.


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Se enumeran algunas actividades que son de la competencia del maestro y que sirven a la escuela para promover la sociedad que le rodea. Entre estas actividades se destacan: las asociaciones de padres, la asociación de antiguos alumnos, los clubs escolares y los clubs post-escolares.


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Recent Eurobarometer survey data are used to document and explain the leveI of social capital in thirteen new members and fifteen current members of the European Union. Social capital in Eastern Europe - measured by participation in clubs and organization, intensity of networks or altruistic behavior - lags behind that in developed countries. The differences in individual-leveI determinants cannot fully account for the gap at the aggregate leveI. Once we also include aggregate measures of economic development and quality of institutions, the gap disappears. This implies that the EU enlargement will contribute to a convergence in social capital, assuming that it contributes to the economic and institutional development of Eastern European countries. A necessary condition is that both, formal and informal institutions and their interaction should be regarded in this process.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study analyzed the determinants underlying sports club volunteers' tendencies to continue or terminate their long-term commitment to volunteering in order to help sports clubs improve their volunteer management. Their risk of terminating was viewed in terms of subjective expectations and evaluations (satisfaction) regarding club-related working conditions and normative commitments (solidarity) to the sports club. These relationships were tested empirically with an online questionnaire of 441 sports club volunteers in a selection of 45 Swiss sports clubs. Results showed that the constructs orientation toward collective solidarity and volunteer job satisfaction correlated positively with long-term volunteering commitment. The effect of the former was stronger than that of the latter. Volunteers with a higher orientation toward collective solidarity were unlikely to terminate their voluntary engagement in their club. The discussion presents recommendations to help clubs retain volunteers.


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This article analyses the conditions influencing the commitment of members of sports clubs. It focuses not only on individual characteristics of members, but also on the corresponding structural conditions of sports clubs related to the individual decision to quit or continue their membership. The influences of both the individual and context levels on the commitment of members are estimated in different multi-level models. Results of these multi-level analyses indicate that commitment of members is not just an outcome of individual characteristics such as strong commitment to the club, positively perceived communication and cooperation, satisfaction with sports clubsʼ offers, or voluntary engagement. It is also influenced by club-specific structural conditions: commitment is more probable in rural sports clubs, and clubs who explicitly support sociability, whereas success-oriented sporting goals in clubs have a destabilizing effect.


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Statistics published by the German Football Association indicate that women are significantly under-represented amongst soccer coaches, especially in the amateur leagues. In this paper we analyse how gender stereotypes influence the structural conditions surrounding the recruitment of coaches to soccer clubs that contribute to the exclusion of women from coaching positions. A qualitative study of five selected soccer clubs which are members of a German regional soccer association reveals that informal and personal decision-making practices still play a fundamental role in the recruitment of coaches. These practices undermine formal guidelines and give disproportionate weight to stereotyped preferences in the recruitment of soccer coaches. In this context, decision-makers' (functionaries') professed support of women largely serves a symbolic purpose and creates an illusion of equality concerning decisions that have already been taken at an informal level.