137 resultados para Snails


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Estudos de longo prazo são essenciais para avaliar efeitos que em pouco tempo não seriam possíveis observá-los. Moluscos límnicos são parte importante dos ecossistemas aquáticos, além se serem vetores de parasitos de importância médica. A comunidade de moluscos do riacho da Vila do Abraão já havia sido estudada, havendo registro de sete espécies, incluindo a exótica Melanoides tuberculata. O objetivo geral do trabalho foi acompanhar a dinâmica das populações de moluscos límnicos, com ênfase em M. tuberculata durante sete anos. Avaliamos as variações na comunidade de moluscos límnicos em um riacho na Vila do Abraão Ilha Grande, Angra dos Reis, RJ, Brasil. Foram realizadas 42 coletas bimestrais no período de julho/2006 a novembro/2013. O trecho estudado foi dividido em oito pontos de coleta, com três coletores em cada, realizando buscas de 15 minutos, totalizando 45 minutos por ponto. Foram mensurados os fatores abióticos: luminosidade, temperatura do ar e da água, umidade, pH, condutividade, profundidade e oxigênio dissolvido. Para o acompanhamento da comunidade, foi calculada a abundância, abundância relativa, constância, índices de diversidade Simpson e Shannon, assim como equitabilidade e uniformidade, para cada espécie em cada expedição de coleta. Para investigar a associação dos moluscos com a helmintofauna, realizou-se o teste de exposição a luz. Para biomassa, de M. tuberculata foi calculado o peso seco da parte mole, e os valores de abundância foram convertidos para densidade. No total do estudo, foram coletados 90.718 espécimes: oito gastrópodes (M. tuberculata, Heleobia australis, Potamolithus sp., Physa acuta, Biomphalaria tenagophila, Gundlachia ticaga, Ferrissia fragilis e Omalonyx matheroni) e um bivalve (Pisidium punctiferum). As duas espécies mais abundantes foram: M. tuberculata, com 80% e P. acuta, com 8% do total dos indivíduos. Melanoides tuberculata foi a espécie mais constante do estudo, já que após Fevereiro/2009 foi encontrada em todos os pontos de coleta, exceto nas últimas expedições. Os índices de diversidade apresentaram valores diferentes entre Simpson e Shannon, mas com variações semelhantes. A equitabilidade e a uniformidade foram muito baixas, indicando uma dominância de M. tuberculata. Apenas M. tuberculata se apresentou parasitado por Centrocestus formosanus, com a maior prevalência em Abril/2013, quando mais de 50% da população estava parasitada. A biomassa foi calculada em 8155 g durante o estudo, e a produção secundária foi estimada em 423 g m-2year-1 no último ano estudado, sofrendo diminuição de acordo com a queda populacional de M. tuberculata que por sua vez, foi possivelmente influenciada pelo parasitismo. Podemos concluir que a riqueza da comunidade aumentou de sete para nove espécies, sendo seis exóticas e três nativas. A comunidade de moluscos da Vila do Abraão encontra-se dominada por M. tuberculata, este sobrepujando as demais, em abundância e biomassa. Tendo em vista o perigo das introduções, reforçamos a importância dos estudos de longo prazo para o acompanhamento de comunidades, sendo importantes para subsidiar estratégias de conservação principalmente em unidades de conservação.


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Sentinel species such as bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) can be impacted by large-scale mortality events due to exposure to marine algal toxins. In the Sarasota Bay region (Gulf of Mexico, Florida, USA), the bottlenose dolphin population is frequently exposed to harmful algal blooms (HABs) of Karenia brevis and the neurotoxic brevetoxins (PbTx; BTX) produced by this dinoflagellate. Live dolphins sampled during capture-release health assessments performed in this region tested positive for two HAB toxins; brevetoxin and domoic acid (DA). Over a ten-year study period (2000–2009) we have determined that bottlenose dolphins are exposed to brevetoxin and/or DA on a nearly annual basis (i.e., DA: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009; brevetoxin: 2000, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2009) with 36% of all animals testing positive for brevetoxin (n = 118) and 53% positive for DA (n = 83) with several individuals (14%) testing positive for both neurotoxins in at least one tissue/fluid. To date there have been no previously published reports of DA in southwestern Florida marine mammals, however the May 2008 health assessment coincided with a Pseudo-nitzschia pseudodelicatissima bloom that was the likely source of DA observed in seawater and live dolphin samples. Concurrently, both DA and brevetoxin were observed in common prey fish. Although no Pseudo-nitzschia bloom was identified the following year, DA was identified in seawater, fish, sediment, snails, and dolphins. DA concentrations in feces were positively correlated with hematologic parameters including an increase in total white blood cell (p = 0.001) and eosinophil (p<0.001) counts. Our findings demonstrate that dolphins within Sarasota Bay are commonly exposed to two algal toxins, and provide the impetus to further explore the potential long-term impacts on bottlenose dolphin health.


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A baseline environmental characterization of the inner Kachemak Bay, Alaska was conducted using the sediment quality triad approach based on sediment chemistry, sediment toxicity, and benthic invertebrate community structure. The study area was subdivided into 5 strata based on geophysical and hydrodynamic patterns in the bay (eastern and western intertidal mud flats, eastern and western subtidal, and Homer Harbor). Three to seven locations were synoptically sampled within each stratum using a stratified random statistical design approach. Three sites near the village of Port Graham and two sites in the footprint of a proposed Homer Harbor expansion were also collected for comparison. Concentrations of over 120 organic and metallic contaminants were analyzed. Ambient toxicity was assessed using two amphipod bioassays. A detailed benthic community condition assessment was performed. Habitat parameters (depth, salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, sediment grain size, and organic carbon content) that influence species and contaminant distribution were also measured at each sampling site. Sediments were mostly mixed silt and sand; characteristic of high energy habitats, with pockets of muddy zones. Organic compounds (PAHs, DDTs, PCBs, cyclodienes, cyclohexanes) were detected throughout the bay but at relatively low concentrations. Tributyltin was elevated in Homer Harbor relative to the other strata. With a few exceptions, metals concentrations were relatively low and probably reflect the input of glacial runoff. Relative to other sites, Homer Harbor sites were shown to have elevated concentrations of metallic and organic contaminants. The Homer Harbor stratum however, is a deep, low energy depositional environment with fine grained sediment. Concentrations of organic contaminants measured were five to ten times higher in the harbor sites than in the open bay sites. Concentration of PAHs is of a particular interest because of the legacy of oil spills in the region. There was no evidence of residual PAHs attributable to oil spills, outside of local input, beyond the confines of the harbor. Concentrations were one to ten times below NOAA sediment quality guidelines. Selected metal concentrations were found to be relatively elevated compared to other data collected in the region. However, levels are still very low in the scale of NOAA’s sediment quality guidelines, and therefore appear to pose little or no ecotoxicity threat to biota. Infaunal assessment showed a diverse assemblage with more than 240 taxa recorded and abundances greater than 3,000 animals m-22 in all but a few locations. Annelid worms, crustaceans, snails, and clams were the dominant taxa accounting for 63 %, 19%, 5%, and 7 % respectively of total individuals. Specific benthic community assemblages were identified that were distributed based on depth and water clarity. Species richness and diversity was lower in the eastern end of the bay in the vicinity of the Fox River input. Abundance was also generally lower in the eastern portion of the study area, and in the intertidal areas near Homer. The eastern portions of the bay are stressed by the sediment load from glacial meltwater. Significant toxicity was virtually absent. Conditions at the sites immediately outside the existing Homer Harbor facility did not differ significantly from other subtidal locations in the open Kachemak Bay. The benthic fauna at Port Graham contained a significant number of species not found in Kachemak Bay. Contaminant conditions were variable depending on specific location. Selected metal concentrations were elevated at Port Graham and some were lower relative to Kachemak Bay, probably due to local geology. Some organic contaminants were accumulating at a depositional site.


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The Annual report covers research carried out during the reporting period 1953 and contains the following Hydrology , Algology , Swamps, Snails and snail-eating Haplochromis, Tilapia Haplochromis, Mormyrus, Protopterus , Fish Physiology and list of Publications by members of E.A.F.R.O.


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Feeding habits of many animals have been used widely in animal classifications. This is so, because the type of diet an organism requires demands structural specialisation which will utilise the available resource. Many animals may however have many structural modifications to enable them to be described as omnivourous or generalised feeders such as H. empodisma and H. riponianus (GREENWOOD 1960) which may show varying degrees of structural and adaptational intermediacy between two trophic groups. Generally, however, the diet of many animals including fish changes as the animal grow larger. The change in structural modifications is usually correlated with changes in the diet. In fishes the change may involve change from tricuspid to biscuspid and finally to unicuspid type of teeth. The degree of modification in the structure depends on the diet, thus Haplochromis that feeds on soft tissues of snails only requires modifications in oral dentition while Haplochromis that feeds on both soft tissues and shells of snails require modification in the lower pharyngeal bone for grinding purposes. Other modifications connected with food utilisation may be located in the alimentary canal. (I) The fish species that are commercially exploited are Protopterus aethiopicus, Clarias mossambicus, Tilapia esculenta, Tilapia amphimelas and Tilapia hybrids. The other fish species present in the lake but not commercially exploited are: Gnathonemus sp. Alestes sp. Labeo sp., Barbus paludinoses, Barbus jacksoni, Barbus lineomaculatus, Barbus regersi, Leptogrlanis sp., Schilbe sp., Haplochromis spp. and Hemihaplochromis sp. (2) Protopterus sp. and Clarias sp. are mostly caught with hooks on long lines. There has been a steady increase in number of hooks on the lake. Since the stocks of Protopterus and C/arias in the lake have a limit, we should control the number of hooks used by each of the fishermen in order to avoid overharvesting. (3) All the previous studies on Lake Kitangiri fisheries suggested the use of gill nets with mesh size greater than 88.9 mm in order to avoid the capture of immature Ti/apia spp. But if the fishermen are to obtain economic gains from the fishery, the optimum mesh size for use is 88.9 -101.6 mm. (4) The gillnet is a passive gear with very beneficial selective characteristics. Unfortunately the drive-in fishery which exists on Lake Kitangiri more or less destroys the gillnet selectivity characteristics. It is therefore recommended that the beating of water with poles be discouraged and stopped. (5) There is need for provision of stable fishing canoes to replace the unstable bottle palm dug-out canoes which are currently being used and which are very risky to operate. (6) The fish processing facilities on Lake Kitangiri are still inadequate. Most of the fish is sun dried, Since sun drying is very difficult during the rainy season, most fishermen carry out intensive fishing during the dry season, Concentrating most of the fishing effort in anyone season instead of spreading evenly this effort over the whole year could damage the age structure of the exploitable stocks. (7) There are considerable fluctuations in the volume of water of the lake. The feasibility of regulating the water loss through the effluent Sibiti river should be investigated by the Water Development Department. (8) Damming the Sibiti river is an expensive undertaking and therefore, the Rural Development Bank of Tanzania should be asked to assess the economic feasibility of such a project.


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Six on-farm trials were conducted from 1 August to 23 November 2004 in two different environments such as homestead ditches (10 to 17 square meters) and plastic barrels (240 liters) to develop techniques for nonoculture [sic] of climbing perch, Anabas testudineus, stinging catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis and walking catfish, Clarias batrachus for poor and landless people who have no access to pond. Stocking density for ditch was 10 fry/square meter while that for barrel was 20 fry/cubic meter. The fishes were fed with 3-test diets viz. low-cost formulated feed (rice bran 20%, wheat meal 10%, mustered [sic] oil cake 35%, poultry offal 35%), live foods (chopped snails and clams), and a commercial feed (Saudi-Bangla feed, starter 3: first month and grower-1: subsequent two months) and designated as T1, T2 and T3, respectively. Feeding rate was the same in all the treatments viz. 10% of body weight (first two months), 8% (third month) and 6% (fourth month). T1 and T2 had three replications while T3 had two replications. Water temperature was recorded weekly while fish growth was monitored monthly. After 4 months' rearing, H. fossilis and C. batrachus in ditches and barrels attained higher average weight in T2 followed by T3 and T1 while A. testudineus in barrels also attained higher average weight in T2. The variation in net weight gain by A. testudineus in ditch fed test diets T2 and T3 was not significantly different (P>0.05) though the net gain in both T2 and T3 was significantly (P<0.05) higher than that of T1. The yield of climbing perch as obtained from T1, T2 and T3 was 988, 1136 and 1185 kg/ha, respectively while that stinging catfish was 395, 242 and 444 kg/ha and walking catfish was 1605, 2,099 and 1,654 kg/ha respectively. All the three species showed significantly lower growth rate in barrels than in ditches.


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Identification of venomous species of Persian Gulf cone snails and characterization of venom composition and their features is so important from the point of medical importance. Marine cone snails from the genus Conus are estimated to consist of up to 700 species. The venom of cone snails has yielded a rich source of novel neuroactive peptides or conotoxins. The present study was aimed to study the analgesic effect of Persian Gulf Conus textile and its comparison with morphine in mouse model. The specimens of Conus textile were collected of Larak Island from depth of 7 m. The collected samples were transferred to laboratory alive and were stored at -700 c. he veno s ducts were separated and ho ogenized with deionized water he ixture centrifuged at rp for inutes upernatant was considered as extracted veno and stored at - C after lyophylization. The protein profile of venom determined by using SDS-PAGE and HPLC used to investigate the extracted venom and to evaluate the analgesic activity, formalin test was carried out. SDS-PAGE indicated several bands ranged between 6 and 250 kDa. Chromatogram of the venom demonstrated more than 44 large and small fractions. The amount of 10 ng of Conus crude venom and analgesic peptide showed the best anti-pain activity in formalin test. No death observed up to 100 mg/kg, which is 250,000 times higher than the effective dose.Venom characterization of Persian Gulf Conus textile may be of medical importance and potential for new pharmaceutical drugs as well.


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The article presents the milkfish aquaculture techniques in the Philippines modified from the traditional method. These are modular method and silo method, methods on eliminating snails, fertilizer-water replenishment scheme, supplemental feeding and the stunting of fingerlings are also presented.


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Details are given of a system for semi-intensive milkfish (Chanos chanos) vulture recommended by the SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, under the following headings: 1) Pond preparation; 2) Pest (snails) control; 3) Pest (tilapia and other fish) control; 4) Fertilizer application; 5) Stocking density in nursery ponds; 6) Stocking density in grow-out ponds; and, 7) Water management.


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Seven varieties of indigenous Phytolacca dodecwulra L'Herrit (Phytolaccaceae) were field-tried for molluscicidal potency. Varieties (U96) and (U95) collected from Kabarole and Kabale respectively were the most potent with LD90 equal to 2.54 and 6.46 mg.t-· respectively. Water bodies ranging between 4,770 and 347,510 Iitres in Kibimba rice fields were treated with up to 50mg.t-· Snails kills were monitored every three months and 92 - 100% mortality rates were realized. HPLC fingerprints revealed the two P. dodecandra varieties to contain highest concentration of the active principle, oleanoglycotoxin- A or lemmatoxin - A.


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A closed aquatic ecosystem (CAES) was developed to stud), the effects of microgravity on the function of closed ecosystems aboard the Chinese retrieved satellite and on the spacecraft SHENZHOU-II. These systems housed a small freshwater snail (Bulinus australianus) and an autotrophic green algae (Chlorella pyrenoidosa). The results of the test on the satellite were that the concentration of algae changed little, but that the snails died during the experiments. We then sought to optimize the function of the control system, the cultural conditions and the data acquisition system and carried out an experiment on the spacecraft SHENZHOU-II. Using various sensors to monitor the CAES, real-time data regarding the operation of the CAES in microgravity was acquired. In addition, all on-board Ig centrifuge was included to identify gravity-related factors. It was found that microgravity is the major factor affecting the operation of the CAES in space. The change in biomass of the primary producer during each day in microgravity was larger than that of the control groups. The mean biomass concentration per day in the microgravity group decreased, but that of the control groups increased for several days and then leveled off. Space effects on the biomass of a primary producer may be a result of microgravity effects leading to increasing metabolic rates of the consumer combined with decreases in photosynthesis. (c) 2007 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we describe the seasonal dynamics of three common microcystins (MCs MC-RR, MC-YR, and MC-LR) in the whole body, hepatopancreas, intestine, gonad, foot, remaining tissue, and offspring of a freshwater snail, Bellamya aeruginosa, from Gonghu Bay of Lake Taihu, China, where dense toxic Microcystis blooms occur in the warm seasons. Microcystins were determined by liquid chromatography electrospray ionization mass spectrum. Microcystin (MC-RR + MC-YR + MC-LR) content of the offspring and gonad showed high positive correlation, indicating that microcystins could transfer from adult females to their young with physiological connection. This study is the first to report the presence of microcystins in the offspring of the adult snail. The majority of the toxins were present in the intestine (53.6%) and hepatopancreas (29.9%), whereas other tissues contained only 16.5%. If intestines are excluded, up to 64.3% of the toxin burden was allocated in the hepatopancreas. The microcystin content in the intestine, hepatopancreas, and gonad were correlated with the biomass of Microcystis and intracellular and extracellular toxins. Of the analyzed foot samples, 18.2% were above the tolerable daily microcystin intake recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) for human consumption. This result indicates that public health warnings regarding human ingestion of snails from Taihu Lake are warranted. In addition, further studies are needed to evaluate the occurrence by Microcystis in relation to spatial and temporal changes in water quality.


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Stable isotope compositions of land snail shells have a great potential as an indicator of paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental changes. However, some key issues, such as the relationship of carbon isotope between snail food and local vegetation, and the uncertainty of the dominant factors about snail body fluid changes in oxygen isotope composition, remain less well known, strongly limiting shell isotopic application. In this study, we measure the stable isotope compositions on the shells of both live snails and fossils collected from the Chinese Loess Plateau and a loess sequence at Mangshan, Xingyang, respectively. Based on the analyses, the association of the stable isotope compositions of land snail shells with their growing seasons is investigated. In addition, the climatic and environmental significances of isotopic differences among several snail species are discussed. The main results and conclusions are presented as follows: 1. δ18O values for the shell lip samples of Bradybaena ravida redfieldi range from -6.79‰ to -1.92‰, and parallels to the monthly changes of local rain water δ18O, temperature and humidity. The compatibility of shell lip δ18O with monthly modeled shell δ18O indicates that the shell lip δ18O changes are mainly resulted from the 18O variations of rain-water. The shells of a land snail growing in spring could be enriched in 18O, and those growing in summer depleted in 18O. 2. Carbon isotope compositions of snail shells are controlled by their diet, which is affected by the relative proportion of C3 to C4. There are some differences in carbon isotopic compositions among different snail species, especially between P. orphana and V. tenera or P. aeoli. Shell δ13C for P. orphana is the most positive with an average of -5.88 ± 2.54 ‰. The C4 plant fraction of the food for “cold-aridiphilous” taxa, P. aeoli and V. tenera, is distinctly lower than that for “thermo-humidiphilous” taxa, P. orphana, indicating that summer is likely to be the main active season of P. orphana and spring of P. aeoli and V. tenera. Therefore, some discrepancy of carbon isotopic compositions among different species may be related to snail active season. 3. δ13C values among different species have a certain degree of positive correlation, which may be influenced by local vegetation ecosystem. δ13C value of the snail shells (especially P. orphana) shows an eastward increasing trend and consists with the variations of C4 plants biomass in Loess Plateau. The result shows that the carbon isotope in local vegetation ecosystem is one of the main factors influencing δ13C values of snail food. Therefore, both carbon isotopes of local vegetation ecosystem and snail active season contribute to the carbon isotopic differences among different snail species and in different areas. 4. δ13C values of living snail shells and soil organic matter have a positive correlation with each other, which further supports the view that carbon isotope in local vegetation ecosystem is one of the main factors influencing δ13C values of snail food. However, the range of δ13C values of snail food for various species in response to carbon isotope in local vegetation ecosystem is different. It is suggested that 13C enrichment of snail shells relative to local vegetation ecosystem has a potential to indicate snail active season and the degree of climate temperature and humidity. 5. There is a significant negative correlation between carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of living snail shells in Loess Plateau. This result further supports that snail active season can be inferred based on the shell carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions. Moreover, there are some positive correlations between mean annual temperature and differences of shell δ13C values ( 13CV. tenera-P. orphana) and that of δ18O values ( 18OV. tenera-P. orphana) for P. orphana, a typical “thermo-humidiphilous” taxa, and V. tenera, a typical “cold-aridiphilous” taxa, respectively. It shows that  13CV. tenera-P. orphana and  18OV. tenera-P. orphana may have a potential to indicate mean annual temperature or the length of biological growing season. 6. Stable isotopes of land snail shell in the Mangshan loess sequence show that the shell δ18O value of “cold-aridiphilous” taxa V. tenera is more positive than “thermo-humidiphilous” taxa P. orphana and δ13C value of the former is more negative than the latter. In addition, the shell δ18O value of V. tenera varies significantly in different period. During the last glacial maximum, its δ18O value with an average of -7.89 ‰ is more negative than that (-5.88 ‰) from the last deglaciation to the early Holocene. This phenomenon indicates that its growing season during different period is significantly different. It tends to grow in summer in last glacial maximum. With climate warming, it prefers growing in spring with relatively low temperature. While the shell δ18O value of P. orphana varies in a little range, which shows that its activity season is shorter and mainly in summer. These results further support that the change of the snail growing season is one of the main factors of differences of carbon isotopic compositions among different snail species and varies with time. Furthermore, it is consistent that changes in magnetic susceptibility and trend of differences of shell δ18O values and δ13C values respectively between the two snail fossils. It is further testified that 13CV. tenera-P. orphana and  18OV. tenera-P. orphana may have a potential to indicate mean annual temperature or the length of biological growing season.


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The 2-wk TLm of stepwise-acclimated Thais lapillus (L.) (>20 mm long) was 14.2–16.2%. salinity (S) at 5, 10, 15, and 20°C. The same TLm occurred at 10 °C after direct transfer of snails to the final salinity but stepwise-acclimated small snails (<20 mm) tolerated a significantly lower salinity (12.7%. S). Oxygen consumption rates () fit the allometric equation . Salinity and temperature had a significant effect on , which was highest at 30%. S and depressed at 17.5%. S and at 5°C. Ammonia excretion rates fit the allometric equation . Both salinity and temperature affected . Ammonia excretion was significantly lower at 17.5 %. S than at higher salinities at 10, 15, and 20°C, but did not vary as a function of salinity at 5°C. Primary amines were lost from snails under all conditions without any obvious relationship with temperature or salinity. Primary-amine loss, expressed as a percentage of , was significantly higher at 17.5 %. S than at higher salinities. Oxygen : nitrogen ratios ranged from 4.2–15.6, indicating protein was the primary metabolic substrate, and were highest at 15 °C and lowest at 5 °C. Snails withstood 89 days starvation without mortality at 10°C. Oxygen consumption of snails declined by 28% during starvation due to a 37% decline in dry weight; consequently, weight-specific respiration rate increased by 17%. The intercept (a) for the allometric equations did not change during starvation. Ammonia excretion increased during starvation, and primary-amine loss increased until Day 21, then declined. Oxygen: nitrogen ratios declined from 14 to 8, indicating an increased catabolism of protein during starvation.


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The marine gastropod Littorina littorea from four sites in the vicinity of the Sullom Voe Oil Terminal was found to display reduced cytochemically determined latency of lysosomal arylsulphatase, β-glucuronidase and acid phosphatase in comparison with snails from a nearby ‘clean’ site. This is interpreted as indicating lysosomal destabilization by environmental factors. Elevated total activities of particular lysosomal hydrolases were recorded at three of the sites in Sullom Voe. Animals from a fourth site (Swarta Taing) showed significant depression of arylsulphatase and β-glucuronidase. Cytochemically determined activity of blood cell NADPH-neotetrazolium reductase, which is a component of microsomal detoxication systems, was stimulated in these same sites in comparison with the ‘clean’ reference site. This stimulation or induction is interpreted as a response to the presence of oil-derived polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons. These results are discussed in the light of previous work on the effects of hydrocarbons on lysosomes and in terms of the possible physiological consequences for the animals.