1000 resultados para Snow tires.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): We estimate monthly runoff for a 2-dimensional solution domain containing those areas tributary to Pyramid Lake, Nevada (the Truckee River drainage basin) at a 1-kilometer grid cell spacing. ... To calculate the effect of snow on the hydrologic system, we perform two experiments. In the first we assume that all precipitation falls as rain; in the second we assume that some precipitation falls as snow, thus available water is a combination of rain and snowmelt. We find that considering the effect of snow results in a more accurate representation of mean monthly flow rates, in particular the peak flow during the melt season in the Sierra Nevada. These preliminary results indicate that a relatively simple snow model can improve the representation of Truckee River basin hydrology, significantly reducing errors in modeled seasonal runoff.


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Absolute fecundity of Schizothorax plagiostomus varied from 3474 in a fish measuring 345 mm (T.L.) and weighing 315 g to 13916 in a fish measuring 540 mm (T.L.) and weighing 1370 g. The weight of the fish ovaries accounted for 7.02 to 17.78% of the total weight of the fish. The average number of eggs per kg weight of fish and per gram of ovary weight was found to be 10820 and 81 respectively. The fecundity per kg of body weight was found to be 11539. The relationships between fecundity and other parameters (fish length/fish weight/ovary weight/ovary volume/ovary length) and fish length-ovary weight and fish weight-ovary weight were also determined.


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Incidences of furunculosis were reported in Schizothorax spp. (Schizothorax niger, S. esocinus, S. curvifrons and S. labiatus) in Wular Lake, Kashmir, from 2003 to 2005. The disease was reported during summer and winter months, but the percentage of infection was maximum during winter. Mortality rate ranged from 8 to 15%. Artificial challenge of Schizothorax spp. with Aeromonas salmonicida produced symptoms pertinent to furunculosis. The incidence of disease was the highest (13.87%) in December, and lowest (0.40%) in May and October. S. esocinus exhibited the maximum (44.48%) percentage of infection, while as S. labiatus exhibited the minimum (14.28%) throughout the study period. Haematological investigations revealed devastating changes in various blood parameters. Chemotherapeutic tests revealed complete recovery of the disease using 20 ppm oxytetracycline and 30 ppm streptomycin.


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Based on mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequence analysis, the history of true sheep ( Ovis) began approximately 3.12 million years ago ( MYA). The evolution of Ovis resulted in three generally accepted genetic groups: Argaliforms, Moufloniforms, and Pac


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介绍了应用过夜地粪便来估计白马雪山黑白仰鼻猴群大小和组成的一种方法。该物种以单雄多雌单 元和全雄组的形式在树上过夜。粪粒根据其大小可分为3种类型:成年雄性的(最大)、成年雌性的(中等大小)和 未成年个体的(最小)。2000一2001年,搜集了滇西北白马雪山国家级自然保护区北部南任村(99。04 7E,28。34 7N) 附近黑白仰鼻猴群每个季节2个过夜地的粪粒。根据2001年11月猴群通过开阔地的数据来确定猴群组成。每个 季节,由于单雄多雌单元的成年个体数与其粪粒数正相关,所以二者回归直线的斜率可以看作是每个个体每晚 的平均排便量。由于该物种的栖息地主要为高山峡谷,而且能见度较低,因此,利用过夜地粪便比以前通过猴群 活动痕迹来估计猴群大小和组成相对准确、可靠。从估计成年雌性个体数的角度看,利用粪粒来估计种群大约有 9.4%的偏差。导致偏差的可能原因有杂草和灌丛对粪粒准确计数的影响、个体排粪率的差异以及成年雄性最小 粪粒与成年雌性最大粪粒的混淆等。该方法适应于栖息地和主要食物与本文研究种群相似的其他种群。


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Data on sleeping sites of a group of black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys Rhinopithecus bieti (Colobinae, Primates) were collected between April-July and September-December 2001 to try to determine the factors affecting site selection at Nanren (99 degrees


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In this study, a combination of enzyme-linked receptor assay (ELRA) and yeast estrogen screen (YES) assay was firstly applied to determine whether automobile tires immersed in fresh water can leach chemicals, which display estrogenic activity. We optimized ELRA substituting the chromogene substrate by a luminescent one, and found that luminescent ELBA was more sensitive to 17 beta-estradiol (17 beta-E2) with a detection limit of 0.016 mu g/l, compared to 0.088 mu g/l in the chromogene version. In ELRA, all tire leachates obviously showed estrogenic activity, which was increased with duration of immersion. Moreover, the leachate from hackled tires showed more potent estrogenicity than that from the whole ones. In comparison to ELRA, no detectable estrogenic activity was found in all tire leachates with YES assay. The results from YES assay further evidenced that antiestrogenic compounds can be leached from tires. As tire leachates contain estrogenic compounds, they could be important pollution sources, potentially harmful to wildlife and human health. Thus, use of shredded tires as road fill or in landfill sites should arouse our attention.


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Granules of waste tires were pyrolyzed tinder vacuum (3.5-10 kPa) conditions, and the effects of temperature and basic additives (Na2CO3, NaOH) on the properties of pyrolysis were thoroughly investigated. It was obvious that with or without basic additives, pyrolysis oil yield increased gradually to a maximum and subsequently decreased with a temperature increase from 450 degrees C to 600 degrees C, irrespective of the addition of basic additives to the reactor. The addition of NaOH facilitated pyrolysis dramatically, as a maximal pyrolysis oil yield of about 48 wt% was achieved at 550 degrees C without the addition of basic additives, while a maximal pyrolysis oil yield of about 50 wt% was achieved at 480 degrees C by adding 3 wt% (w/w, powder/waste tire granules) of NaOH powder. The composition analysis of pyrolytic naphtha (i.b.p. (initial boiling point) similar to 205 degrees C) distilled from pyrolysis oil showed that more dl-limonene was obtained with basic additives and the maximal content of dl-limonene in pyrolysis oil was 12.39 wt% which is a valuable and widely-used fine chemical. However, no improvement in pyrolysis was observed with Na2CO3 addition. Pyrolysis gas was mainly composed of H-2, CO, CH4, CO2, C2H4 and C2H6. Pyrolytic char had a surface area comparable to commercial carbon black, but its proportion of ash (above 11.5 wt%) was much higher.


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The role of snow depth of Tibetan Plateau in the onset of South China Sea summer monsoon and the influence of ENSO on snow depth of Tibetan Plateau are investigated with use of data from ECMWF reanalysis and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis. The results are as follows: (1) The snow depth data from ECMWF reanalysis are tested and reliable, and can be used to study the influence of snow depth of Tibetan Plateau on the onset of South China Sea summer monsoon; (2) Anomaly of snow depth of Tibetan Plateau causes anomaly in air temperature and its contrast between the Indian Ocean and the continent resulting in easterly wind anomaly over 500 hPa and hence as well as in the atmospheric circulation in the lower layer. For the year of negative anomaly of snow depth a westerly wind anomaly with a cyclone pair takes place, while for positive anomaly of snow depth an easterly anomaly occurs with an anticyclone pair; (3) While positive anomaly of SST occurs in the eastern Pacific Ocean, positive anomaly of air pressure also takes place over the eastern Indian Ocean and the South China Sea, causing stronger meridional pressure gradient between the ocean and continent and then westerly wind anomaly. At the same time, the atmospheric pressure increases in the northern Tibetan Plateau, northerly wind gets stronger, and subtropical front strengthens. All of these are favorable for snowfall over Tibetan Plateau.


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The VEGETATION (VGT) sensor in SPOT 4 has four spectral bands that are equivalent to Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) bands (blue, red, near-infrared and mid-infrared spectral bands) and provides daily images of the global land surface at a 1-km spatial resolution. We propose a new index for identifying and mapping of snow ice cover, namely the Normalized Difference Snow/Ice Index (NDSII), which uses reflectance values of red and mid-infrared spectral bands of Landsat TM and VGT. For Landsat TM data, NDSII is calculated as NDSIITM =(TM3 -TM5)/(TM3 +TM5); for VGT data, NDSII is calculated as NDSIIVGT =(B2- MIR)/(B2 + MIR). As a case study we used a Landsat TM image that covers the eastern part of the Qilian mountain range in the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) plateau of China. NDSIITM gave similar estimates of the area and spatial distribution of snow/ice cover to the Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI=(TM2-TM5)/(TM2+TM5)) which has been proposed by Hall et al. The results indicated that the VGT sensor might have the potential for operational monitoring and mapping of snow/ice cover from regional to global scales, when using NDSIIVGT.


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Essery, R L H, Pomeroy, J W, Parvianen, J & Storck, P, Sublimation of snow from confierous forests in a climate model. Journal of Climate 16, pp 1855-1864 (2003).


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Essery, RLH, RJ Granger and JW Pomeroy, 2006. Boundary layer growth and advection of heat over snow and soil patches: Modelling and parametrization. Hydrological Processes, 20, 953 - 967.


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Essery, RLH & JW, Pomeroy, (2004). Vegetation and topographic control of wind-blown snow distributions in distributed and aggregated simulations. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 5, 735-744.